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Geth nqp: jstuder-gh++ created pull request #456:
Fix error in JS Makefile generation (spew)
07:32 skids left
Geth nqp: 5c5219b78d | (Jeremy Studer)++ | tools/build/gen-js-makefile.nqp
Fix error in JS Makefile generation (spew)

The spew sub was changed to spurt to better match Rakudo.
nqp: ab16b6db9e | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | tools/build/gen-js-makefile.nqp
Merge pull request #456 from jstuder-gh/gen_js_makefile_spew

Fix error in JS Makefile generation (spew)
lizmat Files=1239, Tests=76316, 319 wallclock secs (15.85 usr 5.64 sys + 2218.82 cusr 220.44 csys = 2460.75 CPU) 08:46
geekosaur: you make that happen in the Grammar / Actions / World 08:47
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nine Turns out, there _is_ a way to return a VMHash from a Perl 6 method without having it boxed: 11:55
method method_table($type) is raw { use nqp; my class NQPHash is repr('VMHash') { }; my Mu \result := nqp::create(NQPHash); for %!cache { nqp::bindkey(result, $_.key, nqp::decont($_.value)); } result }
So it took a _lot_ of figuring out but surprisingly little copying of meta model code to get Inline::Perl5::ClassHOW up and running on an unmodified rakudo :) 12:05
12:12 lizmat joined
nine So it took a _lot_ of figuring out but surprisingly little copying of meta model code to get Inline::Perl5::ClassHOW up and running on an unmodified rakudo :) 12:16
github.com/niner/Inline-Perl5/comm...92f32aa14d 12:17
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nine .ask jnthn So if I'd want to use the multi dispatch machinery to pick between a multi candidate that takes named args and one that doesn't, my best chance is to give the proto a different find_best_dispatchee method. Right? 15:32
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
nine Apparently yes: 16:15
m: my $proto := my proto AUTOGEN(|) {*}; $proto.add_dispatchee(sub () {say "generic"}); $proto does role :: { method find_best_dispatchee(Mu \capture) { use nqp; nqp::capturenamedshash(capture) ?? sub (|c) { say "named" } !! sub (*@a) { say "positional" } } }; $proto(1, 2); $proto(1, 2, :foo)
camelia positional
nine It's almost scary how simple this is. 16:16
16:33 Kaiepi joined
nine Alas, this alone is not enough to get the result cached 16:34
But the code for that is easy to find and works :) 16:42
.tell jnthn unless you tell me that this is a really bad idea, I'm going to merge it somewhat soon into Inline::Perl5's master: github.com/niner/Inline-Perl5/comm...49b82405a8 16:54
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
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Kaiepi i'm thinking github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1879 might be a bug in libuv since node.js also has similar issues with ipv6 18:39
while python doesn't 18:40
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Geth rakudo: 18f9de61f1 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Distribution.pm6
Add .perl method to Distributions
rakudo: 2acbe7fcc3 | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core/Distribution.pm6
Revert "Fix backwards compatibility with installers using the old Distribution class"

This reverts commit f6a8e6c415e6fbdfd6c76e8c8ed5ae32f069b819.
rakudo: 38a9204adf | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core/CompUnit/Repository/Installation.pm6
Remove pre-Distribution CURI shim
rakudo: af645c9f41 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1820 from ugexe/remove-dist-and-cur-compat-shims

Remove Distribution and CURI.install compat shims
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Geth ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Should 'use p5isms' be renamed / removed / documented & tested github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1887 22:10
22:13 Kaiepi joined
lizmat ugexe nine module testing on Travis fails for me with: Method 'content' must be implemented by Zef::Distribution because it is required by roles: Distribution. 22:23
The command "rakudobrew build zef" failed and exited with 2 22:24
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lizmat github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/9699 22:26
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