»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:02 thowe left 00:03 mr_ron joined
timotimo oh, sorry 00:07
.tell thowe :1day and friends are colonpairs, because they start with a colon and are syntax for Pair objects (or more often named arguments) 00:08
yoleaux timotimo: I'll pass your message to thowe.
00:22 w_richard_w joined
Geth rakudo.org: eb1cb34305 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Pritify RAM warning
00:24 robertle left
Geth rakudo.org: ff63eab5dd | (Zoffix Znet)++ | templates/files-star-source.html.ep
List WSL in build from sauce
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Geth rakudo.org: 86ef2ae6fb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | app.pl
Remove unneeded module
rakudo.org: 3cb75437df | (Zoffix Znet)++ | Build.PL
Add build file
00:46 lookatme joined 00:47 thowe joined 00:48 imcsk8_ left 00:49 imcsk8 joined
thowe perl6 screencasts says bad gateway... perl6maven.com/introduction-to-perl...st-scalars 00:53
yoleaux 00:08Z <timotimo> thowe: :1day and friends are colonpairs, because they start with a colon and are syntax for Pair objects (or more often named arguments)
lookatme :)
thowe Neat. I've been mesaged. I feel loved.
00:55 MasterDuke left 01:05 cog_ joined 01:07 cognominal left
AlexDaniel m: say 2…sin => 42 01:07
camelia (2)
AlexDaniel what is going on here? 01:08
timotimo m: say +(sin => 42) 01:09
camelia Cannot resolve caller Numeric(Pair: ); none of these signatures match:
(Mu:U \v: *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: say 0…sin => 42
camelia (0 1)
timotimo it interprets it as 1
01:09 ChoHag joined
AlexDaniel timotimo: so the pair ends up being 1, okay… but why does it attempt to call sin on 2, and then doesn't do that anyway? 01:10
m: say 2…blah => 42 01:11
camelia No such method 'blah' for invocant of type 'Int'. Did you mean 'flat'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
AlexDaniel m: say ‘2’…blah => 42
camelia No such method 'blah' for invocant of type 'Str'. Did you mean 'flat'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo oh, so it's smart matching
in that case it'll compare the bool results of ?42 and ?the-number
(i'm not happy about that either) 01:14
01:18 MasterDuke joined 01:23 MasterDuke left
thowe Why isn't there a Perl6 shirt that says "Optimized for Fun!" 01:24
lookatme :) T shirt ? 01:25
good idea
01:32 er2 joined
TEttinger after you sell that one you could make shirts with that NYC subway rat eating a whole piece of pizza and have the text, A FatRat is Simply Rational 01:35
01:36 cdg left 01:40 cog__ joined, aborazmeh left 01:41 kalkin-- joined, cog_ left
er2 ~ § zef install Bailador ===> Searching for: Bailador ===> Searching for missing dependencies: Digest, Digest::HMAC, File::Directory::Tree, File::Find, File::Temp, HTTP::Easy, HTTP::MultiPartParser, HTTP::Server::Ogre, HTTP::Status, JSON::Fast, Log::Any, Path::Iterator, Template::Mojo, Template::Mustache, Terminal::ANSIColor, URI, URI::Encode, YAMLish, TAP::Harness ===> Failed to find dependencies: JSON::Fast Failed to find some require 01:42
any ideas?
thowe I almost forgot about Template::Mojo...
er2 is there a way to do a <pre> block in irc? 01:43
thowe mm, maybe use a gist?
and link to it? 01:44
01:44 kalkin--- left
AlexDaniel huggable: paste 01:44
huggable AlexDaniel, Please do not paste large pieces of code here. camelia supports gist.github.com/ , gitlab.com/snippets and bitbucket.org/snippets
er2 gist.github.com/er2/f64b87ef6ef755...25d33a11b2
01:46 mempko left, lizmat left 01:47 aindilis left
thowe Bailador and Cro?! Riches! 01:47
AlexDaniel er2: zef --force install zef
er2: that's according to alert #3 here: alerts.perl6.org/alert/3
01:50 MasterDuke joined
er2 thanks, but now we go further down the rabbit hole gist.github.com/er2/57ed5101b82927...ee19cd5d0a 01:50
01:50 khisanth_ left
AlexDaniel hmm… 01:53
er2: are you using rakudo star? 01:55
or how did you install zef?
lookatme zef --cpan install Bailador
er2 AlexDaniel: I'm installed perl6 and zef via the debian sid repo 01:56
lookatme or I think you can trying install JSON::Fast manually
timotimo that error for "zef --force install zef" looks like something is trying to treat a list of file names as a single file name
so it's getting the file names separated by spaces as "the file name" 01:57
01:57 Celelibi joined
timotimo i'd say grabbing zef via a tarball would be a good idea 01:57
AlexDaniel there's no zef in debian repos 01:58
timotimo i see there's no download link from modules.perl6.org directly to cpan dist tarballs
anyway, i GTG. good luck!
er2 AlexDaniel: correct, it's the rakudo package 01:59
I actually have an older package than what's currently in sid. I'll try updating it. 02:02
02:02 aindilis joined
AlexDaniel yea let's try that 02:02
02:03 khisanth_ joined 02:08 Kaiepi left, Kaiepi joined
AlexDaniel drops to bed 02:13
02:13 lizmat joined
er2 so I updated to 2018.02.1, remembered that I had originally installed zef from github, so I did a git pull in that repo and installed zef again, and deleted .perl6 and it looks like I'm back on track 02:15
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buggable New CPAN upload: AWS-Session-0.1.tar.gz by HANENKAMP cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/H/HA/...0.1.tar.gz 03:41
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buggable New CPAN upload: HTTP-Request-FormData-0.1.tar.gz by HANENKAMP cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/H/HA/...0.1.tar.gz 05:21
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Kaiepi is there an equivalent to $*FILE that's available at compile-time? 06:22
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moritz $?FILE iirc 06:51
m: say $?FILE
camelia <tmp>
moritz fudged out on camelia, but does what you want
06:54 jeromelanteri left
Kaiepi alright, now i get a different error when i try to change the directory 06:58
Failed to change the working directory to '/usr/home/morfent/Documents/p6-RakudoBot/lib/RakudoBot/Config.pm6 (RakudoBot::Config)../../': does not exist 06:59
i think i just need to resolve the path, but i'm not sure how
oh forgot to make it chdir "{$?FILE.IO.dirname}../..", but that still doesn't work 07:01
changing it to chdir $?FILE.IO.dirname; chdir '../../'; works, but i'd rather do it from just one call to chdir 07:02
07:03 troys left 07:04 lowbro joined, lowbro left, lowbro joined
El_Che chdir $?FILE.IO.dirname ~ '../..' 07:04
Kaiepi chdir $?FILE.IO.dirname.IO.parent.parent works 07:05
*chdir $?FILE.IO.parent.parent.parent 07:06
i guess $?FILE.IO.dirname.IO.parent.parent would be clearer though
07:09 andrzejku joined
El_Che aren't you forgetting a slash? 07:10
before the ..
dirname does not give you a ending separator 07:11
07:13 rindolf joined
Geth doc: 1f735c2eb1 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 4 files
Adds Camelia back

And it's faded, and maybe a bit bigger than intended. Also some stuff for making the website work locally. Closes #646. If you want a smaller Camelia, open another issue.
07:27 grondilu joined 07:30 pierre_ left 07:32 ChoHag left, pierre_ joined 07:33 andrzejku left 07:34 andrzejku joined 07:38 espadrine left 07:39 robertle joined 07:43 ChoHag joined 07:45 noganex left 08:03 sena_kun joined 08:12 cdg joined 08:13 domidumont joined 08:15 noganex joined 08:16 cdg left 08:25 sena_kun left 08:31 grondilu left 08:33 titsuki left 08:40 kaare_ left, kaare_ joined 08:43 pharv joined 08:45 xtreak left 08:46 darutoko joined 08:47 pharv left 08:48 xtreak joined, xtreak left 08:56 aindilis left 08:57 aindilis` joined 09:05 lowbro left, mcmillhj joined, lowbro joined, lowbro left, lowbro joined 09:09 xtreak joined, mcmillhj left 09:11 dakkar joined 09:14 telnet left 09:16 cdg joined 09:17 cdg_ joined
stmuk_ "In the autumn, we started work on our next Perl 6 product – which we’ll be announcing in just a couple more weeks" 09:19
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El_Che I bet on something Cro based 09:20
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moritz a wordpress killer! :-) 09:41
09:42 noganex joined
moritz (ftr I have no insider info, just bullshitting here) 09:44
El_Che moritz: actually, it could, there isn't much on that front on the wider Perl world
with all respect, but take a look at blogs.perl.com
or org 09:45
09:45 markong joined
El_Che "Unnamed inside and well informed sources confirmed (some of them published books about the subject) informed us that..." 09:46
:) 09:47
tyil how can I specify a version for a dependency in META6 where I want at least a given version, say 1.2.3, but not a higher major release version 09:56
so 1.3.0 is also accepted, but 2.0.0 is not
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buggable New CPAN upload: Hash-Merge-0.2.0.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...2.0.tar.gz 10:31
10:35 lizmat_ is now known as lizmat
buggable New CPAN upload: Perl6-Tidy-y.tar.gz by JGOFF cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/J/JG/...y-y.tar.gz 10:41
10:44 pharv joined 10:48 pharv left
buggable New CPAN upload: Perl6-Tidy-0.0.2.tar.gz by JGOFF cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/J/JG/...0.2.tar.gz 10:51
10:58 pmurias joined
pmurias jnthn: what's the plan for the Perl 6 debugger frontend? Hook it up to an existing debugger or write a custom one? 10:59
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jnthn pmurias: I suspect both will happen, though later today we should get a basic custom one pushed to the module ecosystem 11:03
pmurias jnthn: thanks, I was thinking about how the js backend debugging story should fit into this 11:05
jnthn pmurias: I figure v8 already has debug API stuff, and JVM certainly does. I suspect it'll be easiest to just use those as the basis for anything, since these things seems to need to be close to the VM 11:10
lichtkind jnthn, o/ 11:15
jnthn o/ lichtkind 11:17
lichtkind does colomon show up from time to time?
jnthn .seen colomon 11:21
yoleaux I saw colomon 6 Feb 2018 17:45Z in #perl6: <colomon> ecocode: ^ my example works on your junction notion. but I’d definitely prefer Set where applicable.
jnthn Seems so :) 11:22
11:24 philh joined
lichtkind jnthn, thanks 11:25
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tbrowder_ Zoffix: my run of your Toaster has been running sinse midday yeterday on my 4-core box. one process has been running for hours. is there a way to set a max time for a single process/test? 11:52
yoleaux 13 Mar 2018 11:15Z <stmuk_> tbrowder_: thanks
11:53 rindolf left 11:54 Zoffix joined
Zoffix tbrowder_: I mentioned that 7 days ago: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2018-...i_15894723 11:54
11:54 rindolf joined
Zoffix It's supposed to kill them after 10 minutes already but doesn't. You could figure out why Proc::Async.kill doesn't always kill 11:55
11:55 phdphil joined
Zoffix m: say 2*(64/4) 11:55
camelia 32
tbrowder_ ok, thnx
Zoffix tbrowder_: also toasting two commits takes about 2hr on my 64-core box. Based on math above, it'd take 32hr on 4-core box 11:56
kalkin-- How do I declare that a sub/method returns an Array of Ints?
Zoffix kalkin--: that's a bit ambiguous. An Int-typed Array or an Array containing Int objects only? 11:57
kalkin-- Int-typed Array
Zoffix Oh it ain't parsing right :o 11:58
kalkin-- Array[Int], should work shouldn't it?
Zoffix Ah no, I just had a typo
kalkin--: right, it's just Array[Int]
m: sub (--> Array[Int]) { Array[Int].new: 1, 2 }() 11:59
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix m: sub (--> Array[Int]) { [<a b c>] }()
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected Array[Int] but got Array ($["a", "b", "c"])
in sub at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix Seems to work
jnthn m: sub (--> Array of Int) { Array[Int].new: 1, 2 }()
camelia ( no output ) 12:00
12:00 phdphil_ joined
jnthn Can also write it like that, if you find it more readable :) 12:00
Zoffix m: subset ArrayWithInts of Array where .all ~~ Int; sub (--> ArrayWithInts) { [1, 2, 3] }() # The "Array containing Int objects only" version
camelia ( no output )
12:00 notbenh_ left
phdphil_ Just FYI there's a codegolf challenge which appeals to Perl6's love of Unicode, so I answered it: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questio...098#158098 12:01
kalkin-- thanks guys.
jnthn Array of is much nicer, thanks
12:02 phdphil left 12:03 Zoffix left
jnthn bbl 12:04
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tbrowder_ Zoffix: did you consider using proc::async::timeout? 12:10
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Zoffix tbrowder_: no, because that module just uses .kill and I can do that myself. 12:25
tbrowder_: you can try using SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM/SIGSEGV in Proc::Q. I'm fairly sure I tried already that when I wrote that module, but maybe it works better now.
tbrowder_ did you try using any other signals except sigsegv? 12:26
i’ll try sigkill 12:27
there are some notes in man pages about orphans and such depending on wait, blah blah 12:28
12:30 Grauwolf left, Zoffix left 12:37 wamba left 12:40 noganex joined 12:42 domidumont joined 12:49 aindilis` left 12:50 aindilis` joined, mcmillhj joined, cdg joined
titsuki I wonder if Perl6-China is an official one. 12:51
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buggable New CPAN upload: App-Mi6-0.1.4.tar.gz by SKAJI cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/S/SK/...1.4.tar.gz 12:51
12:54 cdg left
pmurias titsuki: what's Perl6-China? 12:55
titsuki pmurias: github.com/Perl6-China
this one
13:09 mr_ron left
Kaiepi xs vaxy 13:13
shit wc
13:20 cdg joined 13:21 gregf_ joined 13:22 wamba joined, mr_ron joined
[Coke] phdphil_: if I do perl6 -pe '<paste that snippet>' I get a syntax error. 13:24
lizmat [Coke]: you need to double quote the string 13:28
[Coke] gist.github.com/coke/96a2c57bc24e3...9910006ced
lizmat perl6 -pe 'chr("🂱🃁🂡🃑".ords[$_/13]+($_+1)%13).uniname.substr(13)'
hmmm... that somehow lost the string :-( 13:29
phdphil_ Perl's abilities with Unicode surpass most online tools...
This is what I was testing with: glot.io/snippets/ez5sj8wvzq 13:30
Maybe there's a new quip when you see a Unicode bug: Should have written that in Perl6
13:31 kurahaupo joined
phdphil_ I crashed Windows trying to run it on my box, I didn't dare paste it here 13:31
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phdphil_ Also I had to update from that one, I hadn't noticed that Unicode has Jack, Knight, Queen... 13:33
Geth rakudo.org: ce88e19684 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | hyp
Add hypnotoad starter script
rakudo.org: 8f7253df08 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .gitignore
Ignore build temporaries
rakudo.org: 17a18073ce | (Zoffix Znet)++ | Build.PL
Add more prereqs
13:35 AlexDaniel joined
.oO( I can't stop looking )
.oO( all hail hypnotoad )
[Coke] phdphil_: that second one just hangs on me.
13:36 lowbro left
phdphil_ One thing I struggled with was getting the substring from char 13 in PLAYING CARD TWO OF HEARTS 13:37
dogbert2_ hypnotoad, someone is doing stuff in Mojolicious
phdphil_ Feels like there should be a pattern match on the second space, but my brain
[Coke] m: for ^get() {say chr('🂱🃁🂡🃑'.ords[$_/13]+(($_+1)%13)*1.091).uniname.substr(13);}
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5»Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] doc site now has two camelias. 13:38
lizmat dogbert2_: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recu...#Hypnotoad was my reference
[Coke] one that vanishes if you widen the port size
and it's striped on docs.perl6.org/type.html 13:39
this with a recent chrome on os x
dogbert2_ lizmat: thx
[Coke] phdphil_: what version of rakudo are you using with these examples? (they all fail for me) 13:40
oh. the second example is really "echo 51 | perl6 -e '...'"
jkramer What was that input above? o_O 13:41
Geth rakudo.org: a20ed7c59b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md
Add installation instructions
rakudo.org: 20cefc7c38 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Add config file
rakudo.org: cb828c9af4 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md
Add installation instructions
13:41 lowbro joined
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jkramer m: say get 13:41
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
jkramer m: say lines.head(3)
camelia (»Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?« »Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.« »Am Mittelpfeiler.«)
[Coke] (camelia) ah, found the ticket.
jkramer Fontane Theodor? :D 13:42
Well switch first/last name, that's copy paste from www.pinselpark.org/literatur/f/font...effen.html
Where does it come from?
AlexDaniel you mean this? github.com/perl6/evalbot/blob/master/stdin 13:49
13:49 comborico1611 joined
Geth doc: ff15acc06e | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | xt/words.pws
learn new word
[Coke] I still occasionally get "Use of uninitialized value $repo-id of type Any in string context" when running 'make xtest' in doc; if I "rm -rf lib/.precomp", everything is then quiet and fine. 13:51
jkramer Ah ok :D
13:52 mr_ron left 13:54 pierre_ joined 13:56 mr_ron joined
Geth doc: 767288b30c | (JJ Merelo)++ | html/images/Camelia-faded.svg
Hiding small Camelia behind big camelia refs #646
marketing: c1359eaf04 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 4 files
Add more camelia variants
mr_ron m: gist.github.com/ronaldxs/39ddd9a5e...722f4fb0c3 14:02
camelia 1..10
ok 1 - normal attribute
ok 2 - normal attribute
ok 3 - can't change a non-rw attribute
ok 4 - attribute didn't change value
ok 5 - mutator not called yet
ok 6 - faked object construction
ok 7 - accessor was called
ok 8 - mutator …
tbrowder_ Zoffix: i’m trying to test Proc::Q on my new deb 9 host aand 14:03
mr_ron Still looking at RT 126198. Is there any actual ADVANTAGE to using a method for proxy FETCH/STORE over a sub($)/sub ($, $new) or is it just tradition? 14:05
synopsebot RT#126198 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126198 [BUG] Defining a Proxy with methods instead of subs leads to surprising results in Rakudo
tbrowder_ and it fails the 01- basic* test. it is a slow box, so do i need to tweak some time values? note that this is an unmodified version from github
14:05 Kaiepi left
[Coke] huh. 'make xtest' has lately been hanging my box. freezes my terminal window, can't open any new terminal windows. 14:06
wonder if maybe if one of the tests is wonky. 14:07
14:08 dylanwh left 14:15 bocaneri left 14:18 skids joined
stmuk_ does the GPW get live streamed? 14:20
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tbrowder_ it fails on my deb 8 host also 14:21
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moritz stmuk_: typically not 14:29
stmuk_ ah I shall to have to be patient and wait for youtube 14:31
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Geth doc: 1c4981d069 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 8 files
Fix issues with Camelia images

  - Hide faded Camelia on home page
  - Reduce opacity on faded Camelia
  - Use SVG Camelia on home page instead of PNG
  - Made table rows transparent to prevent chopping
   up faded Camelia BG into slices
14:42 cdg left, vcv joined 14:43 vcv left 14:44 vcv joined, khw joined 14:47 pierre_ left 14:48 andrzejku left
Geth doc: c999424e7b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | htmlify.p6
Use better content class for fragment pages
doc: 088815c090 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | htmlify.p6
Fix content class generator syntax error
doc: 53432f19fb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | assets/sass/style.scss
Give content min-height

Otherwise faded Camelia gets chopped on small-content pages
14:58 xtreak joined 14:59 rba joined
[Coke] news.perlfoundation.org/2018/03/ric...-for-.html 15:10
Geth doc: dace3b5ff7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | template/head.html
Flush CSS cache
15:14 extrubi joined 15:15 extrubi left 15:16 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Doc build passed. Zoffix Znet 'Give content min-height 15:16
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/353372382 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/08881...432f19fb2a
15:16 travis-ci left
tbrowder_ [Coke]: has my CLA shown up yet? 15:18
15:20 thowe left
[Coke] I have gotten no notifications about it, no. 15:24
I'll ask on the tpf slack
15:25 rindolf left
[Coke] (it's not in the google sheet where such things are stored) 15:26
El_Che releasable6: status 15:30
releasable6 El_Che, Next release in 3 days and ≈3 hours. Blockers: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues?q=...%9A%A0%22. Changelog for this release was not started yet
El_Che, Details: gist.github.com/a210c9859fd0cde898...6b104c666f
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b2gills phdphil_: There are a few other golfs that fit well with unicode codegolf.stackexchange.com/search?q=uniname and codegolf.stackexchange.com/search?...147+unival 16:10
AlexDaniel or the whole code-golf.io/ 16:11
Geth doc: 10480c54a0 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Tweak "As an advanced user" FAQ

  - zoffixznet/r no longer builds master, but latest release
  - mention Z-Script to build master/assist development
  - Make `zef`, `p6doc`, and `ecosystem` links to those resources
  - Reword the state of rakudo/master (if devs follow normal procedures,
   the only reason it wouldn't be fully functional is due to a bug; original
   text makes it seem master's state is a lot more chaotic)
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
tbrowder_ Zoffix: would running toaster in a chrooted dir be safe enough for you on any host? or would you prefer a vm? 16:15
Geth doc: dfd5e0497f | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Add missing periods
16:18 vcv joined
Geth doc: b16a2f1073 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Updated "Is there CPAN" FAQ

  - s/Perl 6/Perl 6/
  - Remove outdated note about CPAN on mp6.org
El_Che s/Perl 6/Perl 6/ <--- hardcore 16:22
16:22 epony joined
Geth doc: 9686418bd1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Use nbsp; (GitHub Web Editor)--
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
AlexDaniel El_Che: :P user-images.githubusercontent.com/...e7a14e.png 16:33
Geth doc: 861985054f | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 2 files
remove trailing whitespace
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pmurias jnthn: if the native Perl 6 debugging tools end up super awesome I could maybe write a V8 debugging API/Perl 6 debuging API bridge 16:40
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[Coke] tbrowder_: what is your github id, plz? 17:21
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moritz [Coke]: it's github.com/tbrowder/ 17:25
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[Coke] Danke. 17:28
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El_Che AlexDaniel: a commit msg to keep :) 18:09
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timotimo moritz: do we not want https for hack.p6c.org? 19:04
19:14 mr_ron left 19:15 mcmillhj joined
thowe All sites need https these days. 19:17
timotimo i think so, too 19:18
that's why i was wondering why no https on hack
thowe I host a lot of web sites... Even the least informed site owners are asking me about it because their users are asking them.
timotimo all hack serves is user's public_html folders afaik 19:19
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: ea9c71ddb4 | (David Warring)++ | 2 files
bump version. ensure module and META6.json match
perl6-lwp-simple: 0e0663ada2 | (David Warring)++ | t/getstore.t
update getstore.t test on opera.com. add rakudo.org

  www.opera.com now redirects to https and thus fails if the
optional IO::Socket::SSL module is not install. Keep it, but skip unless IO::Socket::SSL is installed
Also add rakudo.org as a plain http site.
thowe Free, easily deployed certs are upon us.
timotimo OK, and a collectd
19:20 vcv left 19:21 vcv joined
moritz timotimo: yes 19:31
letsencrypt++ 19:32
thowe moritz! You're a guy on here! I just bought both your books :) 19:34
well, the two Perl6 books I know about anyway, maybe there's more...
masak is fairly sure moritz is a guy on most places ;) 19:35
timotimo moritz: does that mean you'll set it up?
cfa thowe: perl6book.com/ 19:39
but yeah, moritz's are great
El_Che kind of a diva, though 19:40
moritz oh my, how did I earn that reputation, El_Che? :-) 19:41
thowe: let me know how you liked them; feedback is always appreciated
and good ratings on Amazon, of course :-)
El_Che moritz: when you're on +1 books, you get the vip treatment :) 19:42
moritz El_Che: might be a cultural thing, but "diva" sounds fairly negative to me 19:43
El_Che moritz: it means you know your worth and whant to be treated as such
(just kidding about the diva thing)
(same meaning here, we don't live that far :) ) 19:44
moritz thought so :-)
Geth rakudo.org: 4a5cb245a5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 6 files
Draft binaries model
timotimo elch_e
19:45 espadrine joined
masak picures moritz singing "Prima Donna" from Phantom 19:46
19:46 cdg joined
moritz masak: my part is more like "Der Hölle Rache" from Mozart's Magic Flute :-) 19:47
masak :P
El_Che I always saw you as the Queen of the Night
(if I recall correctly)
(it may be an other piece)
moritz El_Che: no, that's the one :-) 19:48
El_Che ha, lol
moritz www.youtube.com/watch?v=CodvdRTX8zo # for anybody too lazy to google it 19:49
19:50 wamba left
timotimo moritzart 19:51
19:51 cdg left
thowe moritz, I just started looking at the Parsing one last night. My other one hasn't arrived yet. 19:51
I think Amazon ran out(?) 19:52
moritz thowe: sure, I meant once you've finished one of them
thowe is that a good sign? Are Perl6 books selling well?
moritz thowe: they dropped the price recently; maybe that's related
thowe Yeah, I was watching them and then saw the price drop and hit them both.
I also donated to the Learning Perl6 kickstarter, but there are work projects I want to use to slip Perl6 into our code base, so I figured I should read something. 19:54
sooner than later, I mean.
19:55 wamba joined
moritz re selling, Fundamentals sold 54 ebook and 156 softcover copies until end of September 2017, if I read my roalty statement correctly 19:55
I don't have any data later than that 19:56
timotimo someone gifted me one :3
moritz and it was published around 2017-07-20, so that's roughly two months worth of data 19:57
thowe If I like the Fundamentals one I will also get one for the office. I've managed to get another guy here into Perl5 and Mojo, and he has an interest in Perl6. The other guy is a Ruby guy, so I think I can garner some interest there as well.
I know my office mate also donated to the kickstarter.
cfa [Coke]: i see you tweaked some whitespace already but it looks like html/images/Camelia{,-faded}.svg use tabs, so they're failing the doc test suite 20:00
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cfa that's more an fyi as i don't really want to mess with the image assets 20:02
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Zoffix Those svgs should just be excluded from whitespace tests. They're made by software entirely. 20:11
[Coke] Ok.
Zoffix tbrowder_: no idea what you mean by "safe enough" for me. I don't plan to run anything. 20:13
Geth doc: 726df365ee | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | 2 files
Ignore whitespace in svg files
[Coke] I'll leave my removal of trailing whitespace in there, it can get added back in the next time the files are gen'd.
20:16 mr_ron joined
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: f4aa49c156 | (David Warring)++ | t/getstore.t
skip tests on rakudo.org - see issue #25
tbrowder_ i was referring to your warning about stranger code perhaps destroying the users host 20:19
20:21 Zoffix left
cfa [Coke]: thanks 20:21
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Geth doc: 15a3151a2d | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/module-packages.pod6
slight change to usage
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/module-packages
20:40 pharv left 20:41 pharv joined
Geth doc: 5bd52dd85a | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | xt/words.pws
learn new word
doc: c928b28492 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | xt/perl-nbsp.t
fix reporting of line number
doc: 2c4c28f8c8 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
use nbsp
doc: 5b6e2b71ee | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
fix usage typo
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
doc: b534bc17ac | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | xt/words.pws
learn new word
20:52 BenGoldberg joined 20:54 cdg joined 20:57 pharv left
titsuki bisectable: (1,2,3).clone.push: 1; 20:58
bisectable6 titsuki, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=4054ca6) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well
titsuki, Output on both points: «Cannot call 'push' on an immutable 'List'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Iv1Fba63Ri line 1␤␤»
titsuki bisectable: [1,2,3].clone.push: 1;
bisectable6 titsuki, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=4054ca6) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
titsuki, Output on both points: «»
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tyil anyone making a pi-related post to promote perl 6 on pi day? could be nice to show off how perl can use the pi symbol directly in the source 21:27
japhb m: e**(pi*i) # curious 21:28
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "**" in expression "e**(pi*i)" in sink context (line 1)
japhb m: say e**(pi*i) # curious
camelia -1+1.22464679914735e-16i
japhb That took an oddly long time ...
tyil you dont have to promote the execution time today
though if it runs under 3.14 seconds it would be a plus :p 21:29
japhb m: say e**(pi*i) # curious
camelia -1+1.22464679914735e-16i
japhb Ah, so must have been doing something else for a bit
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sergot ufobat_: ping 21:46
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timotimo twitter.com/LearningPerl6/status/9...5149380609 - oops 22:27
google figured out the most juicy bit we've got to offer 22:28
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Geth doc: ee34834195 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/Signature.pod6
Document coercers don't check result value

Closes RT#132980: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132980
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Signature
RT#132980 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132980 Coercion type apparently does not check the actual type of the coerced value
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Zoffix timotimo: heh, google set me up :) 23:34
23:34 MasterDuke left
Zoffix You should clearly ban me from #perl6 23:34
23:34 mcmillhj left
Zoffix Make me more productive 23:35
timotimo i'm not so concerned. this was a little lash-out, a single one across many years of no lash-outs 23:36
23:36 Geth left
timotimo also, neither of the two involved in that were newcomers, so technically it doesn't go against the claim 23:37
not so nice for bystanders, though
Zoffix Wasn't there also an article last year around the same that said bad things about core devs before I was talking shit? 23:38
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timotimo hm, i have a very vague recollection of something 23:39
Zoffix Yeah, I shouldn't hang in #perl6. It's not good for greater good. 23:40
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El_Che Mea culpa time it seems 23:43
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