»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:10 dmaestro left 00:29 Bucciarati left, ufobat left 00:32 Bucciarati joined 00:33 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Bucciarati 00:35 alcymd left 00:45 MilkmanDan left 00:46 MilkmanDan joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MilkmanDan
Herby_ o/ 01:03
01:05 mniip left
Geth doc: 4e6f32c770 | Coke++ | doc/Language/classtut.pod6
Don't use WHAT

It's mentioned elsewhere in this file, but doesn't add anything in particular to this example which already has .^name
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/classtut
doc: 6fd1a1fb14 | Coke++ | 4 files
Better tag some skip-tests, and allow some to run
doc: 7cc795c866 | Coke++ | 9 files
Better tag some skip-tests, and allow some to run
01:08 fake_space_whale joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v fake_space_whale 01:19 leont left
vrurg No support for private multi methods – is it by specification or just unimplemented yet? 01:25
01:31 ZzZombo left
[Coke] can check in roast to see if there's a TODO'd test. 01:43
timotimo vrurg: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...01-16#l309 colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...07-31#l439 colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...03-08#l300 01:45
some mentions of "private multi" in the irclog from the past
01:49 ToddAndMargo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ToddAndMargo
vrurg timotimo: Ok, thanks! So, it's only a matter of somebody's will and time and efforts... 01:49
ToddAndMargo I am trying to test if a bit patter appears on another pattern. This works, but seems awfully long winded:
$ p5 'my $x=0b1001; my $y=0b1000; my $z=$x & $y; if $z gt 0 {say "True"} else {say "False"};' syntax error at -e line 1, near "if $z " Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
timotimo looks like
ToddAndMargo Is there an operator for bitwise IN that I am missing? 01:50
timotimo you're running it in perl5, is that what you meant to do?
ToddAndMargo poop. Wrong line
$ p6 'my $x=0b1001; my $y=0b1000; my $z=$x +& $y; if $z {say "True"}else{say "False"};'
timotimo well, yeah, you can make that shorter
the if/else there is pretty redundant 01:51
m: my $x = 0b1001; my $y = 0b1000; say so $x +& $y
camelia True
timotimo m: my $x = 0b1001; my $y = 0b0110; say so $x +& $y
camelia False
timotimo "so" turns its argument into a bool, so before it was 0b1000, and that turns into True 01:52
ToddAndMargo yes. If it find the second pattern in the first, then True. I can write a sub for this, but I don't want thre reinvent the wheel. 01:54
timotimo you don't need to write a sub for this, all you need is to use +& and use it either with "if" or "unless", or use it with "so" if you need a Bool result, for example for storing in a variable 01:55
you'd either have "so $x +& $y", or you write "has-overlapping-bits($x, $y)"
the latter can be a win in terms of readability
but it's barely a difference :)
ToddAndMargo $ p6 'my $x=0b1001; my $y=0b1000; my $z=$x +& $y; say so $z;' True 01:58
p6 'my $x=0b1001; my $y=0b0100; my $z=$x +& $y; say so $z;' False
Pretty Thank you! Do I presume correctly that p6 does not have a bitwise "IN"? 01:59
timotimo "bitwise in" is not a thing that i have heard of
what does it do? 02:00
ToddAndMargo I tried searching hte docs for "IN" but got a bazillion hits. Thank y for the confirmatin. And I adore "so"!!!! LEarn somethign new every day.
timotimo where did you find "IN"? 02:01
in perl5?
ToddAndMargo Never did. I am writing a bitwise Keeper file and am documenting both p5 and p6. That is why I copied the wrong line. 02:03
timotimo ah, ok
it sounded like you knew of a "bitwise IN" that you were expecting to find in perl6 because you had used it before in some other programming language or so
ToddAndMargo Also, did you catch booboo in my logic? if y is in x AND'ing shold give me back y 02:04
Herby_ timotimo: \o
timotimo indeed, that's not true
hey Herby_ 02:05
ToddAndMargo Oh no doublt. I am 62 years old and have been programming stuff since I was a kid. And to add to that I have also designed digital circuits
timotimo oh
no, you're right, i misread the sentence
Herby_ Does p6 have a module for generating fake data?
I was reading a python article about the topic and found this module: pypi.org/project/Faker/
geekosaur there aren't so much "langauges:" as packages that have such a thing; they underly things like interval arithmetic packages 02:06
ToddAndMargo $ p6 'my $x=0b1001; my $y=0b0101; my $z=$x +& $y; say so $y eq $z;' False
$ p6 'my $x=0b1001; my $y=0b1001; my $z=$x +& $y; say so $y eq $z;' True
geekosaur and graphics packages sometimes
Juerd ToddAndMargo: I've never before seen that explained as a number being "in" another number.
timotimo ToddAndMargo: eq is an equality operator for strings, you probably want to use == here instead 02:07
ToddAndMargo will do
Juerd timotimo: Which is for numbers? :)
timotimo using eq will not give an error, or wrong results. it'll just be slower
Juerd: yes
Juerd timotimo: Oh, sorry, I misread. Let's just keep it at "yes, == is for numbers" to avoid further confusion :) 02:08
timotimo sure
i'll head towards bed now 02:09
Juerd Good night!
timotimo o/
Juerd should do the same, but is still at work.
02:09 ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo 02:16 ToddAndMargo left 02:21 Herby__ joined 02:22 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Herby__ 02:30 lizmat left 02:37 saki joined, saki left 02:56 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat, saki joined, saki left 03:00 lizmat left 03:06 Herby__ left 03:08 saki joined 03:09 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v saki 03:16 nahkisscM joined, nahkisscM left 03:31 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 03:32 Hor|zon_ left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo, Hor|zon joined 03:33 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Hor|zon 03:51 IrishFBall32ac joined, IrishFBall32ac left 03:55 kurahaupo left 03:56 kurahaupo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo 04:08 saki left 04:11 ZzZombo_ joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo_ 04:13 kurahaupo left 04:14 kurahaupo joined, ZzZombo left, ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo 04:15 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo 04:16 vike1 left
Xliff_ \o 04:17
m: class A {}; my ($a, $b, $c) = A.new xx 3; say $a =:= $b;
camelia False
Xliff_ m: class A {}; my ($a, $b, $c) = A.new xx 3; say $a.WHERE, $b.WHERE, $c.WHERE
camelia 140258534131440140258534131696140258534131840
Xliff_ m: class A {}; my ($a, $b, $c) = A.new xx 3; say "$a.WHERE, $b.WHERE, $c.WHERE" 04:18
camelia A<56820048>.WHERE, A<56820080>.WHERE, A<56820112>.WHERE
04:18 vike1 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v vike1
geekosaur you wanted () after the WHEREs, althugh it looks like you got the pointers anyway 04:24
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Geth doc/master: 6 commits pushed by threadless-screw++, (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ 05:18
05:20 mniip joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v mniip
Xliff_ m: class A {}; my ($a, $b, $c) = A.new xx 3; say "$a.WHERE(), $b.WHERE(), $c.WHERE()" 05:30
camelia 140475675203640, 140475675203896, 140475675204040
Xliff_ geekosaur: Why the parens? 05:31
moritz so that the .WHERE is treated as a method call inside the string 05:42
05:45 fake_space_whale left
geekosaur right, postfixes are only interpolated if they look like method calls 05:47
tison m: class A {}; my ($a, $b, $c) = A.new xx 3; say "{$a.WHERE}, {$b.WHERE}, {$c.WHERE}" 05:50
camelia 139680095738280, 139680095738536, 139680095738680
tison I would prefer disambiguate complex expr 05:51
except simply "$a", always use "{...}" 05:52
moritz you can get that with Q:s"...." 05:53
maybe need some other modifiers there...
Xliff_ I usually use "{...}" when I interpolate for exactly that reason. I was being fast.
...and careless... but that's a given./ 05:54
geekosaur iirc {} has its own issues 05:55
moritz geekosaur: which one(s)? 05:58
06:05 erana joined 06:06 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v erana
Geth doc: 5c78c26c4b | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Rephrases and fixes some errors

Including some former errors that had not been spotted.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
06:14 justinmcp joined 06:15 nikki93iK joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v justinmcp, nikki93iK left 06:16 domidumont joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 06:20 justinmcp left
geekosaur I'd have to dig through the list archives, someone (I think Zoffix) advised someone not to just use {} all the time as they had been (mutant shell scripting, basically) 06:22
06:24 HaraldJoerg joined 06:25 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v HaraldJoerg
Xliff_ Is there a way to force a subclass to define a sub? 06:29
method name { ... }
Geth doc: cf4a9be270 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Try to avoid line wraps in examples
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
06:44 robertle joined 06:45 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v robertle 06:48 vrurg_ joined 06:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v vrurg_, vrurg left, vrurg_ is now known as vrurg
Geth doc: amire80++ created pull request #2352:
Mention phasers a bit more explicitly in the Control page
tison Xliff_: it is a stub, subclass need not to implement it 06:58
Xliff_ No. For a role, stub means required. 06:59
Sorry for the confusion.
tison .
jmerelo So far, only 71 issues with hacktoberfest in Perl 6 github.com/search?l=&q=label%3...ype=Issues 07:05
yoleaux 3 Oct 2018 02:00Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: thanks! I moved parts of it to the wiki, again. This time I didn't forget to set up the redirection :)
3 Oct 2018 02:01Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: I also changed a bunch of stuff, so please review and edit as you like
3 Oct 2018 02:02Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: I tried to keep it minimalistic but perhaps I left some parts unexplained (please re-add if you deem necessary)
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel thanks; it looks good, I might review it again tomorrow.
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
jmerelo If you add it today, you can participate in Hacktoberfest _and_ the Squashathon! 07:06
squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈2 hours (2018-10-06 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo yay!
07:13 nightfrog left 07:15 nightfrog joined 07:16 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v nightfrog
erana I just programmed a the legend of zelda 1 in Pharo smalltalk 07:23
It's for the Perl foundation
Full features, now I just need to build rooms
They were happy about it 07:25
Geth doc: 52d488b597 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/variables.pod6
Update variables.pod6

constant defined with prefixes but not in summary table
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/variables
07:31 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat 07:41 dakkar joined 07:42 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v dakkar 07:56 kensanata joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kensanata
Xliff_ erana: Just curious...how does Pharo relate to Perl? 07:58
lizmat weekly: brrt-to-the-future.blogspot.com/201...fork2.html
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
08:04 rindolf joined 08:05 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v rindolf 08:08 mahafyi_ left, tab joined 08:09 tab is now known as Guest59517, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Guest59517, Guest59517 is now known as tobs`
erana Xliff_: if you do not know pharo.org 08:11
There's traits in perl 08:12
among other things from smalltalk
It's just some offshore work, so I can program someting different
it's not mentioned in the hacker dictionary, in the languages of choice 08:13
but it's nextstep in another language
whereas apple used it in S. Jobs time
Then I also do some SDL bound gnu smalltalk 08:14
which is also fantastic to program in
tobs` I want to `run` a memory-hungry child process. Is there a way (POSIX would be fine for a start) to set resource limits for the child, but not to the main process?
erana is a vi user
tobs` I guess in C I would fork(), then setrlimit() before execve(), but the docs discourage forking
erana tobs: nice, renice 08:15
tobs: that's in you shell, there's probably a kernel userspace API for it 08:16
(signal etc)
tobs` erana: but niceness is only the process priority, isn't it? (I should've been clearer but) what I want is to limit memory consumption (maxrss) 08:18
erana double fork ? 08:19
tobs` but what you said gave me an idea: instead of `run` I could probably use `shell` and prepend a call to the ulimit shell built-in
erana for example 08:20
also look at shm
shm == unix shared memory
ulimit is bash 08:21
that might work, but if you want to be portable in C,Perl you better renice in your environment
with the kernel system call 08:22
Geth doc: 45b3c3cc1b | (Amir Aharoni)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Mention phasers a bit more explicitly in the Control page
doc: c1047ff10b | (Amir Aharoni)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Link directly to NEXT and LAST section and make LAST explicit
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/control
doc: ff472f95d4 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/control.pod6
Merge pull request #2352 from amire80/phasers

Mention phasers a bit more explicitly in the Control page
erana which you might need to include in some C header
erana bash is not necessarilly your $SHELL in C 08:23
or Perl
nor is the nice command
So you need the kernel API 08:24
To concur :
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char **envp) { return 0; /* in C */ }
SHELL etc is in envp 08:25
It's old C
but it should still work
tobs` hm, I tested bash, zsh and mksh. All support ulimit 08:27
erana sure, but not /bin/sh 08:28
nor tcsh, csh AFAIK
where csh is one of the BSD shells, which are not evil
Also, 08:29
08:29 Ven` joined
erana You can do things with exec, execvp and system 08:30
in C or Perl
you can run the nice command from these commmands
08:30 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven`
tobs` yes, I mentioned that at the beginning. The problem is that I would have to fork prior to setrlimit and forking is discouraged in the docs. Adjusting niceness doesn't help me, unless I misread and it can really be used to limit memory consumption(?) 08:31
erana you can use the 'access' procedure in Perl to see if the nice command exists if you want to tprogram it this way
no 08:32
look, you cannot limit memory consumption except that it's a clean little ELF file in your kernel when you run the process
if you want to limit from Perl/Perl6 you have to change the vm itself 08:33
most processes are bare bones, they only coory as far as needednsume mem 08:34
they only consume as far as needed
so for example,
you bootstrap the main procedure in C or Perl, you put in a grand chunk of memory for a Perl/C process but you have to watch the process mey usage with deletes and so onmor 08:35
you can of course limit this with ulimit etc
but you need to be inside the program to actually do what yantou w 08:36
tobs` alright, thanks for your time 08:38
erana np
try to read the command 'nice' it's code, that should help 08:39
in e.g. bash etc
08:48 kerframil joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kerframil
masak I love <( )> in regexes <3 09:03
moritz too
masak it's like a magician's trick 09:04
match on *this*... but replace only *that* part
(sound effects sold separately and not included)
09:06 tobs` left
moritz eeTex (ding)! 09:16
jkramer How does it work? 09:22
09:22 imancLy joined, imancLy left
jkramer Ah nevermind 09:25
masak jkramer: it matches the whole expression as usual, but then makes the matched *text* (for replacement etc) only the one inside the <( )>
jkramer Yup, just figured that out. :) Very neat, didn't know that!
09:52 Tsvetanxo joined, Tsvetanxo left 09:56 ZzZombo left
tbrowder__ jnthn: still awake? 09:58
El_Che still?
isn't he Europe based? 09:59
tbrowder__ .tell jnthn see my rakudo wiki page “A Unicode Map” for what i envision for commaide 10:00
yoleaux tbrowder__: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
tbrowder__ yes, i’m not thinking right! 10:01
10:10 sena_kun joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sena_kun
jnthn tbrowder__: Hah, yes, I slept in the meantime :) 10:13
yoleaux 10:00Z <tbrowder__> jnthn: see my rakudo wiki page “A Unicode Map” for what i envision for commaide
jnthn tbrowder__: Thanks, that's useful 10:14
tbrowder__ good! that’s what i would love to start for emacs but can’t get a grip on the parens required! 10:17
and the hooks...
lizmat tbrowder__: link ? 10:18
tbrowder__ i’m going to show commaide in my intro2coding class for seniors today
AlexDaniel lizmat: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/A-Unicode-Map
yoleaux 07:05Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: thanks; it looks good, I might review it again tomorrow.
AlexDaniel tbrowder__: which characters are you looking for? Some are already available in C-x 8 10:19
e.g. C-x 8 < will give you «
lizmat AlexDaniel: thanks
tbrowder__ lizmat: hi, link to?
lizmat AlexDaniel++ already provided it :-)
10:20 azawawi joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v azawawi
azawawi hi :) 10:20
AlexDaniel o/
tbrowder__ my problem with unicode and emacs is remembering the key sequence, etc. i need to keep a cheat sheet handy but can’t keep up with one 10:21
azawawi .tell timotimo I sent you a PR regarding SDL2::Raw. Please review and let me know if anything is needed. Thanks.
yoleaux azawawi: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
10:21 scovit joined 10:22 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v scovit
tbrowder__ AlexDaniel: is there a list of the C-x N chars available somewhere? 10:23
azawawi for review and feedback for OO-sugar for SDL2::Raw. github.com/azawawi/scripts/blob/ma...2-hello.p6
tbrowder__ would love to see it in pdf so i can keep in wallet or reprint as needed 10:24
10:24 Bucciarati left
scovit Hello, I am reading the documentation about Regexes, to match a float it provides this object: my regex float { <[+-]>?\d*'.'\d+[e<[+-]>?\d+]? } ; Does anyone know if there is a module that provides this and other of this kind of handy regex? Thanks 10:24
yoleaux 28 Jul 2018 15:59Z <Zoffix> scovit: found some IEEE-approved standard that does define an EXP operation on complex and the result is 1+0i. Also the majority of languages do it that way. So it's similar to how 1e0/0e0 is Inf, not a NaN: the programming answer differs from math one for practical reasons. I added comment to the propspec: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/ba9f5233c8
10:24 ExtraCrispy joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ExtraCrispy
scovit oh.. so long 10:24
.. ago Zoffix++ 10:25
10:25 avar left, avar joined, avar left, avar joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v avar, Bucciarati joined 10:26 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v avar, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Bucciarati
AlexDaniel tbrowder__: C-x 8 C-h is a help page 10:26
tbrowder__ thanks! 10:27
10:27 DeeAitchEa joined
jmerelo tbrowder__: you might want to configure the compose key too, at the Gnome level (or the WM you use). I have defined it in all my computers. 10:27
10:27 DeeAitchEa left
AlexDaniel tbrowder__: also if you have helm or something like that, it should automatically suggest things 10:27
tbrowder__ helm?
AlexDaniel www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Helm 10:28
azawawi what's the best way to document p6 projects these days? markdown? p6doc? 10:30
AlexDaniel azawawi: 🤷
azawawi we should make something like github.com/avelino/awesome-go 10:32
Just came back from Golang community :) 10:33
Started with Inline::Go and drifted away to Golang
jnthn: ping
jnthn azawawi: pong 10:35
azawawi jnthn: any plans for a langserver for Perl 6? langserver.org/ . I saw your awesome IDEA plugin but why not just go and create a unified lang server that most editors can re-use?
jnthn: the closest example to Perl6 that i could find was github.com/cazador481/App-LanguageServer-Perl 10:36
jnthn azawawi: No plans for me to do that at the moment, no. Already juggling quite enough things, and I've kinda forbidden myself from starting any new big things until I get the Perl 6 concurrency book I want to write actually going somewhere. :) 10:40
So far I've managed to create Cro and Comma instead of writing that :P
azawawi jnthn++
jnthn Agree it's a good idea to have such a thing, though :)
azawawi jnthn: ok that's question one. I will start a langserver hopefully in the weekend. The hard thing is actually testing it since you need to restart Atom each time. 10:41
10:42 xinming_ joined
azawawi jnthn: question two. What do you think the shortest route to create perl6 static executables? I looked at MOAR .h API 10:42
10:43 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v xinming_
azawawi jnthn: any pointers where to start? 10:43
azawawi is downloading perl six videos to catch up :)
jnthn azawawi: Well, first kill off the extops :)
(We're making decent process on that already) 10:44
10:45 xinming left
tbrowder__ hm, anyone here using spacemacs? 10:47
AlexDaniel tbrowder__: I did use it in the past, and I plan to use it in the future 10:48
10:48 tobs` joined
tbrowder__ i did look a long time ago —might give it a try today 10:49
10:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v tobs`
AlexDaniel tbrowder__: they still didn't release a new version, so you have to use `develop` branch to use perl6 layer 10:51
jnthn azawawi: Probably then it'll be a case of figuring out a compunit repo impl that can pull the module pre-comps out of the binary or some such 10:52
tbrowder__ AlexDaniel: thanks for that hint 10:53
AlexDaniel 2344 commits since the last release, nice… :) 10:55
azawawi jnthn: hmmm maybe also something like ruby-packer, rubyc => tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/mksqoverview.html
jnthn: anyway, thanks. I dont want to waste any of your precious time :) back to langserver and SDL2 sugar 10:56
jnthn: so many things to do, so little time :) 10:57
10:58 ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo
azawawi jnthn++ 10:59
azawawi back to work &
10:59 azawawi left 11:06 tison left
Geth doc: d7f28c2d24 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/unicode_entry.pod6
Index some headings in unicode_entry
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry
11:09 Guest40558 joined 11:10 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Guest40558 11:13 Guest40558 left
CIAvash tbrowder__: see if this is of any help: blog.ciavash.name/2016/01/09/enter...emacs.html 11:15
tbrowder__: also github.com/bomgar/helm-unicode
tbrowder__: if you want something visual and customized maybe you can create something with hydra github.com/abo-abo/hydra/ 11:16
11:27 ExtraCrispy left 11:28 ExtraCrispy joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ExtraCrispy
tbrowder__ CIAvash: thanks! 11:29
11:31 ExtraCrispy left
tbrowder__ i need some advice from grammar experts, please 11:31
i'm working on some pod in core requiring some assertions and i would appreciate checking the code in this gist: gist.github.com/tbrowder/476d7e61f...1d73308731 11:32
is that the way to use such assertions? 11:34
11:36 koto joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v koto 11:37 sena_kun left
lizmat sometimes I'm amazed as to how you can do things in Perl 6 :-) 11:39
m: (1..5).map: { NEXT state $total += $_; FIRST say "values\n======"; LAST say "------ +\n$total"; .say } 11:40
camelia values
------ +
11:40 ExtraCrispy joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ExtraCrispy
jmerelo tbrowder__: checked it out, goes over the top of my head, sorry... 11:40
lizmat m: (1..5).map: -> $_ is copy { NEXT state $total += $_; FIRST say "values\n======"; LAST say "------ +\n$total"; $_ *= 2; .say } # :-) 11:43
camelia values
------ +
11:55 tomkudo joined, tomkudo left
jmerelo If you've got a few seconds, please consider and then vote in this issue github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2355 11:56
lizmat left a comment 12:02
12:02 Mochi101 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Mochi101
Mochi101 p6 say 3 12:03
yoleaux 27 Aug 2018 14:01Z <MasterDuke> Mochi101: do you have a perl 6 question?
12:03 leont joined
Mochi101 p6 say 4 12:03
AlexDaniel p6: say 4
camelia 4
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yes, not so long ago we had a user asking how to do “input” in perl 6 12:04
Mochi101 p6: say 44
camelia 44
12:04 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v leont
Mochi101 nah... I have no perl questions 12:04
thanks yoleaux
AlexDaniel jmerelo: search results for that are LTA but it is indexed, but I guess it can save an unneeded trip to IRC 12:05
12:05 Mochi101 left
jmerelo AlexDaniel: we are talking about python functions indexed as such 12:09
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yes
jmerelo Let's say this clearly, so that it sinks in. Some Python functions are indexed in the Perl 6 documentation, and show up as search results.
AlexDaniel yes, “input” shows up as “input (Python)” 12:10
I see no way it can hurt but I see how it helps
jmerelo AlexDaniel: it hurts becausee you are looking for input in Perl 6, because you are in the Perl 6 documentation, and instead, a (apparently badly placed) reference for a Python function shows up 12:11
AlexDaniel jmerelo: what input in perl 6?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: exactly.
AlexDaniel ? 12:12
why are you looking for a non-existent `input` in perl 6?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: and you get as a prize how you do input in Python?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yes, because why did you type `input` there in the first place?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: whatever you think the answer is, it's probably not "Because I wanted to know how to do it in Python" 12:13
AlexDaniel but what's your answer? 12:14
jmerelo You can still type "input python" and then "use Google for searching"
AlexDaniel and currently you don't need to go through google to do the same
jmerelo AlexDaniel: There's no answer to that. People will simply not expect Python functions when they type in the search slot of Perl 6 documentation. 12:15
AlexDaniel colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...09-23#l490 12:16
I just see no win in removing that from the index 12:17
12:18 domidumont left
AlexDaniel yes, we have X-to-perl6 guides in the documentation, whether someone expects to see them there or not. Yes, some parts of these documents are indexed for convenience. I see no problem 12:18
12:19 domidumont joined
jmerelo AlexDaniel: first result if you exactly google that phrase: www.google.com/search?safe=off&...IrsIsOFuT0 12:19
12:19 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
jmerelo That person didn't think about going to Perl 6 documentation, and they typing search. He or she asked directly in IRC. Could have gone to google, too. 12:20
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I see no useful clickable result: screenshots.firefox.com/ktpWJU9YqZ...google.com
jmerelo AlexDaniel: the titles of the sections are already indexed. You don't need to add particular function names to the index.
12:21 cognominal-p6 left
AlexDaniel jmerelo: you mean my last commit? That's just not the case. 12:21
12:21 cognominal-p6 joined 12:22 domidumont left
AlexDaniel jmerelo: to elaborate, there are still some headings in that document that are without X<|…>, and they are not indexed 12:22
jmerelo AlexDaniel: No, I was referring to the python page. And yes, you are right. But it might make more sense than indexing particular commands.
12:22 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v cognominal-p6
AlexDaniel ah 12:22
12:23 domidumont joined
jmerelo AlexDaniel: so, for instance, "Statement separators (Python)" might make sense. Or a bit more sense than indexing particular statements. 12:23
AlexDaniel: I thought all /language =head1 and -2 were indexed. Indexing in documentation will never cease to surprise me.
12:23 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
jmerelo AlexDaniel: please add your considerations to the issue, or a link to this conversation. I've got to cook now, sorry... 12:24
12:25 robertle_ joined
AlexDaniel done 12:25
12:26 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v robertle_ 12:41 cognominal-p6 left, cognominal-p6 joined 12:42 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v cognominal-p6 12:49 tobs` left
erana Yay, I am starting a Mario Kart on windows and linux and I have the application running, now I have to make a seperate pm module for the engine. 12:56
I am going to do some parabolic, hyperbolic shit for the non-3D
I am thinking of making a parcours with e.g. an octagon which gets smoothed 12:57
So I can make my own levels
It'll probably look like a "Grand Prix" on DOS 12:58
The mario gfx I can find on google
My daughter plays Mario Kart 7 all the time
This will be one of my next projects for the PF 12:59
AlexDaniel squashable6: next 13:09
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈20 hours (2018-10-06 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
13:14 domidumont left, robertle_ left 13:15 domidumont joined 13:16 ExtraCrispy left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
AlexDaniel ⚠ If you're a maintainer for any perl 6 module, please consider participating! github.com/perl6/ecosystem/wiki/SQ...aintainers 13:17
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squashable6 Webhook for perl6-community-modules/uri is now active! Avoid administrative distraction. 13:23
tyil I maintain 1 so more Perl 6 modules 13:38
but I dont use github as my main platform anymore 13:39
AlexDaniel tyil: what do you use? 13:42
tyil gitlab 13:45
13:46 topdownjimmyOM joined, topdownjimmyOM left
tyil I dont think I ahve any "small" tasks for hacktoberfest participants anyway 13:47
leont Yeah, I have a similar problem, despite having quite a few dists (p5&p6) 13:49
AlexDaniel ehhh we should just add gitlab support to squashable6 13:50
looking at gitlab's hooks, they're noticeably different 13:51
here's the monstrosity that does it: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...#L205-L298 13:52
is there a perl 6 module for gitlab hooks?
I guess not 13:53
but I also can't find a module for github hooks
13:54 rindolf left
AlexDaniel which I'm pretty sure was there 13:54
I jush hackety-hacked that stuff in squashable6 just because I wanted stuff to start working quickly, but ideally that should be a module… 13:55
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tbrowder__ jnthn: with 4 Gb RAM, what do you recommend for commaide java VM settings? 15:26
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pmurias perl6.github.io/6pad/#2710b5f7dee7...6987a9d368 - 6pad now runs hello world (it's still missing a ton of features and load slowy only in chrome) the # pre-loads a hello world from gist 15:35
yoleaux 3 Oct 2018 19:21Z <Zoffix> pmurias: I imagined --encoding was for source code encoding, hence why it makes sense in blob evals
15:45 pmurias left 15:46 pmurias joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
jmerelo pmurias++ 15:49
pmurias jmerelo: it works for you? ;)
jmerelo pmurias: not in Firefox 15:50
Let me try Chromium
pmurias: nope, not in Chromium either. 15:51
timotimo did you push the "run" button, jmerelo?
yoleaux 10:21Z <azawawi> timotimo: I sent you a PR regarding SDL2::Raw. Please review and let me know if anything is needed. Thanks.
jmerelo timotimo: yep. 15:52
timotimo works on my end
AlexDaniel doesn't work here too
timotimo maybe you clicked it too early?
jmerelo It loads in all three, produces an error "windows.evalP6 is not a function"
timotimo: Maybe
Let me see
timotimo does "loaded eval enabling code" show up in the console? 15:53
AlexDaniel SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal
15:53 Ven` joined
jmerelo timotimo: in the developer console? 15:53
AlexDaniel eval_code.js:147:15
timotimo yes
eval_code.js:1527298 loaded eval enabling code
15:54 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven`
jmerelo timotimo: pretty much the same line as AlexDaniel's, 147:16 yields an error in Firefox 15:54
AlexDaniel screenshots.firefox.com/0zZ7NRolvc6BnIgx/null
jmerelo timotimo: same error in Chromium 15:55
timotimo: same in Chrome...
timotimo different versions?
jmerelo timotimo: maybe, but it looks the same as the error for AlexDaniel's
Firefox is 62.0 in my case 15:56
timotimo i.imgur.com/2FAlXI0.png
69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
my chrome is 5 versions ahead of your firefox :P
jmerelo timotimo: hey, that's cool!
pmurias AlexDaniel: that's mean that your browser doesn't support bignum literals 15:57
jmerelo Chrome is 65.0
pmurias I should add a feature check for that
jmerelo Same version for Chromium
15:58 fake_space_whale left
pmurias anyway thank you for trying it 16:00
16:00 cognominal-p6 joined
jmerelo pmurias: Great job, anyway. Our browsers will eventually catch up with it :-) 16:01
16:01 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v cognominal-p6
pmurias firefox is working on it: bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1366287 16:01
tyil the version numbers for firefox and chrome have lost their meanings yeras ago, timotimo 16:09
timotimo of course they have, i put a :P at the end for that reason 16:10
tyil would be neat to run Perl 6 in the browser though :> 16:11
SmokeMachine I added the web hook for the SQUASHathon but now I was wandering... My module isn't published yet... does it can participate? 16:12
tyil I think so, yes
so long as people can submit a PR to your repository
jmerelo AlexDaniel: maybe we can create issues in some repos to entice owners into participating in the Squashathon? 16:13
AlexDaniel: so far there are only 3 of us, right? Maybe another since this morning...
lizmat I have several repo's I'd like to have people work on :-) 16:14
but am in the middle of something else atm
jmerelo lizmat: instructions → github.com/perl6/ecosystem/wiki/SQUASHathon
lizmat yeah, I know.... :-)
jmerelo lizmat: great :-) 16:15
16:16 Ven` left
squashable6 Webhook for JJ/p6-river is now active! Mind your words, they are important. 16:16
16:18 Ven` joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 16:24 scimon left
squashable6 Webhook for FCO/Test-Fuzz is now active! Encourage flow. 16:30
Webhook for perl6/DBIish is now active! Speak like a human. 16:34
AlexDaniel jmerelo: we're failing to advertize it enough
jmerelo: I *just* posted something on reddit www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/9l...thon_this/
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I did a whole thread in Twitter this morning...
AlexDaniel there's also facebook 16:35
jmerelo AlexDaniel: we can also add some perl6 modules. After all, we physically can
OK, I'll do facebook
squashable6 Webhook for FCO/6pm is now active! Non-blocking is better than blocking. 16:37
AlexDaniel Zoffix: maybe you can give a shoutout as a lot of people are following you (even I do, even though I don't have twitter)
jmerelo: I did go through some community modules, but most of them have 0 issues so nothing useful 16:38
SmokeMachine: sorry I missed your message, are you sure the webhook is working correctly?
moritz I'll happily retweet stuff from the @perl6org twitter account, just mention me
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: and what's the repo? 16:39
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: Sorry, Im not sure what message you are talking about... :(
16:40 Ven` left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: the one about the not published module? 16:40
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: yes 16:41
jmerelo: as for creating issues, I don't think it's a great idea :) 16:42
16:42 dakkar left
SmokeMachine that's the Red module... the webhook seems to be working... its showing on the Squashathon page... 16:42
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: oh! Then it's in! 16:43
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: my question is it its permitted to not published modules to participate
AlexDaniel sure, why not. As long as there's a repo with issues and you're ready to help contributors
SmokeMachine: maybe it's a good idea to add some installation instructions to the README 16:44
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jmerelo AlexDaniel: I was thinking about Pod::To::HTML and others 16:44
AlexDaniel: and I have added DBDish until I've found this issue: github.com/perl6/DBIish/issues/129
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: good idea! thanks!
jmerelo Although it looks know as if some code, like SQLite, has been fixed... 16:50
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SmokeMachine on SQUASHathon page, the link github.com/perl6/FCO/6pm/issues should be github.com/FCO/6pm/issues 17:12
s/SQUASHathon page/SQUASHathon wiki page/ 17:13
jmerelo SmokeMachine: fixed. But it's a wiki, you know ;-) You probably have enough privs to edit it. 17:15
SmokeMachine sure, my bad, sorry!
17:20 ExtraCrispy left 17:32 zershVI joined, zershVI left
jmerelo SmokeMachine: no problem :-) Good luck! 17:51
.tell AlexDaniel I just spend a good while debugging p6-river until I found this... github.com/AlexDaniel/foo-dependencies-self 17:55
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
pmurias what would be a cool example for 6pad? 18:00
18:04 null__xe joined, null__xe left
jmerelo pmurias: Fibonacci? 18:07
I have raised issues in several distros inviting them to participate in the hackathon tomorrow. 18:08
Let's see how it goes
El_Che distros?
jmerelo El_Che: module distros. 18:10
El_Che ah got it
pmurias jmerelo: dartpad has fibonacci too ;) 18:17
jmerelo pmurias: then it's a good example :-) 18:20
pmurias: you could be original and use Lucas sequence. Exactly the same, but starting with 1,3 if I remember correctly.
pmurias: or you could go for Tribonacci :-)
18:26 pecastro joined
timotimo pmurias: is there a way to put images into the output console? 18:27
18:27 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pecastro
timotimo i mean, if i can just output html, i can build a data: url 18:27
in which case "use Base64" or what it's called would be good to have 18:28
18:36 luqui joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v luqui
luqui Hey perl6ers, long time no see! I'm working on a project about getting open source developers compensated. Would you mind taking a 6 question survey about it? goo.gl/forms/8r43tByZ8L4c8bMW2 18:37
pmurias timotimo: I plan to allow arbitary DOM manipulation like on dartpad.dartlang.org/ 18:39
timotimo ql
18:40 domidumont left
pmurias seems better then building up some sort of smart terminal ;) 18:41
jmerelo luqui: are you going to release the data collected in the survey under an open data license? 18:48
yoleaux 18:43Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: great, I'm happy to help :P
leont What's the equivalent of carp? (warn with stacktrace) 18:50
luqui jmerelo: i don't know what that is, but I thought I already had it set up to be publicly viewable. let me check...
unless you have something else in mind...?
jmerelo luqui: You're asking open source developers, it's only fair that you share the results of the survey with an open data license. Even if you weren't, as a matter of fact. 18:51
18:52 rindolf left
luqui jmerelo: ok, suggestion? 18:53
I was just going to do public domain, but i'm ... open, heh 18:54
lizmat leont: I don't think we have that as a built in just yet :-( 18:55
jmerelo luqui: if you're going to release the data, state that in the survey and say which license you will be using, as well as the URL where it will be located. If it's live-feed, much better. 18:56
luqui ok I just posted a link to the sheet in the form. Thanks for the feedback. 18:58
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jmerelo luqui++ 19:00
m: say my $v = 0b00100000; $v +|= 0b00010000; say $v;
camelia 32
geekosaur ...small minds... 19:01
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timotimo small minds have the best compression? 19:03
jmerelo the best double yadda yadda? 19:04
timotimo like circumfix:<... ...>? 19:06
geekosaur Sort of. "small minds have the same thoughts"
19:07 pmurias left, erana left
geekosaur although I think these days people say "jinx!" instead 19:07
jmerelo timotimo: LOL
19:08 pmurias joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
AlexDaniel needs long range compression then 19:08
19:09 jmerelo left
timotimo shared dictionary perhaps 19:09
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Geth doc/syntax-identifier: 93bddb0d5b | threadless-screw++ | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Minor clean-up (misplaced X<> header and footnote)
doc: threadless-screw++ created pull request #2356:
Minor clean-up (misplaced X<> header and footnote)
rindolf hi all 19:43
Herby_ rindolf: o/ 19:44
rindolf Herby_: sup?
Herby_ not a thing, you?
rindolf Herby_: tried to make my sites more mobile friendly 19:45
Herby_: they kinda remind me of adventurega.me/bootstrap/ now even though i didn't use bootstrap 19:46
Herby_: i started refactoring github.com/thewml/website-meta-language which was ancient perl5 code 19:52
Herby_ awesome. my webdev knowledge is pretty much zero. I should learn more about it 19:53
[Coke] .tell erana FYI, a perl mongers group != "the perl foundation". 19:57
yoleaux [Coke]: I'll pass your message to erana.
Geth doc: 5d5f782660 | Coke++ | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
20:04 molaf joined 20:05 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v molaf
Geth doc: 818e2903e6 | Coke++ | 3 files
Better tag some skip-tests, and allow some to run
20:11 molaf left
Geth doc: dc23d9f1d9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/phasers.pod6
"emit" also generates a control exception
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/phasers
lizmat hmmm.. looks like sub emit() is not documented at all 20:28
docs.perl6.org/routine/emit # only documents method emit 20:29
Geth doc/syntax-identifier: 4 commits pushed by Coke++, (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++, Alexander++
20:31 s0me0ne_ left
Geth doc: 3a0aa712a9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/control.pod6
Add supply/emit to control structures
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/control
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Geth doc: a8dc06b26e | Alexander++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Minor clean-up (misplaced X<> header and footnote) (#2356)
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
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tbrowder__ hi, folks, need some advice. trying to teach an intro to coding using linux but it’s a huge learning curve for older windows users. so i will try to do it on a windows host but i have no experience programming on windows other than cygwin and the OLD windows unix module. 22:15
are notepad++ plus rakudo on windows plus powershell sufficient to run p6 in a linux-like manner? 22:17
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Xliff_ tbrowder__: I find powershell to be more confusing than bash. 22:27
Do your users find cygwin bash to be too much, even though all of the commands they are familiar with are available? 22:28
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tbrowder__ Xliff: i haven’t had an audience on windows yet, just trying to determine best way to do things on windows with folks who are not familiar with *nix environment. 22:56
it’s too much of a steep learning curve to take long-time windows-only users to linux and introduce them to coding at the same time. we’re talking about middle-aged or older people who were not raised on computers. 22:58
Xliff_ tbrowder__: Sure. So using cygwin is probably the best of both worlds. Add to the fact that you can customize the command prompt environment to look like something familiar. 22:59
Most Windows users shy away from the command prompt, anyways 23:00
The only thing you'd use it for is running Perl6 code. As long as perl6 is in the path, they should have no problem.
The only big issue is getting them used to "/" instead of "\"
That shouldn't be THAT bad, especially if they are only using relative paths. 23:01
tbrowder__ except that installing cygwin is not for the faint of heart as i recall. my users will have to install our p6 environment themselves.
Xliff_ Now I am talking classroom environment. For home, something pre-packaged that they can double-click and get the same environment will probably be required.
Heh. Read my mind, there. 23:02
And yes. Cygwin install is problematic. I still don't think I have a working perl6 env directly on Windows. I have to use a VM to do my work.
tbrowder__ exactly, i don’t have the luxury of presetting a computer lab.
Xliff_ Then the only thing I can think to do is to write a wiki page with step-by-step installation instructions. 23:03
You can look at that as weeding out people who may NOT do well in your class.
Writing that page will be time-consuming, but dooable.
They can think of it as performing their first homework assignment. 23:04
tbrowder__ you are right given the little info i’ve given. this shortncourse is experimental and the community college here has not cooperated as they might have in offering dual-boot or prepared VM programs. it’s the typical windows-only outfit. but i’m trying to make headway. 23:06
23:07 Xliff_ is now known as Xliff
Xliff Of course, you could always prepare a VM image and get them to run it using VirtualBox. 23:08
They'll probably have about as much difficulty getting that working as they would CygWin, of course.
tbrowder__ i tried that, but their network restrictions made the VM images almost unusable. 23:10
Xliff Ah. OK.
m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; &("a")() 23:11
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; &{"a"}()
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; ::("a"}()
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in indirect name; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3{ say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; ::("a"7⏏5}()
Xliff m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; ("&a")() 23:12
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tbrowder__ but there is hope i think, but not in time for this round. thanks for your input.
Xliff m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; ::("&a")()
camelia a
Xliff HAH!
m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; ::("&a")(); ::("&b")(); ::("&n")()
camelia a
No such symbol '&n'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Xliff m: sub a { say 'a'; }; sub b { say 'b'; }; ::("&a")(); ::("&b")();
camelia a
23:20 lizmat left 23:22 hph^ left 23:23 hph^ joined 23:24 hph^ left, hph^ joined 23:25 hph^ left, hph^ joined, hph^ left 23:26 hph^ joined, lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat, hph^ left 23:27 hph^ joined, hph^ left
AlexDaniel how can I `touch` a file in perl 6? 23:36
timotimo open and close it
AlexDaniel timotimo: that works, thanks 23:41
SmokeMachine m: role R { method r {...} }; class C { method r { 42 } }; class S does R { has C $.c handles <r> .= new }; say S.new.r # isn't it implemented? 23:46
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Method 'r' must be implemented by S because it is required by roles: R.
at <tmp>:1
AlexDaniel timotimo: actually, wait, it doesn't 23:47
SmokeMachine m: role R { #`(method r {...}) }; class C { method r { 42 } }; class S does R { has C $.c handles <r> .= new }; say S.new.r # isn't it implemented?
camelia 42
SmokeMachine it seems implemented to me...
AlexDaniel timotimo: it does create a file, of course, but how do I update its mtime?
even writing an empty string doesn't help 23:50
23:53 ZzZombo left
timotimo oh? can you compare with strace what touch does vs what your script does? 23:54
geekosaur toch on unixuses a syscall. which isn't portable 23:55
timotimo oh, whoops
geekosaur man 2 utimes
timotimo i'm overdue for bed :S 23:56
have a good one!
Xliff AlexDaniel, you'd have to use nativecall, I think. 23:57
AlexDaniel well, I can even do `run <touch -->, $file`, but I'm looking for a portable way 23:58
geekosaur what Xliff said
AlexDaniel portable way with nativecall?
geekosaur or get them to modify print or what's under it so it will do 0-byte writes, but that has its ow implications
Xliff Yeah. You'd just have to use the right call depending on the OS.
Not exactly write once portable, but... 23:59
geekosaur in particular, 0-byte write can interact with buffering (do you want a buffer flush? or to only do it on an unbuffered file? and can we even do that properly yet?)