This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:12 Manifest0 left 01:22 Heptite left 02:17 tea3po joined 02:21 teatwo left 04:20 tea3po left 07:21 teatime joined 08:07 Manifest0 joined 08:28 ab5tract joined 14:17 teatwo joined 14:20 teatime left 14:27 teatwo left, teatwo joined 15:11 habere-et-disper joined
habere-et-disper How do I make Slip more slippy ? I don't want seven here: 15:22
m: say ( 2, 3, { ( ++$ * 6 - 1, ++$ * 6 + 1 ).Slip } ... * >= 5 )
camelia (2 3 5 7)
lizmat m: m: say ( 2, 3, { ( ++$ * 6 - 1, ++$ * 6 + 1 ).Slip } ...^ * >= 5 )
camelia (2 3)
lizmat hmmm
habere-et-disper That's what I thought !? 15:23
lizmat well.. perhaps... there's a lot of magic involved with ... and I have half a mind to remove it altogether from Raku 15:24
I once spent about a month to sanitize and optimize its behaviour.... and it was all in vain :-(
habere-et-disper The magic is what's keeps me entranced !
m: use v6.e.PREVIEW; say ( 2, 3, { ( ++$ * 6 - 1, ++$ * 6 + 1 ).Slip } ... * ).snip( * <= 5 ).head 15:36
camelia (2 3 5)
Nemokosch "The truth will come to light" 15:38
habere-et-disper If I get a Segmentation fault: 11 when running under v6.e.PREVIEW is that par for the course or worth filing ? 15:44
lizmat repeatable segfaults are *always* worth filing 15:46
16:08 habere-et-disper left 16:47 habere-et-disper joined
Manifest0 How do i know if a string is utf-8 or utf8-c8? 18:07
lizmat once it lives in raku, it's valid UTF8 18:08
the utf8-c8 encoding just means that it will try to make something out of invalid UTF8, resulting in valid UTF8 when decoding 18:09
Manifest0 Basicaly i want to read a utf8 file, but the file contains invalid utf8. I want to discard those lines. How can i do it? 18:12
lizmat hmmm... discarding those lines would be had currently 18:16
Manifest0 :-( 18:18
gfldex Manifest0: You could read the data into a Buf, split on newline and then decode each line. 18:34
s/Buf/Blob/ 18:35
Manifest0 gfldex: yeah. That's what i was thinking in doing. Skip if it raises an error 19:09
19:14 habere-et-disper left 22:26 Heptite joined