6 Oct 2024
nahita3882 maybe the intention with * is that it is used with "quick" stuff and ternary isn't covered 18:22
librasteve m: say (5, 4)[4 ≥ 3 ?? 1 !! 0]
Raku eval 4
librasteve m: say (5, 4)[2 ≥ 3 ?? 1 !! 0]
Raku eval 5
nahita3882 like *.attr, * <infix> sth, *[idx] etc. all works but ternary is too much? idk the details
librasteve m: (5, 4)[*.say] 18:23
Raku eval 2
librasteve (5, 4)[(* ≥ 3).say]
m: (5, 4)[(* ≥ 3).say]
Raku eval False
librasteve looks like ternary is a bug to me
m: say (5, 4)[4 ≥ 3 ?? *-1 !! 0] 18:24
Raku eval 4
librasteve seems to be limited to use of * in the test of a ternary within an [] index 18:25
if you agree I can log as a bug
nahita3882 it doesn't work in [] but it doesn't work outside either 18:26
not working in the sense that it doesn't produce a closure
but instead evaluates to what the truthful part of the ternary gives immediately
because the whatevercode is truthful
like any other sub 18:27
perl In [25]: (* > 3 ?? 2 !! -1).WHAT (Int)
user (like Time Melon and probably us too) expects this to be still WhateverCode
maybe a bug, maybe some technical detail (like ternary shortcircuiting), so it's up to you to file the bug but thanks if you take the time of course 18:29
maybe shortcircuting is the thing: 18:30
perl In [30]: (* >= 2) && 7 7 In [31]: (* >= 2) & 7 WhateverCode.new
perl In [32]: ((* >= 2) & 7).(55) all(True, 7) In [33]: ((* >= 2) & 7).(-55) all(False, 7) 18:31
i.e., with the all-junction, it did produce a closure, which we can call 18:32
with the && logical-and (which shorcircuits), no closure yes direct evaluation
timemelon ohh I see, the whatever code just doesn't include the ternary 20:21
funky, I wonder if there's a list of what is and isn't included anywhere 20:22
docs don't mention ternaries anywhere so idk 20:27
thank you for letting me know why it wasn't working!
7 Oct 2024
nahita3882 np 07:07
there is a table in that link but it says when it stays as a Whatever object, the ternary et al.'s situation is different
and indeed not documented there; maybe we can document the shorcircuting operators' behaviour with regards to * there 07:08
somewhat unrelatedly: is it only me or others can also see unused and unnecessary scrollbars in the code snippets in the documentation's website 07:10
e.g., 07:11
both horizontal and vertical
maybe i should ask in the raku-doc channel
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/10/07/2024-41-knowlite/ 16:52
8 Oct 2024
librasteve maybe it’s * as in Inf? 04:41
vendethiel lizmat++ # all great proposals/tickets 14:11
"Final" methods with no *%_ are very interesting 14:12
ab5tract timemelon: I'm not sure why the docs don't include it but there is indeed a list in the Rakudo source 17:42
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/19a3...kumod#L312 17:43
lizmat hmmm isn't that already part of OperatorProperties ? 17:48
if not, it probably should
timemelon interesting! I don't see ?? on there, does it desugar to && somewhere along the line before this code? 18:00
ab5tract timemelon: it's rather that it is not even considered for being "curried": github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/7d08...umod#L2895 18:33
it would need to have `is WhateverApplicable` there for that to be the case
I don't think that ternaries are a good fit for being primed, though 18:34