18 Apr 2024
greenfork lizmat: Oh wow! I didn't know it exists, it is a perfect debugging tool too! 17:33
lizmat yeah, it was intended as such :-) 17:34
greenfork @antononcube ^^^ this is awesome 17:40
antononcube @greenfork Well, I cannot make that advice by ugexe work for me. How did you apply it? 20:53
.ohnowendigo m: say (/[\w\d]+/, /[\w\d]*/).map: {"xa5".match($_)} 21:41
Raku eval (「a5」 「」)
.ohnowendigo Why is the + able to match the a5 while * cannot? Aren't both supposed to be greedy? 21:42
antononcube Because matching nothing with * is a match. 21:45
@.ohnowendigo Try it with the adverb :ex . 21:46
say (/[\w\d]+/, /[\w\d]*/).map: {"xa5".match($_):ex} # ((「a5」) (「」 「a5」 「」 「」 「」)) 21:47
19 Apr 2024
greenfork @antononcube I was actually referring to the repl command, since it effectively solves the problem of inspecting file contents after the file was run 04:44
But since you asked, here is an example that works for me: paste.sr.ht/~greenfork/4cecd40746d...ae6b07664e
You will need to change the path to the file, and after running the imported.raku, you will see two messages printed, first from exported and second on use 04:45
s/imported/importing/ 04:46
antononcube @greenfork Great! It is how ugexe adviced. What if the file name has white spaces? 10:47
greenfork @antononcube I have just put a space there, it worked: require WHATEVER:file</home/grfork/for export.raku> 12:10
antononcube I find that surprizing! 🙂 12:52
greenfork Well I guess it's good as long as it works :^) 16:17
22 Apr 2024
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/04/22/2024-...dcabaacab/ 17:19
dr.shuppet Luckily that abaacab issue turned out to be an ordinary kind of bug, nothing scary 🙂 17:20
lizmat indeed, although any sufficiently advanced bug can appear to be magic! :-) 17:21
dr.shuppet Well, the strange symptoms that I observed turned out to have been caused by a clever implementation of strings 17:29
Clever enough to make the cause of the bug not easily visible 😄 17:30
24 Apr 2024
.admeliora I'm not much involved with Rakudo/NQP development, hell i don't write even that much of raku in the first place, but still interesting read and the bug was definitely amusing 11:09
25 Apr 2024
ab5tract glad my pain could bring some smiles into the world ;) 16:44
timemelon I'm getting some behaviour from regexes that I don't understand 22:30
I'm used to * and + from PCREs
echo 'words: 12345' | grep -oP '\d+' and echo 'words: 12345' | grep -oP '\d*' both return 12345 22:31
when I try echo 'words: 12345' | raku -e 'slurp.match(/\d+/).Str.say' I get 12345 just the same 22:32
but echo 'words: 12345' | raku -e 'slurp.match(/\d*/).Str.say' gives me an empty match
how come \d* doesn't match 12345? 22:33
(also: is this the most idiomatic way to use raku as a drop in grep/sed/etc) 22:36
ab5tract it matches '0 or more', so when it hits that first 'w' from words, it has successfully matched 0 times 22:47
definitely a bit of a gotcha, though, I agree 22:48
m: "words: 12345" ~~ /\D+(\d*)/ ==> say() 22:50
camelia 「words: 12345」
0 => 「12345」
ab5tract or to drive the '0 or more' rule home: 22:51
m: "words: 12345" ~~ /\D*(\d*)/ ==> say()
camelia 「words: 12345」
0 => 「12345」
timemelon ahh that makes sense thank you 22:53
I guess the difference between the grep example and that is that grep is finding the longest match while raku is finding the first match
ab5tract yeah, we tend to refer to it as the "greediness" of the regex expression 22:54
* is very gregarious, not greedy at all :) 22:55
As to the idiom, I might me more likely to use `$*IN.slurp ~~ /regex/` but it's really a matter of taste 22:58
There's also `-n` which allows: `echo "words: 12345" | raku -ne '$_ ~~ /\D*(\d*)/ ==> say()'`\ 23:01
timemelon oh I didn't know about -n, that's nice ty 23:25
is there a reason you prefer the explicit $*IN over a bare slurp? 23:27
26 Apr 2024
ab5tract Nothing technical, no 07:35
nahita3882 there is also -p to print $_ at the end of processing each line but well it requires what you want printed stored in $_, so might be less readable in this case 08:09
:/tmp$ <<< $'hi 445\nhere 78' raku -pe'$_ = m/\D* (\d*)/' 「hi 445」 0 => 「445」 「here 78」 0 => 「78」 08:10
timemelon thanks for the tip! I had a play around with that and found .=match(...).=Str which is kinda neat too 11:02
ab5tract ah yeah, implicit method dispatch on the topic is great 11:52