This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
02:18 teatime left 02:19 teatime joined 02:33 teatwo joined 02:36 teatime left 02:51 MasterDuke left 06:11 human_blip left 06:12 human_blip joined 08:14 dakkar joined 09:59 razetime joined 10:48 razetime left 13:22 jgaz joined 14:18 tea3po joined 14:21 teatwo left, pusha joined
pusha does Raku have object literals a la Javascript? 14:22
const x= {a: 7}
gfldex m: constant x = class { has $.a is rw = 7 }; my %h = :a(7); dd x, %h; 14:23
camelia <anon|1>
Hash %h = {:a(7)}
gfldex pusha: not really, but ^^^
pusha ok thanks 14:24
14:27 tea3po left
lizmat my constant x = { a => 7 } ?? 14:27
14:27 tea3po joined
Nemokosch the question is, which one is the important part: "object" or "literal" 14:27
gfldex So, how constant do you want your constant to be? :-> 14:31
lizmat my constant x = { a => 7 }.Map 14:32
my constant x = { a => 7 }.Map; x<a> = 42 # Cannot change key 'a' in an immutable Map
14:37 tea3po left, tea3po joined
pusha the constant part is not important 14:38
gfldex pusha: Then you should use a Hash. 14:41
lizmat is this maybe about aliasing a value in a hash to a variable? 14:46
m: my %h; my $a := %h<a>; dd %h; $a = 42; dd %h
camelia Hash %h = {}
Hash %h = {:a(42)}
16:39 dakkar left 18:20 pusha left
librasteve Hashes are mutable mappings from keys to values, known in other programming languages as dicts (Python), objects (Javascript) or Hash Maps (Java). 21:13
^^^ 21:14
so the equivalent to a JS object is a raku Hah 21:15
m: my %h = :a(7); say %h<a> 21:21
Raku eval 7