This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:01 Manifest0 left 02:23 deoac joined
deoac I've just installed the latest rakudo-star.  rakudoc -b has no effect.  Where should I look for the documentation? 02:26
02:41 Heptite joined
rf deoac:, though you should be able to use rakudoc 03:03
maybe try zef install rakudoc
03:03 rf left
deoac I tried zef install rakudoc.  No effect. 03:07
I know I can browse the website, but often rakudoc is more convenient. 03:10
04:14 deoac left 04:37 tea3po left 04:44 teatime joined 05:09 Heptite left 06:49 teatime left, teatime joined 06:51 teatime left 06:52 teatime joined 14:00 rf joined 14:58 Heptite joined 18:47 teatwo joined 18:50 teatime left
Nahita > I thought it -Ofun to see forgiven! 🙂 habere-et-disper: not sure if you still care about it but this works now use Slang::Forgiven; forgiven "yeS".comb -> $char { when / <.upper> / { put "$char shouts" } when / <.lower> / { put "i like $char" } default { put "$char is from others" } } it took me only 4 months 19:32
thank you 19:33
21:02 deoac joined 21:32 Manifest0 joined 23:42 Heptite left