This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
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Tirifto Does fat arrow pair declaration work with line breaks or not? :o 22:45
nemokosch see it for yourself 😛 22:46
Tirifto I ask because I’m not sure what I’m seeing. x) In the REPL and a dead-simple test file, it seems to work alright. But then I have some longer code where the compiler reports a bogus statement. I guess I should try and reproduce it in a simpler example… 22:47
nemokosch yep... I would be curious where it didn't work 22:50
Tirifto Okay, I’ve got it! I guess this is just a more general syntax rule that I’ve overlooked. The problem arises when I try to use a block as the key, followed by a newline, then followed by the fat arrow. It seems like that’s not a valid way to use the block as a key. 22:57
Example code: 22:58
nemokosch yes, and most importantly it's not a good idea. You most probably won't be able to look that piece of code up later, unless maybe if you always pass the same reference of a code object into the hash 23:00
Tirifto Oh, I was trying to make a list of pairs, not a hash table. 23:02
nemokosch hm, fair enough, but then I have even less idea why 23:03
I guess it's time for the mandatory disclaimer: regardless the name, a "pair" is not meant to represent a symmetric two-element tuple
it's better thought of as (possibly mutable, as in lvalue) data, with a custom name 23:04
it's a good data structure to back up named arguments and hash entries 23:05
Tirifto Ah, interesting.
nemokosch if you want a two-element, conceptually horizontal tuple, just use a list with two elements 23:06
Tirifto I’m writing a simple game for a jam, and I’m looking for an elegant way of declaring conversations the player can initiate. Each conversation has a list of topics the player can talk about. Each topic has a string identifier (shown to the player), a block of test code (which returns True if the topic should be available), and a block of content code (which presumably makes the characters talk).
nemokosch you might argue that the built-in List is not truly immutable and therefore not really "hashable" in the Pythonic sense - however, this is absolutely true for a Pair as well 23:07
Tirifto I was looking to declare (Str => Block => Block) with the arrows on new lines, because that looks really pretty and fairly readable. But I guess I’ll have to do @(Str, Block, Block) instead. x) 23:08
nemokosch the "hashability" might come handy for the strings, depending on the way you want to use it 23:09
so it might actually be useful to do Str => (Block, Block)
Tirifto Hmmm… I’ll see which one looks better then! 23:20
kjp Tirifto: If you have a block with a right-brace at the end of a line, there is an implied semicolon after the brace. (In general, a block needs a semicolon after it; this rule means you can omit most of them.) 23:32
Tirifto Ohh, I hadn’t realised. 23:53
Now I understand what happened. 23:54