This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:52 Manifest0 left 05:05 hudo_ joined 06:18 hudo_ left 08:59 dakkar joined
ab5tract The L10N work necessarily involves collecting all “operators” (remember, these are just functions with funny names) so yeah, definitely it is where you want to look 10:00
lizmat Note that most operators are not alphanumeric: they are not localized, only the alphanumeric ones 10:03
Nahita might be error prone but can we grep the keys of CORE? like 10:07
m: CORE::.grep({ .value ~~ Callable && .key ~~ /^ "\&" .* "fix:<" /})>>{ .comb(/ <after ":<"> .* <before '>'> /).head }).sort.list.raku.put
Raku eval ("!", "!=", "!~~", "\%", "\%\%", "\&", "\&\&", "(\&)", "(+)", "(-)", "(.)", "(==)", "(^)", "(cont)", "(elem)", "(|)", "*", "**", "+", "+", "+\&", "++", "++", "++⚛", "+^", "+^", "+|", ",", "-", "-", "--", "--", "--⚛", "..", "...", "...^", "..^", "/", "//", ":\{ }", "=", "=:=", "==", "===", "=~", "=~=", "?", "?\&", "?^", "?^", "?|", "X", "Z", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[; ]", "^", "^", "^..", "^...", "^...^",
"^..^", "^^", "^…", "^…^", "after", "and", "andthen", "before", "but", "cmp", "coll", "div", "does", "eq", "eqv", "gcd", "ge", "gt", "i", "lcm", "le", "leg", "let", "lt", "max", "min", "minmax", "mod", "ne", "not", "notandthen", "o", "or", "orelse", "so", "temp", "unicmp", "x", "xor", "xx", "\{ }", "\{ }", "\{; }", "|", "|", "||", "~", "~", "~\&", "~^", "~^", "~|", "~~", "×", "÷", "…", "…^", "ⁿ", "∈",
"∉", "∊", "∋", "∌", "∍", "−", "−", "∖", "∘", "∩", "∪", "≅", "≠", "≡", "≢", "≤", "≥", "≼", "≽", "⊂", "⊃", "⊄", "⊅", "⊆", "⊇", "⊈", "⊉", "⊍", "⊎", "⊖", "⚛", "⚛++", "⚛+=", "⚛--", "⚛-=", "⚛=", "⚛−=", "⩵", "⩶")
Nahita m: CORE::.grep({ .value ~~ Callable && .key ~~ /^ "\&" .* "fix:<" /}).elems.put 10:08
Raku eval 159
Nahita counts aliases too
on 2023.09 it reported 160 so at least 1 operator added between's version and that, which seems to be ⇒ 10:11
lizmat indeed, as an alias for => 10:13
11:33 habere-et-disper joined
habere-et-disper m: .say for 1...5...3 11:34
camelia 1
habere-et-disper m: say gather .take for 1...5...3 11:35
camelia (1 2 3 4 5 4 3)
habere-et-disper Why doesn't say print the whole sequence? 11:36
m: dd 1...5...3 11:40
camelia (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).Seq
lizmat habere-et-disper: no idea, feels like a bug :-) 11:41
habere-et-disper .say for (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).Seq
lizmat m: .say for (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).Seq
camelia 1
lizmat m: Q|.say for 1...5...3|.AST.EVAL 11:42
camelia 1
lizmat looks like it does do the right thing in RakuAST
habere-et-disper: could you still make an issue for it ? 11:43
habere-et-disper Sure, this evening. Thanks for confirming. 11:44
lizmat you're welcome and thanks in advance!
habere-et-disper: BTW, .put, .print, .note suffer from the same issue 11:50
11:51 habere-et-disper left
lizmat so I wonder if it's really about .say at all 11:52
and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 12:27
tbrowder__ .ask aruniecrisps are you interested in producing calendars in your many-languages projects? 13:47
aruniecrisps Are there any resources on writing slangs? 14:32
antononcube Good guestion. I think (as far as I can recall) slangs are not part of the language. I would advice looking up packages for simple slangs, like, say Roman numbers. 14:38
I think I tried to find a package somebody wrote about LISP. Also, many of those packages are fairly old.
librasteve hmmm - some of the packages use the "old fashioned" way ... need to check that you are using the new AST based approach
also lizmat did a set of AST posts oin Nov 2023 ish iirc 14:39
I'm pretty sure that this one uses the latest approach ... 14:40
(pardon my french) 14:41 14:45
^^ this
antononcube @librasteve Good point/links, but I personally am not inclined to use language features that are not officially released.
I understand and admire the long/tedious/hard work on RakuAST, but until it gets "main-stream" I am not inclined to use it. 14:46
Again, that is a personal view. Mostly, because I try and look for "production level" and "reproducible research" applications of Raku. 14:47
librasteve okaaay - I could be mixing up the latest language facilities for slang and the wider AST project, looking at the code in the libs I referenced, I do not see any dependency on PREVIEW pragma 14:50
lizmat: please do chime in and let us know the facts! 14:51
lizmat aruniecrisps for activating slangs, I would recommend using 15:47
.oO( we of Toilet Duck recommend Toilet Duck :-)
as to examples: I would recommend looking at the code of Slang::Tuxic / ::Subscripts / ::Roman / ::Piersing / ::Otherwise / ::Emoji 15:50
(which all use Slangify)
librasteve lizmat: please can you tell us if this approach (use Slangify) depends on non production raku. 16:25
lizmat it's all Raku code in there, nothing fancy, if that is what you mean? 16:28
not sure what you mean with "non production raku"
antononcube @lizmat I think @librasteve is asking is the Raku "standard", not depending on: (1) compiler only features, (2) preview or experimental features. 16:30
lizmat the slang interface will be different in RakuAST, and the Grammar as well 16:31
so I wanted to create a consistent interface for activating slangs that would make a. consistent, b. not relying on internals, c. making transition to RakuAST / Raku grammar easier 16:32
that is Slangify 16:33
maybe Slangify should be core...
it does not depend on any e.PREVIEW features 16:35
antononcube @lizmat Thanks! 16:45
aruniecrisps Thanks for all your help @lizmat! I've bookmarked everything you've sent 16:59
lizmat you're welcome!
aruniecrisps I'm also looking for a Raku equivalent of a job scheduler like Sidekiq ( or Oban (, any tips? 17:01
lizmat perhaps ? 17:03
aruniecrisps Not exactly, I was looking for something that would run background tasks in response to requests 17:05
lizmat perhaps Cro?
aruniecrisps I'm using Cro already for the app, does it have a job scheduler baked in? 17:08
Like for example how would I fire off an email as a background job and return some data? 17:09
lizmat aha:
m: my $p = start { sleep 1; say "slept nicely" }; say "waiting"; $p.await; say "waited" 17:10
camelia waiting
No such method 'await' for invocant of type 'Promise'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: my $p = start { sleep 1; say "slept nicely" }; say "waiting"; await $p; say "waited"
camelia waiting
slept nicely
aruniecrisps Interesting so you would use the language itself to solve that problem 17:11
antononcube I guess, when the student is ready, the programming language appears... 17:16
lizmat yeah, async / events are built into the Raku core 17:17
antononcube I think, that is the most unstudied by functionality area of Raku. 17:34
*... unstdudied by me... 17:35
17:35 dakkar left
It is in my TODO list to review those functionalities and think / consider how to utilize them in the LLM packages. 17:36
librasteve lizmat: thanks for explanation on Slangify 18:00
(I assumed that the new Slang approach was tied to the experimental AST based on the various blog info I have read - see comments above - and anton rightly raised that as a possible concern ... so now you have explanied the role of the Slangify module to remove this dependency and allow for a smooth transition all is clear) 18:07
18:52 hudo_ joined
scullucs Can I get the Test module to output backtrace info when a test fails? 19:26
(if that makes any sense) 19:39
librasteve I would try eg zef test . --verbose (or --debug) 19:42
scullucs Hmm... I'm not using zef for testing. 19:43
(will look at how zef does it) 19:44
librasteve I also use App::Prove6 but that does not seem to have as good debug option
gfldex Unless you use throws-like you can put your own CATCH block into the test file and display the whole stacktrace. 20:12
scullucs Heh. Turns out I need this because a throws-like test is failing 🙂 20:14
But I'll keep your idea in mind.
gfldex You could .wrap &throws-like. 20:16
scullucs Getting a bit complicated for my skill level :/ 20:17
gfldex m: use Test; &throws-like.wrap(-> $code, |rest { callwith({ $code(); CATCH { default { say .backtrace.full; .rethrow } } }, |rest); }); throws-like { die }, X::AdHoc, 'something bad happend'; 20:26
Raku eval # Subtest: something bad happend 1..2 in method throw at SETTING::src/core.c/Exception.pm6 line 62 in sub die at SETTING::src/core.c/control.pm6 line 247 in block at main.raku line 10 in block at main.raku line 5 in block at /nix/store/paigpapymi5rpv51zjnpv7xlgcym4752-rakudo-2022.02/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 635 in block at
/nix/store/paigpapymi5rpv51zjnpv7xlgcym4752-rakudo-2022.02/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 633 in block at /nix/store/paigpapymi5rpv51zjnpv7xlgcym4752-rakudo-2022.02/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 437 in sub subtest at
/nix/store/paigpapymi5rpv51zjnpv7xlgcym4752-rakudo-2022.02/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 435 in sub throws-like at /nix/store/paigpapymi5rpv51zjnpv7xlgcym4752-rakudo-2022.02/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 630 in sub callwith at SETTING::src/core.c/control.pm6 line 133 in block at main.raku line 4 in block <unit> at
main.raku line 10 ok 1 - code dies ok 2 - right exception type (X::AdHoc) ok 1 - something bad happend
gfldex @scullucs ^^^ there you go!
20:27 hudo_ left
scullucs Wow, cool, thanks a bunch! 20:27
aruniecrisps can you use java libraries with raku when compiling to the JVM? 20:39
antononcube No. 20:43
I do not think the Raku-JVM is actively worked on. (Few years ago, I spent way too much time trying to figure out how Java to be used with Raku and vice versa...) 20:44