This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:17 MasterDuke joined 01:31 MasterDuke left 01:52 tea3po left 02:58 whaaat joined
whaaat hello 02:58
03:04 whaaat left 04:10 teatime joined 06:39 habere-et-disper joined 08:33 habere-et-disper left 09:15 habere-et-disper joined 09:17 lizmat_ joined
rcmlz I was curious. There was, some 8 years ago, a rakudo-star package in Debian. It was stopped because „is not easy to manage and may discourage people to join rakudo team“. Given tools like Github Actions might change this view. 09:45
habere-et-disper nix package is somewhat stale too at six months old 09:53 09:54
dr.shuppet I don't understand how that would discourage people to join the Rakudo team. That being said, it is better practice to package parts of a toolchain separately - if there is e.g. an issue with the nqp package, it can be reported against nqp specifically, the history can be viewed per package etc. It's a bit more time-consuming to manage, but with automation, that is negligible 09:55
Anyway, I don't think this is the right channel for this topic, we are making noise for people that want to ask about the Raku language 🙂 I suggest moving into #general (don't see a better channel for the topic of packaging, maybe #ecosystem but not really) 09:58
Oh that one is not bridged with IRC 09:59
MoarVM is one month ahead (2023.09 vs 2023.08) for some reason. Don't know what the contribution process to Nix is, I guess we should just send a patch, it should be enough to only move the versions of rakudo + nqp + moarvm forward to 2024.03, like here: 10:02
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habere-et-disper A raku t-shirt should probably not look like this ... 11:10
m: say [R<] [Xx] [Zxx] [...] Any after Inf before Empty given Nil andthen BEGIN CHECK END ENTER FIRST INIT KEEP LAST LEAVE NEXT UNDO supply await done emit react signal abs sign all any none one array if bag hash list mix set Broken ge Kept gt Planned le Promise lt cache sink categorize classify grep ceiling floor chars chrs ord ords chomp chop trim trim-leading trim-trailing
close open comb join combinations permutations copy dir move rename cos sec sin tan cross zip dd HOW VAR WHAT WHERE WHICH WHO die fail try do exit for last next once proceed redo return start succeed unless duckmap map nodemap e div i mod eager lazy elems sum end first exp log log10 parse-base sqrt False and True or fc lc samecase tc tclc uc wordcase flat slip
flip reverse gather take get prompt gist note print printf put quietly say sprintf warn head skip tail hyper race index indices rindex splice split substr unimatch uniparse unival val keys values kv pair Less eq More ne Same orelse lines words link unlink max min minmax lsb msb rand but not so now with time without pi gcd tau lcm pick roll sort pop push shift
unshift produce reduce repeated squish unique rotate roundrobin round truncate run shell slurp spurt Whatever
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling trim-trailing() will never work with signature of the proto ($, *%)
at <tmp>:1
------> rd ords chomp chop trim trim-leading ⏏trim-trailing
habere-et-disper Someone with more IRC-fu than me can put that all together -- for it does parse ! 11:14
nahita3882 wow 11:40
m: say [R<] [Xx] [Zxx] [...] Any after Inf before Empty given Nil andthen BEGIN CHECK END ENTER FIRST INIT KEEP LAST LEAVE NEXT UNDO supply await done emit react signal abs sign all any none one array if bag hash list mix set Broken ge Kept gt Planned le Promise lt cache sink categorize classify grep ceiling floor chars chrs ord ords chomp chop trim trim-leading trim-trailing close open comb join
combinations permutations copy dir move rename cos sec sin tan cross zip dd HOW VAR WHAT WHERE WHICH WHO die fail try do exit for last next once proceed redo return start succeed unless duckmap map nodemap e div i mod eager lazy elems sum end first exp log log10 parse-base sqrt False and True or fc lc samecase tc tclc uc wordcase flat slip flip reverse gather take get prompt gist note print printf put quietly say
sprintf warn head skip tail hyper race index indices rindex splice split substr unimatch uniparse unival val keys values kv pair Less eq More ne Same orelse lines words link unlink max min minmax lsb msb rand but not so now with time without pi gcd tau lcm pick roll sort pop push shift unshift produce reduce repeated squish unique rotate roundrobin round truncate run shell slurp spurt Whatever
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Undeclared names: WHERE used at line 1 WHICH used at line 1 WHO used at line 1 Undeclared routines: head used at line 1 skip used at line 1. Did you mean 'slip', 'next'? tail used at line 1. Did you mean 'fail'?
nahita3882 (it failed only because the Discord runner has an old version where the sub forms of the mentioned stuff aren't available yet) 11:41
that's amazing, how did you come up with it 11:42
habere-et-disper Learning by association... take the translations L10N file and put together what concepts/routines appear related and then follow the inspiration of the perl t-shirt. 11:49
nahita3882 very very cool stuff thanks for sharing 11:56
habere-et-disper A new association was cache and sink. To hold onto something or to let it go -- a relatable somatic metaphor. 12:05
dr.shuppet m:say $*PERL.compiler 12:23
Raku eval rakudo (2022.02)
12:27 hudo left, hudo joined 12:41 lizmat_ joined, lizmat__ left
ab5tract :O 12:44
not sure of the who/what/where for that discord eval'er
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whaaat hello 14:40
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habere-et-disper hi @whaat 15:10
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bobby_jim_birdrock How do I match directly into variables? I asked ChatGPT and the answer seemed incorrect (it didn't work). I'd like to do this: my $hex = "0810"; # for example my ($col, $row) = $hex ~~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)/; But instead I seem to have to do something like this: my ($col, $row) = (~$0, ~$1) if $hex ~~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)/; I think I'm missing something so I thought I'd ask: am I missing something? 16:09
16:09 vlad left
antononcube What exactly did you ask? Which model? 16:20
bobby_jim_birdrock Ah I guess a match object is returned. So if I did this: my $match = $hex ~~ /(\d\d)(\d\d); Then ~$match[0] and ~$match[1] have the matched values. 16:30
rcmlz you could use named captures 16:39
nahita3882 another option is my ($col, $row) = ($hex ~~ /.../).list>>.Int to get a list of 2 Matches and ask them to be Integers 16:59
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