This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:01 jgaz joined 01:15 jgaz left 02:22 habere-et-disper left 03:01 discord-raku-bot left, discord-raku-bot joined, jgaz joined 03:02 jgaz left 04:09 rf left 08:03 frost joined 08:05 frost left 08:46 habere-et-disper joined
gfldex habere-et-disper: the logic of .later is implemented here: 09:03
09:05 dakkar joined
habere-et-disper Thanks gfldex ! :D 09:06
When specifying a signature constraint with *where*, it seems that the constraint is restricted to being stated positively. With *if* we have *unless*. Is there an equivalent for *where* such as *whereas* ? 09:12
gfldex no 09:13
habere-et-disper Okay, thanks !
09:54 habere-et-disper left 11:10 SmokeMac` joined, ab5tract joined 11:13 SmokeMac` is now known as SmokeMachine_erc 11:19 SmokeMac` joined 11:23 SmokeMac` is now known as SmokeMachineERC 11:29 SmokeMachineERC left, SmokeMachine_erc left 11:30 SmokeMachineERB joined, SmokeMachineERB left 11:31 SmokeMachineERC joined 12:51 ab5tract left 13:24 rf joined 13:25 theesm joined 13:39 habere-et-disper joined 13:49 QhpAptyj9hj0RQwM joined 13:50 QhpAptyj9hj0RQwM left 13:53 habere-et-disper left 13:54 jgaz joined 14:05 SmokeMachineERC left 14:15 rf left 14:19 rf joined 14:48 habere-et-disper joined 15:15 ab5tract joined 15:37 ab5tract left 15:54 habere-et-disper left
shmup testing a thing 16:26
last thing! 16:32
17:30 dakkar left