This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:19 deoac joined
deoac m: 'Hello' sprintf('%s, ', *) ) 01:27
camelia Cannot map a Seq using '"*, "'
Did a * (Whatever) get absorbed by a list?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
deoac That smiley is the '*'  Whatever symbol. 01:28
What is the problem here? I don't understand the error message. 01:29
m: 'Hello' {sprintf('%s, ', $_)} ) 01:30
camelia ( no output )
deoac 'Hello' {sprintf('%s, ', $_)} ).say
m: 'Hello' {sprintf('%s, ', $_)} )
camelia ( no output )
deoac m: 'Hello' {sprintf('%s, ', $_)} ).say
camelia (H, e, l, l, o, )
deoac works fine with $_
02:15 teatwo joined 02:19 teatime left 04:55 deoac left 06:07 Heptite left
Nemokosch * is NOT the identity function 06:50
m: sprintf('%s, ', *).say 06:51
Raku eval *,
Nemokosch this is also not a function at all, just a mere string 06:52
08:37 lizmat left, lizmat joined 10:49 frost joined 14:14 teatwo left 14:15 teatwo joined 14:29 Heptite joined 15:05 p6steve left 15:12 p6steve joined 16:08 habere-et-disper joined 17:07 Ebudae joined, lizmat_ joined 17:14 habere-et-disper left, Heptite left, lizmat left 17:38 habere-et-disper joined 18:18 deoac joined 18:52 lizmat_ left 21:48 n1to__ left