This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:20 Manifest0 left 03:05 mcmillhj left 03:09 sjn left 03:19 sjn joined 04:19 Summer joined 05:49 Summer left 06:17 Summer joined 06:39 teatime left 06:41 teatime joined 08:12 Summer left 08:55 Manifest0 joined 08:58 Summer joined 09:08 dakkar joined
librasteve m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := 1..3; say (@a eqv @b); 12:46
Raku eval False
librasteve m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := 1..3; say (@a.list eqv @b.list); 12:47
Raku eval False
lizmat m: my @b := 1..3; dd @b
camelia 1..3
librasteve m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := 1..3; say (@a.flat eqv @b.flat);
Raku eval True
lizmat m: my @b := 1..3; dd @b.^name
camelia "Range"
lizmat librasteve in your examples, @b is *not* an Array, but a Range 12:48
m: my @b := 1..3; dd @b.list
camelia (1, 2, 3)
librasteve yeah - I was using a Range as a shorthand for any lazy generator ...
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3; dd @a.^name
camelia "Array"
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3; dd @a.list.^name 12:49
camelia "Array"
lizmat .list on Arrays returns the invocant
m: my @a = 1,2,3; dd @a.List.^name
camelia "List"
lizmat if you really want a List, you need to coerce to List
m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := 1..3; say (@a.List eqv @b.List);
camelia True
librasteve m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := 1..3; say (@a eq @b); 12:50
Raku eval True
librasteve oh - so eqv does a match on type also
lizmat that's just comparing stringification of @a and @b
yes, otherwise it's not equivalent
librasteve xx.List is it then 12:52
lizmat if you're working with large arrays, then you can use @a.List(:view) 12:58
by which you're saying that you won't change the array for the lifetime of the List 12:59
16:00 swaggboi left 16:13 swaggboi joined 17:29 dakkar left 18:30 mcmillhj joined
mcmillhj Can a `sub` that is a class attribute be scoped under that class? i.e. with access to `self` 18:31
for example, ` => 0, y => -1, bound => sub { self.y > 0  })` 18:32
nemokosch I think it should be declared as a method for starters 18:33
mcmillhj yep, that makes a lot of sense. Still not used to methods existing tbf 18:39
19:28 Summer left, Summer joined 19:59 Summer left, Summer joined 20:29 Summer left 20:30 Summer joined 21:00 Summer left, Summer joined 21:31 Summer left, Summer joined 21:57 mcmillhj left 22:01 Summer left 22:02 Summer joined 22:32 Summer left, Summer joined 23:03 Summer left, Summer joined 23:33 Summer left 23:34 Summer joined 23:57 mcmillhj joined
mcmillhj sorry for the deluge of questions over the past few days. I have another one though :) 23:57
I have a class called Point that is stored in an Array and then sorted. `my Point @points = [...];`. I know that sort returns a Seq but it looks like all the type information gets erased. Is there someway to get a Seq[Point] from `.sort`? 23:59