This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
02:09 teatime left 02:10 teatime joined
aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine how did you call cro using raku -Ilib? 02:53
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i saw this article: 15:38
it would be really nice if you could just have a construct in raku that allows you to pass a pointy block to match on the arguments so you could get straight pattern matching 15:39
lizmat aruniecrisps not sure I follow, could you elaborate ? 16:00
aruniecrisps so right now we have when statements that are used in given , which largely amount to a call to .ACCEPTS being in the when's condition block, but I was hoping to take advantage of raku's pattern matching capabilities that it has for signatures within the given block itself 16:05
macro matches($f) { when {{{$f}}}.signature { say {{{$f}}}.signature; {{{$f}}}($_) } } class Point { has Int $.x; has Int $.y } my $u =, :y(3)); my &f = -> Int :$x, Int :$y { say $x; }; say $u ~~ &f.signature; given $u { matches -> Int :$x, Int :$y { say $x; } } 16:06
so i've been playing around with this
Nahita probably misunderstood but there is this maybe it helps 16:33
aruniecrisps you could do that @Nahita , it's just in my mind it makes more sense to have it look like this: given $u { matches -> Point(Int :$x, Int :$y) { } matches -> Circle(Int :$radius) { } matches -> Square(Int :$width, Int :$height) { } default { } } 16:36
obviously matches can be replaced with resembles or whatever word the community feels is best
it looks like a logical extension of already existing syntax, for, with ,and if can use pointy blocks, but when can't 16:39
SmokeMachine recently I was playing with something like this: 16:59
m: sub match(&func) { $_ = CALLERS::<$_>; when &func.signature { func |$_ } }; for [(42, "bla"), (13), ("ble")] { match -> Int $num, Str $str { say $num; say $str }; match -> Int $i { say $i; True }; match -> |c { say c } }
camelia 42
\(42, "bla")
aruniecrisps this is what i've been trying 17:02
for some reason destructuring classes is so hard with this @SmokeMachine 17:05
SmokeMachine the if you just want to descruct it, would something like this be enough? 17:09
m: class Point { has $.x; has $.y }; my :(Point (:$x, :$y)) := \( :1x, :2y); say $x; say $y
camelia 1
aruniecrisps you could, but i wanted to see whether that would work in a match statement 17:29
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