lizmat afk for quite a few hours& 07:20
08:40 finanalyst joined 08:46 sena_kun joined 08:58 sena_kun left
[Tux] Rakudo v2024.04-97-gf52188348 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.04-4-gc1eedd502
csv-ip5xs0.256 - 0.263
csv-ip5xs-201.128 - 1.166
csv-parser1.568 - 1.593
csv-test-xs-200.141 - 0.141
test1.949 - 1.949
test-t0.424 - 0.433
test-t --race0.277 - 0.282
test-t-205.145 - 5.204
test-t-20 --race1.236 - 1.240
09:12 /
nine I am somewhat surprised that you are considering something as drastic as changing name lookup of lexical vs global but not just adding lexical aliases for these enum values like we do for all other our scoped things. 10:25
ab5tract Fair point 12:17
It did seem to me that the enum behavior was the anomaly here 12:19
Just a guess, but maybe the current behavior is due to the fact that enigma create quite a few more “types” per declaration than regular types do? 12:22
s/enigma/enums/ 12:39
13:58 finanalyst left 14:59 finanalyst joined 15:10 kawaii left 16:11 finanalyst left 17:30 sena_kun joined, Xliff left 22:10 sena_kun left