20 May 2024
camelia 0 23:23
ab5tract yeah, I'll stick with nqp::istype :) 23:24
even if the above did work, it pre-supposes that you already have a string because you would have to call unbox_s on it 23:25
21 May 2024
nine: you mentioned earlier that we should be adding "fixed in RakuAST" tests. I definitely agree, but it's totally unclear how to actually do that 00:23
afaict there's no solid way (outside of errata) to add version or (even more usefully) release specific tests 00:24
FWIW, I would be adding way more test cases if the above were possible 00:47
nine ab5tract: sounds like it'd just require beefing up the fudger a bit 07:01
lizmat wouldn't just marking them as "todo "fixed in RakuAST'" be sufficient ? 07:32
nine Passing todos count as failures in the harness 07:33
lizmat I thought only unexpectedly passing todos were reported ? 07:34
Geth ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Inconsistent interface among .substr/.substr-eq/.substr-rw github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1720 08:15
[Tux] Rakudo v2024.04-106-gcf87ccf95 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.04-7-gfe2080ac3
csv-ip5xs0.262 - 0.269
csv-ip5xs-201.146 - 1.165
csv-parser1.416 - 1.525
csv-test-xs-200.142 - 0.142
test1.962 - 2.023
test-t0.432 - 0.433
test-t --race0.278 - 0.281
test-t-205.275 - 5.304
test-t-20 --race1.252 - 1.327
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4-20.html / tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed.log
Geth rakudo/r1705: 88628f59eb | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/metaops.rakumod
ab5tract oops, didn't save the amended commit message 10:36
Geth rakudo/r1705: f0aa962a79 | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/metaops.rakumod
Give META_REDUCE_RIGHT behavior for 1-arg case

This aligns the behavior of `META_REDUCE_RIGHT` to that of
  `META_REDUCE_LEFT` when handling 1-arg cases:
   > sub infix:<@> ($a, $b) is assoc<left> { [$a, $b] }
   > say [@] 10
... (7 more lines)
lizmat ab5tract: op.count can be Inf
ab5tract ah, so that would blow up the iseq_i check 10:38
Geth rakudo/r1705: 9459057eb5 | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/metaops.rakumod
Give META_REDUCE_RIGHT behavior for 1-arg case

This aligns the behavior of `META_REDUCE_RIGHT` to that of
  `META_REDUCE_LEFT` when handling 1-arg cases:
   > sub infix:<@> ($a, $b) is assoc<left> { [$a, $b] }
   > say [@] 10
... (7 more lines)
ab5tract note that I'm not 100% convinced that this is the right direction for a fix: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/17...2122279730
also not quite sure how an infix with infinite arguments is supposed to be called, grammatically speaking, but then again an infix with 1 or 0 args doesn't make much sense to me either (I'm running slow today) 10:43
am I missing something or is the Inf case not handled at all in the base code either? 10:51
lizmat could very well be... it's just that I recently worked with .count in ParaSeq and got bitten by Inf :-)
ab5tract ah, gotcha :)