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nine '/home/nine/rakudo/install/bin/nqp-m' --module-path=blib --ll-exception --target=mbc --output=blib/Perl6/World.moarvm gen/moar/World.nqp 08:00
Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/stage2/NQPHLL.nqp' (from 'gen/moar/Pod.nqp')
08:00 Kaiepi left
nine So...the build is broken again? 08:00
08:07 jmerelo joined
jmerelo Distribution in age groups of responders of the Raku survey through the years github.com/Raku/survey/blob/master...-years.png 08:08
Biggest difference seems to be in the 18 thru 40 age group, which has lost ~20% In fact, that pretty much explains the difference in total number of answers 08:10
08:17 domidumont joined
jmerelo And prior use of Perl github.com/Raku/survey/blob/master...-years.png Those tho have used Perl have decreased more than those who haven't, but it's still the bigger majority 08:20
sena_kun nine, I wonder if nqp wants the same treatment as github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a5...eff7810242 08:21
08:24 domidumont left
nine m: package Foo { package Our::Bar {}; package Their { package Baz {} } }; say Foo::Our.^name; say Foo::Their.^name 08:57
camelia Our
nine I dare say this difference in names (one without and one with the containing package as a prefix) is a bug. And one that causes some of the remaining issues with in-process precompilation
lizmat Files=1336, Tests=113586, 241 wallclock secs (30.78 usr 9.36 sys + 3328.17 cusr 319.26 csys = 3687.57 CPU) 09:55
nine Well the fix looks simple and passes tests and spectests 10:06
Geth rakudo/fix_name_of_stub_packages_in_multi_part_declarations: dae8383a20 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp
Fix stub packages in multi part declarations only knowing part of their name

In package Foo { package Bar::Baz { } } the created stub package for Bar had only "Bar" as longname instead of the expected "Foo::Bar" like you'd get if the Bar package was created explicitly. Fix by using the target package's name as starting point when assembling the longname.
rakudo: niner++ created pull request #3926:
Fix stub packages in multi part declarations only knowing part of theā€¦
10:12 jmerelo left 11:02 Altai-man joined 11:05 sena_kun left
Geth rakudo/rakuast: 301f2d1890 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Raku/ast/expressions.rakumod
Remove unnecessary whitespace
rakudo/rakuast: fed18ca0a5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/var.t
Test deparsing most of variable declarations
nine Simple...but not actually entirely correct 11:44
lizmat ?
nine package GLOBAL::Foo { } should still be called Foo 11:45
Geth rakudo/fix_name_of_stub_packages_in_multi_part_declarations: 51db5341a7 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp
Fix stub packages in multi part declarations only knowing part of their name

In package Foo { package Bar::Baz { } } the created stub package for Bar had only "Bar" as longname instead of the expected "Foo::Bar" like you'd get if the Bar package was created explicitly. Fix by using the target package's name as starting point when assembling the longname.
nine This works better
lizmat good catch! 11:49
[Tux] This one is still from yesterday: 13:22
Rakudo version 2020.08.2-79-gb857aee9d - MoarVM version 2020.08-93-g1fdfdf59c
csv-ip5xs0.992 - 1.016
csv-ip5xs-209.892 - 10.580
csv-parser26.387 - 28.251
csv-test-xs-200.386 - 0.401
test7.919 - 8.567
test-t1.908 - 2.001
test-t --race0.848 - 0.874
test-t-2033.216 - 33.934
test-t-20 --race9.271 - 10.099
Rakudo version 2020.08.2-81-g8e6f7f0d2 - MoarVM version 2020.08-93-g1fdfdf59c 13:36
timotimo so how exactly does relocatable rakudo work? 13:55
right now i get "NQP_HOME is invalid"
hum. 13:57
setting rakudo and nqp home env vars is fine and all, but now it's trying to invoke a rakudo from a wrong path to do precomp or something?
ok, i got further this time, cool. 14:00
nine Down to 3 spectest and 2 test files failing with in-process precomp 14:59
MasterDuke is it noticeably faster?? 15:01
15:03 sena_kun joined
nine Core module installation in 8.1s vs. 11s on master 15:04
15:05 Altai-man left
MasterDuke nice. and it's profileable now, right? 15:06
nine think so 15:09
MasterDuke cool beans 15:10
timotimo yo MasterDuke you wanna test a random thing i made? 15:20
MasterDuke i probably can 15:21
nine Type parameterization is still an issue when multiple files are precompiled by the same process. A parameterization of a setting type (like Hash[Any:D,List:D]) created during one precompilation is also found when a later compilation needs that type. But it will already have been added to a different SC 15:24
timotimo so we need many parameterization caches 15:27
one for anything used in the compiler
and one for each compilee?
nine There's another factor: the cache is not just for performance. It's also there so that we do get the same type object for a parameterization, otherwise those types wouldn't match 15:29
timotimo yeah
nine I wonder though why it won't just be recorded as a dependency and instead I get STable Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW+\{<anon>}+\{<anon>} does not exist in serialization context
timotimo nine, got a minute to run a binary for me? 15:30
nine sure
timotimo u.setxkbmap.de/#xHBkV2CqBsD2rJHzZEgDDA
nine ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/.mount_MoarPe5H1oFu/usr/rakuapp/service.p6 15:32
Failed to spawn process /usr/rakudo/bin/rakudo: no such file or directory (error code -2)
timotimo now why would it go ahead and do that 15:34
i fixed that by removing -I . from the commandline 15:35
nine To distract me from noticing your evil rootkit taking over my machine?
timotimo i wonder if it just found it in my global system instead
it's a rakuutkit
what does RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG look like? 15:36
nine gist.github.com/niner/48dfe68f3b9d...f844aae6f0
timotimo u.setxkbmap.de/#6-i34xea2w82N20l2ha5LQ 15:38
1 RMD: Precompiling /tmp/.mount_MoarPe5QqXwT/usr/bin/../rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/6D2B9EAD4DC4FCDFF835D33B0CA4F37530A7DDCE into /home/nine/.raku/precomp/2B6602E5A8534CC907DE2D4F2BA95B45CA492917/6D/6D2B9EAD4DC4FCDFF835D33B0CA4F37530A7DDCE.bc ( ) 15:39
well that isn't good
it should(. do that, right?
it doesn't seem to load from my home directory on my machine 15:40
nine Probably because you don't have a conflicting cro version installed into your home repo 15:41
timotimo got a suggestion how i should proceed? 15:42
if you want, you can put --appimage-extract as argument and it'll unpack a folder called "squash-fs-root" or so, and you can ./squashfs-root/AppRun to run the thing
it'll go blah-root/usr/bin/moarperf-launcher-script or whatever i called it 15:43
nine if the goal is to provide AppImages of rakudo based apps, you got to get rid of that home repo in the repo chain 15:44
timotimo right, is there a way to do that without patching the rakudo i build?
though i can of course do that
nine I don't think there is one yet
timotimo oh, what does RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH do? 15:47
nine That's used to pass on the current repo chain to precomp processes 15:48
It's part of what I'm trying to get rid of :D
timotimo ah
looks like my patch successfully tosses out home dir precmomp 16:03
MasterDuke isn't that a pokemon? 16:04
16:07 MasterDuke left
timotimo nine: github.com/timo/moarperf/releases/...4.AppImage - if you would like to give it another try 16:16
16:18 MasterDuke joined
nine up and running :) 16:23
timotimo damn 16:24
that's pretty cool
i'm glad i spent the last three days agonizingly slowly inching towards this 16:25
now it has to be made plug-and-play for arbitrary raku modules / apps 16:26
and, well, rakudo itself without any special added stuff i guess :) 16:27
MasterDuke cool
timotimo github.com/timo/moarperf/releases/...4.AppImage - did you grab the link from backlog, MasterDuke?
MasterDuke i hadn't yet, thanks 16:28
nice, now i can run moarperf even when i've currently broken my rakudo (like right now, when my moarvm is on my MVMSpeshCandidate_as_REPR branch) 16:31
timotimo heck yeah
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Geth rakudo/rakuast: e0ced0d21b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Fixup Signature and Parameter deparsing

Plus some tweaks in other places
rakudo/rakuast: 0cd07cf00f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/signature.t
Adapted tests for Signature/Parameter deparsing

Got stuck on handling slurpy, will revisit tomorrow
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lizmat afk& 19:58
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