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timotimo so my thinking about lembark's code is that we need to teach Proc::Async's pipes to permit the process to emit the "right" amount so we hover around a reasonable pipe buffer size, like maybe 128 megabytes? it should be big enough that in many cases you wouldn't even hit the permit limit, but if you've got a program that spits out multiple gigabytes, then it'll pause before that point is reached 03:29
so the pipe would have to issue permits when the buffer gets drained so that the process can continue writing and set the permits back to 0 when the buffer is full, maybe 03:30
and it'd be cool to have manual control over the permit process, too, but i'm not sure what the api should look like, what it should be called, etc.
if i see correctly, the IO::Pipe uses a Channel coercer on the stdout/stderr/merged supply, which is usually a way to prevent backpressure from affecting a supply's source 03:31
this might be food for a problem-solving issue 03:34
m: my Channel $c .= new; say $c.elems; $c.send($_) for ^100; say $c.elems
camelia Cannot determine number of elements on a Channel
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo i *think* you can nqp::elems a ConcBlockingQueue (but not .elems, because it's unreliable and prone to races and should never be used by users who don't know exactly which foot they're holding the gun to) 03:35
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lizmat Files=1307, Tests=113021, 216 wallclock secs (29.46 usr 8.63 sys + 3025.89 cusr 287.78 csys = 3351.76 CPU) 09:15
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MasterDuke timotimo: there is an elems() in src/6model/reprs/ConcBlockingQueue.c 09:55
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sena_kun Blin shows `1481 out of 1484 modules processed (left: Font::FreeType PDF::Font::Loader PDF::ISO_32000)` for some hours now, I wonder if it hung... 13:04
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AlexDaniel sena_kun: I think these three are just slow 13:16
also, it's possible that blin is bisecting them…
which is slow times 11
sena_kun Let's wait until tomorrow and see. 13:17
AlexDaniel x)
I was about to suggest to kill the individual processes, but then they'd be started again if it's bisecting them… 13:18
timotimo: you seem to like nice tools. Let me tell you about alacritty :) 13:27
timotimo: fast gpu-based terminal, no unneeded features, seems to work natively on wayland, supports bitmap fonts 13:28
I'm switching from urxvt :)
now I need a file manager that works on wayland. Suggestions? 13:31
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: you're using wayland on debian? how's the support? 13:32
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: yeah, well…
MasterDuke: so transition from i3 to sway is kinda easy, it can read the same config file
so out of the box it kinda works. You do need to add something extra for keyboard layouts and stuff, but it's relatively easy 13:33
now, all apps work just find through xwayland
but what's the point of using wayland if you're not running apps natively on wayland, right? :)
so, firefox needs an ENV variable to be set in order to work natively on wayland 13:34
and let me tell you, it's very noticeable!
something about the scrolling just feels so nice
MasterDuke ah, so noticeable in a good way?
AlexDaniel yes
MasterDuke i've thought about giving wayland a try 13:35
AlexDaniel it depends on the window manager that you use
MasterDuke but i have an nvidia gpu, and i think the support isn't quite as good
AlexDaniel for i3 → sway transition it's extremely easy 13:36
MasterDuke i use kde
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: are you using proprietary or open-source drivers?
MasterDuke proprietary
AlexDaniel well… yeah…
MasterDuke: this rant is kinda relevant to understand the situation with nvidia: drewdevault.com/2017/10/26/Fuck-you-nvidia.html 13:37
MasterDuke yeah, that's one reason i've been hesitant. but i believe the situation has improved a bit since then
AlexDaniel in what way? 13:38
MasterDuke i also need to upgrade my video card, so am considering amd
AlexDaniel all wm devs bent over and added separate code paths for nvidia's proprietary stuff? Maybe…
if so then indeed it should be unnoticable to users
MasterDuke i think a little of that and a little of nvidia supporting some more of the other standards 13:39
AlexDaniel so, to summarize, I just had to install xwayland to make sure most programs keep working, then configure the keyboard layout stuff separately for sway, then switch to alacritty because urxvt doesn't run natively on wayland and alacritty should, add an env variable for firefox (btw chromium has no such thing I think, so firefox ftw)… 13:41
that's about it, it's not too much
two issues I still have: nm-applet doesn't work (it just doesn't, that's it, no solution for now), spacefm segfaults
so I have no file manager and no gui for the network manager… 13:42
and everything else is working absolutely fine
timotimo just use iwd instead of NetworkManager ;)
AlexDaniel timotimo: use what? 13:43
timotimo iwd
just kidding
i only just heard of iwd's existence :D
AlexDaniel thing is, network manager itself is working just fine, you can still control it with nmtui and stuff like that 13:44
timotimo right
AlexDaniel it's the tray applet that doesn't
timotimo and nmcli :)
AlexDaniel and I can live with that, I think… but file manager?
timotimo media.ccc.de/v/ASG2019-127-gnu-pok...inary-data - possibly quite interesting to look at for the design of binary rules in raku 13:46
AlexDaniel that logo tho x) 13:49
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timotimo kaitai.io/ - did we know about this yet? 13:57
AlexDaniel timotimo: I don't really know what you want to achieve with binary parsing in Raku. Even basic text parsing is slow as hell, why would it be useful to do anything with stuff that requires binary parsing? 13:59
timotimo text parsing won't stay slow forever 14:00
AlexDaniel why?
timotimo because we have smart people!
AlexDaniel we've had smart people for 20 years
timotimo there's a complex web of requirements to make stuff possible 14:01
AlexDaniel and they didn't come up with a way to parse text without polluting everything with match objects
even though you don't even need match objects in the majority of the cases, you just need the text itself that matched 14:02
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nine Our text parsing certainly isn't fast. But it's fast enough for many use cases. Same could be true for handling binary data 14:03
AlexDaniel the key to performance is to not do stuff at all. Instead we do everything that anyone may possibly want, and then expect the compiler to figure out that nothing needs to be done 14:04
timotimo true, on the other hand we're currently doing barely any smarts at the level where we still have the QRegex QAST datastructure
14:04 sena_kun left
AlexDaniel what kind of smarts do you expect to be implemented to stop creating objects when we don't need them? 14:05
jnthn EA. 14:06
AlexDaniel nine: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...07-07#l539
timotimo we already only guarantee that {} makes a $/ usable, there's probably more spots we can use that let us signal "no need to do anything yet"
AlexDaniel timotimo: {} makes a $/ usable? What does that mean? 14:07
timotimo and yeah, when we have match objects just for storing positions and such inside a part of the generated code, EA can make no match object exist at all yet
i'm not speaking coherently 14:08
m: say "ahaha" ~~ / (a) .* $0 / 14:09
camelia 「ahaha」
0 => 「a」
timotimo i'm possibly misremembering
AlexDaniel I don't think escape analysis will ever undo the generation of all the bloat during regex matching 14:10
you are free to believe though
timotimo the generation of that bloat is actually exactly what EA would be for 14:11
AlexDaniel language-wise the solution is very simple – let people populate their stuff with matched strings. Zero match objects created.
timotimo we could totally have a "use NoMatchForMe" that changes regex compilation and matching to do that 14:12
jnthn In principle, the entire subrule call graph can not even be traversed in first place when there's no capturing and it's entirely declarative.
Meaning you could avoid the cursor creation too
timotimo as far as signaling to the compiler that it is supposed to change how things work, i mean
nine We've had smart people woring for 20 years, but 15 of those were to get stuff up and running
And so far only 5 years to get stuff faster that was created over 15 years 14:13
AlexDaniel so 15 years of adding bloated features and 5 of trying to undo it with the compiler. See you in 10 years? 14:15
you can also make a fast language right from the start, other languages do it somehow 14:16
timotimo java was crawling for the first X years, and now it's pretty widespread 14:17
they somehow didn't care about being fast from the start and turned out well, i mean
AlexDaniel yeah, feel free to not care. I'll go try Julia for my next project 14:18
timotimo i do care about making rakudo and moarvm faster, i don't think i'm the right person to attempt sweeping architecture changes, though 14:19
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> jnthn: don't you need to create a cursor still, because it's often used i.e. in error reporting? 14:23
jnthn Vendethiel: If it's reporting an error then it's got imperative parts, not purely declarative ones. 14:24
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> ah, right
timotimo which might mean that imperative parts are very common in grammars that have any error reporting, perhaps?
jnthn I think those are common common in tokens than rules 14:25
uh, other way around :)
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> that's severely limiting the scope of grammars that can be optimized that way, but for simple regexes, that sounds incredible
timotimo for simple regexes we still have to do more than "nothing" in terms of skipping regex entirely
like going for ends-with, starts-with, contains
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> right 14:26
timotimo extracting dominating substrings up front
jnthn AlexDaniel: I hope you'll find the enjoyment in doing that, that you once found with Raku. 14:27
AlexDaniel raku is fun when you start learning it. And much less fun once you know enough, attempt to use it and then immediately see all of the ugly 14:28
to fix it you'd need to revert the mindset that you all seem to share 14:29
which I obviously won't be able to do, so yeah, let's hope I find something else
timotimo i'm not sure i'm clear on what that is, exactly 14:31
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> timotimo: "maybe someone will be smart enough to figure out how to clone jnthn++", surely :)
timotimo is it more of a priorization thing, or that we need to more aggressively toss out stuff that's not optimizable, at least at the moment? 14:32
jnthn At the end of the day, languages all make different trade-offs, and people differ on which ones they consider more trade-off-able.
If they didn't, there wouldn't be so many languages, I guess.
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> insert Bjarne quote here 14:33
AlexDaniel timotimo: I'd say it's more about not admitting that we ended up with something that is just plainly bad. You say it's OK-ish for now and maybe it will get better, jnthn says it's just tradeoffs. I say it's just bad. You decide which one of these allows to plan how to get things fixed as soon as possible. 14:37
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> are we still talking about performance?
AlexDaniel performance is not something that is isolated
we're talking about Raku 14:38
I am, at least
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> I just wanted to make sure.
AlexDaniel although people will disagree, I think, which is how Raku was really created. Performance as an afterthought 14:39
speaking of undoing, I hope it's clear that it's always much harder (and more time-consuming) to fix design mistakes than to implement them wrongly in the first place 14:43
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, I think this suddenly became too polarized, maybe that's just me. It is not about black and white, utter shit and software masterpiece. It is a bit unfair to lump "performance" / "language" into a single thing and slap a label at it. Raku is rather fast compared to others in some things, it is rather slow compared to others in some things. IT industry is full of pain in general and "Language X is pure joy 100% of the time" is usually a
wrong first impression.
AlexDaniel so the 10-year estimate is rather optimistic, actually :)
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, good luck looking at Julia, a nice break and a change of pace is always great. 14:45
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: for any real life code, which language you think is slower?
lizmat AlexDaniel: I wish you you a better experience with another programming language than you've appear to have had with Raku
timotimo and thanks for all your contributions so far, of course
lizmat as in any relationship, at some point the infatuation either turns into love, or the relationship ends 14:46
AlexDaniel except that I keep maintaining the stuff I made, unless anyone wants to take over :)
timotimo \o/
glad to hear it
Altai-man_ As for 10 years, it is not like people here have a deadline to be successful kings of the programming world and unless it's done you're a complete failure. At the end of the day, nothing actually matters and we are here a bunch of folks with conciousness who try to entertain themselves somewhat. Maybe I am lecturing, though, dunno. 14:47
timotimo that's an easy stance to take when your food is taken care of, at least
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: no, you're right, it's an optimistic way of looking at things, very refreshing compared to my messages :)
but I do have a feeling that there's a bit of conflict between optimism and realism in this case 14:48
timotimo: I actually sorta left quite some time ago, tried to stay away from IRC because you see how it ends :P 14:49
timotimo: I actually reworked statisfiable, it has more stats and is just better now, but I didn't commit it yet
I'll try to get back to my break once it's live 14:50
timotimo i thought that happened when i saw an amount of issues you had opened were closed
14:50 patrickb left
AlexDaniel yeah. Though I didn't close anything that mattered? It was mostly about my own personal tickets that I used for myself 14:50
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timotimo surely, how slow it was to grab all the annotations from moar's dump output was not a great experience :) 14:51
AlexDaniel haha
timotimo oh hey nine can you find that gist again where you wrote a moar bytecode parser in raku? i kind of couldn't find it any more
AlexDaniel but was it? Once I switched to nqp ops I think it became really fast on my side? 14:52
it's usually the speed of my own code that I care about, for what it's worth the moar output I'd consider an external utility :)
Altai-man_ The point is, if you can be satisfied with what you have, you're a happy lucky one. If you are not and want more X, no amount of "more" can satisfy you, even if your X is 10x best in the world. 14:54
I mean, it does sound like a lame excuse, but I found a bit of stoic approach in this, which allows to care about what you can change and don't be sad over things you can't change. 14:55
Namely, IT is about tools, so it something does the job better - please do use it. There is no need to be sad with the hammer seeming wrong because it can't screw something. 14:57
timotimo actually
i saw a super cool video where a hammer helped screw something
Altai-man_ More so, being extensive contributor you INDEED see much more horrible stuff about the language than the "average" user... And thus comes the bias "Oh, this thing is so horrible" while in fact it is not SO horrible. Maybe somewhat, true. 14:58
timotimo i have not the slightest clue how to find that again
essentially used an extra screw on top of a plank to give the hammer leverage against another plank that was misaligned, then screwing the two together from "the front" 14:59
jdv79 i saw someone hammering screws in one day. did a double take. 15:00
Altai-man_ timotimo, well, in some conditions you can hammer a screw, it's just not how it works in general and no warranty given or implied. :P 15:01
timotimo oof, the heaptrack record is almost a gigabyte big 15:02
AlexDaniel well, impact drivers are essentially hammers
timotimo what are you, the god of hammers?
AlexDaniel and they are much more efficient than regular powered drills, for screwing screws that is
they strike to rotate the bit though, not to punch the screw through
that is, they don't push the screw, they just rotate the bit in rapid kicks 15:03
nine timotimo: gist.github.com/niner/63a718023aba...c1ccd84e32 15:04
AlexDaniel youtu.be/f0gSJa3L_7c?t=141 15:06
jdv79 they are also very noisy. i prefer a non-impactful screw gun. 15:07
AlexDaniel jdv79: I'd take hearing loss over cam out any day xD 15:08
jdv79 i like music though 15:09
AlexDaniel the first time you use it it's really loud indeed, but later it feels like you clench or something and it no longer bothers
btw, here's a positive observation 15:10
julia's startup time for scripts is a bit higher. By 10-20ms or so
statisfiable6 will be able to graph startup time now, after I commit my stuff 15:11
so you'll be able to see where it's going
jdv79 a friend of mine was raving about julia a few years ago 15:12
something about being able to get the asm and manip it or something
AlexDaniel well, any time I compared something I didn't like in the raku language to julia I always liked what julia was offering. I have no idea if it really works in practice, hard to tell without doing a real project in it. 15:13
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AlexDaniel the way it is printing stacktraces is very interesting. It's really really slow, like it has to redo something in order to figure out what happened? 15:14
vrurg Talking about performance, /me remembers the times when inlining assembler into C code was common because people were dissatisfied with performance... 15:15
tellable6 2020-07-08T12:03:15Z #raku <SmokeMachine> vrurg thanks! my irc client is out, I've haven't seen that! Thanks!
timotimo vrurg: i'm looking forward to trying vigna when new-disp is mainline 15:34
though honestly, i think i'd really love something simple where you can have an input line at the bottom and scrolling output above, perhaps split side-by-side, maybe multiple independent ones on top of each other 15:35
for simpler tools like the debugger commandline, the heap analyzer commandline, stuff like that
maybe my idea to "do this with just the simplest escape sequences" is dumb 15:37
like how you can set an area of the terminal to be scrolling and everything else to stand still 15:38
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timotimo but then if you want to support resizing of the terminal you would probably have to keep everything in memory as well, so you can redraw what should be on screen 15:39
AlexDaniel “Stack Overflow is currently offline for maintenance” 15:42
timotimo and i've got to think of something with regards to completion and line editing
AlexDaniel: the sound of a million coffee machines screaming in agony and suddenly being silenced by energy grids all over the world collapsing
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[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.06-58-g16d24a212 - MoarVM version 2020.06-20-g187b4564e
csv-ip5xs0.812 - 0.824
csv-ip5xs-207.862 - 8.039
csv-parser25.286 - 25.845
csv-test-xs-200.395 - 0.400
test7.600 - 7.651
test-t1.841 - 2.085
test-t --race0.827 - 0.830
test-t-2032.261 - 33.218
test-t-20 --race8.738 - 9.513
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: out of curiosity, why Julia specifically? I mean there are lots of hyped languages out there :) 16:29
AlexDaniel jdv79: hey remember that silly-ish benchmark you showed yesterday? 16:30
jdv79: I tried writing it in Julia. Now, I don't speak julia is it's potentially ugly, but here: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/cbac99a...c35436528f
it's faster in julia!
that is, faster than perl
I tried doing something with one of the vars thinking it optimizes too much away, but I don't think that's the case
dogbert17: they seem to be doing a lot of things right, or at least have ways of doing things right (and all of that is pretty fast at the same time) 16:32
dogbert17: it is weirdly similar to Raku actually, rats, channels, atomic ints, last expression is returned, etc. 16:33
a lot of that not by default, but if you want a rat you can have a rat 16:34
jdv79: s/is/so/
dogbert17 interesting, seems to have lots of math/scientific stuff
here's something for timotimo: julialang.org/blog/2020/05/rr/ 16:35
AlexDaniel dogbert17: any time I found something debatable in Raku it was curious to find that in Julia it is almost always done in a more meaningful way
dogbert17: but look, no big ints by default. Weird. 16:37
dogbert17 but there's multiple dispatch and optional typing
AlexDaniel yep 16:38
dogbert17 goes out for a quick walk &
Geth rakudo/rakuast: cef320b06d | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
RakuAST support for various regex assertion forms
jdv79 AlexDaniel: my box is loaded at the moment but i see perl beating julia a bit at ~6.6s vs 8.25s on my file "4496744 17986976 610247801 s3-pica9-logs-ls-r" 16:52
AlexDaniel jdv79: in my case it's Julia 1.4.1 vs Perl 5.30 16:53
jdv79 ditto 16:54
AlexDaniel interesting. It's faster by about 10% for me, but it's not a real file so who knows
jdv79 maybe julia is more sensitive to a cpu bound box
i'll try after the loading is over
wow. raku with hyper i guess is very cpu load sensitive. with hyper it takes 59s and without it takes 12s 16:56
that's with the "next unless .contains($str)" cheat
AlexDaniel in my experience hyper didn't do anything faster ever, unless you have some sleepy tasks
vrurg timotimo: I was away... A simple tool for simple tasks – yes. But as soon as complexity of an application grows, the requirements for a framework skyrocket.
jdv79 yeah
AlexDaniel jdv79: oh, are you benchmarking with the cheat or not? :) 16:57
jdv79 with cheat
AlexDaniel that's why then
ah no
ok I got very confused
time for a break I guess x) nevermind
vrurg timotimo: BTW, I was wondering about profiling. I tried to use moarperf with vikna once. The flamegraph happened to be occupied with await because this is where most of the time is spent after all. But is there a way to exclude it from the output? 16:59
AlexDaniel jdv79: so I created a file with 2100000 lines and it's 3.4s for julia and 4.4s for perl. The difference seems to grow if I make the file larger 17:00
but no idea what kind of tricks it has up its sleeve
jdv79 idk. the big load is over and they both are still relatively the same 17:01
perl is 5.8s and julia is 8s
maybe its less uniformness of my data file? 17:02
s/its/its teh/
AlexDaniel maybe!
trying a simple loop over the lines seems to indicate that perl is indeed faster, 0.6s vs 1.2s 17:03
vrurg AlexDaniel: sorry if I'm out of the context and missed something, but with hyper I got really huge speed up in producing an HTML from a sqlite via Template::Mustache. Though the latter needed a patch to actually support concurrent sequences.
AlexDaniel vrurg: I guess it can be helpful if you have very “fat” tasks 17:04
but for small code pieces like iterating over lines and doing simple matches, hyper just makes things worse 17:05
vrurg Evidently. Otherwise the cost of spawning threads is too hight.
AlexDaniel: if there're many such short-living tasks then pre-spawning of the kind what my Async::Workers does is more helpful. 17:07
AlexDaniel jdv79: another thing to try is gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/7317971...6aea12c617
a bit fairer comparison :)
vrurg is afk 17:08
jdv79 7s
AlexDaniel still, I kinda hoped that it'd be able to populate existing variables. They're using pcre so maybe that makes it harder, but Raku has all the freedom to do that 17:09
something like my $foo; … /$foo=[\S+]/ 17:10
just save the string and whizz by
in the past I supported the idea of making a fast .contains that simply returns a Bool (which actually got implemented…), but now I feel like that's wrong too 17:14
it's .match and friends that should not return anything at all unless you ask for it 17:15
basically, $/ should be gone 17:16
sena_kun Is it just me or this regex can be replaced with just `.words` call and unpacking assignment? 17:17
AlexDaniel sena_kun: correct, yes, but it's a benchmark for a simple regex
sena_kun Fair enough. 17:18
AlexDaniel sena_kun: perl5 and Julia are sorta exchanging blows on that one, IIRC Raku is 25 times slower 17:19
$/ was already changed to no longer by dynamic, I think? Or something like that 17:20
performance was cited as one of the reasons if I remember it right
too bad it wasn't thrown away completely instead :P 17:21
jnthn AlexDaniel: No, it was $_ that was changed to no longer be dynamic. A lot of things rely on $/ being. 17:31
AlexDaniel I see 17:40
timotimo vrurg: i don't have a clever idea for that yet :| 17:56
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MasterDuke re the implementation being optimized later rather than up front, i know TimToady has mentioned something about "it" (i don't know if he was talking about the language design itself or the particular implementations) being "optimizable". i think a valid question would be whether in practice that meant people made sub-optimal (from a performance 18:30
viewpoint) decisions with the thought that a "sufficient smart compiler" would be developed eventually? or was the design such that there was/is a clear path to optimizing what we had then/now?
MasterDuke isn't trying to cast blame on anybody, but figure out whether performance issues have a pre-planned path to improvement, or do we need to come up with those plans? 18:34
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AlexDaniel MasterDuke: well, if you read the old design docs then they sometimes mention how something can be hopefully optimized 18:45
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AlexDaniel MasterDuke: but that's really not enough 18:46
basically, as I understand it, the design process was pretty much done in the dark wrt optimizability 18:47
even though the principles of making fast code are very well understood 18:48
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AlexDaniel so basically the docs say “ok this bit maybe will be optimized like that, fingers crossed” 18:51
when what should be happening is “ok this will map exactly to these operations, and that's why it will be fast”
you see, it is possible to design a language that does exactly what the users commands, which is fast by itself, and then you can spend all the time in the world in figuring out how to make the compiler ignore that and not do anything at all, making it even faster 18:53
instead, Raku does a bunch of stuff you didn't even ask it to do, and now the devs are trying to figure out how to get back to the base performance 18:54
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AlexDaniel and you can see that in all recent discussions. For example, let's say you take a Seq and want to skip a value. You do $s.skip(3) and get a new Seq object 18:57
well hold did I ask it to create a new object? I just wanted it to skip a certain amount of values
which I guess you can do if you play with the underlying iterator, but that's like playing with guts when you have a .skip that was sort of designed to do that? 18:58
or, another example is the last regex benchmark
all you need in that benchmark is to take a string and destructure it into a few variables 18:59
sounds simple, and it is simple, but you can't do it
instead it creates a bunch of match objects. Well, hold on, I didn't ask for match objects, I didn't even necessarily ask for anything really
of course you can argue all day that returning a match tree is the most versatile solution, sure, whatever, but it is not designed to be fast for sure 19:00
[Coke] So at this point, do you think there's a path forward that will satisfy what you're looking for? 19:04
AlexDaniel yes
lizmat drumroll....
AlexDaniel admit that we ended up with crap, dismantle the language into pieces and redo them right, release a much better Raku 7 19:05
lizmat well volunteered!
Altai-man_ This is probably the worst time ever for this, but... Apparently, Blin hung, so here is the overview for Seq-related branch clbin.com/0Ov4J <- and around ~60 modules are broken. 19:06
AlexDaniel oh that's not too many
lizmat Altai-man_: I am *not* surprised
Altai-man_: of *all* modules tried, or just the ones before it hung ? 19:07
AlexDaniel lizmat: of all modules
lizmat: 3 modules were hanging I think
Altai-man_ Yes 19:08
AlexDaniel lizmat: it didn't generate the dependency tree because it was killed, but it's possible that out of just 60 there are some failures caused by parents
jdv79 i would say this sort of frustration isn't uncommon. others have expressed simliar sentiments. 19:09
lizmat well, I guess you have your work cut out for you: a. fix those modules, b. start working on fixing roast
AlexDaniel it's not that easy
lizmat jdv79: I too have my frustrations
having spent quite an amount of time on: val processing, ..., printf and lately Match 19:10
jdv79 yup. some others flamed out. some just disappeared.
lizmat in my case, it has led me to understand the complexity of the situation
AlexDaniel complexity can be reduced by deleting stuff 19:11
lizmat in the case of printf: RakuAST will allow us to revisit that *without* having to resort to EVAL
jdv79 curious if there are some underlying root causes that might be addressed...?
lizmat some internals that rely on EVAL and which are slow because of that, will also be fixable with RakuAST
the underlying root cause, in my opinion, is that nobody knew how to implement a language as radical as Raku 19:12
AlexDaniel it's not very radical
the biggest value is in some nice syntactic sugar, that's what makes it feel like Raku 19:13
lizmat AlexDaniel: how many languages can change their grammar with a single statement ?
AlexDaniel lizmat: and how many languages like to talk about features that nobody is using? :P 19:14
I get it, changing the language sounds like a wonderful idea
but others get away with just macros, and it's fine 19:15
lizmat AlexDaniel: you should talk to the people who would like to remove "format" from Perl 5
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, there is some fallacy... Some of those "nobody using" features are key points of raku. People are suggesting to strip them off to speed up the compiler and what this gives us? Python with braces and `sub` instead of `def`? Please no. 19:16
AlexDaniel that's not the point. Many languages have macros and custom operators, changing the whole syntax in just a single statement is not as amazing as you make it sound 19:17
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AlexDaniel if I had to choose between fast parsing of Raku code and a sophisticated grammar-changing monstrosity, I'd choose the former in a heartbeat 19:17
lizmat then by all means, join the Perl 7 effort
AlexDaniel right, so you say well-volunteered and then make it clear that this is definitely not something you want for Raku feature 19:18
which is why nobody will ever make things right
any idea of simplifying Raku will be shot down 19:19
Altai-man_ Apparently, there are people who won't choose the former and they went and did some implementation of Raku. People have opinions about what they want and if it differs from yours, then hm.
AlexDaniel so what is Raku for, exactly? Playing around with fun ideas and fun one-liners? 19:20
because that's what it is right now, with very little applicability for real world problems
ShimmerFairy For the record, anybody who has ever defined their own operator has changed the grammar.
Altai-man_ What's the meaning of life? Erm, almost exactly the same question. If it is for playing around with fun ideas and fun one-liners, then what? 19:21
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: I don't blame you, I defended raku exactly like that before
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, being blunt, I don't really care about future, because one won't predict it. You do things which sound kind of worthy (while having to pay the bills, of course) to do and that's all. You don't like it anymore and search for another thing to do. 19:23
AlexDaniel but that's not very useful. You're basically saying that whatever Raku does is OK. I'm saying that it can be much much better 19:25
where did the LTA mindset go? :)
Altai-man_ My bad, I am broading the subject and expressing my kind of opinion on everything. 19:26
ShimmerFairy I use Raku all the time, especially when I need to parse some text (it's invaluable for that). Just because *you* don't find it useful doesn't mean nobody does. 19:27
AlexDaniel [Coke]: if I had to poorly summarize it, I'd say we need a somewhat coordinated effort at decluttering the language
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, something like 6.e-level language breakage? 19:28
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: not sure I understand?
I'm proposing Raku 7, which can be significantly reworked 19:29
timotimo seven does what rakudon't
AlexDaniel it'll break stuff, yeah. Luckily nobody is really using Raku so there's that. 19:30
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, oh, sorry. I mean, we don't suddenly release a decluttered compiler breaking stuff in production. This sounds like something suitable for a language revision.
>nobody is really using Raku
AlexDaniel sure sure you can go “but I use it”, and yes, I used it in production too
Altai-man_ This is just ridiculous right now.
AlexDaniel no it's not. The amount of people who actually use Raku is *extremely* small
Altai-man_: but yes, I mean the next version 19:31
you see, there's a real problem of admitting stuff in this community :)
lizmat like admitting it should have a different name ? 19:32
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AlexDaniel yeah 19:32
lizmat is getting angry and steps away from this discussion
AlexDaniel many many years to do that obvious change
remember how the proposals to do that were shot down?
all of that to finally admit that yeah, we'd be better off with a different name 19:33
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ShimmerFairy AlexDaniel: honest question, do you even like Raku, at all? All you ever do is complain about it, and not in a way that seems like someone noticing bits that could be improved, but as someone who's upset it doesn't match their personal ideal for a language. It really just seems like you want a completely different language. 19:36
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: I liked it a lot, yeah. I'm not sure if I do anymore 19:37
it's really hard to use
Altai-man_ ShimmerFairy, "all done is complaining" is a bit of underestimation of how much amazing level of work AlexDaniel put into all this.
s/underestimation/misrepresentation/ 19:38
ShimmerFairy All I know is what I've seen since I came back.
Altai-man_ Fair enough, just noting. Honestly, I am always amazed seeing this. 19:39
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: I think I felt similarly when I saw brrt's rant 19:40
can't really find it now, I think it was on #moarvm
it was something about unpredictable performance, I don't remember now as I didn't comprehend it back then
all I thought was “why is this guy complaining about this awesome language” 19:41
there was also Zoffix who craved relatively massive changes, which always felt to me like he was trying to make raku not raku 19:42
ShimmerFairy Of course we should improve the language, and make it more attractive to other people (and I think it's fair to say very few people use it relative to other languages). But I don't think we can make Raku more appealing to others without honest-to-goodness studies to figure out what exactly is keeping people. 19:43
The reasons could range anywhere from "Most programmers are deathly allergic to anything remotely like Perl" to "The language is fine, it just doesn't get 'marketed' enough". 19:44
Altai-man_ The brrt rant mentioned is probably colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...-09-21#l99 19:46
AlexDaniel no, the language is shit, that's not even a question. Simple, consistent, fast – pick three, it's the case when you can actually do it. Make Raku that and people will use it.
japhb AlexDaniel: Please stop. 19:47
ShimmerFairy There are definitely things that could improve about Raku, but if you think the whole language is garbage then you'd have a better time finding another one or making your own, compared to getting everyone else to agree to effectively replace it. 19:48
Altai-man_ Simple, consistent, fast, languages like Nim, Crystal, Odin, tons of them and they are not really popular somehow. 19:49
AlexDaniel so is Raku
that is, not popular 19:50
Altai-man_ Yup.
AlexDaniel if you want it to be popular, we should strive to make it better
instead it's just excuses and people being defensive
anyway, you all can do whatever you want. I was asked what would be the way forward, I think my general idea is clear 19:52
japhb AlexDaniel: I assure you I am not being defensive when I say: I *like* Raku. I have used it exclusively for years, despite learning quite a few different languages over the last 4+ decades. If you do not like it, that is fine. Please stop attacking. If you don't like it, *implement the changes you want in a fork or replacement*, or go elsewhere.
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AlexDaniel I'll go elsewhere that's ok 19:52
it's not a big issue for me, even though I'm very frustrated 19:53
japhb I can tell. But this channel is #raku-dev, not #raku-rant. :-)
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AlexDaniel it should be alright for devs to express that things are very not OK 19:57
timotimo i'm not sure it's fair to say "implement the changes or go", how many of us actually implement big things on their own
AlexDaniel if I had a mug I'd throw it :P
that is correct, the changes that raku needs not only can't be implemented by a single person, but even if that person attempts to implement them they'll face a lot of backpressure 19:59
japhb AlexDaniel: You can totally express that. But "the language is shit, that's not even a question" is not an expression of a need for change and rebirth, it's an attack. Those are different.
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, is it possible you do me a little favor and went for an ice-cream? (I'll pay for it) 20:00
AlexDaniel you can look at it this way if you feel like being defensive
Altai-man_: it's already paid for, I'll go get some :)
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japhb timotimo: There have been people who wanted to completely change Parrot (in the old days) and Perl 6 (in the middle days). If they were nice, we accepted them and encouraged them. If they told us we were idiots, we tried to hug them, and then when we discovered hugs didn't work, let them go their own way. 20:01
AlexDaniel: I'm not defensive in the sense of "subconsciously throwing up spiked shields to protect my psyche". I am defensive in the sense of "You are currently risking severely damaging my community. I would like you to put down your swords and pick up plowshares, please." 20:02
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AlexDaniel japhb: so what would be the way forward in your opinion? 20:04
japhb I don't want to hold you for now, Altai-man_
20:04 Altai-man_ left
japhb 's suggestion was good 20:04
lizmat japhb: in case you didn't know: Altai-man === sena_kun 20:05
AlexDaniel japhb: I'm eating it right now
japhb After that, we can reassess. I have some ideas, but it depends on you. (Not saying you have to go write Raku 7 or whatever yourself, I meant, what are you interested in doing?)
lizmat: I am aware. :-) 20:06
AlexDaniel japhb: what do you mean what *I* am interested in doing. What do you think would be best for the Raku project?
japhb Note: I do not generally follow #raku. If there have been significant discussions there that I need to be aware of, I have missed them. I am purely trying to find a good path for the implementor channels (#moarvm, #raku-dev, etc.) 20:07
AlexDaniel: There are several things I think are good for the Raku project, some of which already exist, and some of which don't (almost entirely because of the lack of funding). 20:09
AlexDaniel japhb: so let's say there's a lot of money, then we put it into what?
japhb Regarding you, I meant: You are super frustrated. *Aside* from ranting, what are you interested in doing about your frustrations. Do you want to work on writing up a *cohesive* proposal for change? Do you want to work on a prototype in a fork? Start from scratch and see if you (and any others interested) can figure out a better design? 20:10
AlexDaniel: If we had lots of money? We hire the folks who have done great things already and have expressed that they cannot do more because they can't afford to. 20:11
AlexDaniel japhb: so you have no real vision on how the language and the compiler can or should be changed, and you think that just throwing more money at those who got it to this state will somehow solve everything? It'll help somewhat but won't change the situation 20:13
japhb: but what will it solve actually
japhb: so you think more money is needed, okay, for what?
japhb Nope. I know several things that I would change immediately if I had the right people, and I'm pretty sure who a half dozen of those people are, and have guesses for more.
AlexDaniel for example? 20:14
japhb Accelerate work on improving the networking (and I/O in general) stack. A few people have worked on bits of this, but it's been not cohesive or happening quickly. 20:15
Put a lot more effort into broader performance tests, that cover more of the spectrum. Give jnthn and nine and timotimo and lizmat and so forth lots to chew on. 20:16
Get the DB/ORM side in rock solid shape.
Turn the work on stress testing and fuzzing and such up to 11.
Fill in the bits that are incomplete in the Cro ecosystem. 20:17
AlexDaniel so basically “everything is fine just more stuff needs to be done”. Most people probably agree with you, but I absolutely don't
japhb Put more effort into the JIT, because there's lots of stuff that brrt couldn't work on.
You asked me what I'd spend money on. Language design is not a money problem. It's a REALLY HARD SPACE problem. 20:18
Unless you are referring to getting @Larry enough mental space to work on those really hard problems for a while.
Do I think there are warts? Of course, I'm not blind. 20:19
But do I think they require wholesale rip-out-key-parts surgery? No. But you are free to disagree. :-)
I think what they mostly need is people who are capable of thinking about the problems and don't have their attention super divided. 20:20
leont Why do people think language design quality matters for popularity
I mean, *javascript* is currently the most popular language for server side programming, and that has been designed in less than two weeks (and it showed) 20:21
sena_kun .oO ( Java is soooo super designed )
japhb leont: I don't know. But AlexDaniel is correct that benchmarks are much easier for people to make decisions over than looking at a language holistically.
leont Frameworks and tooling matter much more 20:22
japhb And I understand his frustrations about performance.
And after watching this community for years, the best I can tell is that over half our performance team is benched.
timotimo "NPI"? 20:23
leont No pun intended
AlexDaniel I'd make sure that any raku feature can be described in just a few sentences, remove all edge casing that we currently have (allowing very easy mental model of any feature and language as a whole). I'd remove a lot of features that are rarely used, making the language and compiler plainly smaller, allowing devs to focus on the good stuff. I'd also make sure that any feature can be easily translated into efficient code without any black
magic, and leave the black magic for making it even faster. Stuff like that.
japhb (I wrote our earliest OpenGL binding, back in the Parrot days. I sped up Terminal::Print until it could do animation. I *get* performance complaints.)
AlexDaniel leont: that's a very good question indeed
japhb AlexDaniel: I think what you're describing is a different language. Depending on how you approach it, it might still be in the Perlish family of languages, but maybe you're looking to go farther and just want "inspired by". Ruby, for instance. 20:25
ShimmerFairy I'm personally not a fan of a reductive approach for a language humans are intended to use. (MIPS CPUs aren't designed to be enjoyable to program, for example)
AlexDaniel I'm describing a better language that Raku can become 20:26
japhb I have a very simple bias: I have only so much available keyboard time, and certain limitations on how I think. I need to be able to express my thoughts in a very high-leverage language that fits my brain patterns well. This one mostly does.
AlexDaniel you can say that any proposed change, if big enough, describes a different language. It's not a very useful way of approaching the issue at hand 20:27
japhb That said, a language with some of the design patterns of a Perl, but with the FAST FIRST view of something like LuaJIT might be quite interesting for certain tasks.
AlexDaniel: I meant as different as Perl and Raku are. More than that and you get Perl v. Ruby and ever wider variants of clearly different languages. 20:28
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japhb Raku is Perl made much bigger. You seem to be asking for Raku made much smaller. 20:29
ShimmerFairy But you're saying that the entire language is crap and needs to be reworked, which is the biggest kind of change you could possibly advocate for, and would actually make it a different language.
japhb Which is totally interesting, but not the same language anymore.
AlexDaniel I thought that Raku is Perl done better, not bigger 20:30
I guess I was wrong to think that
japhb IMO, it *is* better. But there are a lot of Perl folks who would disagree.
leont Perl and Raku have one thing in common that may not be obvious anymore in case of the former: they're incredibly ambitious projects doing something that hadn't been done before
Raku's main problem is that this ambition level is hard to keep up with given rather limited resources 20:31
japhb But you can't deny that when @Larry set down the original design documents for Perl 6, they definitely went *way* bigger.
MasterDuke i would say the grammar support (and the concept of braids) is certainly a "bigger" feature than its closest equivalent in Perl
leont Size is not necessarily the problem, you don't need to know 90% of it to use it. 20:32
lizmat and things like STM got completely scrapped
AlexDaniel leont: but that's the problem, nobody really knows more than that
leont: for any feature you use you'll find painful edge cases
japhb lizmat: jnthn I think did the best job of scrapping that one -- by pointing out why it actually didn't solve the problems we needed to solve. 20:33
AlexDaniel and at some point I just got frustrated with that
what's STM?
lizmat Software Transactional memory
leont Raku keeps giving me things to learn, that's something I enjoy about it
lizmat basically rollback for variables
well, actually a bit more than that 20:34
AlexDaniel leont: I look at stuff like this: docs.raku.org/language/traps#Using...t_of_lists
MasterDuke huh, i either never knew or have completely forgotten than Raku had any plans for STM. when i think of a language and STM all that comes to mind is PyPy
AlexDaniel leont: and get extremely paranoid
japhb AlexDaniel: Right, so. Here's my suggestion for you, you are free to ignore it. Jnthn right now is going through the really hard work of defining what exactly this language means, because having a DOM for the program forces you to think that way. He is cutting down externalities and forcing each node type to show its own complexity. Perhaps work from that to determine what you want to cut or clean?
sena_kun MasterDuke, haskell as well...
MasterDuke ah, right 20:35
AlexDaniel leont: like, if things behave differently depending on the amount of elements, how do I write the code correctly?
leont: for this particular case there isn't even a good solution
japhb MasterDuke, sena_kun: Yeah, I think Audrey++ implemented an early STM because the Haskell folks were working on it.
AlexDaniel at least I don't think I have seen one
japhb lambdacamel work
AlexDaniel: The waterbed theory of complexity is a real thing, not (just) a joke. 20:36
AlexDaniel well you are forgetting that other languages don't have that trap
my believe is that having code that does exaclty what you tell it to do is good, even if it'll be a tiny bit more verbose 20:37
japhb AlexDaniel: Yes, they do. C is perhaps the strongest example of it.
Larry just chose to push down on *different parts* than other language designers.
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AlexDaniel japhb: single argument rule in C? What do you mean? 20:38
japhb I didn't say anything about a single argument rule?
sena_kun AlexDaniel, horstmann.com/presentations/c-traps/#(1) 20:39
AlexDaniel japhb: “here's a trap in Raku that other languages don't have” “yes, they do” ?
japhb I meant, C tried to be as simple as possible, and thus created an epic nightmare for everyone who wants to write portable and secure code. The complexity was passed HEAVILY to the language users.
lizmat the single argument rule allows "for @a { }" to work
nine AlexDaniel: just a note. I personally am not using raku all that much. My company however is using it at a level where breaking it would throw a serious wrench into the works and we're moving fast towards mission critical usage. And we do so because it allows for us to get more done and because it solves a lot of problems we had in 15 years of using Perl. 20:40
lizmat otherwise you would have to say something llike
japhb I had thought you were responding to me, but it was to someone else.
lizmat for @a.list { }
AlexDaniel sena_kun: that's a very nice presentation, yes
ShimmerFairy One minor trap I can think of in C is that objects are identified by structure and not by name, which would be a surprise for people from other languages. 20:41
AlexDaniel lizmat: um… are you sure?
lizmat yes
AlexDaniel lizmat: I mean, really?
lizmat yes
AlexDaniel so if I write that in any other language… why does it work there? :) 20:42
lizmat because logically, "for" is basically map @a, { ... }
AlexDaniel not really? IIRC there were enough differences
lizmat AlexDaniel: probably because they a. don't have arrays as objects, or b. they special case it ?
japhb AlexDaniel: Because the other languages slice the iteration special cases differently. 20:43
ShimmerFairy For example, C++ 's for (auto & i : vector) { } loop only works on things that have iterators.
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: and what's wrong with that?
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nine AlexDaniel: you can't do for (x, y, z) { } in C++ and that's something I'd very much miss if it was no longer possible in Raku 20:44
ShimmerFairy nothing, just pointing out that other languages have their own "special" rules for loops.
japhb AlexDaniel: We're not saying they're wrong. Just different.
AlexDaniel alright, and what I'm saying is the way Raku does it is just wrong 20:45
by wrong I mean could be much better, more predictable
again, you can feel free to disagree and be all defensive about it, that's fine
lizmat wishes AlexDaniel had been around before and during the GLR
japhb AlexDaniel: You are caught up in right and wrong I think, and also *seem* to be under the assumption that small changes can be made without ripple effects.
ShimmerFairy I mean, it is predictable. Like in any language, you just have to be predicting from the right start point.
AlexDaniel japhb: I know that it can't be done easily, ... operator is a great example of that 20:46
japhb Perl 5 tried to adopt things they liked from Perl 6, and then discovered much to their surprise and unhappiness that the complexity is not so easily divisible.
AlexDaniel which is why I'm saying “dismantle the language into pieces and redo them right”
japhb Smart match being I think the most infamous example.
ShimmerFairy Funny thing is I barely remember GLR, but I faintly recall it was a relief. I still have problems with lists, but it's probably just a case of me needing to go over the documentation to understand things better (and maybe shake loose some pre-GLR remnants in my head) 20:47
japhb AlexDaniel: So ... what's stopping you? I'll turn around something you said earlier: If you had money and time, how would you go about making the changes you want?
AlexDaniel lizmat: I was around during the GLR, just as a user though
japhb: I explained it earlier after your answer
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japhb AlexDaniel: I was around for the GLR. (I remember it well because one of the participants actively mocked me at the time.) But we ended up with something I think works better than any of my ideas would have. 20:48
AlexDaniel japhb: basically get everyone to work on simplifying everything
leont Single argument rule doesn't always work out well, that I agree with. I'm not sure what the alternative would be 20:49
japhb AlexDaniel: But that's the one thing you can't do -- get any of us to do anything we don't want to do.
ShimmerFairy But that's not really an answer. Part of the issue is that "just change everything" is an idea people can't really work with. Either there are a few specific things you're not describing in detail, or you're asking the community to just get together and design a new language when they don't already want to.
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: there are not a few specific things, there are a lot of specific things I can give you
japhb AlexDaniel: SO DO SO. Write them down in your own design docs. 20:50
AlexDaniel too much work for a single person
does anybody want to join?
japhb I don't want a small language for my day to day, for the same reason I don't speak C to my family, I speak English.
Best question. :-)
nine I'd certainly be interested in things that can be removed to improve performance when doing so doesn't kill the value proposition 20:51
jdv79 is it really about simplification or is it more about consistency/least surprise/more intuitive? 20:52
AlexDaniel jdv79: they go hand in hand
jdv79 i'm not sure Perl has ever been about simple - quite the opposite actually
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nine It's funny because most WAT situations I've had with Raku so far were of the kind "WAT this actually works? Just like that?" 20:53
jdv79 there's a difference between complexity and complications
AlexDaniel nine: well, let's say I propose a way for a regex to fill in given variables with matches
japhb nine: :-D
rypervenche AlexDaniel: I mean, if you're not willing to put in the work to say what you find wrong in the language, how is anyone else expected to put in the time to look at "fixing" it? I might start off with something at least that you can show to people and who knows, perhaps some of your ideas might be liked and could shape Raku in the future. But you'd need to start with something.
AlexDaniel nine: I haven't thought that through enough, but just as an example
nine: for performance reasons, it'll also mean that by default it won't give you a pretty tree with a bunch of objects
MasterDuke jdv79: i'd sort of disagree. i'd say it's simpler to open a file and run a regex against each line and store some info in a hash in Perl/Raku than it is in C 20:54
lizmat if $expression that is not Bool -> $expr { } # should that stay ?
japhb rypervenche: To be fair to AlexDaniel, he just asked for volunteers to help, I think that's fair.
ShimmerFairy Doesn't /$<named-match>=[my regex]/ already accomplish that?
nine Like that we can create a cro route like `get -> MeinAtikon::Authentication::User $*user {` and get the user object bound to that dynamic variable
AlexDaniel nine: so, does that kill the value proposition?
nine: I'm asking this because for every feature that I'd remove or simplify, you'd always find somebody saying “oh but I use it” or at the very least “oh but it actually sounds very useful let's not remove it” 20:55
lizmat "remove 'format' from Perl"
AlexDaniel this is how we got to this point where new features are just layered on top
lizmat but that's just where the design of Raku comes in 20:56
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: can you do it into an external variable without creating any new objects?
besides a few Strs, of course
lizmat we can (and have) removed features from older versions
ShimmerFairy You'd have to create a new object regardless, and you can access it outside as $<named-match> (or less sugary as $/<named-match>) 20:57
leont We have removed at least one feature that I miss
japhb AlexDaniel: I'm not sure that's true. The core is large, because some of the concepts have to be large to be viable at all. Yes, there are things that are not core concepts that exist in Rakudo-as-implemented. But I'd say a surprisingly large part of Raku is load-bearing.
leont jdv79: to quote the first sentence of the camel book: "Perl is a language for getting your job done" ;-)
lizmat leont: which one is that ?
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AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: why would I need to create a new object? Strs are fine, they should be relatively cheap on moar 20:57
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leont flatmap 20:57
AlexDaniel leont: flatmap was extremely confusing 20:58
lizmat actually, flatmap still exists ?
nine AlexDaniel: so what would that look like? An adverb on the regex?
ShimmerFairy You could also do something like my $*str; ... /$<tostr>=(...) {$*str = ~$<tostr>}/
leont I disagree, there's only one sensible way for it to work, and I used it all the time 20:59
AlexDaniel nine: ↑ it'd look like that just less verbose, something like (but probably different): / $foo=[ . . . ] /
rypervenche flatmap is deprecated in 6.d and will be removed in 6.e docs.raku.org/routine/flatmap
lizmat ShimmerFairy: having just been down into the Cursor / Match / Grammar rabbit hole
leont Which may be because I'm used to Perl, and flatmap actually does what map does in Perl
lizmat I can agree that: a. it is a very complicated piece of code 21:00
AlexDaniel nine: in the majority of cases you either don't need anything at all (just a Bool on whether it matched or not) or you just need to get some data out
lizmat b. that way too many Cursor / Match objects are created
AlexDaniel nine: with syntax like this you can pretty much destructure a string into your variables, with no overhead cpu or memory-wise 21:01
lizmat and c. that there is no way to make this better without re-implementing the regex engine from scratch
with the current knowledge
ShimmerFairy Yeah, I could easily see a difference in what /.../ regexes do from grammar { } regexes, but then you'd have to deal with crossing that boundary (which might not be too big a deal, but still) 21:02
AlexDaniel nine: the compiler can still do a lot of clever stuff to figure out if you're using these variables at all, and decide not to even create the Strs
jdv79 is map().flat not the same?
i know i tried to use duckmap once and gave up cause of a bug
leont My general impression is that the regex engine is the primary performance bottleneck anyway. I would guess a lot of it needs to be rewritten anyway.
timotimo i do believe there's a "simple match with regex" routine, but there's also comb that doesn't return match objects by itself
unless you :match as argument
leont jdv79: yes, but it has a very different endweight
AlexDaniel timotimo: .contains can now take a regex and return a Bool only, but then how do you get the data out? 21:03
ShimmerFairy It would be in $/ presumably.
AlexDaniel ShimmerFairy: no
timotimo you mean .from and .to info?
lizmat not getting the data out is exactly what makes .contains(//) fast
AlexDaniel timotimo: strings themselves
timotimo wouldn't you use comb for that more likely?
let me dig out the simple match thing 21:04
AlexDaniel see, my proposal is to make getting the data out fast. Only strings will be created
lizmat and with my current knowledge of the Match machinery, can make it to break actually
nine AlexDaniel: I wonder if type constraints on the target variables could be used by the compiler to determine that full blown Match objects aren't actually requested. That'd be something that can be done without even having to change the language.
21:04 stoned75 left
lizmat AlexDaniel: how can you backtrack on strings ? 21:04
AlexDaniel lizmat: Nil the variable if you go back 21:05
leont .map().flat is confusing when the map argument takes multiple lines, and works poorly with «map: -> $foo {}»
timotimo what was it called again ...
nine AlexDaniel: the Cursors/Match objects are used within the regex engine itself to keep the state. So without them there can't be backtracking
AlexDaniel lizmat: it's an extra step indeed in case of backtracking, but not much can be done about that
nine: that's just implementation details 21:06
lizmat tries not to be snarky
.oO( SMOP )
nine Well that is actually a good point. Just one that we could read as "ok, the language is actually not the problem here, we have to improve the implementation"
AlexDaniel nine: fast parsers exist, that's not an issue. The problem is that even if the parser itself was very fast (one way or another), you'd still be getting all the match object you didn't ask for 21:07
now, jnthn argues that some black magic can make it go away 21:08
japhb As the oldest (IIUC) portion of the still-existing code, it stands to reason that the regex engine wasn't built to take advantage of all the stuff we've learned since about being efficient in this language.
AlexDaniel I think that's extremely optimistic, but maybe jnthn knows better
nine AlexDaniel: I tend to trust jnthn on these matters. His track record so far has been pretty spectacular :)
ShimmerFairy Those match objects, to my limited knowledge, have to exist for the parser to work as it's currently designed, so hiding them from the user wouldn't help much.
AlexDaniel and if so feel free not to change anything and just wait until the compiler suddenly fixes all inherent performance issues 21:09
nine But then I'm very familiar with the wonders that MoarVM already does
timotimo maybe the thing i was looking for was kicked out for some reason
japhb AlexDaniel: Like, say, JavaScript?
JavaScript as a language was designed to be slow. And then we learned more about computer science. Jnthn has literally been doing that. 21:10
timotimo the match objects themselves aren't so expensive, the mapping of matched things in the match object is the most expensive thing 21:11
is my understanding
AlexDaniel timotimo: how's that?
lizmat actually, I'm in half a mind to re-implemet the regex engine in Raku, with the current nqp::ops for the hard work
japhb lizmat: Wow, and I thought your last attempt was ambitious. 21:12
lizmat well, it's the logical conclusion of my attempt, really
japhb I mean, it would be awesome if successful, but wow.
ShimmerFairy timotimo: IIUC are you saying we could benefit from something like C++'s std::string_view class, providing a read-only look at a Str somewhere else in memory?
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> AlexDaniel: backlogging now, if you can give me a few more languages with macros and user-defined operators, I'd love to see it. (outside of the obvious few like haskell and the like/scala/julia)
AlexDaniel timotimo: as I see it, just save the position when starting the capture, pop it when finishing and create a lightweight vm str from the input string 21:13
lizmat my attempt basically failed on what I perceive to be a hack (a brilliant one, but still a hack)
AlexDaniel timotimo: what in that process can be slow?
lizmat in the way <( and )> are implemented
japhb ShimmerFairy: we already do that. Probably not the same way, but yeah, at the bottom layers, strings are immutable -- which we can use for referential transparency.
lizmat they generate "fake" sub-Match objects
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> japhb: are they?
ShimmerFairy japhb: ah, so it's just invisible to a Raku user then. 21:14
lizmat which means that having sub-Match objects in a Match object, does not mean there are actual sub-Match objects
japhb Vendethiel: That was my understanding. It's possible I am wrong, but that's how I understood it.
lizmat that the user will see
timotimo ShimmerFairy: strings are already read-only, and when we take a substring we usually have it be a "view", these are called "strands" inside moarvm
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> ShimmerFairy: I seem to remember chrome and firefox going for such an optimization, but with a different path. In one, if you keep a substring [0,50] of a very long strong, then that view prevents the original string from being collected 21:15
lizmat so that makes lazy introspection of Match objects expensive, because it needs to look out for those cases all of the time
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> ropes, strands, ...
timotimo yeah, we may want to toss out long strings that don't have many references to them
but that's more work for the garbage collector that needs to pull its weight
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> yeah, well, C++ doesn't really care about its GC :)
ShimmerFairy hard to care about a GC that doesn't exist :P 21:16
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> it's optional since C++11 :-P.
<Vendethiel> (well, it was added optional is what I mean, and what I joked about)
japhb I was about to say, they added one
leont A GC with C++ wouldn't make any sense, really 21:17
ShimmerFairy wait, C++ can ship with a GC? First I'm hearing about it (unless you mean the Allocator business)
leont It's pretty damn good at not needing one, IME
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> ShimmerFairy: no, I do mean a GC: www.stroustrup.com/C++11FAQ.html#gc-abi
<Vendethiel> leont: locally it can be useful (cyclic object graphs i.e.) 21:18
ShimmerFairy Huh, I suppose that fell out of the changes they made to the memory model.
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> I have no idea who thought it was a good idea, honestly.
<Vendethiel> (I don't know of any C++ implementation with a GC; I really did mean it as a joke. 21:19
timotimo in cpp you usually use either unique pointers that make sure nothing gets shared and is therefore fine to locally destroy, or have shared_pointer which is a reference counting thing?
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> However, std::string_view can be a bit dangerous with the default move operator)
<Vendethiel> timotimo: shared_ptr is not very good performance-wise and has other gotchas (of course it's C++), so it's usually raw pointer when you don't own, unique_ptr when you do own, shared_ptr when you need refcounting
leont shared pointers should be a small minority, really 21:20
ShimmerFairy timotimo: remember it's backwards compatible with C, which means backwards-compatible with garbage programming practices (relative to what you're supposed to do in C++, at least)
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> (and then you need some other solution when you have a cyclic graph like I mentioned earlier, Herb Sutter made several talks about github.com/hsutter/gcpp for example)
<Vendethiel> (still, it's an incredibly low % of cases) 21:21
AlexDaniel weekly: AlexDaniel wants to turn Raku into a much simpler, faster, and slightly different language. You decide what Raku 7 will become. Please join #raku-dev and tell us if you want to work on that. Exciting times! 21:34
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted! (weekly)
AlexDaniel something like that?
jnthn A name without Raku, and a different channel, please. Enough is enough. 21:35
AlexDaniel alright
timotimo yeah maybe don't overplay the 7 thing too much
AlexDaniel weekly: scratch that
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted! (weekly)
AlexDaniel good luck everybody!
timotimo it could end up sounding like mocking or something?
21:35 kawaii left 21:36 kawaii joined
jnthn Yes, quite aside from everything else, it would be incredibly bad from with regard to the Perl 7 effort. 21:36
AlexDaniel that could've been adjusted, but the message is very clear anyway 21:37
so please don't blame anybody that nobody wants to work on that 21:38
21:38 AlexDaniel left
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> No language list for me to explore, then. Too bad, more macro-enabled languages would've been fun to look at. 21:38
lizmat notable6: weekly 21:40
notable6 lizmat, 2 notes: gist.github.com/1d5a0017c24527385c...4c33c41045
lizmat notable6: weekly reset
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2020-07-08T21:40:52Z”
timotimo i didn't think the message AD proposed for the weekly sounded self-sabotaging or anything? 21:44
MasterDuke AlexDaniel`: i've forgotten the name, but there was that guy a while ago who was compiling a subset of raku to lua or something like that. he might have an interesting take
AlexDaniel` timotimo: well, people kept telling me why don't I do the work myself instead of ranting here, I explained that this is impossible to do alone and tried to find those who are interested and coordinate the efforts. Then I was immediately told to stop and move elsewhere. 21:46
timotimo oh you reappeared without me getting a "has joined" line :D 21:47
hence the third person
ShimmerFairy It only came across to me as very presumptive. Like, "of course there's going to be a Raku 7 that makes a bunch of radical changes"
AlexDaniel` it's totally fine, I'm not mad, it's just that there's not much I'll be able to do here
timotimo AlexDaniel`: you can totally take it to #raku instead of #raku-dev, i would expect
AlexDaniel` MasterDuke: there was somebody who was compiling a subset of raku to native code 21:48
or something like that
fanlang was it?
timotimo i thought of fanlang, too
AlexDaniel` my understanding is that they dropped the efforts
MasterDuke that's what it was thinking of
timotimo oh? i thought it was just going to stay in-house for a long while?
AlexDaniel` and it wasn't open-source anyway
MasterDuke they might have some good lessons-learned 21:49
AlexDaniel` yeah, like don't try to reimplement the language alone
Vendethiel: raku doesn't exactly have usable macros. Sure there are some modules that manage to use them, but it's not exactly a feature to brag about. I guess it will change soon. As for other languages, I haven't really tried macros in languages like julia, so I can't really recommend you anything. 21:53
timotimo AlexDaniel`: honestly, i think a bunch of things you've mentioned could be simple to do as a starting step 21:57
going without single-argument-rule could possibly be a challenge, depending on whether it's used in core or not
i've meant to have something that tosses out like half built-in classes to accelerate development or something like that 21:58
i never did get around to it
but i feel it could be interesting?
tobs off the top of my head, single argument rule appears in the signature of &cross
(came up a few days ago) 21:59
timotimo OK, toss cross for now :)
AlexDaniel` timotimo: I will do absolutely nothing until core developers agree that they won't be hostile to coordinated efforts to create a better next version of Raku
timotimo that sounds like something you can't really just blank-statement-sign 22:00
lizmat I am not hostile towards creating a better next version of Raku
AlexDaniel` timotimo: you can start by making sure not to tell me to go to another channel 22:01
japhb AlexDaniel`: Is there a downside to starting a new project name and creating a separate channel? I don't think people were trying to be mean there, just saying "That's not what *this* space is for."
lizmat AlexDaniel`: then stop using words as "crap"
timotimo the "go to other channel" issue is probably a "core devs who are actually doing a load of work need a channel that's more focussed on immediately-relevant-to-raku in-the-moment stuff they can read all of regularly"
thing 22:02
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> AlexDaniel`: I don't need to be told Raku doesn't have usable macros :)
japhb timotimo: Exactly.
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> But you said this: <AlexDaniel> that's not the point. Many languages have macros and custom operators, changing the whole syntax in just a single statement is not as amazing as you make it sound
22:02 Altai-man_ joined
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> I was hoping to explore some of the "many languages" 22:02
AlexDaniel` explore Julia
timotimo putting a broad discussion of possible improvements, avenues of changing, building a group, etc, wouldn't be right for here
japhb Vendethiel: raiph might have insights there. He hangs around a lot of the language design boards. 22:03
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> Did (it's also in the list I mentioned afterwards)
japhb (Actually, might have misgendered there. If so, sorry raiph!)
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> My path crosses raiph's fairly often. 22:04
AlexDaniel` timotimo: so where would it be right? I don't get it. “Yeah you are free to think about radical raku changes but not here, go away”
timotimo i thought raiph's realname was actually "Ralphie Boy"! /s
AlexDaniel`: i would suggest #raku
AlexDaniel` you leave me no actionable choices. No realistic ones
22:05 sena_kun left
AlexDaniel` you can suggest all you want but jnthn said without Raku 22:05
timotimo i believe you misread his statement
lizmat no, I believe that's a correct assessment 22:06
timotimo i interpreted it to mean "don't sell it under the raku name just yet" for the weekly message
(also artistic language 2 has something in it about that?)
lizmat AlexDaniel` Raku and its sub projects are open source
you seem to want to make a new language that is simpler
but that would not be raku 22:07
yet you insist it be called Raku 7
timotimo Ragout
Ragú? 22:08
AlexDaniel` I don't have enough resources to start a fork, sorry
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> tasty, tasty use v6;
lizmat if there is *anything* in the world that the next version of Raku should be called, it should *NOT* be Raku 7
AlexDaniel` lizmat: that I don't mind
lizmat that could be considered willfully squatting on the Perl 7 effort
AlexDaniel` point is, if I was working on something like that I'd fix versioning
that's a very old idea before Perl 7 came around
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> especially considering who was against the currently "weird"-considered naming scheme :-)
lizmat versioning will be fixed somehow 22:09
personally, I would be in favour of the next language version of Raku to be called Raku 20201
personally, I would be in favour of the next language version of Raku to be called Raku 2021
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> hah :D
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> now that one would throw people in a loop
lizmat as we probably won't be able to make it that far this year
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> there are many major parts of raku I dislike and would prefer differently, but I understand why they're that way and I still consider other things I get by using Raku worth it.
lizmat AlexDaniel` old idea or not, it is now claimed by the Perl community, and we should not want to interfere with that in any way 22:10
AlexDaniel` it's a detail I don't care about right now
we could've changed it to Raku Next or whatever in the weekly, or just call it next major version of Raku, it's such a small detail 22:11
but the actual message is “not Raku, go away”
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> the issue is that you want to squat it for yourself, I reckon.
lizmat well, I guess you managed to piss off the one guy you didn't want to piss off
AlexDaniel` so, again, not much I can do. Sorry if anyone is interested.
timotimo putting a project out with A Name right now will make that name unavailable for other different projects in the future 22:13
so make Raku Next or whatever now, that'll be awkward if for any reason it does not pan out
lizmat I've spent a lot of time in Raku's internals, mostly in Rakudo, some in NQP, hardly anything in MoarVM
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> I don't understand the confusion. If you contributed to Ruby, and then asked "I want a better Ruby to be made, can I call it Ruby 4 and hopefully people make it real?" -- would you expect it to be received well?
lizmat I agree a lot of things could be done better, and whenever I can, I will make them better 22:14
some require a lot of work
and sometimes (more often than not), it is all in vain
because of some edge case, or because the refactor turns out to not be faster after all
val() processing is a case in point 22:15
weeks of work got nixed because of a difference in the 10th decimal of the string representation of a floating point value
shit happens 22:16
is it frustrating? yes
you have no idea
but that does not mean to me that we just should kill allomorphs 22:17
AlexDaniel` Vendethiel: it's a fair point. I think the difference between it being received well or not is whether core devs agree with the idea. So if most people here disagree then it should not happen. I'm OK with that.
lizmat are you?
you don't give the impression?
AlexDaniel` I'm disappointed but I'm OK 22:18
[Coke]: I don't know of a good way forward. 22:19
for the project that is (it was a question asked by Coke that I answered differently before the conversation) 22:20
timotimo is something wrong with my irc client? the last message from coke i see is from like 3 hours ago? 22:21
ah that could explain it
lizmat AlexDaniel`: maybe it is an idea to describe what the ... operator should do and should not do ? 22:22
because I agree that could benefit from losing some of its magic
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> .oO( and the crazier things it used to do :-P)
AlexDaniel` lizmat: I did it twice I think, my final problem is how to get ranges like ‘a’…‘z’ to work
and that I wasn't able to solve 22:23
lizmat what is the issue with "a" ... "z" ??
I thought the issue is really with "aa" ... "cc" ?
AlexDaniel` because after my changes you won't have a .succ on Strs 22:24
m: say ("-5"…∞)[^10]
camelia (-5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14)
AlexDaniel` notice how it counts the wrong way 22:25
lizmat m: say (-5…∞)[^10]
camelia (-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4)
AlexDaniel` well, “wrong”, but in code like ($foo … ∞) you don't know what it's gonna do
lizmat m: say (<-5>…∞)[^10]
camelia (-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4)
AlexDaniel` so, in Raku you can generally use numeric ops with strings and not notice it
lizmat seems to favour the Int interpretation
AlexDaniel` but in this particular case it shoots you in the face 22:26
lizmat so, maybe we should warn if a string starts with - and is numeric ? 22:27
if it is the start-point of a ... or maybe just die ?
AlexDaniel` there's a line of reasoning on why .succ on Strs doesn't make sense, and you can actually remove it just fine, if we're talking about the next version at least
but then there's this harmless case of ‘a’…‘z’
timotimo that's a strange thing to warn about
AlexDaniel` just don't allow .succ on Strs
lizmat m: dd "aa" ... "cc" # note that this is *not* just doing .succ on Str 22:28
camelia ("aa", "ab", "ac", "ba", "bb", "bc", "ca", "cb", "cc").Seq
AlexDaniel` there is a possibility to introduce a different op for stringy ranges, and temporarily compile ‘a’…‘z’ to that
right, and that behavior is just removed
so that … just does .succ or .pred
lizmat what troubles me about ... in this respect is *not* that it is using .succ basically 22:29
AlexDaniel` but I don't know why you ask that. One way or another it'll be a noticeable change
lizmat but that it is *not* using .succ in the "aa"... "cc" case
AlexDaniel` yeah, exactly 22:30
lizmat and the only reason I've been been able to find for this behaviour
m: dd "000" ... "777"
camelia ("000", "001", "002", "003", "004", "005", "006", "007", "010", "011", "012", "013", "014", "015", "016", "017", "020", "021", "022", "023", "024", "025", "026", "027", "030", "031", "032", "033", "034", "035", "036", "037", "040", "041", "042", "043"…
lizmat aka, generating all of the possible chmod values
I feel this is making ... too magical 22:31
AlexDaniel` I mean… this is old news to me. The behavior of … can't be described in just a sentence or two, it has special cases for everything
lizmat ... always using .succ can be understood, even if .succ is somewhat magical
AlexDaniel` so many that it's really hard to understand the feature fully and hard to implement it properly
lizmat no, not for everytihing
AlexDaniel` which is why I reported many bugs when it gets things very wrong 22:32
so, yes, … should just call .succ or .pred
lizmat I think foo ... bar ... baz is something that's icky
AlexDaniel` that's the gist of it
lizmat and that's the thing: 22:33
replacing the ... operator with an ecosystem module, is what Raku excels at
you can do that
tobs m: say for 1 ... "07" ... -3
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of bare "say". In Raku please use: .say if you meant
to call it as a method on $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument,
or use &say to refer to the function as a noun.
at <tmp…
lizmat so, why not make it a module that people can use
tobs m: .say for 1 ... "07" ... -3
lizmat and if enough people like that, make it the default for a language version ? 22:34
ShimmerFairy That "000"..."777" example feels like it came from the same place that said ?"0" should be False.
camelia (timeout)1
tobs (I never even knew ... was chaining)
lizmat tobs: yes it is..
AlexDaniel` well, first of all because the way I see it is that it's not just … that is wrong 22:35
lizmat ShimmerFairy: agree it's something from the olden days
AlexDaniel` so I can fix … and Strs will count down
and if I want to make it backward compatible to some extent, I'd have to do some tricks with the parser
lizmat well, actually that feels like adding more magic to me
AlexDaniel` that's a little bit too much to ask of a module
lizmat "-5".succ can be understood 22:36
AlexDaniel` and I don't know why you would even ask that if you want to fix the language itself
it can be understood, but it can also be removed
ShimmerFairy I would be happy with ... only ever calling .succ and .pred on strings, since that is what it (conceptually) does with integers.
lizmat so is your beef with .... or Str.succ ?
AlexDaniel` if you want IO-like succ. then you can do "-5".IO.succ
you can fix … without fixing the other
lizmat and one cannot be fixed without the other ?
AlexDaniel` can't 22:37
ShimmerFairy And yeah, making "-5"...Inf act like -5...Inf would be way too magical (it would be exactly like ?"0" eqv False)
lizmat m: dd "foo.bar".suc # ShimmerFairy did you expect that?
camelia No such method 'suc' for invocant of type 'Str'. Did you mean any of
these: 'sec', 'succ', 'sum', 'uc'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: dd "foo.bar".succ # ShimmerFairy did you expect that?
camelia "fop.bar"
AlexDaniel` see, it's .IO.succ, Strs don't have a meaningful succ 22:38
lizmat those are IO::Path semantics applied to Str
AlexDaniel` that's why I want to remove it
lizmat that's definitely a wart I'd like to see applied to IO::Paths only
ShimmerFairy Isn't that for filenames like "frame00.png" ? That should definitely be in a fancier method, like say augment class Str { method nextfile() { ... } }
raku-bridge <Vendethiel> that's what I remember as well
AlexDaniel` well, a .succ on IO is alright 22:39
lizmat ShimmerFairy: yeah, but having that behaviour on Str is what is being discussed here
ShimmerFairy Yeah, my example was of a module adding that feature for people who wanted it, I should've been clearer.
lizmat ah, ok 22:40
AlexDaniel` that's already what .IO.succ does, I don't think it's wrong enough to need fixing
it does it through Str though, but that's just how it's implemented 22:41
ShimmerFairy imagines IO::Path.succ advancing the revision number instead of the bit before the extension on a really really old filesystem
AlexDaniel` from what I remember
lizmat AlexDaniel` IO.succ just does a $!path.succ
so we would need to move the logic
AlexDaniel` yea
but what do you leave in Str.succ then?
lizmat remove the . searching logic
AlexDaniel` and? 22:42
describe proposed .Str.succ in a sentence or two 22:43
lizmat with the current magic, but wiithout the extension logic
AlexDaniel` that's cheating 22:44
you do need to define it explicitly otherwise it's hard to tell what should be done with ‘a’…‘z’ and more complex cases
lizmat look, the code for creating the .succ magic is basically already completely parametric
we could also use that to document the magic
AlexDaniel` or just remove the magic 22:45
lizmat github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...C.raku#L18
AlexDaniel` tell users to use .IO for filenames and + for numeric values
that's absolutely terrifying 22:48
ShimmerFairy Description: Str.succ finds the last contiguous sequence of alphanumeric characters and increments it like a number. Alphabetic characters are advanced to the next character in the script they belong in.
22:48 leont left
AlexDaniel` ShimmerFairy: did you mean numeric? 22:49
ShimmerFairy No, I just wrote the "non-cheating" version of the description lizmat gave.
AlexDaniel` ah… 22:50
well, it's actually a pretty good attempt for a new implementation
but I don't think it describes the current implementation well 22:51
ShimmerFairy I literally just based it off of what docs.raku.org says, minus the filename magic.
lizmat is tired and goes to bed& 22:52
AlexDaniel` yeah, I'm taking a break too 22:53
23:01 lizmat left 23:04 lizmat joined 23:46 lichtkind left 23:55 squashable6 left 23:57 squashable6 joined