Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
coleman Deployed to prod 03:24
07:20 sena_kun joined 09:21 sena_kun left 12:43 lucs left, lucs joined
[Coke] coleman: O_O! 14:14
17:40 sena_kun joined 18:21 RakuIRCLogger left 20:52 sena_kun left
Geth doc-website/main: b069a46f0a | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 6 files
Adds highlights-js syntax coloring for non-Raku langs
doc-website/main: 6191460ec2 | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 2 files
This PR updates the Cro-app for the secondary refactoring

Cro is not used for build, and only exists if someone wants to clone repo for local build and then serve those files.
doc-website/move_highliting_to_plugin: b069a46f0a | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 6 files
Adds highlights-js syntax coloring for non-Raku langs
doc-website/move_highliting_to_plugin: 6191460ec2 | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 2 files
This PR updates the Cro-app for the secondary refactoring

Cro is not used for build, and only exists if someone wants to clone repo for local build and then serve those files.
doc-website/move_highliting_to_plugin: bfd00b0cff | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 7 files
Merge branch 'main' into move_highliting_to_plugin
doc-website/main: 86a5b79126 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 22 files
Moves highlighting functionality from template dir to plugin (#265)

  * Moves highlighting functionality from template dir to plugin
This PR only moves functionality without changing anything else. But by putting it into a plugin, it makes it easier to change later. The template directory is part of an older design of Raku::Pod::Render that works but is being upgraded.
  * move all syntax highlighting from ogdenwebb plugin to hiliter plugin
tidying refactoring
[Coke] .see rawley 22:09
.seen rawley
ah, it's rawleyfowler on github. 22:37
added them as a triage for doc-website.
(at richard's suggestion)
coleman roger 22:39
22:48 rf joined
rf Hello! 22:48
[Coke] Hello. Just invited you to the raku/doc org at finanalyst's suggestion. 22:49
rf Yeah I saw that, thank you!
[Coke] No pressure, I don't think anyone checked with you first. :) 22:50
rf I'll accept, I'm happy to contribute to Raku stuff whenever I have time :)