18 May 2024
[Coke] and then write an xt/ test to verify that all spans with that tag have the exact same (rendered text? raw code?) 16:24
Please comment on github.com/Raku/doc/issues/1924 with suggestions. 16:25
lizmat finanalyst might know 16:32
Geth doc/main: 83172d2751 | (Will Coleda)++ | 10 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)
doc/main: 48ae15a227 | (Will Coleda)++ | 15 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)
[Coke] That's enough of that for today 23:58
lizmat: pinged him on the ticket.
19 May 2024
Geth doc/main: fc2dc4a42e | (Will Coleda)++ | 42 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)
doc/main: 14b1f56557 | (Will Coleda)++ | 12 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)
20 May 2024
doc/main: 4 commits pushed by (Will Coleda)++ 02:22
doc/main: 1de9581ac2 | (Will Coleda)++ | 14 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)
doc/main: a780816018 | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Type/Buf.rakudoc
fix typo
doc/main: 607a3577e2 | (Will Coleda)++ | 2 files
fix typos
doc/main: c442867adb | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Programs/03-environment-variables.rakudoc
fix typos
[Coke] Any comments so far on the huge formatting update? 13:44
Will probably finish all the main types today, next is probably to standardize what links look like for methods, routines, and type objects. 13:45
I really wish I was more of a vi wizard, would make this easier. :)
Also fixing links to exceptions/AST nodes are highlighting missing docs. 13:46
lizmat [Coke]++ 14:14
[Coke] also: lots of places say things like "An Exception object", when I think "An Exception" is fine? 15:03
lizmat yeah, you don't say "integer object" when it's about 42 15:12
[Coke] I thought I was almost done. I was only looking in doc/Type so far, oof 17:40
Geth doc/main: c804a80470 | (Will Coleda)++ | 41 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)
doc/main: 449ed170df | (Will Coleda)++ | 3 files
Fix type formatting for several files.

  (and some very minor textual cleanups)