Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
08:07 sena_kun joined 14:07 sena_kun left
lizmat is there a reason why definitions cannot have markup? 14:09
dd $=pod ␤=defn foo ␤no B<markup> ??
color me surprised 14:10
14:10 sena_kun joined, sena_kun left 14:11 sena_kun joined
lizmat it gets weirder: unbalanced markup will produce a worry, yet will be stringified in the end 14:28
Geth doc/type-links: 222 commits pushed by 11 authors
doc/type-links: 5 commits pushed by (Will Coleda)++ 15:44
17:56 sena_kun left 18:05 sena_kun joined 19:23 [Coke] left 19:25 [Coke] joined 21:17 sena_kun left