Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
07:12 kjp joined 09:05 sena_kun joined
Geth doc-website/add_missing_Type_categories: c0e93a0553 | finanalyst++ | Website/structure-sources/types.rakudoc
Addresses issue #238

This PR adds a new plugin `Website/plugins/generated` and bumps minimum versions of `Collection` and `Pod::From::Cache`.
  `Pod::From::Cache` v0.5.0 has new method to deliver last commit-id for documents.
  `Collection` v0.15.1 makes the commit-id and date of render available for plugins.
fixes issue #241 Actually this error was found when trying to resolve issue #231
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #242:
Addresses issue #238
doc-website/main: b9306491ca | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | Website/structure-sources/types.rakudoc
Addresses issue #238

This PR adds a new plugin `Website/plugins/generated` and bumps minimum versions of `Collection` and `Pod::From::Cache`.
  `Pod::From::Cache` v0.5.0 has new method to deliver last commit-id for documents.
  `Collection` v0.15.1 makes the commit-id and date of render available for plugins.
fixes issue #241 Actually this error was found when trying to resolve issue #231
doc-website/main: b503634d9d | finanalyst++ (committed by Will Coleda) | 10 files
Addresses issue #238

This PR adds a new plugin `Website/plugins/generated` and bumps minimum versions of `Collection` and `Pod::From::Cache`.
  `Pod::From::Cache` v0.5.0 has new method to deliver last commit-id for documents.
  `Collection` v0.15.1 makes the commit-id and date of render available for plugins.
  `generated` adds these data when the block `=generated` is included in a Rakudoc source.
  `About.rakudoc` is amended to use `=generated`.
A live version can be seen at [new-raku /About](
21:59 sena_kun left
Geth doc: tbrowder++ created pull request #4288:
Add missing word
doc/main: 643754cd4c | (Tom Browder)++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Type/Cool.rakudoc
Add missing word