🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
00:10 Doc_Holliwood left 00:29 softmoth left 00:47 warriors left 00:57 warriors joined
Grinnz I hope that this is reasonable: github.com/perlorg/perlweb/pull/297 00:58
(this is for perl.org)
00:59 lucasb left 01:17 wildtrees left 01:25 ZzZombo_ joined 01:28 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo
AlexDaniel Grinnz: I think you can adjust it even more, but you decide, I guess 01:36
Grinnz: if I was doing these changes I'd probably leave “(formerly known as Perl 6)” out 01:37
Grinnz well it serves two things: a breadcrumb for those who already know what perl 6 is, and for why raku is mentioned in the places it is 01:38
AlexDaniel then you don't need “Raku is not intended as a replacement for Perl 5, but as its own thing”, the text overall should become simpler
Grinnz perhaps it will be unnecessary in the future, but i think it's useful at the moment
AlexDaniel sure 01:39
Grinnz and well, perl.org is much simpler to get changed than perl as you can see :P
(ironically, run by the same people who are currently shutting down rt.perl.org) 01:40
AlexDaniel I've noticed the changes, btw
now it says “Rakudo Bugs” instead of perl6 and links to rakudo.org/bugs
Grinnz hmm, that's not something i changed 01:41
where's that?
AlexDaniel I understand, yeah, that's on rt
Grinnz ohh, right
AlexDaniel it's a bit weird because I think I used to click there to see rt queue 01:42
and I see that perl5 tickets are already moved to github
Grinnz yeah that was done over the weekend
AlexDaniel Grinnz: what's the plan for “CPAN Module Bugs”? Is it the same cpan instance or not? Is it going to be kept up? 01:43
Grinnz there are no plans to change rt.cpan.org, and that instance is maintained by best practical
AlexDaniel just curious, no real reason why I ask this :)
Grinnz funny enough rt.perl.org also says it's maintained by best practical, but it has been maintained by the noc 01:44
AlexDaniel Grinnz: “Perl -- When the best is good enough.” that -- triggers me :D 01:45
I like the fresh look of perl.org, btw
Grinnz it was a good redesign, except when they tried to apply it to perldoc (an ongoing struggle for me atm) 01:46
AlexDaniel the docs are a bit hard to read but maybe that's because I'm used to the old design
ah, ok
I see :D
I feel completely disoriented
Grinnz the main problem is i have yet to get anyone to admit who is actually in charge of perldoc.perl.org
02:02 awwaiid left 02:12 ZzZombo_ joined 02:16 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo 03:20 cpan-raku left 03:21 cpan-raku joined, cpan-raku left, cpan-raku joined 03:51 ZzZombo_ joined 03:53 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo 03:55 lil joined 03:56 lil left 04:05 ZzZombo_ joined 04:08 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo 04:24 ZzZombo_ joined 04:26 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo 04:30 RubioTerra left 05:31 jmerelo joined
jmerelo releasable6: status 05:31
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 7 out of 436 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/a683c28ada92c06ee9...1f16f784f6
06:22 squashable6 left 06:25 squashable6 joined 06:40 jmerelo left 07:01 sena_kun joined 07:28 marcusr left 07:29 marcusr joined 07:44 marcusr left 07:45 marcusr joined 07:58 Doc_Holliwood joined 09:07 warriors left 09:31 scimon joined
scimon So... is anyone doing the Perl Weekly Challenge? Because I'm looking at this weeks second one and I'm stumped. 09:46
discord6 <noelsken> I think roughly 16 hours ago had some discussion? 09:48
10:04 sena_kun left 10:06 thundergnat joined
thundergnat scimon: Also, check out rosettacode.org/wiki/Dynamic_variab...mes#Perl_6 for <strike>clues</strike> blatent spoilers. 10:07
scimon: or docs.perl6.org/language/packages#I...into_names if you want to figure it out on your own. 10:10
10:13 thundergnat left
Doc_Holliwood so, multi submethods aren't really a thing. 10:24
10:27 MasterDuke left 10:29 fingolfin1 left 10:39 sena_kun joined 11:22 ggoebel joined 11:36 xinming left, xinming joined 12:02 atta left 12:04 pmurias joined 12:10 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: use Post; .say for Post.^all; say "ok" 12:10
redable SmokeMachine: Post.new(id => 1, title => "test1", body => "body-test1", deleted => 0, created => DateTime.new(2019,10,22,12,0,19.196347), tags => Set.new(""))␤ok␤
SmokeMachine red: Post.^create: :title("Is it working?"), :body("I think it is") 12:11
redable SmokeMachine:
SmokeMachine red: use Post; .say for Post.^all; say "ok"
redable SmokeMachine: Post.new(id => 1, title => "test1", body => "body-test1", deleted => 0, created => DateTime.new(2019,10,22,12,0,19.196347), tags => Set.new(""))␤ok␤
SmokeMachine red: use Post; Post.^create: :title("Is it working?"), :body("I think it is") 12:12
redable SmokeMachine:
SmokeMachine red: use Post; .say for Post.^all; say "ok"
redable SmokeMachine: Post.new(id => 1, title => "test1", body => "body-test1", deleted => 0, created => DateTime.new(2019,10,22,12,0,19.196347), tags => Set.new(""))␤Post.new(id => 2, title => "Is it working?", body => "I think it is", deleted => 0, created => DateTime.new(2019,10,22,12,12,8.809766), tags => Set.new(""))␤ok␤
moritz red: use Post; say Post.^mro; say Post.^roles; 12:13
redable moritz: ((Post) (Any) (Mu))␤((<anon|1>) (Model))␤
SmokeMachine red: use Post; .say for Post.^all.grep: *.title.starts-with: "body";
redable SmokeMachine:
moritz red: use Model; say Model.^methods
redable moritz:
moritz does it swallow error messages, or was there no output? 12:14
SmokeMachine moritz: error...
moritz red: die "error handling"
redable moritz:
SmokeMachine www.irccloud.com/pastebin/kqgPC5Nt/
moritz: not yet...
moritz red: use Post; say Post.^roles[1].^methods
redable moritz: ()␤ 12:15
SmokeMachine red: use Post; say Post.HOW
redable SmokeMachine: MetamodelX::Red::Model.new(rs-class => Post::ResultSeq, table => Any, dirty-cols => (my Any %{Mu}))␤
moritz just has to try to break all new bots
SmokeMachine moritz: you are doing a good job with redable... :P 12:16
moritz: it's too yang yet... and I'm not using the base of the other bots... :( 12:17
moritz: github.com/FCO/RedBot 12:19
but that's far from good yet...
red: use Post; .say for Post.^all.grep: !*.title.starts-with: "test"; 12:21
redable SmokeMachine: Post.new(id => 2, title => "Is it working?", body => "I think it is", deleted => 0, created => DateTime.new(2019,10,22,12,12,8.809766), tags => Set.new(""))␤
SmokeMachine red: use Post; .say for Post.^all.grep(!*.title.starts-with: "test").map: { "{ .title }\n{ .body }" }; 12:22
redable SmokeMachine: Is it working?␤ I think it is␤ 12:23
SmokeMachine red: use Post; Red.events.tap: { .say }; .say for Post.^all.grep(!*.title.starts-with: "test").map: { "{ .title }\n{ .body }" };
redable SmokeMachine: Is it working?␤ I think it is␤
SmokeMachine red: use Post; Red.events.tap: { .say }; .say for Post.^all.grep(!*.title.starts-with: "test").map: { "{ .title }\n{ .body }" }; sleep 1
12:23 redable left 12:26 redable joined, redable left
Doc_Holliwood weekly: www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=11107841 12:28
notable6 Doc_Holliwood, Noted! (weekly)
12:29 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: use Post; Red.events.tap: { say .db.translate: .data }; .say for Post.^all.grep(!*.title.starts-with: "test").map: { "{ .title }\n{ .body }" }; sleep 1 12:32
redable SmokeMachine: SELECT␤ post.title || '␤ ' || post.body as "data_1"␤FROM␤ post␤WHERE␤ NOT (post.title like 'test%') => []␤Is it working?␤ I think it is␤
12:33 redable left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: what's Net::IRC 12:42
jnthn Doc_Holliwood: I think multi submethods are a thing? Pretty sure I've got code using them to overload TWEAK 12:43
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: use IRC::Client instead
Doc_Holliwood I just tried to put two TWEAKs into one class, hoping it would sort it out via signature 12:44
didn't work
jnthn m: class C { has $.x; multi submethod TWEAK(:$a!) { $!x = 1; }; multi submethod TWEAK(:$b!) { $!x = 2 } }; C.new(:a).x.say; C.new(:b).x.say; 12:45
camelia 1
jnthn Seems to work?
(If you're trying to do it by presence of a named arg, remember they are optional by default, and all methods have an implicit *%.) 12:47
(Thus the need to demand them with `!`)
Doc_Holliwood m: class Foo { multi submethod TWEAK( :$a ) { say "A" }; multi submethod TWEAK( :$b ) { say "B" }; }; Foo.new(:a); Foo.new(:b); 12:49
camelia A
Doc_Holliwood m: class Foo { multi submethod TWEAK( :$a! ) { say "A" }; multi submethod TWEAK( :$b! ) { say "B" }; }; Foo.new(:a); Foo.new(:b);
camelia A
Doc_Holliwood aha
12:49 scimon left
Doc_Holliwood that was indeed the culprit 12:49
m: class Foo { multi submethod TWEAK( Str:D :$a ) { say "A" }; multi submethod TWEAK( Str:D :$b ) { say "B" }; }; Foo.new(:a); Foo.new(:b); 12:50
camelia Cannot resolve caller TWEAK(Foo:D: :a); none of these signatures match:
(Foo: Str:D :$a, *%_)
(Foo: Str:D :$b, *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Doc_Holliwood m: class Foo { multi submethod TWEAK( Bool:D :$a ) { say "A" }; multi submethod TWEAK( Bool:D :$b ) { say "B" }; }; Foo.new(:a); Foo.new(:b); 12:51
camelia A
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: ok, why? 12:55
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: github.com/Timbus/Net--IRC/issues/15 12:59
13:00 pmurias left 13:02 pmurias joined
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: TL;DR it's just better 13:05
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: thanks! 13:06
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: also if you ever decide to `use Whateverable` then the transition from IRC::Client will be much easier
13:07 AlexDaniel` left, timotimo[m] left, rba[m] left, uzl[m] left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'm still on the beginning of doing that bot... but is there a better way to make it safe to run code than run that on a docker container? 13:09
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: well, it depends on your definition of safe, some will argue that just running something in a docker container is unsafe and it's better to whitelist the syscalls with seccomp 13:11
SmokeMachine: question is how much freedom do you want to give to the users 13:12
for example, what about network access?
SmokeMachine: anyway what you're doing now is probably pretty good 13:13
I mean, like, good enough
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'd like to allow anything... just not break my stuff... :) 13:14
13:14 dogbert17 joined
SmokeMachine (I have to remember to add an `--rm` on the `docker run` cli the next time I change that...) 13:14
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: btw if you contributed that “run something in docker” bit to whateverable I'd appreciate it, I don't have that right now 13:15
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: what do you mean? (sorry, English still isn't my thing...) 13:18
13:18 pmurias left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: I mean, evalable6 and other bots in whateverable currently can't run stuff in docker, if you can make a PR to add support for that I'd love it :) 13:18
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: sure! Ill try to make it after work! 13:19
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3069:
fix typo
13:34 MasterDuke joined 13:37 warriors joined
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3070:
Add Raku to case exceptions in titles
13:45 lucasb joined 13:46 Kaiepi joined 13:52 stoned75 joined
Kaiepi releasable6, status 13:54
releasable6 Kaiepi, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 7 out of 436 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings)
Kaiepi, Details: gist.github.com/6eb4d6ab8ed598df03...ee8c772e8f
13:55 pmurias joined
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2019/10/21/2019-42-answered/ 14:06
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jdv79 is there a reddit name yet? 14:46
AlexDaniel jdv79: www.reddit.com/r/raku/ 14:50
jdv79 cool
14:54 Kaiepei left 15:06 pmurias left 15:07 mscha joined 15:10 mscha left 15:55 jmerelo joined 15:57 veesh joined
MasterDuke i don't have a twitter account, but maybe people could write in for raku twitter.com/graalvm/status/1186660909550395393 16:18
jmerelo releasable6: status 16:23
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 7 out of 436 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/c36ecc2e934e8478d0...b7cee71b86
16:24 cpan-raku left 16:25 cpan-raku joined, cpan-raku left, cpan-raku joined
Geth doc: 70ba713cb6 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod6
fix typo
doc: 217ed44c3c | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Merge pull request #3069 from stoned/lang-func-fix

fix typo
17:12 wildtrees joined
17:18 chloekek joined
Geth doc: 7a78bea601 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | xt/headings.t
Add Raku to case exceptions in titles
doc: e8d435b75f | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | xt/headings.t
Merge pull request #3070 from stoned/xt-headings-raku

Add Raku to case exceptions in titles Thanks a lot!
17:34 Kaiepi joined 17:38 Kaiepi left
brass When does Raku decide to spawn a new OS thread? 17:46
Geth doc/lukasvalle-patch-1: e9d339ba4d | lukasvalle++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | resources/i18n/de/README.de.md
Replace Perl_6 with Raku

Replace Perl_6 with Raku to be more consistent with the English version
doc: lukasvalle++ created pull request #3071:
Replace Perl_6 with Raku
doc: e9d339ba4d | lukasvalle++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | resources/i18n/de/README.de.md
Replace Perl_6 with Raku

Replace Perl_6 with Raku to be more consistent with the English version
doc: 94209539b6 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | resources/i18n/de/README.de.md
Merge pull request #3071 from perl6/lukasvalle-patch-1

Replace Perl_6 with Raku Thanks!
17:54 Kaiepi joined
discord6 <Rogue> lizmat - I think the new Rakudo Weekly site looks good 18:08
18:20 chloekek left
SmokeMachine m: sleep 10; say 10 18:31
m: sleep 1; say 1
camelia 10
SmokeMachine m: sleep 10; say 10
m: sleep 9; say 9
m: sleep 1; say 1
camelia 10 18:32
SmokeMachine red: use Post; Red.events.tap: { say .db.translate: .data }; .say for Post.^all.grep(!*.title.starts-with: "test").map: { "{ .title }\n{ .body }" }; sleep 1 18:40
sorry 18:41
Doc_Holliwood how di express this in one statement? my %key-hash; %key-hash{ @key-list } = ^@key-list; 18:43
*do i 18:44
MasterDuke m: my @a = <a b c>; my %h = @a Z=> ^@a; dd %h 18:45
camelia Hash %h = {:a(0), :b(1), :c(2)}
brass Or I guess rather how do you tell raku how many OS threads to run on? 18:48
MasterDuke brass: there's a RAKUDO_MAX_THREADS env variable 18:49
brass MasterDuke: thanks
MasterDuke also might want to look at docs.perl6.org/type/ThreadPoolScheduler
brass Are promises randomly scheduled on different threads? 18:50
MasterDuke i think so
Kaiepi do supplies use threads when you don't use Supply.schedule-on? 18:54
guessing no 19:03
19:07 stoned75 left 19:08 jmerelo left
brass Are all rakudo threads contained in a single OS thread? I only see a single rakudo thread in htop 19:10
Does it automatically take advantages of multiple OS threads if needed?
19:15 chloekek joined
Doc_Holliwood MasterDuke, ah yes, tx. 19:16
19:21 vrurg joined 19:24 Kaiepi left 19:35 MasterDuke left
japhb brass: Supplies are emitter-pays (stay on same thread by default), Channels are reader-pays (scheduled in pool by default). 19:37
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CIAvash m: my @a = <a b c>; my %h = @a.antipairs; dd %h 20:04
camelia Hash %h = {:a(0), :b(1), :c(2)}
CIAvash Doc_Holliwood: ↑
20:18 xinming left 20:19 xinming joined 20:22 pmurias joined 20:36 Kaiepi joined 20:37 Kaiepi left 20:38 Kaiepi joined 20:42 stoned75_ left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I've changed to use IRC::Client github.com/FCO/RedBot/blob/master/bin/red-bot 20:44
AlexDaniel: I'm still thinking what I think would the best way of doing the docker stuff... 20:45
20:48 MasterDuke left 20:49 Kaiepi left, Kaiepi joined 20:51 jjatria joined
mspo "doing"? 20:51
like official images?
SmokeMachine mspo: no, I was meaning run code from IRC on docker... like this: github.com/FCO/RedBot/blob/master/...Bot.pm6#L4 20:54
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: `multi method irc-all() {` should be enough, then just pass ‘red’ as an alias to IRC::Client like `IRC::Client.new(…, alias => red)` 20:57
I mean, ‘red’
SmokeMachine: this way the bot will reply to both `red:` and `redable:`, which makes it foolproof and also consistent with other bots on this channel 20:58
SmokeMachine: also, I mean `multi method irc-all($_) {` 21:00
of course :)
fwiw, the smallest whateverable bot is probably nativecallable6: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...allable.p6
so you just have to do `does Whateverable`, implement `help` method, and ideally use `.selfrun` because it adds some useful magic 21:02
21:02 ctilmes joined
AlexDaniel and that's how you can write tests for whateverable bots: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...callable.t 21:03
ctilmes SmokeMachine: You can use Docker::API to automate docker stuff from within Raku -- like 'create container' 'run job', etc. 21:04
SmokeMachine ctilmes: I tried installing it without success... 21:05
ctilmes Do you have LibCurl installed/working?
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'm changing it...
ctilmes: maybe that's the reason... 21:06
ctilmes SmokeMachine: what OS? A flavor of Linux?
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: let me know if you stumble upon any problem, I should be able to help :)
SmokeMachine ctilmes: mac
ctilmes SmokeMachine: Ah... I haven't done testing/etc. for mac 21:07
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: installing Whateverable I got this error: 21:17
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3072:
Fix function name in example
21:19 stoned75 joined
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: ouch! That's tests failing in Sake, but it sounds like a bug in rakudo 21:20
SmokeMachine: I'll look into it, but you can install it with --/test and it'll be fine
21:21 Kaiepi left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: what's your rakudo version? 21:23
21:28 CIAvash left 21:41 Kaiepi joined
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: 21:42
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: oh oh I know! 21:43
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: is it my fault? 21:44
Geth p6-sake: 488aa2963c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | META6.json
Bump version, require 6.c

Otherwise tests fail with something about Rakudo::Internals::LoweredAwayLexical.
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: try `zef install github.com/perl6/p6-sake.git`
SmokeMachine: it was an issue in Sake, which was fixed, but the version wasn't bumped so I think it is somehow still trying to use the old version
SmokeMachine so, should I use `--force`? 21:46
AlexDaniel what about `zef install github.com/perl6/p6-sake.git` ?
it should work without --force
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/g8wCIEC0/ 21:47
with `--force-install` it worked...
AlexDaniel ok
now whateverable should probably install fine?
it depends on Cro though, which used to fail some tests sometimes 21:48
so maybe try with --/test
SmokeMachine I've installed that with `--/test`... :(
AlexDaniel yep, it's ok
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: on that example you sent me, what runs the bot? 21:49
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3073:
Add missing 'the' and fix example's output
21:51 ctilmes left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: should `selfrun` run the bot? 21:53
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: just run the file and it should be almost ok. The only missing bit is that you need to pipe a config into it github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...fault.json
SmokeMachine: so `perl6 Nativecallable6.p6 < config-default.json`
SmokeMachine: if whateverable checkout there are sake targets and stuff to make this easier
SmokeMachine: but yeah, it does, but it will also attempt to read the config from stdin 21:54
not sure how to do it better
21:56 sena_kun left
AlexDaniel like, I usually use `sake debug:nativecallable` and it runs the thing 21:57
that's in whateverable repo, of course :)
SmokeMachine: also try with DEBUGGABLE=1 env var 21:58
so `DEBUGGABLE=1 perl6 Nativecallable6.p6 < config-default.json` 21:59
21:59 ctilmes joined, ctilmes left 22:01 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: use Post; Red.events.tap: { say .db.translate: .data }; .say for Post.^all.grep(!*.title.starts-with: "test").map: { "{ .title }\n{ .body }" }; sleep 1 22:01
redable SmokeMachine, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
AlexDaniel that's pretty close
redable: uptime 22:02
redable AlexDaniel, 1 minute and 24 seconds, 238.539063MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version 2019.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.07.1 implementing Perl 6.d.
AlexDaniel redable: help
redable AlexDaniel, Like this redable: <some Red code> # See wiki for more examples: Redable
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'm not using the config...
AlexDaniel readable: help
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: do you know how to install libsystemd.dylib on a mac? 22:03
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: oh! There's no systemd so you shouldn't need to install it… let's see
how can I make this optional? github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...at.pm6#L23 22:04
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: every log line gives me this: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/od3usitq/
AlexDaniel: good question... 22:06
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: it's not going to affect the functionality, but we should fix it anyway
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: maybe put that on another file and use a `use if`? 22:07
redable: say 42
redable SmokeMachine, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
22:08 redable left 22:09 redable joined
AlexDaniel redable: say 42 22:10
redable AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
22:10 redable left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: something is wrong with irc-all signature :) 22:11
SmokeMachine yes...
AlexDaniel it doesn't match so it falls back to the default message
22:12 chloekek left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: just an `alias => ["red"]` should be enough? 22:12
22:13 redable joined
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: yes, and the signature will look like this: `multi method irc-all($_) {` 22:13
red: help
redable AlexDaniel, Like this redable: <some Red code> # See wiki for more examples: Redable
AlexDaniel red: say 42
redable AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
SmokeMachine red: say 42
redable SmokeMachine, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
22:13 redable left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/JgRDHaRd/ 22:14
AlexDaniel: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/jHRwFn53/
22:15 uzl[m] joined
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: ah! 22:16
SmokeMachine: change irc-all to irc-to-me
and it'll work
sorry, don't know why it took me that long :)
22:17 redable joined
SmokeMachine red: say 42 22:17
redable SmokeMachine, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
SmokeMachine :( 22:18
redable: say 42
redable SmokeMachine, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
22:19 redable left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: can you send the code to me? I wanna try playing with it… 22:19
SmokeMachine: or maybe commit it to a branch
SmokeMachine I'll commit it
github.com/FCO/RedBot/tree/whateverable 22:21
AlexDaniel: ^^
Geth doc: 12e5fa4b5a | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Add missing 'the' and fix example's output
doc: b38cde575f | stoned++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Merge pull request #3073 from stoned/lang-func-fix2

Add missing 'the' and fix example's output
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/armEgVxk/ 22:23
Geth doc: 9af0953f41 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Fix function name in example
doc: 60f045c589 | stoned++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/functions.pod6
Merge pull request #3072 from stoned/lang-func-fix

Fix function name in example
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: did it work there? 22:27
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: I'm still installing Red… :)
SmokeMachine :)
22:27 uzl[m] left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: the thing about non-existent library is an AdHoc exception :( 22:30
22:31 Kaiepi left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: if you set DEBUGGABLE=1 env var the error messages about systemd will go away 22:31
SmokeMachine: you'll also see some nice debugging info
22:33 redable joined
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: testing 22:34
red: say 42
redable SmokeMachine, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: Redable
Geth whateverable: faf97ddca4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Heartbeat.pm6
Ignore exceptions about systemd

This function is used for systemd watchdogs, so if there's no systemd there's of course no need to do anything. This prevents unnecessary error messages on non-systemd platforms.
whateverable: d9fe0132a6 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Heartbeat.pm6
Improve the comments a bit
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: I fixed it anyway ↑, thanks!
well, “fixed”, I think it's good enough to just ignore the errors 22:35
22:35 uzl[m] joined
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: This is the error before saying the command wasn't recognised... www.irccloud.com/pastebin/n2HLdObT/ 22:36
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: oh 22:37
SmokeMachine any idea? 22:38
AlexDaniel yes
SmokeMachine: I can commit a fix right away, I think 22:40
if you give me privs :D
SmokeMachine sure! 1 sec
22:41 pmurias left
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: done 22:41
22:43 whatredable joined
AlexDaniel uhh 22:45
whatredable: say 42
whatredable AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Redable
22:45 whatredable left
AlexDaniel almost :) 22:45
SmokeMachine what have you change?
AlexDaniel it's still not working :) 22:46
22:46 Kaiepi joined
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: but have you gotten th "next error"? 22:46
AlexDaniel no 22:47
well… we'll see :)
22:47 Kaiepi left 22:49 Kaiepi joined 22:51 redable left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: it works now! 22:56
SmokeMachine: I had to reorganize it a bit, just trying to make it work, so feel free to change it back 22:57
SmokeMachine: Permission to FCO/RedBot.git denied to AlexDaniel 23:00
it's ok
SmokeMachine: github.com/FCO/RedBot/pull/1 :) 23:02
SmokeMachine: the requirement to have a config should be changed, of course :(
23:03 pmurias joined
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: but for now it works: perl6 -I. bin/red-bot run < config-default.json 23:03
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SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: strange... I've added you as contributor... 23:09
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: oh, I think I missed the notification! By bad :) 23:10
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: Thank you very much! 23:13
23:13 marcusr left
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: I mean, it should be easier… 23:14
I'll try to improve it based on this experience :)
23:14 marcusr joined
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: My next step will be put that configuration on database and try to make it work... 23:15
But I'll have to leave that for tomorrow... 23:17
AlexDaniel: thank you! have a good night
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: we'll have to fix this ugliness then: github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...Config.pm6
SmokeMachine: good night! 23:18
ah, maybe we don't need to 23:19
AlexDaniel hackety hacks
Geth whateverable: fba3fcbcac | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Config.pm6
Bail from trying to read the config if it's set

This should allow users to populate $CONFIG variable in other ways.
23:43 stoned75 left 23:51 Kaiepi left 23:53 pmurias left 23:58 squashable6 left