21 May 2024
Xliff How R U btw? 00:28
I appreciate your willingness to try my software, but for now it works only for Ubuntu 00:29
I don't have library data on other distributions
If you are NOT on ubuntu. Would appreciate the names for the following libs: glib, gio, gobject, pango, gdk and gtk+3 00:30
ab5tract Xliff: sure, I'll give it a try 01:21
I'm a long-time Linux user that de-camped to macOS last year
gtk is notoriosly unsupported over here, but that's as good a reason to give it a try as any 01:30
jdv www.reddit.com/r/programming/comme..._creators/ 02:03
perl 6 and raku were created by people of different ages?:) 02:04
antononcube @jdv Yeah, but just different middle ages. 02:16
Hmm... I can make a better version of that graph in Raku. 02:20
And an even better one in Mathematica.
jdv what do you mean about middle ages? 02:23
antononcube Maturity of the creator(s), I guess... And that the average age Raku users is 56. 02:26
jdv the graph is about creator age. not user age.
the age of the creator or perl 6 and raku are both the same cause they are the same thing and it was larry 02:27
antononcube I know it is about the creator age. I am basically saying "made by old people for old people." 02:33
ugexe Larry wasn’t the same age when he created each 03:07
Oh wait I thought it was Perl and Raku, not Perl 6 and Raku 😬 03:08
antononcube This is what I got (so far) using "JavaScripdt::D3": 03:42
I have to mark bubble charts more “tunable” when it comes to labels colors and font sizes . 03:51
Probably the correlation of age-at-creation vs appeared vs rank is more interesting. 03:57
cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633...8f2fc& 04:07
Xliff antoncube: Can you send me that data set? 04:51
Ah! datawrapper.dwcdn.net/rT0yG/1/ -- There is a link at the bottom to get the .csv 04:57
librasteve according to the data, Larry was 33 when he released perl - so smack in the middle of the Gaussian 05:30
if raku is to continue to thrive, we need to appeal to a new generation of coders … there’s a renaissance of languages for them to try Nim or Elm or Zig or Roc instead 05:51
holmdunc Elm is a bit moribund already and fading away. Doubt many teenagers use it 06:53
Though that's due to the idiosyncratic stonewall way the project is managed, not a reflection of the language features 07:02
patrickb m: "a".lines 08:21
camelia ( no output )
patrickb m: dd "a".lines
camelia ("a",).Seq
patrickb m: dd "".lines 08:22
camelia ().Seq
patrickb Is this a bug or a feature?
(The empty string returning no lines instead of an empty line.)
roast has no test covering this. 08:40
lizmat m: dd "".split("\n") 08:42
camelia ("",).Seq
lizmat good question 08:43
it's at least consistent with "foo".IO.lines where "foo" is an empty file 08:44
antononcube @Xliff The provided TSV file is with incomplete lines. So, I cheated — I imported it in R first and exported it as “full lined” CSV. (It was too late at night for me to make an ad hoc proper importer.) That R importing introduced zeroes for missing data — so, the plots I pasted above can be misleading. 09:09
patrickb Datapoint the current behavior of Str.lines makes the following necessary: github.com/patrickbkr/Terminal-Wid...026efd1d40 09:13
lizmat you can also write that as if $.text and the code blocks reversed 09:15
patrickb i.e. mapping lines of text will always return a list, except for the empty string where it returns nil
lizmat fwiw, I'm afraid changing it to produce an empty string, might break quite a bit of code
patrickb: alternately, you could use .split("\n") 09:17
patrickb In any case this should be roasted and doced. 09:20
lizmat and offered split(/ <?after \n> /) for the !chomp alternative 09:38