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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
Gus26 It's telling me I need 'use experimental :macros', but even when I add the use statement, it still complains about it. I assume it's a normal use statement, without the quotes, but I tried with and without quotes and it doesn't seem to recognize it. Any thoughts? 00:00
tonyo m: use experimental :macros; 00:01
camelia ( no output )
tonyo what version of raku Gus26
Gus26 I'm trying this
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', "use experimental :macros; macro m() { use experimental :macros; quasi { say 'a' } } m;", :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤X::Syntax::Confused at line 2, near "quasi { sa"␤␤»
Gus26 Oops I was trying to put inside the function 00:02
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', "use experimental :macros; macro m() { quasi { say 'a' } } m;", :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, gist.github.com/4cbcb7ea0109796ba9...3e5b351bd5
Gus26 Trying what I figure is the simplest possible program that demonstrates the AST functionality is really turned on 00:03
I suppose I could try and instantiate some AST nodes but I need to learn more about the API; I got the sample macro code from one of jnthn's talks 00:04
Also, without the macro, I'm not sure how you insert an AST back into your program 00:07
Ok so that problem was caused by shell quoting, didn't even consider that originally. Now I get the error that it's not recognizing quasi 00:19
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', 'use experimental :macros; macro m() { quasi { say "a" } } m();', :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤X::Syntax::Confused at line 2, near "{ quasi { "␤␤»
ugexe does there need to be a semicolon on the } before m() since its on a single line? 00:24
say "a" } }; m(); 00:25
Gus26 As I keep playing with it I feel like there's more shell escaping problems 00:26
ugexe committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', 'use experimental :macros; macro m() { quasi { say "a" } }; m();', :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 ugexe, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤X::Syntax::Confused at line 2, near "{ quasi { "␤␤»
ugexe guess thats not it
Gus26 Even simplifying further, it doesn't work but it's a strange error to me 00:27
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', 'macro m { }', :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤X::Syntax::Regex::NullRegex at line 2, near "}"␤␤»
00:27 berber44 left
Gus26 And in an empty quasi and it complains about some character problem 00:27
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', 'macro m { quasi { } }', :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤X::Syntax::Regex::UnrecognizedMetachar at line 2, near " quasi { }"␤␤»
Gus26 I have no idea what an UnrecognizedMetachar would be 00:28
I guess a character not allowed inside a macro?
Or is it some shell quoting issue with the curly brace? 00:29
ugexe committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; say run('raku', '-e', q|macro m($x) { quasi { {{{$x}}} }; }; m(1);|, :merge).out.slurp(:close); 00:40
committable6 ugexe, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤Undeclared variable $x␤␤»
Gus26 I don't think it's recognizing the macro keyword
I tried putting back in the use experimental :macros to no effect 00:41
This suggests that there is really something there, but I'm not sure what to do with it: 00:44
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', Q^say RakuAST.WHAT^, :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «(RakuAST)␤␤»
ugexe hmm right but i dont think rakuast implies macros 00:45
its just a precursor to better macro support
i also havent kept up with rakuast as much as i should so i might be woefully out of date in my thinking 00:51
Gus26 Hmm, maybe I should make sure the environment variable is actually getting through 00:52
And print the variable from the nested -e block
Also, how can you reference a constructor without calling it?
I'm trying to get the constructor signature
ugexe i suppose there could be many constructors 00:53
Gus26 But RakuAST::Statement.new.signature is trying to call signature on the created object, not the method itself
ugexe ah ignore me then heh
Gus26 I guess it's likely I'm looking for the BUILD method though right?
Isn't it standard practice to not really touch new and put logic in BUILD? 00:54
Probably should have considered this sooner, but the place to see how this works is in the tests 01:05
01:09 kvw_5_ joined
japhb Is anyone already working on a CBOR implementation (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBOR)? I think MUGS will need to switch to that (from JSON) in order to handle really big/rapid game updates, especially including blobs or arrays of native numbers, without spending too much bandwidth transmitting and time (de-)serializing. 01:09
I didn't see anything on modules.raku.org, but I know sometimes people have such things "simmering" in a local repo for quite a while before making them official.
01:12 kvw_5 left
Gus26 Ok, if you're manually building the AST, you don't need the ENV variable, so this works: 01:15
rakuast use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; my $s = RakuAST::Call::Name.new(name => RakuAST::Name.from-identifier('say'),args => RakuAST::ArgList.new(RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(5))); EVAL($s)
c: rakuast use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; my $s = RakuAST::Call::Name.new(name => RakuAST::Name.from-identifier('say'),args => RakuAST::ArgList.new(RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(5))); EVAL($s)
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «5␤»
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Gus26 So the nested call to raku does see the ENV var, but somewhere along the line it's going crazy, and I'm at a loss why 01:26
Still feels like a quoting issue, but I don't see how
Even using the manual AST evaluation in the nested raku causes a weird error 01:28
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', Q[my $s = RakuAST::Call::Name.new(name => RakuAST::Name.from-identifier('say'),args => RakuAST::ArgList.new(RakuAST::IntLiteral.new(5))); EVAL($s)], :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «===SORRY!===␤Unknown compilation input 'optimize'␤␤»
Gus26 Also, I guess when you use -e it no longer cares about EVAL
I think -e is doing weird things but I can't find any docs
It's actually looking for a package here: 01:30
committable6: rakuast %*ENV<RAKUDO_RAKUAST> = 1; my $p = run 'raku', '-e', Q[use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL;], :out; my $o = $p.out.slurp: :close; say $o;
committable6 Gus26, gist.github.com/4f221254a9d34b640d...36b159f317
Gus26 Jeez we have been trying way too hard, it just works 01:37
committable6: rakuast use experimental :macros; macro z($str) { quasi { say {{{$str}}}; } }; z("foo");
committable6 Gus26, ¦rakuast: «foo␤»
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stanrifkin what means :D behind the types? Like Complex:D 03:32
raydiak defined 03:34
m: say Complex ~~ Complex:D; say Complex.new ~~ Complex:D 03:35
camelia False
stanrifkin look like a smiley to me :D 03:37
codesections m: say Complex ~~ Complex:U; say Complex.new ~~ Complex:U # for comparison
camelia True
tejr ragu :DDD
codesections And that's why it's called a 'type smiley' 03:38
(in the docs)
raydiak that's not unintentional. makes it happier to look at :) we sometimes even call them "type smileys" or something like that
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patrickbkr[m] japhb: Are you aware of the existence of FlatBuffers? (alas no Raku lib available either) 10:40
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Xliff \o 11:28
Can someone tell me why the constant-def regex isn't working? 11:29
If you would like editing access to fiddle with it, please request. Would prefer you clone, though! :)
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ugexe not to be pedantic, but doesnt the :D stand for DEFINITE (like the method)? 13:45
not defined
it seems like something i used to know but i certainly don't remember the difference at the moment heh 13:46
(the difference between DEFINITE and defined)
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codesections huh, looks like you're right. TIL. 13:50
m: sub f { fail }; say f().defined; say f().DEFINITE; f() ~~ Failure; f() ~~ Failure:D
camelia False
codesections m: sub f { fail }; say f().defined; say f().DEFINITE; say f() ~~ Failure; say f() ~~ Failure:D
camelia False
13:54 |oLa| left
codesections And I guess the difference is that .DEFINITE is a pseudo-method that can't be meaningfully overwritten, whereas .defined is a regular method inherited from Mu. docs.raku.org/language/mop#index-e...E-DEFINITE 14:00
14:02 frost-lab left
vrurg And 'defined' actually winds down to the same nqp::p6definite, as DEFINITE 14:03
codesections (except when overwritten, as with Failure)
14:04 wamba joined
ugexe and :U stands for... indefinite 14:08
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xinming releasable6: 14:49
releasable6 xinming, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Releasable
tellable6 2021-04-03T14:32:37Z #raku <SmokeMachine> xinming_ no, that’s just a way to add “” around the table name… sorry, that problem wasn’t fixed yet… :(
xinming releasable6: status
releasable6 xinming, Next release will happen when it's ready. 3 blockers. 8 out of 183 commits logged (⚠ 1 warnings)
xinming, Details: gist.github.com/c70085c045df0b777a...10d673ad3f
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MasterDuke anybody here on windows ever see this when running rakudo's tests? dev.azure.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/_build...amp;l=1900 15:24
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guifa2 codesections: re your question on SE (I've left the site so can't respond there), even in blocks, you can adjust values in a closure 15:45
m: my $foo = 0; my &bar = { $foo + 1 }; say bar; $foo++; say bar;
camelia 1
japhb patrickbkr[m]: I hadn't looked at FlatBuffers (thanks for the pointer) because it wasn't listed in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_o...on_formats as being a JSON superset. I wanted something that could do everything that JSON could do (only better in terms of performance and space efficiency) and which could be a valuable core addition to Cro as a default-supported format. 15:46
codesections yeah, that's what I realized/mentioned in the comment. I was surprised by that, but I think I was misunderstanding how lexical scope works 15:47
(in Raku, but also just in general)
japhb FlatBuffers has the downside of needing a schema to parse, IIUC. I also wanted to make sure that the serialization and parsing where schemaless.
MasterDuke protobuf?
codesections (the same effect occurs in js, for example)
El_Che did someone mention protocol buffers? 15:48
(oh MasterDuke just did)
japhb MasterDuke: Also needs a schema to parse. And has one of the most baroque systems for parsing I know of. (I know, I implemented the wire format in Raku back before it was called that.)
MasterDuke ah 15:49
japhb Some other advantages of CBOR is that it is getting picked up in a bunch of IETF specs, has standard bindings for zero-copy (on parse) browser-side typed arrays, and is designed not only to be relatively space efficient, but to be parser-efficient as well, since part of the target audience is constrained/IoT devices. 15:55
All of which are other reasons it looks like a decent fit for adding support to Cro as well. :-) 15:56
japhb wonders if our UDP support is decent enough to support CoAP too .... 15:57
tonyo flatbuffers looks to have flexbuffers 16:02
guifa2 codesections: it's more of at the end of the scope, if the variable doesn't "belong" to anyone else, it'll get frozen. 16:04
m: sub foo ($a is rw) { return { $a + 1 } }; my $x = 0; my &bar = foo $x; say bar; $x++; say bar;
camelia 1
raydiak japhb: fwiw, I was looking at p5's CBOR::PP and it seems extremely short and clean and easy to port to Raku 16:13
japhb tonyo: Hmmm, flexbuffers are at least not schema'd, though it was only by you mentioning it that I even found it -- seems like flexbuffers uses the flatbuffer wire format, but is otherwise not their primary target? 16:16
raydiak: Oooh, good data point.
16:18 dataangel left, dataange` joined
raydiak however I have no idea of the legalities of creating a derivitive work of a GPLv2 project and relicensing it as artistic 2, or if you'd have to do it as its own separate GPL'd module (or get special permission/relicensed copy from the original author) 16:19
Xliff Can someone help me with regex issues, here: replit.com/@Xliff/MobileBeneficial...#main.raku 16:20
japhb raydiak: CBOR::PP and CBOR::Free appear to be Perl-licensed. CBOR::XS is I think the only GPL-only one? 16:23
raydiak japhb: oh I missed that, just saw the bulk of the license file and missed the first few lines, and saw github said gplv2. looks like its actually dual licensed if I carefully read the top of the license file 16:26
Xliff: apparently I am not human enough to pass the captcha on that site after a few attempts :D 16:27
those things are getting tricky...here in the US you usually wouldn't call a motorhome a "truck", even though I think the dept. of transportation classifies it as one. same with vans/minivans etc 16:28
Xliff raydiak: You have to be kidding me! :( 16:32
radiak: Have an email?
I'll try to invite you and see if that's a workaround
raydiak Xliff: no joke, I failed at "airplane" too, unless the site is just having problems
[email@hidden.address] should work 16:33
Xliff Invited
16:34 dakkar left
raydiak don't see it yet, I'll check again in a few minutes. I just sent a test message, it does still work 16:38
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raydiak got it, looking... 16:44
Xliff Thanks. 16:46
raydiak can you put that together into an actual test that shows how you're initiating the match/parse against the header file and shows the output? 16:48
Xliff ?
raydiak you just define some lexical tokens/rules, but you don't actually use them to parse the file 16:49
Xliff Oh... I didn't finish it off...
Should now be corrected. 16:50
16:53 aluaces left
raydiak looks like you're getting there. in general, I'd suggest wrapping it all in a grammar and using grammar::tracer, if that's something you can do in this environment 16:53
Xliff Well, if you comment out the $<value> rule, I can pick up names,. 16:54
However that's useless.
It looks like <string> isn't working, and I'd like some help figuring out why 16:55
Throwing it all in a grammar and using that is just another way to get a whole lot of nothing. 16:57
Grammar::Tracer would require the whole output to match\ 16:58
It's why I did this with a regex.
radiakAck! You had it. You needed to remove the my's 17:02
raydiak my bad, assumed this thing would have version control 17:03
Xliff LoL! No 17:05
raydiak I suggest doing that, but against a much shorter test file
Xliff Yes, but the utulity of Grammar::Tracer when used for what really is a line-by-line algorithm is...less than awesome. 17:06
So. As you can see... as soon as I add support for value extaction, things stiop working. 17:09
... or not 17:10
Huh... why does removal of $$ allow the <value> to process?!
Also. Only picks up the decimal, not the hexi... 17:11
!?? 17:12
Now Grammar::Tracer has dissappeared!
raydiak uh...I'll reinstall it 17:13
Xliff Didn't even know Grammar::Tracer was installed by default on repl.it@
raydiak it's not, I installed it in the shell
it does have zef 17:14
Xliff Ah! Nice trick! radiak++
raydiak this tool is fun, I'm a bit sad that I'm about to have to leave. but it also feels a bit immature. definitely should have an edit history, and not randomly lose things in the filesystem 17:15
17:16 aluaces joined
Xliff Yes. 17:17
Leave? Leave where?
raydiak I have a legal appointment downtown 17:18
Xliff Oh, but you'll be back! 17:20
Then the fun can resume!
Good luck with your appointment.
raydiak Xliff: thanks :) it'll be a few hours, but absolutely I'd be happy to do this some more if you're still around and haven't worked it out by the time I'm back 17:21
my regex/grammar memory is rusty anyway, nice to be brushing up on it
Xliff Sure thing! 17:29
tonyo that thing wouldn't load for me 17:39
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tonyo wouldn't mind taking a look at the regex, just finished the toml 1.0.0 thing so still have some regex freshness in mind 17:40
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lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2021/04/19/2021-...atch-anew/ 18:00
raydiak tonyo: I had to sign up to bypass the captcha, which is the part that wasn't working for me 18:01
lizmat++ thank you for all of your continuing hard work, weekly and otherwise 18:04
tonyo 7oh, i don't even get a captcha 18:10
it appears to load but no code shows
raydiak I saw that too, but only between captchas. either way, signing up may make a difference if you're interested. it doesn't seem very mature, but being a multiuser code editor, kinda fun to use anyway with another person 18:14
tonyo ah, that enabled more of the ui 18:15
no joy tho
raydiak hm. yeah, seems immature. maybe try another browser? I'm on chromium 18:16
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Kaiepi codesections, i was redirected to you about some legal concerns about my code i had in #raku-dev 18:53
<Kaiepi> i use modified snippets of openbsd source code in a few spots. i know there are comments i need to worry about in doing so, but is this permissible, and if so, is there anything else i need to worry about?
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El_Che keep the license text? 18:56
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Kaiepi that's what i'm doing at the moment 18:58
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Xliff tony-o: Maybe an invite might help. Email? 19:11
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Geth doc: 70d30afc75 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Range.pod6
Use code formatting for an operator
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Range
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kybr is it possible to invoke a constructor using just the () after a class name? Foo() instead of Foo.new ? i tried somrthing likke this: class Finger { sub CALL-ME() { "got here".say } } 21:13
ugexe method CALL-ME 21:14
Ven_de_Thiel `Finger()` looks like a conversion missing the object to be converted
kybr does not seem to work either. I get (Finger(Any))
21:16 ufobat__ left
kybr camelia: class Finger { method CALL-ME() { Finger.new } ; method fun() { "got here".say } } ; Finger().fun 21:16
Garland_g[m] Finger.() seems to work. 21:21
ugexe yeah it doesn't work with 0 arguments for some reason
m: class Bar { }; say Bar(Str); # looks like the Bar() takes this code path even with a CALL-ME() 21:24
camelia (Bar(Str))
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codesections Kaiepi: since I'm not licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction, I can't really give legal advice but keeping the license seems like a good idea in general 21:24
kybr: to flesh out what Ven_de_Thiel said a bit: the syntax for type conversions is `TargetType(OriginType)` and if OriginType is omitted, it's treated as Any. E.g.: 21:28
m: my $a = Int(); say $a = '42'; say $a.WHAT
camelia 42
codesections er, 21:29
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codesections m: my Int() $a; say $a = '42'; say $a.WHAT 21:30
camelia 42
codesections (I'm kind of surprised having the coercion doesn't work as the right-hand-side, but that's a tangent) 21:31
Anyway, the point is that Finger() is being parsed as a type coercion
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Xliff How can I get access to self outside of a method? 21:59
lizmat there is no self outside of a method ? 22:00
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Xliff gist.github.com/Xliff/30478a31e96e...4a722ae3c3 22:03
See ^^ for code
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guifa2 is legitimately surprised about the pushback from the CAT. (especially from guy who claimed to not trust it because he didn't know who sjm was — guess he doesn't follow perl much lol) 23:33
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raydiak Xliff: still around? 23:50
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