Welcome to MUGS ⚄♠♞🏹 (Multi-User Gaming Services)! | github.com/Raku-MUGS | This channel is logged for historical purposes; logs at irclogs.raku.org/mugs/index.html | v0.1.3 has been released! (github.com/Raku-MUGS/MUGS/blob/mai...v0.1.3.md)
Set by japhb on 5 June 2023.
Geth Terminal-Widgets/main: 4 commits pushed by (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ 00:26
Terminal-Widgets/main: 860f8375d3 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | .github/workflows/test.yml
Move to actions/checkout@v4 to appease GHW deprecation churn
Terminal-Widgets/main: 7e70fc7974 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | lib/Terminal/Widgets/ColorThemes.rakumod
Slightly lighten dark grays in 8-bit ColorSets
Terminal-Widgets/main: 26704a5382 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | 2 files
Set a per-terminal ColorTheme and ColorSet
Terminal-Widgets/main: 4 commits pushed by (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ 02:40
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