13 Dec 2024
lizmat make it a noop on Windows ? 11:25
patrickb That's what I currently do. But just maybe only one of those option makes sense in this context. Then I could simplify the API. 12:29
lizmat I'm not sure what the options, fwiw :-) 13:15
15 Jan 2025
Geth Terminal-LineEditor: coke++ created pull request #9:
Update dependency to avoid bug in 1.0.0
Terminal-LineEditor/main: 0a15397dd3 | (Will Coleda)++ | META6.json
Update dependency to avoid bug in 1.0.0
Terminal-LineEditor/main: 71655590b3 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Merge pull request #9 from coke/main

Update dependency to avoid bug in 1.0.0
japhb Also: Hey y'all! I'm finally back!
lizmat japhb o/ 20:01
japhb o/ :-D 20:57
patrickb Hi there! How's live? 22:02
16 Jan 2025
japhb Life is improving apace. It is nice to actually be able to use the office in my new home, though we are still discovering interesting things about the house, so that's a bit of a thing. Cool house though. 04:21
I'm finally able to assemble sufficient brain cells to consider actual engineering and design (as opposed to just rote coding). This is a nice feeling. 04:22
And kid return to school is progressing, which clears some mental space as well. 04:23
How are things for y'all?
lizmat when we're not asleep, pretty ok :-) 10:25
very well when we're asleep :-)
japhb lizmat: Now if I could just get rid of this pesky alarm thing that ruins my perfectly awesome sleep every day .... 15:18
patrickb: Yeah, small kids will definitely bring the sick, that's for sure. 15:19
patrickb: Are you enjoying the environment *because* the parents are in town, or are those separate things? 15:20
patrickb It's a really nice town even when disregarding our parents, but they do their fair share. :-) 15:21
japhb patrickb: Ah! That's even better. :-) 15:23
patrickb With the Cro release out of the way, I can now finally continue with my get-Rakudo-working-on-Windows endeavour. - Yay! 15:25
17 Jan 2025
japhb patrickb: Oh nice! 14:10
lizmat japhb: could you do a release of Terminal::LineEditor, so we can all benefit from non-breakage on MacOS ? :- 14:22
patrickb lizmat: Just so I understand. Doesn't `zef install "Terminal-MakeRaw:ver<1.0.1>"` fix the issue? 14:35
lizmat probably 14:36
it's just that ::LineEditor on zef now has "Terminal::MakeRaw:ver<1.0.0+>" as the dependency 14:37
patrickb I guess it's nice to have the version bumped, just because it's nice, but I don't really see where that actually makes a difference...
lizmat so if you have that already installed, and you install Terminal::LineEditor 14:38
you get the broken version
patrickb Yeah, that's the only case where it'll make a difference. If you have T-LE already installed or T-MR not installed it doesn't make a difference.- 14:39
japhb I can certainly do a release though, not a big deal 14:50
Geth Terminal-LineEditor/main: d8f272a2cc | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | 3 files
japhb ... and there you go. 15:02
lizmat japhb++ 15:18
26 Jan 2025
Geth Terminal-LineEditor: patrickbkr++ created pull request #10:
Move to Terminal-API
Terminal-Widgets: patrickbkr++ created pull request #25:
Unblock Windows support
japhb Three PRs responded to, patrickb . Thank you for submitting them! :-) 23:46
29 Jan 2025
Responded to PRs again. Sorry I didn't notice you had done so yesterday. 00:17
patrickb: ^^