23 May 2024
japhb patrickb: I've looked through your issues, and they all look good. Do you have any particular prioritization on those? 23:13
In other words, what's your biggest blocker?
24 May 2024
patrickb Hey! None of those issues is a real blocker, as there are so many open ends I need to follow. So it will be some time before I'm actually blocked. Giving them a priority, I'd saydynamically hiding / showing widgets 06:48
1. DOM like API (some way to dynamically show / hide widgets) 06:49
2. Popovers
3. Custom widgets (i.e. how do I create a widget in third party code) 06:52
Geth Terminal-Widgets: patrickbkr++ created pull request #19:
Two small fixes
japhb Gotcha, thank you patrickb 13:57
patrickb Thank you! Your responsiveness and positiveness is way above standard. 14:01
japhb :-D 15:01
26 May 2024
Geth Terminal-Widgets: patrickbkr++ created pull request #20:
Patrickbkr add focusable role
9 Jun 2024
Terminal-Widgets: patrickbkr++ created pull request #21:
Patrickb span fixes
patrickb Progress update: The RichText widget is mostly done. It has an optional cursor, optional highlightable line, optional line and word wrapping. Next is cleaning up the code a bit and then start on the TreeView widget. 22:02
japhb Wowza. Clearly I need to make some Raku time available. 22:05
Thank you for the update, patrickb !
10 Jun 2024
patrickb There is no urgent need from my side. The list of things I want to do before I bump into T-W limits is looong. (I do welcome progress though! Just don't feel pressured.) 07:08
12 Jun 2024
To anyone interested: Now the RichText widget is completely done. There is an example show-casing the features in examples/rich-text.raku. It lives here: github.com/patrickbkr/Terminal-Wid...rich-text. 22:01
patrickb is proud. 22:02
Now on to the TreeView.
[Coke] patrickb: sorry to mention, it seems to render the screen on mac and then explode. You want the trace somewhere? 22:12
gist.github.com/coke/8f6a35554efc9...f47f693535 22:13
.oO( Why does GitHub insist on extra leading in monospaced sections? Darn ASCII art ruiners .... )
Thank you patrickb !
(And [Coke] for bringing up that problem)
[Coke]: Do any of the other example scripts break? 22:31
[Coke] checking 22:33
the half I've tried so far. 22:34
... all of them
japhb All break, or all work? 23:25
(It sounds like all break, just want to be sure) 23:26
13 Jun 2024
patrickb [Coke], japhb: That issue that coke observes is some native lib issue with the only native dep in the T-W stack (termios). From what I remember, T-W does not use any feature from termios that requires the native dep. It's on my list to create a termios::pureraku or some such that has all the features T-W needs but doesn't have a C component. 07:03
Irrespective of that, it should still have worked. 07:04
[Coke] japhb: yes, all of them break 14:58
japhb patrickb++ 17:29
[Coke]: Gotcha.
1 Jul 2024
Geth Terminal-LineEditor: patrickbkr++ created pull request #6:
Make the dependency chain free of native code
patrickb There is a similar PR in Terminal::Print. \o/ There we go, no native code in Terminal::Widgets and its dependencies. 21:39
12 Jul 2024
cioran o/ 18:15
lizmat patrickb japhb ^^ :-) 18:17
patrickb o/
Just to get this out first, Terminal::Widgets is really WIP, good for tinkering, but not ready for prime time yet. It's actively worked on though, so stay tight! 18:20
cioran Is there pictures or a video of this? 18:29
Oh ok got it 18:36
So this is like for Moo's MUDs
Sorry wasn't very familiar with the concept 18:37
Does this have sound support?
I should tell the guy I know who did braillemon
Anywho thx for your time! Ill prob be back. Appreciate your time 18:41