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Set by japhb on 3 March 2024.
patrickb Hey! None of those issues is a real blocker, as there are so many open ends I need to follow. So it will be some time before I'm actually blocked. Giving them a priority, I'd saydynamically hiding / showing widgets 06:48
1. DOM like API (some way to dynamically show / hide widgets) 06:49
2. Popovers
3. Custom widgets (i.e. how do I create a widget in third party code) 06:52
Geth Terminal-Widgets: patrickbkr++ created pull request #19:
Two small fixes
japhb Gotcha, thank you patrickb 13:57
patrickb Thank you! Your responsiveness and positiveness is way above standard. 14:01
japhb :-D 15:01