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Set by japhb on 3 March 2024.
patrickb To anyone interested: Now the RichText widget is completely done. There is an example show-casing the features in examples/rich-text.raku. It lives here: github.com/patrickbkr/Terminal-Wid...rich-text. 22:01
patrickb is proud. 22:02
Now on to the TreeView.
[Coke] patrickb: sorry to mention, it seems to render the screen on mac and then explode. You want the trace somewhere? 22:12
gist.github.com/coke/8f6a35554efc9...f47f693535 22:13
.oO( Why does GitHub insist on extra leading in monospaced sections? Darn ASCII art ruiners .... )
Thank you patrickb !
(And [Coke] for bringing up that problem)
[Coke]: Do any of the other example scripts break? 22:31
[Coke] checking 22:33
the half I've tried so far. 22:34
... all of them
japhb All break, or all work? 23:25
(It sounds like all break, just want to be sure) 23:26