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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
lizmat Files=1267, Tests=88064, 400 wallclock secs (20.72 usr 6.04 sys + 2894.80 cusr 210.81 csys = 3132.37 CPU) 09:19
Geth nqp: 80da5d8a14 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM revision for latest NativeCall fixes
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo: f98a70cab4 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP revision for NativeCall fixes
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
nine releasable6: status 10:57
releasable6 nine, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 175 out of 311 commits logged (⚠ 3 warnings) 10:58
nine, Details:
lizmat confirmed all clean 11:11
nine \o/ 11:13
[TuxCM] Rakudo version 2018.12-312-gf98a70cab - MoarVM version 2018.12-114-g7ca628263
csv-ip5xs0.727 - 0.749
csv-ip5xs-205.987 - 6.360
csv-parser21.419 - 22.476
csv-test-xs-200.429 - 0.440
test7.369 - 7.773
test-t1.841 - 1.878
test-t --race0.845 - 0.876
test-t-2030.888 - 32.365
test-t-20 --race10.037 - 10.139
nine Cool! Calling P5 methods in scalar context really works :) And it doesn't look all that bad: $p5obj.some_method(Scalar, 1, 2, 3); 14:02
timotimo oh, putting Scalar as the first argument will do that? 14:04
that could be fun with flattening :o
nine Yep, a Scalar type object. Something I've never seen in any non-core code 14:05
timotimo true
does p5 also have void/sink context? 14:06
AlexDaniel nine: uh, I can't retest it on my system… I don't think the module works with the newest libfreetype6-dev debian package
nine: but it does work for you now, right?
I run Blin on another system so we'll see if it's not fixed anyway
nine AlexDaniel: "work". I haven't seen the failures from the ticket, but do get other test failures unrelated to JIT
AlexDaniel oh…
nine timotimo: it does
timotimo will you provide something for that as well? 14:07
nine I guess I could. Have been thinking about using Mu as sentinel for that. But I guess the demand for this feature will be rather small 14:08
nine timotimo: seems like supporting void context could win me another 7 % in, so it might be worth it. I do wonder though if there'd be a way to get this win without having the user explicitly telling me? 16:12
timotimo wow, cool 16:13
don't think i know a way to get that 16:14
nine The one change necessary in would be: $csv.parse(Mu, $_); 16:15
It doesn't look that bad, but also not as clear as the Scalar thing
timotimo could have something like IterationEnd
nine It's now taking a little over 14 seconds for 1_000_000 lines. I'm quite sure that when I started optimizing it took about 16 seconds for just 10_000 16:21
timotimo very nice 16:22
timotimo Font::FreeType just got a release which fixes t/10metrics_postscript.t for newer versions of freetype2; does that have anything to do with the CStruct change I made? 23:22