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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
MasterDuke vrurg: you should add yourself to the CREDITS 00:02
vrurg MasterDuke: lizmat already said that. I'm waiting until something really interesting would be pulled in. 00:03
Thanks anyway! :) 00:04
MasterDuke i think 4 fixed issues is 3 more than you need to be included 00:06
but that's up to you of course
vrurg :D too focused on getting things fixed, perhaps. Just every time I get into a bug it turns out there is more bug lurking behind it. I just can't stop chasing them... 00:14
MasterDuke you definitely didn't start with the easiest possible bugs... 00:16
vrurg MasterDuke: Not really. What would be so difficult in making Subset matching only the where constraint? (It is currently matching itself). But behind it there is a bug with about cloning proto methods (and, probably, not only them). 00:19
Without fixing the latter the former can't be fixed too.
Otherwise there no complications. ;) 00:20
ugexe There was no global deoptimization triggered by the profiled code. 01:59
There was one global deoptimization triggered by the profiled code.
There were 17 global deoptimization triggered by the profiled code.
why does that say 3 seemingly different things
results from a --profile ^ 02:00
e.g. how were there 17 global deoptimizations triggered by the profiled code when it just said there was 0 (and 1)
ugexe .tell patrickb 03:54
yoleaux ugexe: I'll pass your message to patrickb.
lizmat ugexe: maybe it is a junction ? :-) 10:14
AlexDaniel jnthn: maybe 11:28
pretty sure it also affects Cro, and I'm suffering because of leaks too…
jnthn AlexDaniel: Maybe next week; really hope to have more time then. 12:58
vrurg jnthn: thank for your advises! I found the fix seemingly. Just didn't have time to test it throughly. 13:31
vrurg Could somebody merge PR 2780, please? 16:12
jnthn vrurg: Should let it pass CI first, but I took a look over it and it looks sensible 16:16
vrurg jnthn: Thanks! 16:17
I wanna get back to subsets and would prefer to merge the fix from the master.
lizmat oops, saw this too late 16:24
looks like we lost Geth ?
moritz timotimo ^^ 16:25
jnthn vrurg builds clean for me... running tests now
moritz seems we have lost hack 16:29
reboot 16:30
lizmat moritz++ 16:31
jnthn vrurg spectests ok for me 16:34
Geth rakudo: bea5199342 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Parameter.pm6
Added helper method Parameter.cool_constant

Not intended to be used outside of the core. Returns the Cool value of a Parameter if it is a Cool constant. Otherwise returns Nil E.g.:
   sub a("foo") { }; dd &a.signature.params[0].cool_constant; # "foo"
   sub b($foo ) { }; dd &a.signature.params[0].cool_constant; # Nil
ugexe curious, why not make it a private method and call that private method through nqp so as note to expose it publically? 16:45
im probably misremembering and its private attributes that can be accessed 16:47
Geth rakudo: dd1c805949 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Main.pm6
Simplify candidate selection in MAIN usage

A recent change tried to be smarter on which MAIN candidates to show. This was however too smart for its own good, omitting candidates when it shouldn't. Now limiting of candidates will only happen if the first given parameter matches a **constant** value as the first parameter. So if you have multiple MAIN candidates that have "foo" as the first parameter, and you give "foo" ... (6 more lines)
lizmat ugexe: I needed the method in, not in
also: "trusts" doesn't work in the setting 16:49
ugexe right but i thought one could nqp::foobar('!methodname', $someobj)
but im pretty sure im thinking of attributes now 16:50
lizmat nqp::getattr you mean ?
ugexe probably
lizmat yes, you can, but this is Parameter.pm6 logic. Felt weird to put that in Main
Geth rakudo: 2b991664d4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Move "cool_constant" logic to Main

Thereby effectively hiding it from the outside world. ugexe++
vrurg BTW, is there branch for the upcoming 6e? 17:56
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Move "cool_constant" logic to Main 19:21
timotimo anybody want to proofread my blergpost? 19:58
robertle I'd start by calling it a blogpost, 'blerg' has negative connotations for some poeple ;) 20:20
timotimo but it's on my blagoblag 20:25
hankache timotimo++ 20:32
lizmat timotimo: "type name like MixBag" MixBag ?? BagHash perhaps?? /me dunno about MixBag 20:46
lizmat timotimo: that's my only nit 20:58
timotimo ha, you're right, mixhash or baghash not mixbag 21:05
i mean there could be a custom type named that of course
lizmat could be :-) 21:08
timotimo published that blog post: 22:41
MasterDuke timotimo: "The very first post on this blog already had a little bit about the heap snapshot profiler in the first post on this very blog." has a redundant beginning and ending 22:59
timotimo haha 23:03
good catch 23:04
MasterDuke timotimo: and i think "The individual attributes can be uncompressed and stored away in parallel and since there's one count shared between many attributes." has an extra 'and' between 'parallel' and 'since' 23:06
AlexDaniel m: use v6.e.PREVIEW 23:07
camelia ===SORRY!===
Cannot call method 'typed_panic' on a null object
AlexDaniel mmm…
jnthn m: use v6.e 23:08
camelia ===SORRY!===
Cannot call method 'typed_panic' on a null object
jnthn Well, oops
I mean, it's better than silently accepting it, but still LTA
MasterDuke timotimo: maybe missing some words at the end here? "relocatable perl6 binary in," 23:10
timotimo fixed, or tried at least 23:12
MasterDuke nice work, definitely looking forward to getting heap snapshot support in moarperf
timotimo thanks
tell me about your favourite features? :)
what you'd like to see, i mean
MasterDuke well, don't remember if it does it now, but being able to know what exactly is getting collected in each run 23:15
timotimo *gasp* 23:17
MasterDuke hm, maybe not each exact object, but counts of types 23:18
timotimo that's quite a bit easier :) 23:25
there's loooooots of space in between snapshots for ... basically anything at all 23:35
it'll quickly turn into a horrifying hodgepodge of everything forever 23:37
Geth roast: vrurg++ created pull request #521:
Test for GH #2772
rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #2784:
New roast test
jnthn Actually if you run both the normal profiler *and* the heap profiler than you'd have the data to calculate what was allocated but then collected, no? :) 23:59