Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Nick Logan 'Merge pull request #2777 from vrurg/fix_Configure_for_relocatable 00:05
MasterDuke now that rakudo is relocatable, can the windows install file select where to install to? 02:02
ugexe isn't part of the reason it installs to that location is because it doesnt have any spaces in the path, like a typical windows username e.g. C:\Users\My Name\ 02:09
i dont think rakudo is installable to a path with a space in it. or at least it was not a few years back 02:10
MasterDuke hm, i don't have a windows machine to test with, but hopefully somebody can. there have been multiple people asking about being able to install to a chosen path over the past couple years 02:33
ugexe now that i think about it the msi might be ok. it might have just been the Makefile which doesn't quote its paths 02:37
lizmat Files=1253, Tests=87982, 398 wallclock secs (21.00 usr 6.57 sys + 2857.38 cusr 241.60 csys = 3126.55 CPU) 09:01
it's been a long time since it was below 400!
Geth rakudo: 4189e20c46 | (Kane Valentine)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/release_guide.pod
claim the next rakudo release
lizmat kawaii++ 09:16
Geth rakudo: 0e07079bad | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/QuantHash.pm6
Move QuantHash.kv build logic to !SET-SELF

So that it can be more easily overridden in a class
rakudo: 9399ea1198 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add basic check for keys in SETTING:: and PROCESS::
kawaii AlexDaniel: do you have some time perhaps on Saturday to run through 'releasing' a mock 2019.03.2 with me? :) 10:04
I will need some practice using the Sakefile and other tools before we do it for real
AlexDaniel kawaii: OK, so the sakefile is cool because it does everything locally. So you'll have rakudo and nqp repos on your computer with all the commits and tags, and also the tars. All of that you can inspect without pushing it anywhere 10:06
kawaii So does the sakefile spit out a tar.gz I can actually `perl`, `make` and `make install`? 10:08
AlexDaniel yeah, the same ones you see on 10:09
kawaii: so you just go to the tools/releasable directory and run something like `VERSION=2019.04 sake all` 10:10
kawaii: `all` is not exactly all, it excludes the last step which pushes and uploads stuff
kawaii sure, do you need my keys again by the way? for when it's time for me to actually upload a 'real' release? 10:12
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.03.1-97-g9399ea119 - MoarVM version 2019.03-44-g079d67002
csv-ip5xs0.756 - 0.813
csv-ip5xs-206.380 - 6.845
csv-parser25.831 - 27.263
csv-test-xs-200.440 - 0.455
test7.256 - 8.301
test-t1.781 - 1.963
test-t --race0.879 - 1.053
test-t-2031.574 - 33.286
test-t-20 --race10.160 - 10.238
AlexDaniel releasable6: status
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release in ≈30 days and ≈8 hours. 0 blockers. 0 out of 97 commits logged
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Details:
(working from home, so the box is "in use")
AlexDaniel kawaii: in around 30 days
kawaii: ok, another thing is that the sakefile is designed to ssh into a faster machine to run tests and stuff 10:14
kawaii: the whole process takes around 1 hour if I'm not mistake, most of it is spent on running the spectest excessively :) 10:15
kawaii my laptop has 8 cores and 16gb of RAM, is that 'faster' enough to just run locally?
AlexDaniel kawaii: for example, if a single test file flaps, it reruns the spectest…
kawaii: pretty much any machine is fine as long as you're willing to wait, my laptop at the time was just much slower than my server so that's why
kawaii I will spin up a VM at $work then with a dozen or so cores for a few hours then :) 10:16
AlexDaniel kawaii:
kawaii: these are the only lines that do ssh stuff, and you can simply replace them with a non-ssh equivalent 10:17
kawaii so if I want to run locally only, how do I negate that?
ah okay understood
AlexDaniel the thing might benefit from a configurable flag, or something… of course :)
kawaii 10:18
looks like I can just cheat and have it SSH into localhost too
AlexDaniel maybe, yeah 10:19
kawaii so aside from releases, is there anything I should be doing on a day-to-day basis too? i.e. checking over and assigning issues in the rakudo repo, choosing which issues are blockers etc? 10:21
AlexDaniel kawaii: yes, though maybe not exactly day-to-day but like week-to-week 10:31
kawaii: so the list of issues here you'll need to go through, yes: 10:32
kawaii: if something looks like it breaks stuff for people and you don't want to make a release with that, use the blocker label on it
we used to have this thing: 10:33
kawaii AlexDaniel: sure okay, I will probably ping you excessively about which issues are actually important over the next few releases until I learn better :)
AlexDaniel and there were like checkboxes near every ticket to make sure that you did indeed check if its a blocker or not
we sorta lost that nice thing once we moved to github, and I was hoping that will start listing github tickets eventually 10:34
but nobody implemented that in the end, so here we are, just look through the issues carefully :)
kawaii I want to make a PR to Blin at some point over the next few weeks, to allow for it to scp/rsync the output files somewhere to be rendered as HTML upon completion - this will help for running it in Docker/containers hopefully. Will add some level of automation to ecosystem testing. 10:35
AlexDaniel kawaii: there are some rules of thumb – if the issue existed in previous releases, then it's probably not a blocker 10:36
kawaii: that said, sometimes it's worth to consider when was the last release of rakudo star, so maybe if the issue existed in the last 2-3 releases but didn't exist in the latest star, maybe it's better to fix it now 10:37
kawaii: and in my view, anything that breaks a module or anything that is likely to break someone's code, is a blocker, even if it's a fix… 10:38
kawaii understood :) 10:39
AlexDaniel some changes to the language can be versioned, i.e. you only get them if you `use v6.e` or whatever. So anything that can potentially break stuff should use that mechanism. There are limitations to that, unfortunately… you'll see… 10:41
kawaii: do you have an account on ? 10:42
I think you should be able to login with auth0 using your github account…
kawaii I do now 10:43
AlexDaniel ok now who is able to give privs for that thing…
Coke probably… 10:44
kawaii: at the top it says “Logged in as …”, can you mail Coke asking for privs on RT for that “…” ? 10:46
kawaii: now, this is the old issue tracker that we no longer use, you won't be touching it often
kawaii Will do, I assume Coke works at/has some affiliation with TFP then?
AlexDaniel I guess so! 10:47
you do need access to that just because eventually you'll get someone asking to close/move a ticket or whatever, and it'd be stupid if you didn't have privs for that
CC me just in case
kawaii: you asked about keys, it's all fine except that I probably need to figure out how to sign your gpg key 10:50
and your ssh key needs to be added to the rakudo user on so that you can upload tars
kawaii: can you try ssh [email@hidden.address] 10:52
kawaii AlexDaniel: got asked for a password 10:53
AlexDaniel kawaii: I added the one on top:
kawaii yep that's right, how old is this box? Some people have issues using my key on older systems 10:54
my mistaje
I'm in!
AlexDaniel ok there's another machine, but I have to run real quick… we'll be back in 30 mins 10:56
kawaii no problem!
Geth rakudo: a6a607054a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/Internals.pm6

Takes an IterationSet type / object and returns a nqp::list iterator for its keys. To be used in SetHash/BagHash/MixHash iterators.
rakudo: 1f066d96a2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/SetHash.pm6
Make SetHash iterators more safe

Currently, deleting a key from a nqp::iterator of an nqp::hash and then continuing iterating over the hash, may cause segfaults. Prevent that situation by letting the SetHash.kv/pairs/values methods run on an iterator on a pre-made list of keys, rather than directly on the nqp::hash iterator.
... (6 more lines)
AlexDaniel kawaii: ah no, that's the only machine you need access to 11:50
kawaii: the sakefile attempts to upload to and, these used to be different at the time 11:51
but not anymore 11:52
Geth rakudo: 63657986f9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/BagHash.pm6
Make BagHash iterators more safe

Currently, deleting a key from a nqp::iterator of an nqp::hash and then continuing iterating over the hash, may cause segfaults. Prevent that situation by letting the BagHash.kv/pairs/values methods run on an iterator on a pre-made list of keys, rather than directly on the nqp::hash iterator.
... (6 more lines)
Geth rakudo: c5664301b8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/BagHash.pm6
Fix adding object to BagHash after it having been removed

This was a forgotten fix from the previous commit
rakudo: 787d5bf6e2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/MixHash.pm6
Make MixHash iterators more safe

Currently, deleting a key from a nqp::iterator of an nqp::hash and then continuing iterating over the hash, may cause segfaults. Prevent that situation by letting the MixHash.kv/pairs/values methods run on an iterator on a pre-made list of keys, rather than directly on the nqp::hash iterator.
... (6 more lines)
vrurg what does nqp::freshcoderef do? 16:17
timotimo vrurg: i think it strips a closure from a code object 17:58
m: my $foo = 999; sub test { say $foo }; use nqp; my $blubb = nqp::freshcoderef(nqp::decont(&test)); $blubb() 17:59
camelia freshcoderef requires a coderef
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: my $foo = 999; sub test { say $foo }; use nqp; my $blubb = nqp::freshcoderef(nqp::decont(nqp::getattr(&test, Code, '$!do')); $blubb()
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use variable $blubb in declaration to initialize itself
at <tmp>:1
------> 3nt(nqp::getattr(&test, Code, '$!do')); $7⏏5blubb()
expecting any of:
argument list
vrurg timotimo: thanks!
timotimo m: my $foo = 999; sub test { say $foo }; use nqp; my $blubb = nqp::freshcoderef(nqp::decont(nqp::getattr(&test, Code, '$!do'))); $blubb()
camelia 999
timotimo ah, well
needs a sub around test and $foo to work i guess
jnthn In MoarVM, iirc, it clones the StaticFrame 18:02
As well as the code object
So that you get a new "family" of closures
Which is used so that in the compiler we can install the same compile-me-on-demand thunk
But distinguish between clones of each one 18:03
timotimo huh, interesting 18:04
i don't think i recall compile-me-on-demand stuff in moar/nqp/rakudo
vrurg jnthn: It doesn't help in the case with onlystar proto cloned for a child class. R#2772 18:05
Thunk used in the stub sub wrapped in freshcoderef lazy-compiles the original code from the parent class even though it is a clone. 18:06
So, when multi method is called on a child class at compile time – it actually calls proto from the parent class effectively loosing all candidates from childrent. 18:08
jnthn timotimo: It's for when things are called at BEGIN time that are in the current compilation unit 18:09
timotimo oh, so "on demand" isn't like "lazily at some later point" 18:19
ggoebel jnthn: is there an link to an index of your papers? gives "forbidden" 18:40
timotimo ggoebel: slides.html has many links into the papers/ folder 19:09
not sure if it's all of them, but i'm sure it's most 19:10
ggoebel thanks, I'm wondering if one is a symbolic link to the other 19:16
vrurg jnthn: are you available yet? 19:39
looks like freshcoderef doesn't work the way I expected... :( 19:45
timotimo maybe it's more of a lookup problem than a cloning problem? just spibtalling 19:46
vrurg I just don't see a new closure created for a new code. 19:47
timotimo is the closure responsible for finding the candidates? i'm not familiar with this code tbh 19:48
vrurg - this code outputs 1 then 2
timotimo: No, it is responsible for compiling a code object on the fly, before serialization is ready. 19:49
And two different code object get same bytecode because of the same closure used. 19:50
lizmat m: say "\x0075\x0308".chars # ok 19:52
camelia 1
vrurg nqp::getcodeobj then always returns code object for the parent class because it sees the same precompiled block. Im guessing the cause, but not the result.
lizmat m: say "\x0075 \x0308".chars # huh? sorta expected "3"
camelia 2
lizmat m: .say for "\x0075 \x0308".uninames 19:53
lizmat ahhh... the diaeresis got combined with the space, duh
m: say "\x0075 \x0308"
camelia u ̈
lizmat right, sorry for the noise :-) 19:54
timotimo i wonder if for freshcoderef to do what you want, you'd still have to have a takeclosure call somewhere 20:03
vrurg timotimo: I'll check it. Thank you! 20:05
timotimo or is it capturelex? 20:06
vrurg Dunno. My deepest wish is to get complete documentation on moar ops. 20:07
timotimo i'm sure you've seen the partial docs we have?
vrurg Ideally – a book/docs on MoarVM, including internals.
timotimo the or something similar in nqp/docs 20:08
vrurg I'm not closing nqp/ops.markdown tab in the browser. :)
timotimo good :)
vrurg But it lags behind. And sometimes too brief. 20:09
timotimo aye, it's rather brief indeed 20:10
have you ever tried the debugserver? it could a) help you inspect what's happening or b) tell me what else is missing :D
vrurg timotimo: we've already discussed it. Debugging is probably on of a few things where I hate CLI. 20:11
timotimo oh! 20:12
OK, then the next step has to be that comma can run the debugger against a "foreign" process :)
i.e. one that it didn't start itself
vrurg This is another thing: neither comma nor intelliJ work for me. comma fails with vim plugin, intelliJ fails with comma plugin. 20:13
timotimo ugh! sorry to hear that!
(and now i remember that you already told us about that)
vrurg I can help with debugging intelliJ some time later, if you wish. 20:14
Lunch time. I'll be gone for some time... 20:15
timotimo perhaps sena_kun would be a better candidate for a debug session like that; i haven't had my feet dipped into the code for a while now :(
Geth rakudo: ugexe++ created pull request #2778:
Retain original provides metadata structure
vrurg jnthn: if you're here by chance. Do I understand it correctly that nqp::freshcoderef creates new "family" of closures but the lexicals in those closures are shared? 22:22
lizmat Something's amiss with Inline::Perl5 detection in "make spectest" 22:39
$ zef install Inline::Perl5
All candidates are currently installed
Testing Roast version 6.d-proposals using test file list from t/
Inline::Perl5 not installed: not running Perl 5 integration tests
I tried force-installing Inline::Perl5, but that didn't make a difference 22:40
vrurg lizmat: I didn't dig deep, but I suspect that spectest is using local perl6 in the build directory. And you seemingly use installed binary. 22:46
$ENV{'HARNESS_PERL'} = ".${slash}perl6-" . ($js ? "js" : $moar ? "m" : $jvm ? "j" : "m");
A line from harness5 script
lizmat but that would imply that the Inline::Perl5 tests would *never* get run
and they did get run in the past... hmmm... 22:47
vrurg kinda. That amazed me too at some point.
lizmat ok, too tired now to think straight
if nobody has filed an issue about this tomorrow, I will
vrurg that one must be easy to fix. Though I would avoid using the installation path because it may influence spectest results. 22:49
Perhaps Inline::Perl5 must be installed on request. 22:50
gfldex I filed the odd bug that regessed WWW in #2779 . 22:56
As a side-effect I got Rakudo now 100x on my harddisk :) 22:57
That's how much I like Perl 6.
jnthn vrurg: What do you mean by "the lexicals"? 23:01
vrurg 23:02
jnthn vrurg: Each one would be lexically capture per clone
Ah, in that case there's no capturelex going on
Or closure clone 23:03
So yeah, they'd see the same $a.
vrurg Is it possible to have closures cloned? That'd be the best solution for proto methods cloning.
jnthn Hm, I thought deriving a dispatcher already did a clone? 23:04
vrurg It does. But it's a stub which is cloned, actually, during compile time. 23:05
So, when stub runs its thunk it happens only once – for the parent class and the original proto.
jnthn Routine.HOW.add_method(Routine, 'derive_dispatcher', nqp::getstaticcode(sub ($self) { 23:06
my $clone := $self.clone();
nqp::bindattr($clone, Routine, '@!dispatchees',
nqp::clone(nqp::getattr($self, Routine, '@!dispatchees')));
vrurg Just because $precomp in World::finish_code_object is shared among stubs.
jnthn Hm, did you figure out why it the ends up with the wrong set of dispatchees? 23:07
vrurg I know this code. But it gets called before the actual method is called and the stub got its change to complete the work.
jnthn s/change/chance/ ? 23:08
vrurg Yes, I did. It takes them from the original proto returned by getcodeobj
Not the cloned proto in the class.
So, what happens is the proto is kept in AST form until the method is called. But before that it is cloned by derive_dispatcher. 23:09
vrurg Now we have two+ copies. Both as AST. Then the method gets called – stubs is executed – and it returns the code tied to the code object of the original proto. Always. 23:10
my $stub := nqp::freshcoderef(sub (*@pos, *%named) { 23:11
unless $precomp {
nqp::say("PRECOMP:" ~ $$precomp)) if nqp::getenvhash<RAKUDO_DEBUG>;
$precomp(|@pos, |%named);
This is where it happens. Now, it doesn't matter on what other class the proto is called – $precomp is what it gets. 23:12
This wouldn't happen if closures of the cloned stubs would be cloned too. 23:13
jnthn Hmm...I wonder if there's a more general issue that can be demonstrated here... 23:15
m: sub foo($a) { -> { $a } }; BEGIN { my @a = foo(1), foo(2); say @a[1]() } 23:16
camelia 2
jnthn m: sub foo($a) { -> { $a } }; BEGIN { my @a = foo(1), foo(2); say @a[0]() } 23:17
camelia 1
jnthn Ah, of course, that won't 'cus we compile foo() before ever dealing with the closure
vrurg So far I can only observe it within a module. 23:18
Moving the classes from a module into a script "fixes" the bug. 23:19
jnthn I wonder if perhaps replacing `$precomp(|@pos, |%named);` with `nqp::curcode()(|@pos, |%named) could do it
vrurg I'm not that good with the ops. But wouldn't it call the stub again? 23:20
But I'd try. 23:21
jnthn Ah, right, I guess it needs to be nqp::getcodeobj(nqp::curcode()) 23:22
Which I believe gets updated by calling $compiler_thunk
The aim being that we when invoke it on the correct code object instance with the correct @!dispatchees
But I've got a feeling something else might be afoot. I'm probably too exhausted to figure it out right now. 23:23
vrurg I wasn't shure if $!do is updated at this point. And doubt it is.
But it can be taken care of. I'll investigate. Thank you!
jnthn $compiler_thunk calls compile_in_context which I'm pretty sure does do that 23:24
jnthn See the chunk of code beneath the comment "# We un-stub any code objects for already-compiled inner blocks" 23:24
vrurg Yep, already found it. 23:25
Deep recursion. But I think I'll manage it now. Thanks! 23:26
I was looking for a way to avoid $precomp and you gave it to me. 23:27
jnthn Glad I could help a bit; thanks for working on this stuff 23:29
timotimo \o/
jnthn That whole area (compile_in_context and the machinery around it) is a tad fraught; I suspect there's a better way, but I never managed to put my finger on it yet.
'night o/ 23:41
vrurg gnight, jnthn ! 23:47
MasterDuke ugh. nqp was rebootstrapped recently and now my default-int PR has conflicts. what's a good way to go about rebasing it and creating its new bootstraps? 23:56