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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
vrurg AlexDaniel: ping? 02:00
AlexDaniel vrurg: pong pong pong 02:02
vrurg I'm finishing fixing CORE loading + PseudoStash. The latter behaves slightly differently for 6.e now. shall I preserve pseudo.t for 6.c and have a new pseudo-6e.t? 02:03
Or I just add 'use v6.e.PREVIEW' into the test? 02:04
AlexDaniel vrurg: what's PseudoStash?
vrurg .WHO behind pseudo-packages.
AlexDaniel ahhh
vrurg No really relevant. The point is that where previously PSEUDO::<NotExisting> was returning Nil – it now returns Failure as ::() does. 02:05
Plus some clarification to what symbols are visible by what PSEUDO::, like LEXICAL:: now represents all syms visible in a scope, both lexical and dynamic. 02:06
But the point is that I now have REALLY separate CORE.setting for each use v6.X, so with v6.c PseudoStash is what it is used to be before 6.e, but the new one is loaded for 6.e. 02:07
AlexDaniel vrurg: yeah, I think a new file makes sense 02:08
in fact it's probably the only way to do it
since we still want to test the behavior when `use v6.c` is used, right? 02:09
vrurg Besides, additional tests for different revisions would now make real sense.
You've got my point. :)
Ok, thanks!
AlexDaniel well, that wasn't that hard :)
Geth rakudo/release-2019.07: be118c7863 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Link Sakefile from the release guide
rakudo/release-2019.07: 2792b021d9 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Add another release date

So that there's at least one entry after the release.
rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #3055:
Re-implement CORE loading sequence
lizmat Files=1275, Tests=108183, 206 wallclock secs (26.58 usr 7.67 sys + 2872.79 cusr 286.30 csys = 3193.34 CPU) 07:29
|Tux| Rakudo version 2019.03.1-715-g63a4d958e - MoarVM version 2019.07-7-g93739d56d
csv-ip5xs0.678 - 0.725
csv-ip5xs-205.138 - 5.572
csv-parser21.865 - 22.094
csv-test-xs-200.434 - 0.440
test6.927 - 7.115
test-t1.685 - 1.686
test-t --race0.760 - 0.855
test-t-2027.304 - 28.118
test-t-20 --race8.843 - 8.989
Geth ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel self-assigned Issue templates for every label 14:44
ugexe we still need a way to set the full CUR resolution from scratch, not just add CURs 15:20
so that when spawning a process we can do `run $*EXECUTABLE, @current-libs, 'foo.p6'` and have it do the right thing 15:21
the best you can do is similar to the above, but then you have redundant entries at the end
which can change repo-ids 15:22
so like PERL6LIB but will overwrite any default repos 15:23
AlexDaniel jnthn, lizmat: any news? 16:54
lizmat AlexDaniel: not sure what news you're waiting for ?
AlexDaniel alright… 16:55
lizmat sorry, I'm afraid I'm out of sync
AlexDaniel lizmat: summed it up here: 16:57
lizmat AlexDaniel: I think jnthn is travelling today
AlexDaniel I mean, well… the release is definitely not happening if there are failing tests, this is perl6 not php :D 16:58
lizmat in absence of jnthn, I would say cherry-pick the tests 17:00
AlexDaniel lizmat: what about comments like ? 17:03
were these addressed in some way?
hm, I'm actually surprised that these are the only tests that need some tweaking 17:04
and IIRC no modules were found where this would be an issue, so we're okay? 17:05
I guess I'm fine with cherry-picking it… probably
lizmat I think so, I mean Blin was clean?
AlexDaniel yeah
lizmat then please cherry-pick 17:06
Geth roast/6.d-errata: c63438c5b3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev) | S03-operators/minmax.t
Trying to iterate a Failure now throws immediately

In response to R#2650
synopsebot R#2650 [open]: [BLOCKER][tests needed] IO::Path.dir failure listifies not-fatally on error
Geth roast/6.d-errata: 265d1cd0d4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | S32-exceptions/misc.t
Revert "Adapt/Add tests for R#2729"

This reverts commit 9b623d6853991dfeabe79fd0c50e6f28c601f1e1.
synopsebot R#2729 [closed]: Better error message for `map: * xx 2` 17:11
Geth roast/6.d-errata: 43a01587ce | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev) | S32-exceptions/misc.t
Make test re R#2729 more forgiving
lizmat AlexDaniel++ 18:14
Geth rakudo: 26ebb5133f | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
add info on roast installation for rakudo use
TreyHarris I self-assigned the ticket to switch perl6/doc on GitHub to the new(er) issue/PR templating system bc I've done it before on another project, but turns out I was either removed from the role giving me repo management access in the Perl 6 org or the roles changed. I asked jmerelo if he could promote me since it's the doc repo, but I don't know if he has rights to change others' roles? 18:58
Geth rakudo: aa731e8604 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
fix spelling
Geth rakudo: tbrowder++ created pull request #3056:
Improve error messages for invalid open brackets
tbrowder i requested review from timotimo on PR #3056 because he responded to my gist on the subject yesterday, but i welcome any review of it. 19:11
TreyHarris AlexDaniel: thanks--if you could give me admin rights to perl6/perl6-mode, too, I'd appreciate it--I had them when I started the project to make the org fork the official version, so dunno when I lost them 19:26
I messed up some project milestones before realizing without admin rights I can't adjust columns 19:27
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: what about now? 19:32
TreyHarris AlexDaniel: sorry, I realized this is confusing for IRC, so I just created an issue in the perl6/perl6-mode repo 19:35
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: but can you check it now? Still no access to the Settings tab? 19:36
tbrowder PR #3056 comments now show the problem and results after the fixes
AlexDaniel yeah pretty sure that's the case… 19:37
OK, then…
TreyHarris: should be good now
TreyHarris AlexDaniel: lol, I thought you were saying "what about now?" like the exclamation, sorry :-D
AlexDaniel: I can't see Settings in either repo, but perhaps there's a propagation delay? 19:39
It isn't browser caching, I just logged in using a new browser on another machine, still no Settings 19:41
(On either doc or perl6-mode)
AlexDaniel meanwhile I'm breaking some stuff here :) 19:42
TreyHarris: now? 19:43
TreyHarris checking 19:44
AlexDaniel I'm deleting a bunch of teams on github :p
TreyHarris AlexDaniel: yep, that did it
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: you're welcome, let me know if you need anything else 19:46
TreyHarris: also I'm happy that you're interested in perl6-mode :) 19:51
TreyHarris AlexDaniel: good, what's your biggest want for the mode? 19:53
AlexDaniel TreyHarris: maybe if it understood indentation better when .foo:` method calls are used
TreyHarris You mean `.foo:`? Do you mean like map colon curly block? 19:54
AlexDaniel yeah, but I'm failing to reproduce it now… 19:56
I remember it was super annoying though :)
OK, so the sakefile is now happy 20:05
tbrowder TreyHarris: also, the HEREDOC handling is limited; would love to get a charmap on the menubar 20:19
TreyHarris tbrowder: heredocs are really hard, as are POD6; since cperl-mode doesn't do well with those, either, I'm just aiming for parity first 20:23
I actually think a productive line of investigation (for someone else!) would be to see if Org can be used for POD6 and heredocs; there are other invisible transcoders into and out of Org for files that contain more than one language where constructs can overlap (like having the opening brace in one sub-document and closing in another, with a closing brace that doesn't participate because it's not in a 20:25
sub-document in-between)
Sorry, I meant "Org-babel", not just plain "Org" 20:26
tbrowder .tell timotimo rakudo PR #3056 is the code to go along with the gist i posted yesterday. at lizmat's request, i put the same info in the PR comments 23:28
yoleaux tbrowder: I'll pass your message to timotimo.