Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
buggable 🎺🎺🎺 It's time for the monthly Accidental /win Lottery 😍😍😍 We have 1 ballots submitted by 1 users! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... 00:00
And the winning number is 5! Congratulations to Ulti! You win a roll of duck tape!
Geth rakudo: donaldh++ created pull request #2454:
Unbust t/*/*.t rule in generated Makefile
Geth rakudo: donaldh++ created pull request #2457:
Unbust literal \ in tr///
roast: ccd5a0caf7 | (Donald Hunter)++ | S05-transliteration/trans-tr-lowercase-operator.t
Add test for literal \ in tr/// for R#2456
synopsebot R#2456 [open]: Literal \ broken in tr/// and TR///
Geth rakudo: 85107ec0c7 | (Donald Hunter)++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp
Unbust literal \ in tr///

This fixes R#2456
rakudo: 549f53e4c9 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp
Merge pull request #2457 from donaldh/backslash-in-tr

Unbust literal \ in tr///
synopsebot R#2456 [open]: Literal \ broken in tr/// and TR///
rakudo: d2c7e32735 | (Donald Hunter)++ |
Unbust t/*/*.t rule in generated Makefile
rakudo: 0bdf51809b | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Merge pull request #2454 from donaldh/makefile

Unbust t/*/*.t rule in generated Makefile
lizmat Files=1255, Tests=76385, 337 wallclock secs (16.00 usr 5.34 sys + 2370.49 cusr 227.21 csys = 2619.04 CPU) 09:40
hmmm. did we lose Geth ? 10:16
Geth rakudo: cec1f511a8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.nqp
Set $*FOLDING when attempting to constant fold

This should help with cases like R#2459
rakudo: 7a1a186884 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/set_precedes.pm6
Die when constant folding

  - so that things work out wrt to v6.c / v6.d and deprecation
  - also make sure we get a single deprecation messay for Any (<+) Any
synopsebot R#2459 [open]: [6.d review] Constant-folder does not see 6.d stuff
rakudo: 81474bf9fa | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.d/operators.pm6
Expand v6.d removal message

Mention that it is an option to just run the code in v6.c also.
roast: f4546115f0 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
SAP coercers in return type constraints

There are problems with this feature[^1] and we might wish to disallow it instead.
roast: cce0733489 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
SAP Array.flat

Until we resolve
roast: 053576ac0f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | APPENDICES/A04-experimental/01-misc.t
Add issue links for further discussion on tests
roast: 3214ad4a59 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 3 files
SAP $?BIT-using stuff

Until is fully resolved
roast: d3d02978d6 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 3 files
SAP .grab/.pick/.kxxv with undecided semantics

Until is fixed
Geth rakudo: 5598f37df5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.d/operators.pm6
Make alternative stand out a bit more.
[Tux] Rakudo version 2018.10-43-g81474bf9f - MoarVM version 2018.10-27-gcd4f98aff
csv-ip5xs0.956 - 1.008
csv-ip5xs-207.763 - 8.191
csv-parser22.120 - 23.332
csv-test-xs-200.437 - 0.445
test7.629 - 8.751
test-t1.858 - 1.901
test-t --race0.839 - 0.892
test-t-2032.511 - 32.596
test-t-20 --race10.681 - 11.826
Geth rakudo: 5f1a81e0fa | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 7 files
Change some blocks returning True/False to use return value

In the hopes that these will one day optimize even better, cause it can be observed from the code block that the return value is constant (rather than monitoring return values as they are being returned).
nqp/master: 8 commits pushed by (Paweł Murias)++ 11:58
Geth 6.d-prep: 65d4249569 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Some elaboration on set operator changes

  @zoffixznet : is this what you were thinking about? did I miss something?
lizmat afk again
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Change some blocks returning True/False to use return value 13:10
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 13:10
Geth 6.d-prep: 6fefee0328 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Finish sentence
tbrowder___ hi, #perl6-dev 14:58
I have been working on some pod NYI code and want to raise an issue that has been discussed before about making pod a slang (sublang?). I have proposal for moving toward that goal by doing it incrementally and minimizing major disruptions for a code base that is so active. Essentially, the first step is to move code around in existing Actions.nqp and Grammar.nqp so pod-only code is at the end of the Perl6::Grammar and 15:06
Perl6::Actions block. I'm going to try that now just to make sure there are no internal dependencies involved to cause trouble. The current state of my proposal is at this gist: <>
lizmat tbrowder___: sounds like a plan to me 15:26
jnthn heh, I accidentally used my more aggressive lexical to local lowering branch for my dev work for the last couple of days, and I only just noticed when I Ctrl+C 15:27
'd `cro run` and got a weird error (and recognized it as one in a spectest) :)
So I guess it can't be all that broken :)
japhb That seems like a very good sign indeed. :-) 15:29
jnthn Yeah...then I'll be able to make it happy to lower `$_` when it's 6.d :) 15:33
Well, and find a solution for the P5blah modules :) 15:34
tbrowder___ lizmat: thnx, don't want to surprise anyone or step on any toes :) 15:36
Geth rakudo/more-local-lowering: 25df092a18 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Make sure %REQUIRE_SYMBOLS doesn't get lowered
lizmat jnthn: 15:38
jnthn yay, that fixed the `cro run` crash too 15:39
I don't understand *why* :)
lizmat: Yes, the fact some people use them is why I want to find a solution that lets us have our opt and keep those going :) 15:40
lizmat so not so blah after all :-) 15:41
jnthn Oh, that wasn't a comment on the modules, just a placeholder name :)
lizmat some people find judgment in "blah" 15:42
japhb "P5foo"
jnthn Some people find judgement in anything these days :P
lizmat that's also true
I guess I've been looking at Twitter too much in the past weeks
jnthn But yeah, I didn't mean it that way; P5foo would indeed have not carried that risk :) 15:43
So now down to 2 spectests, plus the throws-like thing
japhb I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't just the mental state of *actively* trying to be sensitive to people that is the greatest value in being careful with language, because changing that head space makes a lot of difference to other attitudes and decisions 15:44
jnthn japhb: It's also a case of actively learning new things that need sensitivity, as well as unlearning attitudes that rubbed of on us but aren't really justified. 15:49
oh...interesting test 15:52
sub foo2 (*%p) {
is(%p<a>, 'b', $test);
my %p; #OK
I guess our redecl might be doing a bit too much there...
japhb jnthn: Yeah, true 15:58
jnthn Got a fix for that spectest, but need another run to make sure it doesn't break anything else :) 16:10
uh...loads more fail, but I'm behind master 16:13
jnthn Shoulda thought of that first 16:14
jnthn Darn, still two broken things. 16:20
Well, that's an interesting problem... 16:29
If you have `sub foo($x is copy) { my $x }` then at the moment we scribble over the descriptor with a new one, and a bunch of other things, when we should I think just warn and go onwards. 16:30
However, check_default_value_type trips over the fact that `$x` has a constraint type of Any, not Mu 16:32
Ah, actually it seems %sym<type> ain't set in that case, and that might be part of it 16:33
AlexDaniel grep: use v6.c 16:37
greppable6: use v6.c
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 1298 lines, 228 modules:
AlexDaniel, 1298 lines, 228 modules: 16:38
jnthn Ah goody, one fix seems to deal with both the regressions. 16:43
oh wtf 16:44
Grrr...forgot to apply the stashed change after rebase 16:45
jnthn builds/tests yet again :)
Geth rakudo/more-local-lowering: 6 commits pushed by (Jonathan Worthington)++ 17:02
rakudo/more-local-lowering: 822dbaadfd | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp
Mark parameter symbols with their type
rakudo/more-local-lowering: 8524081efc | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Do a lot less work upon a redeclaration

The variable is already there, so we don't need to go and do all of the things we would were it not. This also avoids scribbling over the things the optimizer uses to tell the difference between a parameter or declared variable, fixing an issue introduced by the lexical to local lowering.
jnthn m: say $CALLER::no-such-var 17:04
camelia Nil
jnthn oh, darn
We have a test "not ok 5 - vars not declared "is dynamic" are not accessible via $CALLER:: 17:05
And yeah, they still aren't after my work: the leixcal is simply *gone* 17:06
Unfortunately, not existing doesn't throw, but existing but not being marked `is dynamic` did
The immediate fix is to leave the lexical there and not use it but...urgh, loads of memory saving for lexical space lost if we do that. 17:07
Geth rakudo/more-local-lowering: a25a638da1 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.nqp
Don't retain lexicals for contvar lowerings

We retain parameter ones so we can use them in forming errors, but we needn't do that for variable declarations.
lizmat jnthn: so you're saying that you'd like to have say $CALLER::no-such-var throw? 17:11
fwiw, I could live with that :-) 17:12
jnthn Or just behave as if the thing didn't exist
Um, sorry
Or to have the "found but not marked dynamic" case behave like the thing doesn't exist
So it'd return Nil instead of throwing 17:13
lizmat but perhaps that case should continue searching then
or is that what you mean with "doesn't exist"?
jnthn Hmm
lizmat the fact that some sub in the stack happens to use a lexical that exists outwards as a dynamic 17:14
shouldn't prevent an inner scope from finding it
jnthn Indeed
Taken that way, what we have today is a bug
lizmat indeed
given that dynamics typically are uppercase and lexicals lowercase 17:15
I don't think it will cause much breakage
jnthn Yeah, I'm not worried about userland impact here
We just need to decide what to do with the spectest 17:16
And perhaps to fix it up more properly and add some more
Also there's throws-like 17:17
Though we can special-case that in the optimizer
japhb jnthn: Meaning that a user module would not be able to replicate throws-like? 17:19
Or are you special-casing it's technique?
jnthn japhb: The EVAL form of it, no. There's been a ticket for a while pointing out that it uses non-spec behavior
japhb ah, gotcha
jnthn japhb: An ecosystem grep showed that form of throws-like is barely used in the module (in fact, I think they were all by one author) 17:20
*module ecosystem
japhb nodnod
jnthn 470 more lexical => local lowerings take place in CORE.setting with the new opt 17:22
And CORE.setting is written in ways that mean it's less likely to have them than most user code.
Geth rakudo/more-local-lowering: 0749626d9f | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.nqp
Include hack for `throws-like` for now

It doesn't harm much, and will be easy to discard when the EVAL-abusing form of `throws-like` goes away.
rakudo: d964e8eac0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Mu.pm6
We should decont for nqp::addr on aliases
rakudo: fb9a0454c5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Int.pm6
Add shortcut for eqv of int / Int

  - makes Int eqv Int about 8x as fast
  - makes int eqv int about 5x as fast
  - can now check allocation free
rakudo: 5120d3d206 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/ObjAt.pm6
Add shortcut for ObjAt eqv ObjAt

This was one of the cases that broke R#2449. By shortcutting it, it is faster, without any allocations and no longer in the way of a better solution to R#2449;
synopsebot R#2449 [open]: `eqv` with classes that have custom `.new` and no `.perl` is now always True
jnthn Enough for today. Tomorrow will look at the `start` in sink context thing and play some with lowering $_ to make sure it has the performance value I expect it to. 17:36
lizmat m: say 0 eqv False 17:40
camelia False
lizmat arghs, I brokes it
m: dd False ~~ Int 17:41
camelia Bool::True
Geth rakudo: 94dd0a411d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Int.pm6
Ensure that enum eqv enum are also handled correctly

  - because they maybe Ints as well (eg. Bool)
  - makes Int eqv Int 2.8x slower
  - but still almost 3x as fast compared to before fb9a0454c5
lizmat m: use nqp; sub a(\a,\b) { dd nqp::eqaddr(nqp::decont(a),nqp::decont(b)) }; my $a = 4671287628120739122; my $b = $a; a $a, $b # actually surprised this works 17:58
camelia 1
lizmat off for some Bohemian Rhapsody & 18:38
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Add shortcut for ObjAt eqv ObjAt 18:38
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 18:38
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Ensure that enum eqv enum are also handled correctly 19:35
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 19:35
Geth 6.d-prep: 030dda30da | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
AlexDaniel lizmat: I'm confused by that commit :) 21:55
lizmat afk again&