[Tux] | This is Rakudo version 2016.05-116-g5d49498 built on MoarVM version 2016.05-18-g1339332 | 06:08 | |
test 17.164 | |||
test-t 9.781 | |||
csv-parser 21.413 | |||
dalek | kudo/nom: b351d61 | lizmat++ | src/core/Mu.pm: Fix for RT #128393, sortiz++ for spotting |
09:03 | |
synopsebot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128393 | ||
sortiz | lizmat, about the nqp::while Seq producer semantic, wondering why a simple while is more expensive or if other looping construct can be faster. | 09:30 | |
lizmat | the reason I changed many of those loops to nqp::while, is that they're guaranteed to not sink | 09:31 | |
postfix while currently doesn't sink either, but that could be considered a bug | 09:32 | ||
also, I don't think nqp::while generates a Seq: it's just that if you look at it at the p6 level, it turns into a Seq | |||
jnthn: please correct me if I'm talking nonsense here :-) | 09:33 | ||
jnthn | m: say nqp::while(my $i = 0, $i, $i = $i + 1) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>Could not find nqp::while, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?at <tmp>:1------> y nqp::while(my $i = 0, $i, $i = $i + 1)⏏<EOL>» | ||
jnthn | m: use nqp; say nqp::while(my $i = 0, $i, $i = $i + 1) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«()» | ||
jnthn | m: use nqp; say nqp::while(my $i = 0, $i < 10, $i = $i + 1) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«()» | ||
jnthn | m: use nqp; nqp::while(my $i = 0, $i < 10, $i = $i + 1).say | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«()» | ||
lizmat | jnthn: nqp::while takes the condition as the first | 09:34 | |
jnthn | oh wait | ||
yeah, duh | |||
sortiz | m: use nqp; my int $i = 0; nqp::while(nqp::islt_i($i,10),($i = nqp::add_i($i,1))).say'; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>Two terms in a rowat <tmp>:1------> lt_i($i,10),($i = nqp::add_i($i,1))).say⏏'; expecting any of: infix infix stopper statement end statement modi…» | ||
jnthn | m: use nqp; say nqp::while($i < 10, $i = $i + 1) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>Variable '$i' is not declaredat <tmp>:1------> use nqp; say nqp::while(⏏$i < 10, $i = $i + 1)» | ||
jnthn | m: use nqp; my $i = 0; say nqp::while($i < 10, $i = $i + 1) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)» | ||
psch | m: use nqp; my $i = 0; say nqp::what(nqp::while($i < 10, $i = $i + 1)) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«(Sub+{<anon|65390768>})» | ||
jnthn | m: use nqp; my $i = 0; say WHAT nqp::while($i < 10, $i = $i + 1) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«(Seq)» | ||
jnthn | Interesting... :) | 09:35 | |
Oh...maybe we did override it to do that :) | |||
To ease code-gen of r-value while loops | |||
Which is good really... | |||
I guess in sink context it just does The Usual Thing :) | 09:36 | ||
dalek | kudo/nom: 4890cdc | lizmat++ | src/core/Mu.pm: Pass on any fail in BUILD directly back to caller This means that .new may return a Failure from now on. So you can do a Foo.new // say "what" now. This behaviour change does not cause any spectest breakage, and seems useful to have. sortiz++ for suggesting |
09:39 | |
lizmat | jnthn: any opinions about this ^^^ ? | 09:40 | |
jnthn | Hmm | 09:42 | |
Dunno, it costs us the extra type-check... | 09:43 | ||
OTOH, we don't have the cost of sinking :) | |||
sortiz | m: class Foo { submethod BUILD { fail "noway" }}; with Foo.new { say "good" } else { .fail }; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar b351d6: OUTPUT«noway in submethod BUILD at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1Actually thrown at: in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1» | ||
jnthn | And they should probably be something we can optimize out in many cases, after my next chunk of work on code-gen'd BUILDALL | 09:44 | |
So I'm OK with it I think, but it could do with a pass through TimToady also. :) | |||
It may be that failure to construct an object deserves to be fatal for some reason... | 09:45 | ||
lizmat | but being able to do Foo.new // say "what" seems useful as well, no ? | ||
sortiz | Or handled with 'with', 'andthen', etc. | 09:46 | |
jnthn | Yes, provided it doesn't cause some kind of WTF I didn't foresee yet :) | 09:47 | |
lizmat | fwiw, it didn't cause any spectest breakage :-) | ||
sortiz | lizmat, btw, what is the impact of that change in performance? | 09:48 | |
lizmat | it would only affect classes with a BUILD in them | 09:49 | |
and now cause an extra nqp::istype | |||
I'll benchmark in a moment, but I don't think it will cause a problem | 09:50 | ||
sortiz | Oki, thank you for the fast fix, and the improvement. | 09:51 | |
dalek | ast: f2105b8 | lizmat++ | S12-construction/BUILD.t: Add tests for RT #128393 |
09:54 | |
synopsebot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128393 | ||
psch | hmm, am i getting this right that the fix in nqp commit adb2c8f7 means that the nested CU MAST::Frames get added to the surrounding CU? as in, the EVAL M::Frames get added to the CU that does the EVAL | 09:56 | |
and doesn't that mean for nqp-j that, if we are in an EVAL, we don't want a J::Class, but just add the J::Methods to the surrounding J::Class? | |||
well, even if that's true, there's still something missing. we also return a MAST::CU, and we probably also always use that for something... :/ | 09:58 | ||
lizmat | sortiz: within noise levels | 10:00 | |
sortiz | lizmat++ # RT#128393 closed! | 10:01 | |
synopsebot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128393 | ||
lizmat | [Tux] : I seem to have mislaid the link to the test-t graphs again :-( | 10:14 | |
jnthn | lizmat: See my blog post to learn how to measure beneath the noise leve :D ;) | 10:15 | |
lizmat | yeah, I've read it... | ||
jnthn | (If it's helpful to you, anyways. :)) | ||
lizmat | well, on OS X it's all different... :-( | 10:16 | |
jnthn | Oh, damn :( | ||
I had trouble using valgrind there, yeah :( | |||
I can work it's just...it seems the OSX folks break the APIs they need every darn release or something :/ | |||
*It can work | 10:17 | ||
lizmat | anyways, it think it was more about "does this passing on Failure feature make things a lot slower" question | ||
jnthn | So last time I tried, I found that the latest shiny OSX version was just too new for valgrind to have been ported to it yet | ||
lizmat | it probably does, but we should have fixed the non-sinking of BUILD anyway, so | ||
jnthn | I'm somewhat tempted by OSX, but things like that kinda put me off... | ||
lizmat | yeah, I hear you | 10:18 | |
stmuk_ | dtrace is a nice feature of OS X but the security settings don't let you trace system binaries like /bin/sh so no tracing of shell scripts :/ | ||
jnthn | fwiw, is the "run latest" thing a carrot or a stick with OSX? | ||
stmuk_ | that really annoyed me | ||
jnthn very rarely upgrades OS | |||
(Still on Win7) | 10:19 | ||
So I could live with "run an earlier version where valgrind et al work" :) | |||
Provided that's practical (e.g. still gets security updates) | |||
timotimo | lizmat, jnthn, remember how i complained about the buildall generator being broken in a way i didn't understand at all? | 10:23 | |
yeah, more like, i forgot to return self at the end | |||
lizmat remembers | |||
that will break things :-) | 10:24 | ||
timotimo | on the other hand, the restricted setting blows up now while trying to compile ... :( | ||
psch | hrm, so i have an unsorted list of ints that are strictly ascending with one gap | ||
dalek | kudo/generate_buildallplan_3: 3fe4c30 | timotimo++ | src/ (3 files): get a tiny head-start on generating buildallplan code in CompilerServices |
kudo/generate_buildallplan_3: 8942239 | timotimo++ | src/Perl6/ (2 files): implement a lot more for code-genning BUILDALLPLAN. currently creates a setting that immediately crashes when it gets loaded. not sure why. |
kudo/generate_buildallplan_3: 05b7c4c | timotimo++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp: BUILDALL has to return self. |
rakudo/generate_buildallplan_3: 9344cd9 | timotimo++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp: | |||
psch | e.g. (2, 1, 5, 3, Any, 0) or somesuch | ||
dalek | rakudo/generate_buildallplan_3: we removed the autovivs parameter for the time being | ||
timotimo | ^- rebased onto nom | ||
psch | sorting first is probably the best way to find the missing value, right? | 10:25 | |
timotimo | that's not strictly ascending :) | ||
lizmat | psch: is it one or are there more ? | ||
psch | timotimo: well, right, sorted they would be, with one gap | ||
lizmat: there could be more, but i care about all | |||
timotimo | ah | ||
lizmat | .grep(Int) ? | 10:26 | |
timotimo | maybe Int:U | ||
lizmat | no, Int would be sufficient as Any is not an Int :-) | ||
psch | well, i'm in jvm/QAST/Compiler.nqp :) | ||
timotimo | oh, of course | ||
lizmat | and it would be fast, as grep is optimised to handle type objects, afaik | ||
psch | so this is more of a "how do i algo this", instead of "how do i use perl6 for this" type of question | 10:27 | |
(compounded by the fact that we apparently don't have an nqp level &sort, and i'd have to write that too...) | |||
so, in the end i'm kinda hoping there's a smart solution that doesn't need me to implement sorting, but i'm all but resigned to have to implement sorting... :S | 10:28 | ||
timotimo | you can copy-paste it from QASTOperationsMAST | ||
psch | anyway, yeah, the problem itself is "i have a list of unordered ints that when ordered would be ascending with one or more gaps. how do i find the values that would fill the gaps to result in a strictly ascending list of ints" | 10:29 | |
and i'm thinking "sort and $a - $b == 1 afterwards for all elements" | |||
timotimo | sounds sensible | 10:30 | |
psch | 'cause everything else i can think of involves at least two nested loops, and that's clearly slower than sorting and one pass over the sorted list | ||
timotimo | yeah | 10:31 | |
in algorithms class we were taught "always sort your input before you do anything with it, because complexity-wise, sorting is basically free" | |||
psch | yeah, that sounds reasonable | ||
hm, p6sort is probably what i steal for that right | 10:32 | ||
though i can probably simplify it at least a bit, since i only ever have < as comparator | 10:33 | ||
timotimo | so, the custom buildallplan is recursing endlessly ... | ||
lizmat | .oO( it takes a while to build the univers ) |
timotimo | maybe it's running into a code 0, which involves calling FLATTENABLE_LIST, which perhaps runs another BUILDALL to work? | ||
lizmat | FLATTENABLE_LISTS are really just the nqp:: parts, no ? | 10:34 | |
timotimo | dunno, would have to look closer | ||
what about FLATTENABLE_HASH? | 10:36 | ||
lizmat | they all just return nqp::hashes | 10:37 | |
timotimo | hmm | ||
maybe you have the chance to look at that branch and figure out what i'm failing | 10:38 | ||
especially since you have memory of BUILDALL fresh in your mind :) | |||
OK, the debug output i put into the step 0 runners doesn't show up | 10:39 | ||
p6box_s shouldn't cause a BUILDALL to run, should it? | 10:40 | ||
lizmat | I don't see how it could | ||
timotimo | i've only implemented code 0 and code 1 in this branch ... so it must be one of those that's exploding | ||
lizmat | I mean, p6box_s is just short for box_s(..,Str), isnit it ? | 10:41 | |
psch | practically, yeah | ||
i think it does look into the hllconfig, but that turns out the same in the end | |||
timotimo | yeah, that's right | ||
it shouldn't look into the hllconfig, though | |||
it could perhaps be an exception being thrown from the buildall code | 10:44 | ||
and creating the exception object invokes the buildall again? | |||
dalek | kudo/nom: 0b824ba | lizmat++ | src/core/SlippyIterator.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for SlippyIterator.slip-one Regardless of STATEMENT_LIST being public or not, feels to me we shouldn't have it in the setting. |
10:45 | |
lizmat | timotimo: *that* could very well be the case | ||
and from there, it goes into building a universe of errors | |||
seen that before :-) | |||
timotimo | yes, Exception. over, and over, and over, and over again | 10:51 | |
beh. how do i figure out where this asplodes? | 10:52 | ||
nine | psch: yes, adding the MAST::Frames to the surrounding CU is exactly what happens and adding the J::Methods to the surrounding J::Class is exactly what we should do. It only gets complicated, when we have more than one EVAL and all of them should add to the surrounding J::Class. | 10:55 | |
psch: on Moar we just merge those hashes into one. We cannot just do that with J::Classes | 10:56 | ||
psch: instead we have to pass on the first J::Class to those other EVALs and finally use it for the surrounding CU. | |||
psch | nine: right. i was thinking on building a J::Method that calls the nested J::Class' mainline | ||
nine: i don't think we can reuse the same J::Class, since JAST::Compiler always builds a full class | 10:57 | ||
nine | psch: can we tell the JAST::Compiler to keep the class "open" so we can continue to add? | ||
psch | nine: the problem i see is that we'd have to conditianally skip/hack around a lot of things, e.g. generation of getCallSites, loadQbid, entryQbid | 10:59 | |
Zoffix | 🎺🎺🎺 REMINDER: Rakudo #100 will be released this Saturday. You're invited to to update the ChangeLog file, update the ROADMAP, etc. | ||
psch | which i think is more trouble than it'd be worth. i'm still wondering where to put the nested JCLASS, though... | ||
nine: also, i don't think "keeping open" is the problem, the problem is more that we generate a whole class for the nested CU, with e.g. the mentioned methods | 11:00 | ||
nine | psch: ah, now I get you. So for our nested CU structure we get an equally nested JCLASS structure. | ||
psch | nine: yeah, that's my thought | ||
'cause we kinda have to lean onto the jvms structure there | 11:01 | ||
nine | Sounds like a clean solution if you can pull that off :) | ||
psch | yeah, wondering about that myself... :)( | ||
-( | |||
|Tux| | lizmat, I have no scrollback of the past 3 hours, but you were looking for tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html ? | 11:03 | |
lizmat | yup, thanks | ||
timotimo | ha! | ||
i'll just bail out of creating the buildall when the name is "Exception" | |||
fantastic!! | |||
nine | |Tux|: maybe we should put your URI into the topic ;) You seem to be answering the question quite regularly | 11:04 | |
|Tux| | feel free | 11:05 | |
timotimo | .. and for "Any" as well ... | 11:06 | |
things are still broken :( | 11:15 | ||
dalek | kudo/nom: 313bb18 | lizmat++ | src/core/Str.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for Str.split |
11:16 | |
lizmat | timotimo: not sure how I can help you with that | 11:17 | |
timotimo | Use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context | ||
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at tools/build/install-core-dist.pl line 18 | |||
that seems to happen after the first customly compiled buildplan runs in the build process | |||
lizmat | something with code 10 ? | 11:18 | |
seems to be the only string like initialization ? | 11:19 | ||
timotimo | thing is, i put little says into the compiled code to run for each code | 11:20 | |
the only buildplan that gets compiled & run is Cool, which ends up with 0 steps | |||
lizmat | hmmm... | ||
I must admit I don't fully grok the building of the buildplan itself | 11:21 | ||
I basically only looked at the code and made sure it did the same thing when optimizing BUILDALL | |||
:-( | |||
timotimo | the only thing i know about that is that we inspect all the vars and such and then emit a list of "opcodes" with the right parameters ... | ||
lizmat | yup, that is my understanding as well | ||
and those "opcodes" are handled by BUILDALL | 11:22 | ||
timotimo | right | ||
i don't know more than you, then :) | |||
one thing i do know is if i implement code 4 next, all the X:: classes will suddenly have their buildplans compiled | 11:23 | ||
of course it'd be much nicer if the compiled buildplans would actually not cause things to asplode | 11:24 | ||
dalek | kudo/nom: 56bbc8d | lizmat++ | / (2 files): /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ in SLICE |
11:29 | |
p: 0f4d0af | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/Operations.nqp: [js] Implement dummy nqp::lock and nqp::unlock, we don't support threads on the js backend. |
11:36 | ||
p: dcb6308 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/runtime.js: [js] Avoid a console.log when throwing an exception that might get caught. |
p: dd2a118 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/reprs.js: [js] Support creating a dummy ReentrantMutex type object. |
p: 297fb11 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/Compiler.nqp: [js] Use the variable type when compiling variables as dynamic. |
nqp: 1a373fd | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/sixmodel.js: | |||
nqp: [js] Remove no longer needed TODO. | |||
kudo/nom: ae74c90 | lizmat++ | src/core/Map.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for Map.kv |
11:45 | ||
psch | hrm, this is really keeping me guessing | 12:04 | |
i mean, we do have the right amount of methods, but one slot is empty and we have one method that has a qbid equal to the size of the class' methods array | 12:05 | ||
moritz | we have quantum bids now? :-) | 12:09 | |
psch | moritz: we've had them in nqp-j since its inception, i think ;) | 12:10 | |
moritz | psch: maybe we should use that to get some grant money :-) | ||
psch | although i readily admit i don't really know what the qb in qb id stands for | ||
QAST Border, maybe..? | |||
oh, QAST Block, if anything like that | 12:11 | ||
cause that's what they correspond to on the nqp-ish level i think | |||
jnthn | QAST::Block | ||
psch | well, i'll just assume that we actually are just missing one jmeth, and the fact that we have a qbid that's greater than the last assignable element in JCLASS.methods happens because we count only the existing methods | 12:15 | |
because if i'd assume that we have an off-by-one somewhere in cuid_to_qbid then i'd be completely clueless vOv | 12:16 | ||
because that sub really shouldn't produce anything off-by-one-y | |||
dalek | kudo/nom: 7f0f464 | lizmat++ | src/core/Hash.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for Hash.push/append |
12:24 | |
nine | So it's not a q bid but a qb id! That explains the mystery :) | 12:52 | |
psch: I guess the missing jmeth is the EVAL's mainline? | 12:53 | ||
psch | nine: yeah, that's what i'd assume | 12:54 | |
dalek | kudo/nom: ea53ce5 | lizmat++ | src/core/Array.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for Array.iterator|is-lazy|shift |
12:57 | |
timotimo | lizmat: i don't know if you've looked at the buildplan compiler, but all it does is read the buildallplan (just like BUILDALL itself would) but instead of acting it out, it concatenates the instructions into a QAST::Block or whateve | 13:10 | |
lizmat | I looked at it, but got scared by the amount of QAST | 13:11 | |
I don't think enough in trees yet | |||
timotimo | ah | ||
ideally, the trees would look the same as the stuff in the BUILDALL | |||
but ... yes, it's a bit hard on the eyes | |||
lizmat | I'm trying to get some things done before travel to YAPC::NA | 13:12 | |
timotimo | OK | 13:13 | |
lizmat | won't be having much time for hacking while there, I would think | ||
and I plan to be translating perl6intro to Dutch on the way there | |||
(and back, probably) | |||
timotimo | oh, that's pretty cool! | 13:17 | |
dalek | kudo/nom: 350a8cd | lizmat++ | src/core/List.pm: s/STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for List.iterator|is-lazy|FLATTENABLE_LIST |
13:30 | |
kudo/nom: ffba1fd | lizmat++ | src/core/List.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for infix:<,> |
13:40 | ||
kudo/nom: 42e72a4 | lizmat++ | src/core/Any-iterable-methods.pm: /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ sequential-map Alas, couldn't nqp-ify deeper: during setting compilation, MAST stage the error "Cannot reference undeclared local '__lowered_lex_3205'" would occur. Could not find a way around that :-( |
14:50 | ||
timotimo | uh oh, the optimizer has asploded when that message shows | 14:51 | |
dalek | kudo/nom: c8c8de6 | (Brock Wilcox)++ | src/ (2 files): Migrate more looping and printing into REPL.pm |
kudo/nom: 74138ef | (Brock Wilcox)++ | src/core/REPL.pm: Make implicit return style consistent /STATEMENT_LIST/stmts/ for IO::Handle.comb|Supply |
lizmat | sorry dalek | ||
afk for a few hours& | 15:13 | ||
|Tux| | This is Rakudo version 2016.05-138-g6b93592 built on MoarVM version 2016.05-18-g1339332 | 16:00 | |
test 16.669 | |||
test-t 9.356 | |||
csv-parser 21.309 | |||
psch | "java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException: expected (ThreadContext,CodeRef,CallSiteDescriptor)void but found (ThreadContext,CodeRef,CallSiteDescriptor)void" | 16:02 | |
oh java /o\ | |||
masak | [Tux]: wow, 9.4 | 16:04 | |
no longer noise :) | |||
lizmat++ jnthn++ others++ # fasterening | |||
|Tux| | I'd say: just continue this nice work :) | 16:05 | |
masak | playing devil's advocate for a while... I for one would really like to see Rakudo become a lot slower again | 16:07 | |
(not really) :P | |||
sexy-coder-girl | Is one of those values the Perl 5 version? | 16:09 | |
nine | sexy-coder-girl: AFAIK the Perl 5 versions are in the 0.1 second range or even faster... | 16:10 | |
perlpilot | only if you adjust the location of the decimal place | ||
sexy-coder-girl | :( | ||
jnthn | nine: Pure Perl 5 versions? | 16:19 | |
timotimo | yeah, tux has a bunch of csv benchmark code thingies in a table | 16:31 | |
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed5.html | 16:32 | ||
jnthn: ^ | 16:33 | ||
[Coke] | m: say 9.536 / 0.033 | 16:50 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«288.969697» | ||
[Coke] | m: say 9.536 / 0.125 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«76.288» | ||
[Coke] | so about 76 times slower than the pure perl5 version. | ||
... er. that table has lots of things under modules, probably -this- one: | 16:51 | ||
m: say 9.536 / 0.501 | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«19.033932» | ||
[Coke] | that's perl6's Text::CSV vs. perl5's Text::CSV_PP | ||
wow. and 8s of that has nothing to do with processing time, it seems. | 16:52 | ||
m: say (9.536-8.045) / (0.501-0.484) | 16:53 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«87.705882» | ||
|Tux| | [Coke] feel free to improve of timing approaches ( github.com/Tux/CSV/blob/master/time.pl ) | ||
[Coke] | [Tux]: not sure how to improve it, just wanted to compare apples to apples if possible. | 16:54 | |
I think I ended up in the right place. | |||
masak .oO( you ended up in the 80s ) | 16:55 | ||
[Coke] | RT: 1326; CONC: 7; GLR: 6; JVM: 70; LHF: 1; LTA: 75; NYI: 28; OSX: 6; PERF: 16; POD: 3; PRECOMP: 3; RFC: 24; SEGV: 21; STAR: 1; TESTNEEDED: 29; TODO: 9; UNI: 5; WEIRD: 3 | 17:13 | |
timotimo | spending only 80s in the 80s doesn't sound so terrible | 17:25 | |
TimToady spent 315619206s in the 80s | 17:51 | ||
nine | To calculate that I'd need a definition of an exact moment of birth | 17:53 | |
sexy-coder-girl | I spent... | 17:55 | |
m: say DateTime.new(:1990year :01month :01day).Instant - DateTime.new(:1986year :04month :03day :23hour :57minute).Instant | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«118195382» | ||
sexy-coder-girl | m: say DateTime.now - DateTime.now | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller Numeric(DateTime: ); none of these signatures match: (Mu:U \v: *%_) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1» | ||
sexy-coder-girl | ^ kinda expected that to DWIM | ||
geekosaur spent more time in the 80s than he prefers to remember >.> | 17:58 | ||
nine | I'm bisecting Perl 5 to find where exactly Inline::Perl5 stopped working (somewhere between 5.23.7 and 5.23.8). But what do I do when I do get an error that's a bit like the one I'm looking for but not exactly the same? | 18:13 | |
bad or good? | |||
[Coke] | nine- you can also skip | 18:16 | |
nine | I voted bad on the premise that debugging an error is much harder when there's another one around that leads to a similar error message | 18:17 | |
Oh, this commit message explains rather well why we segfault after an endless recursion of "Method 'DESTROY' not found for invocant of class 'X::Method::NotFound': | 18:23 | ||
[perl #124387] call AUTOLOAD when DESTROY isn't defined | |||
synopsebot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=124387 | ||
FROGGS | o/ | 18:24 | |
timotimo | o/ | 18:26 | |
lizmat | the core is now STATEMENT_LIST free | 18:54 | |
dalek | kudo/nom: f7c8dc3 | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp: Eradicate SEQ |
18:56 | |
lizmat | wrt STATEMENT_LIST: I propose we remove directly after the next release | ||
so we have a whole month to catch any ecosystem fallout | 18:57 | ||
vendethiel | oh, that's to be removed? I need to backlog. | 18:58 | |
lizmat | vendethiel: well, it's not documented anywhere, there are no tests for it, and it feels like a core / setting internal | 19:00 | |
which it isn't anymore | |||
if we want something like that in the language, it should probably be called something else | |||
vendethiel | well, it was removed back when TimToady++ was implementing his LOLlypop (; as dimensions), and it was used to replace it. | 19:01 | |
lizmat | otoh, ideally the optimizer should be able to tell it can do a STATEMENT_LIST on any scope | ||
vendethiel | I can see a point to a comma operator, though. | ||
lizmat | vendethiel: ?? | ||
STATEMENT_LIST was a way to e.g. postfix loop / if on a set of statements without creating a scope | 19:02 | ||
vendethiel | I mean a comma operator in the C-family-of-languages sense | 19:05 | |
FROGGS | (I still dont get it) | ||
vendethiel | C, Java, JavaScript, C++ | ||
well, in all of these, if (true) print("a"), print("b"); will do both prints sequentially in the if. That's what it did before LoL semantics in Rakudo | 19:06 | ||
nine | lizmat: looking at travis-ci.org/niner/Inline-Perl5/b.../137321222 it seems like it's impossible to provide an Inline::Perl5 that works with rakudos before and after your removal of BUILDALL's positional :( | ||
lizmat | hmmm... perhaps if add another candidate *with* positionals ? | 19:07 | |
FROGGS | nine: cant you query BUILDALL.signature.params.elems or so? | 19:08 | |
I mean, it's horrible, but still | |||
m: if 1 { say(42), say(111) } | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«42111» | ||
FROGGS | vendethiel: where is my thinko? | 19:09 | |
timotimo | the return value of a comma operator is the last value of the "list" | ||
in your example the return value would be a list of two True s | |||
FROGGS | m: say do if 1 { say(42), say(111) } | 19:10 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 6b9359: OUTPUT«42111(True True)» | ||
FROGGS | yes, that's what I would expect | ||
nine | lizmat: you mean like this? gist.github.com/niner/9dcfde064e19...013107a69c | 19:11 | |
lizmat | nine: no, I was thinking to have that candidate in the settings | 19:12 | |
spectesting that now | |||
nine | ok...my patch doesn't work anyway :) | 19:13 | |
vendethiel | FROGGS: well, that's not a "comma operator" :-) | 19:16 | |
in the languages I listed above, (1, 2, 3) is 3. | 19:17 | ||
FROGGS | "I see" :P | 19:18 | |
dalek | kudo/nom: ed510c5 | lizmat++ | src/core/Mu.pm: Provided a BUILDALL with positionals For compatibility with modules such as Inline::Perl5 |
19:22 | |
lizmat | nine: ^^^ | ||
nine | lizmat: great! Then I'll revert your Inline::Perl5 patch | 19:47 | |
lizmat | okidoki... | 19:48 | |
nine | Closed 5 Inline::Perl5 issues today. I almost forgot how much fun working on such "little" things can be :) | 19:59 | |
jdv79 | nice | 20:04 | |
oh, in installs now. woohoo. | 20:07 | ||
*it | |||
lizmat | and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2016/06/13/...ng-to-tpc/ | 20:09 | |
FROGGS | \o/ | 20:13 | |
perlpilot | Is YAPC re-branding to TPC, or is that a lizmatism? | 20:27 | |
masak | yay, `signal(SIGINT)` works just splendid! | ||
perlpilot | I mean, so far the only person I | 20:28 | |
I mean, so far the only person I've seen call it TPC has been lizmat | 20:29 | ||
[Coke] | perlpilot: that's the old name. | ||
IIRC | |||
perlpilot | no, TPC morphed into OSCON. | ||
[Coke] | also, look at www.yapc.org/ | ||
masak | perlpilot: so far the only people I've seen call YAPC::NA "YAPC" has been people from the US :P | ||
lizmat | and YAPC is now morphing into The Perl Conference | ||
check out www.yapcna.org/yn2016/ | 20:30 | ||
perlpilot | excellent | ||
lizmat | it says: | ||
"The Perl Conference in Orlando" | |||
perlpilot | I've never thought much about it but recently had to explain to a few people what "YAPC" is and then had to explain why it's called YAPC. Calling it "The Perl Conference" is definitely better. | 20:32 | |
masak: The US is the most important country on the planet dontcha know! ;) | |||
dalek | kudo/nom: 5de2d8b | lizmat++ | docs/ChangeLog: Add some ChangeLog entries |
20:35 | |
timotimo | typo "no longer fail." -> "no longer fails." | 20:37 | |
masak | perlpilot: I can't think of anything to say in response to that that isn't kicking someone who's already down :P | 20:38 | |
jdv79 | the next iteration will be to PerlCon and then finally to PCON | 20:39 | |
masak | perlpilot: I'll give you this: your presidential races are captivating. | ||
perlpilot | masak: hey! Didn't you see the sign last time you were here? "USA -- birthplace and current residence of Larry Wall" | 20:44 | |
masak | you have a point, sir. | 20:46 | |
jnthn | lizmat++ # p6weekly | 21:03 | |
dalek | kudo/nom: 865bf36 | lizmat++ | docs/ChangeLog: Fix typo, timotimo++ |
timotimo | weekly++ # lizmat | 21:11 | |
jnthn | icecream has 40% discount.. | 21:21 | |
oh | |||
Not only wrong window, but wrong app. Good job, jnthn :P | 21:22 | ||
tadzik | :D | ||
lizmat screams haz 50% | 21:31 | ||
jnthn | Those I get for free just by reverting the right commit :P | 21:43 | |
'night, #perl6-dev | 21:49 | ||
Zoffix | night | 21:52 | |
lizmat | gnight jnthn | 21:55 | |
developer.apple.com/library/prerel...TP40016999 | |||
AppleFS | |||
gnight, perl6-dev! | 22:07 | ||
Zoffix | night | 22:11 |