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brrt | good * #moarvm | 11:28 | |
jnthn++ very nice writeup | |||
jnthn | o/ brrt | ||
nwc10 | good UGT heresy, #moarvm | 11:29 | |
brrt | :-) | 11:31 | |
maaaybe i can start writing the tile editor today | |||
and when i have that, i kind of know how to complete the register allocator | |||
lizmat | ++brrt :-) | 11:35 | |
jnthn | nice :) | ||
jnthn is in meetings today, alas | |||
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brrt | has to happen, unfortunately | 11:51 | |
nwc10 hopes meetings have coffee | |||
jnthn | Well, I'm joining them on Skype, so I can have what coffee I want :) | ||
nwc10 | encrypted.google.com/search?q=coffee+stout | 11:58 | |
(or cut to the chase, ie Kahlúa) | 11:59 | ||
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timotimo | oh, tile editor? sounds like a user interface design thing :) | 13:09 | |
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brrt | no, it's a structure for delaying the modification of the tile list | 13:49 | |
which, among other niceties, ensures that ranges don't get shifted while the list is being processed | 13:50 | ||
timotimo | oh | ||
nice | |||
brrt | it's a copy of the 'insertionset' idea from the b3 compiler backend | 13:51 | |
only, i originally had planned a (rather elegant if i say so myself?) plan wherein i'd store pairs of before-after invariants | 13:52 | ||
the 'do-before-this' invariant is very powerful, of course, but it'd be most useful in the case of arglist processing | 13:53 | ||
and that is easier to deal with in other ways | |||
timotimo | hm, k | 13:56 | |
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timotimo | there's a comment about the latest jnthn-report on reddit that seems to think the class jnthn wrote up "just uses a scalar" to store the value | 14:58 | |
www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/4nt...rovements/ | |||
psch | i like "it doesn't say who wrote this" when the about page is clear that only one persons posts there anyway | 15:02 | |
jnthn | Well, Perl 6 attribute storage is done in terms of the P6opaque representation, which doesn't have a Perl 5 equivalent. | 15:03 | |
Trying to emulate it as a Scalar is sorta cute but, as noted, prevents storage of anything more than one attribute. | 15:04 | ||
And mixins. :) | 15:05 | ||
psch | ref bless OO in perl5 can do mixins? | ||
jnthn | psch: If you blessed a Scalar though, you can't then go and tack on additional storage? | 15:06 | |
Which means you can only mix in stateless things. | |||
psch | jnthn: uh, i was just wondering if it's generally possible. all i know of perl5 core OO is skimming perlootut (i think?) a few years back :S | 15:07 | |
jnthn | psch: iirc you can rebless a reference into a new package, which would be enough | ||
psch | showmetheco.de/articles/2014/12/mix...-perl.html is something i found with google, which seems to really miss the point of mixins | 15:09 | |
although i suppose if all objects are inside-out it's perfectly sensible to do it like that..? :/ | |||
jnthn | But anyway, the point was to show that we're in the same ballpark for the code a typical programmer would likely write. | ||
psch | right :) | ||
moritz | .oO( why do I want to read "show me the taco" into that domain name? ) |
jnthn | moritz: hah, wow :) | 15:10 | |
timotimo | how much more expensive would it be to go via a rw accessor? | ||
jnthn | timotimo: Why would we do that? | ||
timotimo | to make it more fair vs the perl5 code :) | 15:11 | |
jnthn | Huh? | ||
I don't go via an accessor in the Perl 5 code? | |||
timotimo | just spitballin' | ||
jnthn | I access the state directly | ||
timotimo | but it's hash-backed, so it's not direct | ||
but ... what do i know about perl5 :) | |||
jnthn | Sure, but it's not a method call either :) | 15:13 | |
timotimo | right | ||
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FROGGS | o/ | 18:24 | |
nwc10 | \o | 18:28 | |
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brrt | ouch, much negativity on reddit | 19:36 | |
FROGGS | I just wont read it | 19:37 | |
brrt | good idea | 19:38 | |
nwc10 | about jnthn's bloggage? | 19:46 | |
(I'm also not gong to read it. There are a lot more folks with opinions above their competance. | |||
Sadly evidence of Dunning–Kruger keeps reappearing) | 19:47 | ||
jnthn | Nothing especially negative | 19:58 | |
Just a bit of missing the point and stating the obvious (e.g. "gee, you folks seem under-resourced" :P ) | 19:59 | ||
brrt | hmm, maybe you're right, and maybe i overreacted | ||
yes, we are. come help :-) | |||
FROGGS | the comments are quite nice actually | 20:22 | |
dalek | arVM/even-moar-jit: f0c9a86 | brrt++ | src/jit/register.c: Add tilelist editing functionality This will allow inserting tiles in the linear list with a fixed cost per tile and without upsetting ranges prior to the edit. |
20:34 | |
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