ugexe `perl6 -e 'use nqp; chdir "/"; say nqp::mkdir("./", 0o777);'` mkdir("/") works on osx if its not just / apparently 01:08
geekosaur probably everywhere. iirc mkdir is trying to be too smart and make intermediate dirs when needed, but that means it can succeed when everything already exists. 01:11
(imo those should be separate operations, or if the magical one must be regarded as default then the primitive one should be exposed somewhere for those that actually need correct behavior) 01:12
ugexe well it seems to act different for / than for any other existing directory
like its giving EEXISTS for existing directories, but for / it gives EISDIR 01:14 01:15
errno is 21, which should be EISDIR anyway
geekosaur not that surprising and probably related to / being a special case (normally one strips trailing /s but that is a mistake here...) 01:18
geekosaur has been through that code before and it's an utter mess 01:19
ugexe well, one way would be to use `nqp::stat("/",nqp::const::STAT_EXISTS)` before calling mkdir 01:31
i dunno if thats a good way though
MasterDuke: stopped showing exception messages in --ll-exception output. maybe add a check if -ll-exception is enabled to do the old nqp::setmessage? 05:08
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.06-251-g23ad2c388 built on MoarVM version 2017.06-95-gbccdb423 07:45
csv-ip5xs 2.537
test 12.245
test-t 4.079 - 4.200
csv-parser 11.886
lizmat Files=1211, Tests=65531, 215 wallclock secs (13.32 usr 4.89 sys + 1289.72 cusr 136.84 csys = 1444.77 CPU) 09:01
only 4 more tests needed to break the 16 bit barrier :-) 09:02
m: dd Nil.IO 09:19
camelia IO::Path
dogbert17 ok, so RT #127951 seems to have been fixed some time ago, would t/spec/S03-operators/identity.t be a good place to add a test for that? 11:42
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth rakudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1116:
Fix no message printing when using ll-exception
MasterDuke could someone check that ^^^ please? the install step seemed to be acting up, but i don't know why the change would cause that, so i'm not sure if it's just a local problem 11:56
Geth roast: dogbert17++ created pull request #283:
Added test for RT #127951
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth roast: 5e12710c90 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | S03-operators/identity.t
Added test for RT #127951
roast: 39802b5b2b | dogbert17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S03-operators/identity.t
Merge pull request #283 from dogbert17/test-rt-127951

Added test for RT #127951
synopsebot6 Link:
synopsebot6 Link:
dogbert17 bisect: my int $x = 4; say $x || 2 12:16
bisectable6 dogbert17, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=23ad2c3) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
dogbert17, bisect log:
dogbert17, (2017-07-10)
dogbert17 .seen TrollerCopter 12:17
yoleaux I haven't seen TrollerCopter around.
dogbert17 .seen LollerCopter
yoleaux I saw lollercopter 25 Jun 2017 12:21Z in #perl6: <lollercopter> samcv: not IMO. No other IO routines take their paths in arbitrary chunks like that, so adding this would be inconsistent. You can always use '/' as the separator, so it'd be $*CWD.child('foo/bar') or $*CWD.child: @parts.join: '/' and will just work and will be faster than adding a slurpy multi candidate.
dogbert17 .ask Zoffix any idea where to put tests for RT #130404 which you fixed a few days ago? 12:24
synopsebot6 Link:
yoleaux dogbert17: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
Geth_ perl6-lwp-simple: cpin++ created pull request #15:
Get method sends headers if provided
dogbert17 bisect: int $i = 10) +& 0xFF) 13:53
bisectable6 dogbert17, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=23ad2c3) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
dogbert17, Output on both points: «»
dogbert17 bisect: say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF)
bisectable6 dogbert17, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=23ad2c3) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
dogbert17, Output on both points: «Buf:0x<0a>»
dogbert17 bisect: my int $i = 2482111348; $i = $i div 2; say $i 13:56
bisectable6 dogbert17, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=23ad2c3) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
dogbert17, bisect log:
dogbert17, (2017-02-03)
dogbert17 commit: 2016.09 say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF) 13:59
committable6 dogbert17, ¦2016.09: «Buf:0x<0a>»
dogbert17 commit: 2016.06 say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF)
committable6 dogbert17, ¦2016.06: «Buf:0x<0a>»
dogbert17 commit: 2016.07 say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF)
committable6 dogbert17,
dogbert17 commit: 2016.08 say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF) 14:00
committable6 dogbert17, ¦2016.08: «Buf:0x<0a>»
dogbert17 bisect: HEAD 2016.07 say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF)
bisectable6 dogbert17, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=23ad2c3) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well
MasterDuke dogbert17: you need `new=xxx old=yyy` 14:01
bisect: new=HEAD old=2016.07 say int $i = 10) +& 0xFF) 14:02
bisectable6 MasterDuke, Bisecting by exit code (old=2016.07 new=23ad2c3). Old exit code: 1
MasterDuke, bisect log: 14:03
MasterDuke, (2016-07-17)
dogbert17 MasterDuke++, was on my way to call the bot morinic :) 14:04
so it seems as if that commit should have fixed RT #128624 and to a certain extent RT #128655 14:06
synopsebot6 Link:
dogbert17 bisect: new=HEAD old=2016.07 my int $i = 5;$i +& 0xFF) 14:08
bisectable6 dogbert17, Bisecting by exit code (old=2016.07 new=23ad2c3). Old exit code: 1
dogbert17, bisect log:
dogbert17, (2016-07-17)
dogbert17 yeah, it's the same :)
dogbert17 hmm, temporary fix ... 14:12
Geth nqp: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #366:
Fix no message printing when using ll-exception
nqp: 859b4441dd | MasterDuke17++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp
Fix no message printing when using ll-exception

The recent change to only generate an Exception's message when it's gisted broke using `--ll-exception`.
nqp: c234cf4efb | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp
Merge pull request #366 from MasterDuke17/fix_no_message_when_using_ll-exception

Fix no message printing when using ll-exception
ugexe is there a way to get at dynamic variables inside of Perl6/Optimizer.nqp ? 16:16
moritz ugexe: the optimizer runs after grammar + actions, so the dynamic variables from and aren't available 16:19
ugexe hmmm. well here it can use the wrong stderr 16:20
RT #131670 16:21
synopsebot6 Link:
ugexe m: my $*ERR = class :: { method say(|) {}; method print(|) {}; }; warn(1) 16:22
camelia ( no output )
ugexe m: my $*ERR = class :: { method say(|) {}; method print(|) {}; }; my $a; $a;
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of $a in sink context (line 1)
geekosaur I don't think that difference is fixable 16:23
unless you...
hm, doesn't work with BEGIN either. *that* could be fixable 16:24
but neither the grammar nor the optimizer can reach forward to a *runtime* set of $*ERR 16:25
ugexe could that warning logic go somewhere else possibly? 16:28
geekosaur it's a compile time warning, do you want it to be a runtime warning instead? 16:32
moritz the nice thing about compile time warnings is that they are independent of program inputs
geekosaur to be clear: this lets the $*ERR setting be visible at compile time 16:33
m: BEGIN my $*ERR = class :: { method say(|) {}; method print(|) {}; }; my $a; $a;
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of $a in sink context (line 1)
geekosaur but it still doesn't work, probably because of the dynamic variable issue moritz already mentioned (i.e. that information is not around when the optimizer is run) 16:34
fixing that likely requires that the $*ERR in effect at compile time be associated with the block being handed to the optimizer, which will probably introduce other issues 16:36
ugexe actually it seems like the naive solution, `s/my $err := stderr()/my $err := $*ERR/` works, and catches the compile time error as you said if you use BEGIN my $*ERR = ... 16:52
ah but then compile time errors dont work right unless you explicitly set BEGIN my $err := ... 17:00
compile time warnings rather
same if s/stderr()/getstderr()/ 17:06
dogbert17 anyone knows what this comment means, 'Don't know how to mark statement for perl6!'? It shows up when running a spectest 17:23
Zoffix dogbert17: someone wrote a fudge for #?perl6 instead of #?rakudo 17:27
yoleaux 12:24Z <dogbert17> Zoffix: any idea where to put tests for RT #130404 which you fixed a few days ago?
synopsebot6 Link:
Zoffix or it just assumes "#perl6" in some of the comments are fudges 17:28
dogbert17: there were already tests in. I forgot there was a ticket too. Closed. 17:29
dogbert17 Zoffix++ 17:30
Zoffix Oh
It's a differrent ticket
dogbert17 The comment shows up just before it starts running any tests
Zoffix yeah, that's when the fudger runs 17:31
bisect: my int $x = 4; say $x || 2
bisectable6 Zoffix, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=23ad2c3) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
Zoffix, bisect log:
Zoffix, (2017-07-10)
dogbert17 so it is probably from something which was added very recently then
Zoffix Well, it's not the exact test for that ticket, but it's for this problem, so it counts. I guess.
dogbert17 so, can we close it or will it end with AlexDaniel reopening it :) 17:32
Zoffix can close 17:34
already is rather
Geth_ perl6-lwp-simple: c71bb0e364 | cpin++ | 3 files
Get method sends headers if provided

Fixes #14
perl6-lwp-simple: 164f470bc1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #15 from cpin/get-headers

Get method sends headers if provided
MasterDuke dogbert17: it's from S15-nfg/concat-stable.t, the shebang causes it
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: 5e06386e1c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Bump version
dogbert17 MasterDuke++, that was quick 17:41
running a spectest with sundry debug flags and small nursery, so far two fails 17:43
the first is t/spec/S15-nfg/concat-stable.rakudo.moar, no big surprise there I guess :) 17:44
the second is t/spec/S29-os/system.rakudo.moar
Geth roast: cabdf07369 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | packages/Test/
Remove 2 pointless regexes from is_run

  - neitzca is no longer in use
  - $*EXECUTABLE for ./perl6 would already have ./ in it
roast: dogbert17++ created pull request #284:
Remove shebang line from script
timotimo is --target=parse broken?
Zoffix I hope not 18:00
timotimo well, this here looks like an infinite recursion to me
Geth roast: 1e793c1db3 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | S15-nfg/concat-stable.t
Remove shebang line from script

It confused the fudger
roast: bf5034bb73 | dogbert17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S15-nfg/concat-stable.t
Merge pull request #284 from dogbert17/fix-concat-stable

Remove shebang line from script
Zoffix timotimo: ah, that yeah. I experienced that in the past. You're trying to parse some sub def, right? 18:02
timotimo no, it's "my ($a, $b, $c)"
Zoffix or sig, yeah
timotimo i wonder if we need a $matchdumpseen
nine That does indeed hang 18:03
ugexe m: role Fooable[::T $type] { method bar { say 111 } }; class Bar does Fooable["x"] { method foo { self.Fooable::bar } };; # is there a way to call the full name of a method from a parameterized role?
camelia No concretization found for Fooable
in method foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo worst case you can find_method 18:04
dogbert17 Zoffix: of the four files you found three are .p6 files and the fourth was the one I fixed 18:05
Zoffix Ah
Isn't the method gets added to the class? 18:06
m: role Fooable[::T $type] { method bar { say 111 } }; class Bar does Fooable["x"] { method foo { } };;
camelia 111
MasterDuke timotimo: fyi, a perf record of parsing that snippet you showed gives: 48.62% moar [.] MVM_gc_root_add_frame_registers_to_worklist 17.16% moar [.] MVM_gc_root_add_frame_roots_to_worklist
Zoffix m: role Fooable[::T $type] { method bar { say 111 } }; class Bar does Fooable["x"] { method foo { self.Bar::bar } };;
camelia 111
Zoffix "<ugexe> seems like Buf.Stringy should be calling something like { self."{::T}"::Stringy }" 18:08
Zoffix doesn't follow that one
timotimo MasterDuke: what snippet was that?
ugexe m: say "a".encode.WHAT; say "a".encode.Stringy; 18:09
camelia (utf8)
ugexe if utf8 knows how to .Stringy, should Buf[utf8] also?
dogbert17 Zoffix: what about RT #130454, can that be closed/rejected? 18:10
synopsebot6 Link:
Zoffix ugexe: do we *have* Buf[utf8]?
m: Buf[utf8].new
camelia concatenate requires a concrete string, but got null
in any protect at gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting line 1033
in any protect at gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting line 1033
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe m: say"a".encode).WHAT 18:11
camelia (Buf)
MasterDuke timotimo: target=parse of "my ($a, $b, $c)"
ugexe m: say"a".encode).perl
Zoffix `m: say"x".encode).Stringy` <-- there you go through .new(Buf) candidate that just takes all the ints
dogbert17: closed. Thanks. 18:12
m: dd
camelia 18:13
Zoffix s: utf8, 'new', \()
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at
Zoffix `my class utf8 does Blob[uint8] is repr('VMArray') {`
timotimo has a dumpseen for matches 18:15
Zoffix has the golfiest yet open.t bug: 18:17
run with echo "x" | ./perl6 open.t
oh, finally got it out of is_run/shell: 18:19
Run with echo "x" | ./perl6 --ll-exception open.t
strangely, --ll-exception is what causes it to explode :o 18:20
Zoffix verbumps and builds the latest and greatest
Shouldn't this check with nqp::ifnull so that exceptions with empty messages get differentiated from those without any? 18:22
isnull I mean 18:23
Geth nqp/dump_nqpmatch_seen_hash: 95c62e0caa | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp
prevent infinite recursion when dumping match objects
timotimo -^ 18:24
ugexe Zoffix: looks like it. here is the old code
Zoffix k, gonna change 18:25
timotimo it's problematic that it won't put the objectid next to the thing's first occurence
though with the chunks array the way it is, it would be possible to implement that with a splice ...
but now it's grocery sohpping time 18:30
ugexe m: sub foo {...}; role R[$s] { method s{$s} }; constant C = R[:()]; dd C.s; 18:31
camelia ===SORRY!===
QAST::Block with cuid 7 has not appeared
timotimo also, 0xfoo the numbers rather than decimal 18:32
Zoffix ZOFFLOP: t/spec/S10-packages/precompilation.t 18:34
looks like open.t stopped flooping after the --ll-exception fix :| 18:37
Files=1245, Tests=161083, 129 wallclock secs (22.17 usr 3.15 sys + 2658.47 cusr 158.34 csys = 2842.13 CPU)
ugexe your fix, or the prior one?
Zoffix I'd guess prior one 18:39
Though I don't get why. The original test doesn't use --ll-exception
ugexe that was my though... unless it has something to do with catching an exception somewhere and using its message to make some decision 18:40
Zoffix And considering merely adding comments to code that used to produce the crash, I'd guess there might be something else that crashes that just got shoved under the rug now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ZOFVM: Files=1245, Tests=161083, 130 wallclock secs (21.54 usr 3.16 sys + 2653.97 cusr 161.34 csys = 2840.01 CPU)
k, a few runs and no failures. Time for release. 18:41
Geth nqp: 8cd835ffad | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp
Exclude empty messages from check
rakudo/nom: 83502cca8c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP

8cd835f Exclude empty messages from check c234cf4 Merge pull request #366 from MasterDuke17/fix_no_message_when_using_ll-exception 859b444 Fix no message printing when using ll-exception
¦ rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes: 18:42
Zoffix ahhh crap 18:43
Yeah, it doesn't flop anymore because the open.t file is striped off everything. I never reset it after messing with it during debug 18:44
ugexe what is the expected output of the gist you posted?
Zoffix anything that doesn't have "Reading from filehandle" error 18:45
ugexe and can I run that gist as its own script? echo "x" | perl6 p6.p6? you mentioned `echo "x" | ./perl6 --ll-exception open.t` but that doesn't mention the code in the gist 18:47
Zoffix yep. open.t still crashes 18:48
ugexe: the code from the gist goes to open.t file
k, I'm calling it a day on the open.t test. 19:00
It's probably something in MoarVM, as removing the comment avoids a failure. The failing test is also not part of 6.c-errata and is testing a very arcane functionality (re-opening $*OUT/$*IN) 19:01
filed as 19:07
.tell jnthn perhaps you'd be interested in this bug:
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
Geth roast: 4748a283e1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-io/open.t
Fudge failing test for release

  - Test is not part of 6.c-errata
  - Test tests edgecase functionality (re-opening $*OUT/$*IN)
  - Issue detected by the test occurs under unpredictable circumstances
   (e.g. even adding a comment affects whether it appears)
  - Ticket for issue:
fudger doesn't like the test, so I just commented it out
geekosaur the thing I would wonder about is at what level that error happens. involvement of --ll-exception or change in source code makes me think it's the compiler that is unexpectedly emitting that 19:14
Zoffix Original issue doesn't have --ll-exception
I'd guess it's reading memory it ain't supposed to be reading or something like that
nine Zoffix: then maybe it'll show up on valgrind or asan? 19:19
timotimo dang i can't do the magic chunk thing because it turns out the chunks get flattened into a string somewhat often
Zoffix Maybe. I don't know about those tools. 19:29
Also MoarVM has already been released.
timotimo i can't nqp::sprintf("%x", 1) inside nqp? 19:32
m: use nqp; nqp::sprintf("%x", 1)
camelia Directive x not applicable for type VMNull
timotimo same problem inside rakudo. huh.
it has to take a list, duh
samcv good * 19:42
Zoffix \o
ugexe m: $*OUT.close; $*; say 1 19:43
camelia Failed to write bytes to filehandle: Bad file descriptor
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix hah 19:45
c: 2017.06 $*OUT.close; $*; say 1 19:46
committable6 Zoffix, ¦2017.06: «Failed to write bytes to filehandle: Bad file descriptor␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/zc4ctEqWWv line 1␤ «exit code = 1»»
Zoffix my commit busted it, dinnit 19:48
bisect: $*OUT.close; $*; say 1
bisectable6 Zoffix, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=83502cc). Old exit code: 0
Zoffix, bisect log:
Zoffix, (2017-06-07)
Zoffix huh. ok then 19:49
c: 1ac7996a42d50f,1ac7996a42d50f~1 $*OUT.close; $*; say 1
committable6 Zoffix, ¦1ac7996: «Failed to write bytes to filehandle: Bad file descriptor␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/0Q7XBbzFiU line 1␤ «exit code = 1»» ¦1ac7996a42d50f~1: «1»
ugexe m: note $*OUT.native-descriptor; $*OUT.close; note $*OUT.native-descriptor; 19:57
camelia 1
get native descriptor requires an object with REPR MVMOSHandle (got VMNull with REPR Null)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix Windows spectest seems to hang on t\spec\S32-io\IO-Socket-INET.t :/ 19:58
Too late to dig into Windows failures now, I guess. 19:59
huge amount of failures in spectest actually :/ 20:01
ugexe that hanging test might just be slow as fuck 20:08
it does 2000 iterations and they are taking about a second each on my vm
Zoffix 0.o0.o 20:10
ugexe the tests pass otherwise... and after 400ish iterations it was still on track to pass that one 20:13
dogbert17: ^
Geth rakudo/nom: c5d74d8672 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Add all changes to changelog
ugexe m: for ^10 -> $i { my $sock =<>, :port($i)); CATCH {say $i; next}; } 20:29
camelia 0
ugexe thats taking 10 seconds on windows
it goes twice as fast if the host/port is legit 20:30
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly: status 20:35
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, [✔] Next release is today. Since last release, there are 25 new still-open tickets (0 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 0 unreviewed commits. See for details
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly: cut the release 20:36
yo! robot! 20:37
Do things!
geekosaur bottled...
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly: cut the release 20:38
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, Will do! If you're feeling particularly naughty, you can watch me at or go look at some cats
Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Prep done
dogbert17 heh, why on earth should that test be dog slow?
Geth nqp: af3a53fe51 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
bump MoarVM version to 2017.07
nqp: version bump brought these changes:
b2b8c93b78 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | VERSION
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nqp tests OK 20:48
Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nqp release tarball tests OK 20:57
Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nqp release DONE
Geth rakudo/nom: bb4f7a17b6 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/announce/
Generate release announcement for 2017.07
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
03d93b77bd | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
ee915857f5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | VERSION
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
58d93b4630 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/

The files are still used by 6.c-errata and can't currently be removed, even if they were relocated on master.
Zoffix damn, forgot to put back the 6.c-errata test files that were removed 21:00
Oh well. It's not like I didn't say they shouldn't be removed more than once :/ 21:01
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, ☠☠☠☠☠☠ Rakudo: make stresstest (master) 21:07
Zoffix, ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ ABNORMAL EXIT!
Zoffix great
Zoffix What's the story behind S04-phasers/eval-in-begin.t being removed? 21:16
Geth roast: 1826cee917 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 4 files
Add dummy test files

For test files that were removed/relocated in master but still exist in 6.c-errata.
Eventually these will be tossed from master, when we have per-language-version t/ files.
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly: run r-stress r-stress-v6c r-tar r-tar-build r-tar-p5 r-tar-stress r-tag r-tar-sign r-tar-copy post-scp
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, ☠☠☠☠☠☠ Rakudo: make stresstest (master) 21:21
Zoffix, ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ ABNORMAL EXIT!
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly: run r-stress r-stress-v6c r-tar r-tar-build r-tar-p5 r-tar-stress r-tag r-tar-sign r-tar-copy post-scp 21:26
oh, for fuck's sake... all the floppers
NeuralAnomaly: run r-stress r-stress-v6c r-tar r-tar-build r-tar-p5 r-tar-stress r-tag r-tar-sign r-tar-copy post-scp 21:27
Really need to spend some time with them and find what makes them flop 21:28
NeuralAnomaly: run r-stress r-stress-v6c r-tar r-tar-build r-tar-p5 r-tar-stress r-tag r-tar-sign r-tar-copy post-scp
NeuralAnomaly: run r-stress-v6c r-tar r-tar-build r-tar-p5 r-tar-stress r-tag r-tar-sign r-tar-copy post-scp 21:30
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rakudo stresstest (6.c-errata) OK 21:32
Zoffix "The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code: #5 Do you fix bugs before writing new code?" I think we should be doing more of that.
There's now like 4-6 flopping test files.
There's about 10+ failing Windows test files 21:33
buggable: tags
buggable Zoffix, Total: 1621; BUG: 1073; UNTAGGED: 371; LTA: 171; NYI: 95; JVM: 60; RFC: 57; REGEX: 56; CONC: 51; TESTNEEDED: 31; UNI: 28; PERF: 26; SEGV: 26; IO: 22; NATIVECALL: 22; POD: 21; REGRESSION: 21; @LARRY: 20; TODO: 18; PRECOMP: 14; BUILD: 11; OO: 11; TESTCOMMITTED: 11; OPTIMIZER: 10; STAR: 7; BOOTSTRAP: 5; REPL: 5; GLR: 4; MATH: 4; OSX: 4; WEIRD: 4; SPESH: 3; WINDOWS: 3; RT: 2; BELL
Zoffix And 1621 bug tickets.
And 30 mentions of RT tickets in source, which I'm guessing are all the temporary fixes 21:37
TDD is also good. Adding new feature? Write good tests for it first. 'cause otherwise there's all this extra wasted time with tickets created and people having to go into code and familiriaze themselves with it before being able to fix bugs that could've been caught right when the feature was added, when all the code is still fresh in the mind. 21:39
</rant> 21:40
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rakudo release DONE
Zoffix, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Post: upload tarballs to and
Zoffix, ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Zoffix, The release of **Rakudo #113 2017.07** has now been completed
Zoffix, ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
NeuralAnomaly celebrates with an appropriate amount of fun
Zoffix yey
dogbert17 which files are flapping? 21:41
Zoffix dogbert17:;q=ZOFFLOP
dogbert17 I guess we need to figure out why the are behaving so badly :) 21:43
Zoffix lizmat: Mission accomplished: "The following people contributed to this release: Elizabeth Mattijsen, Zoffix Znet, ..."
lizmat :-) 21:44
Geth rakudo/nom: d37be24961 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/release_guide.pod
2017.07 is now in the past
Zoffix I'm done. 21:47
dogbert17 t/spec/S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t is known to be broken 21:48
Zoffix passes the torch to AlexDaniel
dogbert17 Zoffix++
Zoffix .tell AlexDaniel For release stuff, there are these docs and posts
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
Zoffix .tell AlexDaniel if you wanted to run the bot on your own system, would be good to practice with test repos. I recall it being a PITA to get it going due to stuff that needs to be installed (the post should detail it). Bot's repo is and repo is in On you can go to and it'll 21:51
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
Zoffix tell you which commits aren't in chagnelog yet. After you write them down, click on the question mark button to mark them as logged. Same for tickets.
.tell AlexDaniel tell you which commits aren't in chagnelog yet. After you write them down, click on the question mark button to mark them as logged. Same for tickets.
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
Zoffix goes on a needed de-burnout from Perl 6
Gonna be (finishing) learning C
dogbert17 relax and play some cool new 3d games
lizmat Zoffix++ # hanging in there! 21:52
ugexe m: say $*ERR.native-descriptor; $*ERR.close; $*; say $*ERR.native-descriptor 22:07
camelia 2
ugexe m: say $*OUT.native-descriptor; $*OUT.close; $*; say $*OUT.native-descriptor
camelia 1
Failed to write bytes to filehandle: Bad file descriptor
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe that difference probably hints at something
geekosaur urgh. never close descriptors 0, 1, 2; you can't get them back 22:13
jnthn Zoffix++ # release 22:14
Fully agree on writing tests when adding new stuff, fwiw. Of course, somebody will probably think of a case you didn't consider and thus think to test... 22:15