timotimo i think i was running around with a tiny nursery for a few days 01:27
MasterDuke timotimo: you around? did you happen to see my question to jnthn yesterday? you'd probably know also 01:47
timotimo i'm still around
MasterDuke sounds like a thrilling job 01:50
timotimo hah 01:51
something for a month without power (if you printed out the whole source code up front)
MasterDuke hm, don't you need correct uint support in rakudo before you really can do the audit? 02:01
timotimo good question 02:03
uint support is something that scares me :)
MasterDuke likewise 02:04
timotimo i think i'll be going to bed now 02:05
MasterDuke same here soon. later... 02:06
timotimo closed a few random moarvm issues 06:35
Geth_ MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 4026d83e46 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | src/jit/expr.c
A new value overwrites a previous definition

Otherwise we can potentially have ordering issues when we flush a newer value onto an older root.
jnthn morning o/ 10:37
timotimo++ samcv++ # ChangeLog updates
Geth_ MoarVM: e078e8f50f | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | VERSION
jnthn Nice ChangeLog this month :)
www.moarvm.org/releases/MoarVM-2017.07.tar.gz 10:51
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 87 commits pushed by (Jonathan Worthington)++
review: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/0...2aa8d8203e
jnthn There's a rebase of that branch, ready for continuing work on it on Monday :)
timotimo github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/projects/2 - fwiw i made that project thingie and dumped a few ideas in there 13:23
MasterDuke timotimo++ 13:31
timotimo github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/319 - this is obsolete from our latest encoder changes, right? 13:32
MasterDuke looks like you have a couple open PRs, are they different from your project ideas? 13:34
timotimo *cough*
there's not as many PRs as there used to be
MasterDuke btw, do you have any idea why github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1116 causes `./perl6-m tools/build/install-core-dist.pl /home/dan/Source/perl6/install/share/perl6` to hang? 13:37
also, if i run `make m-test`, t/01-sanity/21-try.t hangs, but it completes fine if run directly
geekosaur at a guess, .message throws 13:39
in fact, not even that far perhaps. note that .gist uses try self.?message 13:42
MasterDuke here's a diff of changes i just made in that branch, same behavior gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/841d2...173d7d6321 13:43
geekosaur so if the exception being thrown doesn't accept .message then throw throws 13:44
which ... is going to loop until it overflows the stack
MasterDuke the .?message should prevent it being called on something that doesn't accept .message 13:46
geekosaur in .gist, yes 13:47
show me the try self.?message at github.com/MasterDuke17/rakudo/blo...ion.pm#L57
MasterDuke it's in my diff 13:48
geekosaur I, er, got there *from* your diff
MasterDuke i haven't pushed that change yet
since it doesn't seem to actually fix/change anything 13:49
geekosaur ok, and I was supposed to know that when you asked what was wrong with *that* code
still leaves the possibility that the message method itself is throwing but that will not be discernable from this code even with the changes I was supposed to get via mindreading 13:50
MasterDuke but then it should have hung before any of my changes, right? 13:51
since the net effect is just wrapping the old behavior in `if nqp::existskey(nqp::atkey(%*COMPILING, '%?OPTIONS'), 'll-exception') {`
nine How about HLL::Compiler calling .message if the exception object has such a method and nqp::getmessage didn't return a message? Would save the lookup of %*COMPILING on every exception throw 14:13
MasterDuke nine: i started on that, but was missing something, probably the 'if the exception object has such a method' part, let me try that again 14:15
nine Also that would move the changes to an area of the code that's actually only run when --ll-exception is active rather than on every throw of an exception. Would make me feel much better so close to the release. 14:19
MasterDuke nine++, seems to be working 14:24
nine yeah! :) 14:26
MasterDuke nine: does github.com/perl6/nqp/pull/366 look ok? 14:36
nine MasterDuke: it does 14:37
samcv good * 19:42
timotimo yo samcv
mst assuming it exists, where do I look for perl6 generator syntax? 19:51
timotimo you mean like gather/take, right? 19:55
jnthn Probably gather/take is closest, though in Perl 6 that's not tied to functions/subs in any way, while in many languages they are coupled 19:56
yoleaux 19:07Z <Zoffix> jnthn: perhaps you'd be interested in this bug: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131755
Zoffix mst: rakudo.party/post/Perl-6-Seqs-Drug...akeusto...
jnthn ('cus if you scope your generator to a sub you can do it with a local CPS transform)
Zoffix docs: docs.perl6.org/syntax/gather%20take
jnthn Zoffix: Will try and be interested next week :) 19:57
mst ah, lazy gather/take
I'd been pondering that, just not yet
jnthn afk for a bit 19:58