Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
timotimo nine: moarperf now lets you sort the outer routine list, by the time you read this, it'll probably also let you sort the inner one, too. 00:03
AlexDaniel I found another module! 00:12
not sure how it slipped previously, but it's a very new change
class with `scale` and `new` methods without return constraint: 00:14
and here's the role: 00:15
and so the error message is “Multi method 'new' with signature :(MultiVector::BitEncoded::Default: Real $s, *%_ --> MultiVector) must be implemented by MultiVector::BitEncoded::Default because it is required by a role”
and that bisected to 00:16
m: role Foo { multi method new() returns MultiVector {...} }; class Bar does Foo { method new() {} } 00:17
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Invalid typename 'MultiVector'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3{ multi method new() returns MultiVector7⏏5 {...} }; class Bar does Foo { method ne
AlexDaniel m: role Foo { multi method new() returns Foo {...} }; class Bar does Foo { method new() {} }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Multi method 'new' with signature :(Bar: *%_ --> Foo) must be implemented by Bar because it is required by a role
at <tmp>:1
AlexDaniel c: abba67b2281c5^,abba67b2281c5 role Foo { multi method new() returns Foo {...} }; class Bar does Foo { method new() {} }
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦abba67b2281c5^,abba67b: «04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/TwC2Ckj25Y␤Multi method 'new' with signature :(Bar: *%_ --> Foo) must be implemented by Bar because it is required by a role␤at /tmp/TwC2Ckj25Y:1␤ «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel c: abba67b2281c5^,abba67b2281c5 role Foo { multi method new() returns Foo {...} }; class Bar does Foo { multi method new() {} } 00:18
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦abba67b2281c5^: «» ¦abba67b: «04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/btZRnvSsmT␤Multi method 'new' with signature :(Bar: *%_ --> Foo) must be implemented by Bar because it is required by a role␤at /tmp/btZRnvSsmT:1␤ «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel that
I guess a PR is needed for that module
although… how to achieve what the author meant? 00:20
ah, just make both `returns Foo` 00:21
AlexDaniel PR submitted 00:31
samcv working on getting the Unicode roast files up to date for 6.d. and getting the docs/unicode-generated-tests-asciidoc actually easily readable and nicely formatted, with info on which tests get generated by which commands 02:19
exact commands to generate things, and any other steps to take per test
Geth roast: a5a3d46c71 | (Samantha McVey)++ | 47 files
Update Uni Normalization to v11.0. Make Uni test doc uniform and clear

Update the normalization tests to Unicode v11.0.
Make the document which tracks the different scripts and tests which need to be regenerated more uniform with a clear structure.
Add the exact commands to run as well as showing which test files are generated from each script. Only one or two left need this info added now.
japhb Zoffix: Possibly related to 'De-BEGIN-ify $*PERL'? vv 02:41
===> Testing: if:ver<0.1.0>:auth<github:FROGGS>
# Failed test 'we can use $*PERL.version in :if'
# at t/if.t line 16
# expected: '1'
# got: '0'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5
Zoffix japhb: no, the module assumes v6.c is all there is: 06:49
Geth 6.d-prep: c821450b4a | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | TODO/
Mark `.bool-only`/`.count-only` as completed

The tests covering the behaviour have been removed from roast util is resolved
6.d-prep: a6630e955a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Mark throw-on-late versions as completed
6.d-prep: e3485b44f0 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | TODO/
Remove trailing whitespace
6.d-prep: d339070690 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | TODO/
Mark roast review as completed

I imagine anyone who was interested finished their review by now and judging by how long it took me to finish my review, I don't think there's time for another reviewer to start from scratch.
6.d-prep: 09d6176a2d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | TODO/
Mark META6.json item as completed

  "See if we can…" saw. We can't yet.
Zoffix .ask samcv should `use experimental :collation;` remain hidden behind experimental for 6.d or is it well-cooked now? 07:04
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to samcv.
samcv Zoffix: i think we can remove the experimental now 07:06
yoleaux 07:04Z <Zoffix> samcv: should `use experimental :collation;` remain hidden behind experimental for 6.d or is it well-cooked now?
samcv if you know a way to get it working with use 6.d since i'm not sure how that works
Zoffix samcv: where is it in rakudo? I don't see where it's made to require `use experimental` 07:08
Zoffix m: say pack 07:08
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Use of pack is experimental; please 'use experimental :pack'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say pack7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier…
Zoffix Like, is there the same message for collation?
Zoffix ah, lib/experimental 07:09
samcv: no, there's no way to put it under a version pragma at the moment.
samcv well we can just remove it anyway :P 07:10
Zoffix ok. I will remove
samcv i think it was more useful to inform users it was experimental while it still was and not rely too much on it until it had testing. shouldn't be any other reason to keep it experimental since things have been fine 07:13
japhb Zoffix: Doh! Should have checked the 'if' source myself. I was misled by coincidence. 07:21
Geth 6.d-prep: 71af49c39c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | TODO/
Mark Docs site as completed

It's not, technically, but there's ain't no time and we're doing the manual, plain-text markings ATM.
roast: b695e654eb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
SAP extended tests

We likely will want to limit what .new can take in the future.
rakudo: 20c41ca5de | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 3 files
No longer require `experimental` for $*COLLATION.set

roast: fd6cdce7ee | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-str/Collation.t
no need for experimental :collation no more

De-experementalized in
6.d-prep: 905c7deee7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | TODO/
Mark experementation review as completed

  :collation experiment is over:
Geth 6.d-prep: df547886ae | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Mark SAPping as completed

Done in
samcv Zoffix++ 07:49
Geth roast: 493e920374 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | APPENDICES/A03-older-specs/01-misc.t
Link to Issue/discussion for stuff
stmuk_ is 6.d going to be default in 2018.10? 08:06
lizmat stmuk_: no, 6.c is the default for 2018.11, 6.d will be the default for 2018.11 09:15
6.c for 2018.10
stmuk_ 09:18
is the release not coming off master?
stmuk_ release-2018.10 maybe? did the release process change? 09:23
lizmat stmuk_: yeah, I think AlexDaniel++ changed it, silently :-) 09:25
HEAD is ahead now, way ahead :-) 09:26
Files=1257, Tests=76339, 339 wallclock secs (15.67 usr 5.26 sys + 2378.93 cusr 219.11 csys = 2618.97 CPU) 09:39
Geth roast: 711564de41 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
SAP Int ** Int overflow throwage
lizmat gets thrown off by SAP everytime and wonders what it means in this context 10:04
Geth rakudo: 5a932f364c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Perl6/World.nqp
Fix typo in comment
Zoffix lizmat: SAP = "Stands for "Specification APendices". The SAP includes optional tests that implementations may choose to follow, but don't necessarily have to. Can be used as a verb. To SAP something is to place it into Specification Appendices." 10:06 :) 10:07
lizmat will have to rewire her brain a bit
Zoffix We can change it to "ADS" for "Annexes de Spécification" :P 10:08
lizmat no, I'll get used to it
stmuk_ "implementing Perl 6.d" maybe this should be "implementing Perl 6.c and 6.d?" 10:33
or "perl6 up until 6.d" 10:36
Geth rakudo: tbrowder++ created pull request #2439:
fix for missing defn features
AlexDaniel stmuk_: it was like this for the last… I don't know, 4 releases at least 11:26
stmuk_: because people want to commit stuff while the release process is going, so cutting it from a branch makes sense 11:30
stmuk_ it makes sense but I don't recall seeing it around July (maybe I forgot) 11:31
AlexDaniel stmuk_: yeah but 2018.10 is not released yet, I'm working on it right now 11:33
and the branch is then merged back and deleted, so generally you won't see it unless you look at the right day :) 11:34
Geth ¦ rakudo: tbrowder self-assigned @.allowed array in class Pod::Block::Code is unneeded 12:26
nqp/release-2018.10: d2d879dd4c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[MoarVM Bump] b2e870c6f Revert async socket in […]

MoarVM bump brought:
AlexDaniel heh 12:41
Geth nqp/release-2018.10: a8682f71a8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | t/nqp/063-slurp.t
Revert "063-slurp should depend on a stable file"

This reverts commit 28b043db7e9a533eeaec9d5e4b185bcc76e767e3.
Pre-release tars that I do have a noncomforming version which makes this test fail. I think there are better ways to test this, but the previous test works just fine for the time being.
lizmat AlexDaniel: fwiw, self-referential feels more correct to me too 12:51
AlexDaniel lizmat: I think they wanted to add more tests into that file, or something like that?
in which case the test file should probably create a file first and then slurp it 12:52
lizmat why not mark that file as "we should only have 1 test here, please put other test in another file" ?
AlexDaniel either way I don't mind, just don't test the VERSION file :) 12:56
also I just realized that point release versions are longer, so that test that I reverted is definitely wrong
lizmat perhaps also annotate why 2 values need to be checked ? I assume LF / CRLF discrepancy ? 12:59
Geth nqp: a8682f71a8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | t/nqp/063-slurp.t
Revert "063-slurp should depend on a stable file"

This reverts commit 28b043db7e9a533eeaec9d5e4b185bcc76e767e3.
Pre-release tars that I do have a noncomforming version which makes this test fail. I think there are better ways to test this, but the previous test works just fine for the time being.
AlexDaniel same commit but on master
lizmat: I guess so, but shouldn't it give the same result? I mean graphemes and stuff 13:02
lizmat well, yes, that was my thought as well, so I'm not sure why two values need to be checked either
AlexDaniel m: say "foo\rbar\nbaz\r\n42".chars 13:03
camelia 14
AlexDaniel r-j: say "foo\rbar\nbaz\r\n42".chars
camelia Error while reading '/home/camelia/p6eval-token': No such file or directory at /home/camelia/rakudo-j-inst/bin/ line 10.
AlexDaniel lizmat: ↑ that's 15 on rakudo-jvm 13:04
lizmat well, then perhaps include the backend type in the condition :-)
AlexDaniel so yes \r\n is 2 characters sometimes…
lizmat: NQP#512 13:06
synopsebot NQP#512 [open]: 063-slurp test file
AlexDaniel I'm in the middle of something so won't be doing that
lizmat as am I :-) 13:07
Geth nqp/master: 9 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++
nine m: Inf; "meow" 13:15
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5meow' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
travis-ci NQP build failed. Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev 'Revert "063-slurp should depend on a stable file" 13:15
AlexDaniel yeah… yeah… 13:16
AlexDaniel ah I see, there was another commit 13:17
travis-ci NQP build failed. Stefan Seifert 'Reboostrap to get all the new ops and MVM_OPERAND* constants' 13:24
Geth nqp: 32cec19322 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | t/nqp/063-slurp.t
Fix the number of characters in the test

Oops in a8682f71a80638aa771fcdfa644d4b331f3b0364
nqp/release-2018.10: fa2815cac4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | t/nqp/063-slurp.t
Fix the number of characters in the test

Oops in a8682f71a80638aa771fcdfa644d4b331f3b0364
AlexDaniel btw please someone look at 13:26
I don't think that appending to LICENSE file is the right thing
and I also don't quite understand why something has to be MIT while the rest is Artistic-2.0 13:27
nine AlexDaniel: I concur. The LICENSE file even states that changing it is not allowed 13:32
AlexDaniel ah I see 13:37
that thingie has to be in src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/codecs.js
AlexDaniel fixes it 13:41
travis-ci NQP build failed. Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev 'Fix the number of characters in the test 13:44
AlexDaniel nine: ↑ I guess you need a bump? 13:46
want me to bump it for you?
AlexDaniel bumps 13:47
Geth nqp: 67dc4727dc | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[MoarVM Bump] Brings 22 commits

MoarVM bump brought: 950fb0e1f set flags & known type on spesh slot d8065362a decont on nativeref shall become decont_* + box_* fbdb36d76 JIT compile unbox_u efff300c3 JIT compile remaining extend and trunc ops ... (18 more lines)
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo: 831e9c168d | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[NQP Bump] Brings 12 commits

NQP bump brought: 67dc4727d [MoarVM Bump] Brings 22 commits 32cec1932 Fix the number of characters in the test 667252525 Reboostrap to get all the new ops and MVM_OPERAND* constants 3c9825594 Map MVM_OPERAND_* constants ... (8 more lines)
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
nqp/release-2018.10: 2a10d64e29 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Revert changes to LICENSE

LICENSE file should not be changed and tools get confused once it is. Moved the change to the appropriate file.
AlexDaniel OK fixed the license file, master will get that change after the release 13:49
[Tux] Rakudo version 2018.09-532-g5a932f364 - MoarVM version 2018.10-18-g950fb0e1f
csv-ip5xs1.020 - 1.020
csv-ip5xs-207.708 - 7.879
csv-parser21.398 - 22.234
csv-test-xs-200.430 - 0.444
test8.056 - 8.137
test-t1.928 - 1.967
test-t --race0.964 - 0.977
test-t-2031.189 - 31.668
test-t-20 --race10.395 - 10.847
1.903 on the second double-run 14:06
1.888 on the third. Still very slow compared to usual runs
timotimo strange 14:09
nine AlexDaniel: thanks! 14:14
Is t/spec/S03-operators/short-circuit.t known to fail or is that just my branch?
AlexDaniel nine: flapping or constantly failing? Stresstest is clean on the release branch 14:15
nine constantly I guess it's my branch 14:16
AlexDaniel and by clean I mean that occasional flappers are ignored
nine nqp: my $x := 0; nqp::xor(1, nqp::xor(2, ($x := 5))); note($x) 14:19
camelia 5
nine nqp: my $x := 0; nqp::xor(1, 2, ($x := 5)); note($x) 14:22
camelia 0
nine Ah, there we are. Clearly see the bug now. xor is just not a heavily used operation.
Geth nqp/nqp-mbc: 60 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++, (Timo Paulssen)++
Geth rakudo/nqp-mbc: 0d43128a50 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/Perl6/Ops.nqp
Get rid of MAST
rakudo/nqp-mbc: 1914b1f4fe | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/Perl6/Ops.nqp
Take the list ouf of MAST::InstructionList
rakudo/nqp-mbc: a00d07bebd | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/Perl6/Ops.nqp
Get rid of push_ilist
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Zoffix Znet 'Fix typo in comment' 17:44
buggable [travis build above] ✓ All failures are due to: missing build log (2 failures). 17:44
timotimo - I'd love to have a few eyes to go over my latest development report blog post :) 17:49
Geth rakudo: b9ff63caa2 | (Tom Browder)++ | 2 files
fix for missing defn features
rakudo: f1c03c653e | (Tom Browder)++ | lib/Pod/To/Text.pm6
delete unused code
rakudo: 3416f23b67 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #2439 from tbrowder/pod2text-fix

fix for missing defn features
Geth 6.d-prep: 48b09ba614 | (Zoffix Znet)++ |
[CL] Log up to 61160f56408eeb42c1dc2d232
Geth 6.d-prep: a8352c0761 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
fix typo
Geth rakudo: 5aba3e962e | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Pod.pm6
remove unneeded, unspecced attribute from Pod::Block::Code
Geth rakudo/release-2018.10: c8fab9b40e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Log all changes (+ announcement)

Deliberately not logged:
2709d736 a813f251 5ada814d a309d679 d5435e5d 81edd34d a9a72473 478a43a2 b175ba8e 01d8c166 293a3bd4 cf606ff2 f16c03d9 130a92b9 bf346147 79abb4e9 bccb2c88 1ef5a970 0ec08b60 df853a0c 1a6fa6e4 ... (57 more lines)
rakudo/release-2018.10: 4a39e228a7 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Oops, missed staged changes
rakudo/release-2018.10: 1a119b619d | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Actual date, claim next release
rakudo/release-2018.10: 6b7e8c9329 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Markdownify a bit more
roast: 7b77675685 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S04-statements/for.t
[v6.d REVIEW] s/value/label/ in next/last tests descs
Zoffix m: -> *@a = 42 {} 21:10
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot put default on slurpy parameter @a
at <tmp>:1
------> 3-> *@a = 427⏏5 {}
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Zoffix How come slurpies can't have defaults?
timotimo hm, because empty slurpy is an acceptable value? 21:15
i'm not sure
Zoffix I recall having a proper usecase for it too, awhile back 21:16
timotimo i'm not entirely sure 21:18
Geth roast: f7d9be8ad9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Appendicise defaults on slurpies throwing

It's a useful behaviour to have and I don't understand why it must throw instead:
Zoffix R#2440
synopsebot R#2440 [open]: [@LARRY] Why do defaults on slurpies throw?
Geth roast: 8d864563cb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Appendicize `my @a[;]`

synopsebot R#2441 [open]: [question] What's the meaning of `my @a[;]`
Geth nqp/release-2018.10: 3eda25b42a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[release] Bump MoarVM revision to 2018.10
nqp/release-2018.10: 8476ecbd84 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | VERSION
[release] Bump VERSION to 2018.10
rakudo/release-2018.10: 7930e40fb9 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[release] Bump NQP revision to 2018.10
rakudo/release-2018.10: 3fa8fdb82a | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | VERSION
[release] Bump VERSION to 2018.10
nqp/master: 5 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 22:58
¦ nqp/master: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo/master: 8 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++
¦ rakudo/master: version bump brought these changes:
AlexDaniel that took some time 😅 23:00
timotimo cool, a release! 23:04
should the 6pad project be linked a bit more directly? 23:08
we don't have a bot to find commits by hash for us, right? 23:09
maybe the line for 6edb142f should also mention IO::Handle, and maybe that line and the next one could be turned into one? 23:10
Added skip-one method to appropriate PredictiveIterators [e54885e5] 23:12
should probably have ` ` around PredictiveIterator
AlexDaniel: mind if i make these changes and one more? 23:13
AlexDaniel timotimo: mmmm, how?
I mean, the release is out 23:14
timotimo ah
well, we can still make little changes after the release is out, IMO
for posterity's sake
AlexDaniel as for ` `, I used to only add quotes if there was something markdown-like
this release though it was a bit different
still not the end of the world :)
timotimo no, it's good :) 23:15
AlexDaniel as for linking 6pad, I wanted to but then realized there's no README… I guess I should've linked to
timotimo yeah we could do that
Geth rakudo: b46e335d5b | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/announce/
a few minor tweaks to the release announcement
timotimo here's my proposed changes
feel free to revert it in part, or whole
AlexDaniel I don't mind, though if you do these changes, they should be applied to the changelog as well
timotimo ah, yes indeed
AlexDaniel m: say $*PERL.version 23:18
camelia v6.d
AlexDaniel Zoffix: so it's time to run Blin, right? 23:19
Geth rakudo: a4e7e8ed9d | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/ChangeLog
port changes of announcement to changelog
Zoffix AlexDaniel++ # release 23:22
AlexDaniel: yeah, we could Blin
AlexDaniel xD
alright, will come back with results in like 2 hours or less 23:24
Zoffix \o/
Zoffix will be asleep by then
Geth roast: 1c651678b1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S03-operators/repeat.t
[v6.d REVIEW] Use Str throws-like for `x` throwage tests

In case we start throwing there at compile time.
AlexDaniel m: say 42
camelia 42
AlexDaniel e: say 42
evalable6 42
AlexDaniel … what is 87140f57c ? 23:31
where did it take that 23:33
e: say 42
evalable6 42
AlexDaniel e: say $*PERL.compiler.version
evalable6 v2018.09.539.g.87140.f.57.c
MasterDuke some 'git pull' missing a --tags? 23:34
AlexDaniel maybe? But there's no such commit
c: HEAD $*PERL.compiler.version
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(87140f5): «»
AlexDaniel c: HEAD^ $*PERL.compiler.version
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD^: «»
AlexDaniel c: HEAD^ say $*PERL.compiler.version 23:35
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD^: «v2018.09.537.g.1.fc.896.d.6.f␤»
timotimo how difficult would it be to have #?LINE or what it is work in nqp? 23:37
Geth roast: ea4735b67f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-basics/pairup.t
[v6.d REVIEW] Precisify :U.pairup test

  `is-deeply` can't see Seq vs List difference
AlexDaniel so is `git pull` fine for everybody?
Geth roast: 9e4d81d8e9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
SAP Inf `x` X::NYI throwage tests
AlexDaniel rakudo on whateverable server ended up with a conflict in tools/build/NQP_REVISION
and I just don't understand how that could've happened 23:44
timotimo i just "git pull"ed in all three repos and got no error messages
AlexDaniel I guess bots will feel a bit bad for a few minutes until it recovers 23:46
but hmmm this is weird
geekosaur likewise, just pulled all repos, no error
AlexDaniel e: say 42 23:52
evalable6 42
AlexDaniel so that's fine now… but what the hell
it felt like a force push or something like that, but that looked like my own merge was the issue
and given that I didn't do it, I have no explanation :S 23:53
MasterDuke timotimo: line directives? 23:57