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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
ItchyPlant Hi, just checking in to tell you that I managed to compile Rakudo on AIX (works both on 7.1, 7.2). :) 08:42
I used "truss" to get more details about how that moar process dies during compilation and found "Err#12 ENOMEM" entries before it got segfault. 08:44
So I googled and found this in some pages but maybe this one tells it best:
So MoarVM's Makefile has this linking flag, and after that, all NQP, Rakudo compiles, all tests pass: 08:45
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-bmaxdata:0x80000000,-brtl -O3 -DNDEBUG -L"//opt/rakudo/lib"
lizmat ItchyPlant++ 09:15
samcv ItchyPlant: so we need that compile flag on all AIX? 09:35
just to have -bmaxdata:0x80000000 added?
ah looks like only 32 bit builds maybe? 09:38
anyway, i need to sleep now. will check on messages tomorrow :) good work 09:41
ItchyPlant I was also experimenting what if I add block to 3rdparty/dyncall/dyncall/dyncall_macros.h about _AIX and not use libffi. In that case it passed the initial phase but failed here: 09:53
dyncall_callvm_ppc32.c:57:2: error: #error Unsupported OS for ppc32 architecture.
So I reverted to the original solution, to just use "--has-libffi" 09:57
I wrote a step-by-step instruction about what had to be done to get it working... I'm still working on it. May I do it on Reddit or is there a better place for it? 10:00
lizmat ItchyPlant: perhaps a PR for MoarVM documentation ? 10:04
ItchyPlant or rather on
what is that? :)
lizmat ItchyPlant: wherever you want to put it... 10:05
ItchyPlant OK
lizmat someone will make sure it won't get lost by putting it in some repo where it will be kept 10:06
nine 11.878s! master is at 11.576s. Soooo close now 10:17
ItchyPlant: that's great! Thanks for pushing this through! 10:24
ItchyPlant Thank you all for all your help! It's a great community! :) 10:25
Geth MoarVM/master: 16 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++
nine ^^^ fixes, (read|write)(u?int|num) ops (jnthn++'s suggestion for the new API for handling binary buffers), serializetobuf and buffertocu ops and improved support for uints 10:58
timotimo will nqp get these ops right away, even before the new mast compiler? 10:59
nine That's the plan, yes 11:00
timotimo cool.
nine If for no other reason than to make my rebases easier :) 11:01
timotimo right
i'll also be rebasing a thing or two
Geth MoarVM: d8065362a3 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
decont on nativeref shall become decont_* + box_*

this way we should later be able to use the deconted value directly without boxing it first, and then more easily get rid of a native ref taking instruction.
MoarVM: 950fb0e1f5 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
set flags & known type on spesh slot

unblocks optimizing the box_* into a fastbox, in the case of box_i it will even go through the int cache.
timotimo this, for example
nine very nice :)
timotimo maybe you can get the remaining ~0.4s by getting rid of the coerce_iu that follows the const_i64_16 :) :) 11:17
lizmat timotimo nine: time for a version bump ? 11:18
nine I wouldn't bet on it.... so far such clear optimizations have always yielded results that were hardly measurable. Only the sum of the optimizations has driven the time down
timotimo right 11:19
it was tongue-in-cheek anyway :)
it's just that sometimes really wasteful-seeming bytecode offends me :D 11:20
nine Same here
timotimo i mean, coerce_iu is surely extremely cheap
but using it on a constant is just silly
nine Damn....rebasing my nqp branch brought me straight back into bootstrap hell. 11:49
lizmat wonders why ItchyPlant just removed a new reddit post ? 12:40
ItchyPlant I didn't post it under r/perl6 first, then I removed, but that didn't look disappeared, reposted... now it should be OK I guess. I'm new on reddit too. :) 12:42
lizmat comments again :) 12:43
ItchyPlant thanks 12:46
nine Finally....dug myself out again 12:54
lizmat nine: welcome up again! 12:59
timotimo \o/ 13:59
nine: write_buf doesn't check for the slot type of the array before it uses the .u8 slot 14:31
that could go kind of wrong if it's used on a 16bit integer or 32bit integer vmarray 14:32
nine timotimo: there's clearly room for improvement, yes 14:52
nine Ok, this is becoming absurd. How on earth can it be that I get better times for stage mast if MVM_SPESH_LOG=spesh.log is set? 15:31
The first two or three times I just thought it's random fluctuation. But it's...surprisingly consistent. 15:32
New record: 11.695s
timotimo you can use MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING to get it to be more consistent 16:33
nine 11.614s! However, master seems to be at 10.710s now, so about 1 second to go. 17:24
Geth MoarVM/nqp-mbc: 32 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++, (Timo Paulssen)++
timotimo - I'd love to have a few eyes to go over my latest development report blog post :) 17:49
good going, nine 17:52
MasterDuke timotimo: "entered, how many" should be something like "entered and how many" 18:32
MasterDuke timotimo: "tree, rewrote" should be something like "tree and rewrite", or maybe "tree and then rewrote" 18:36
timotimo: "primitivesI" should be "primitives I" 18:38
timotimo TYVM! 18:44
MasterDuke good post, it's really coming along nicely 18:45
timotimo thank you :)
OK, I'll publish it now 18:48
oh, a little unsplash image would be nice, too
weekly: 18:51
notable6 timotimo, Noted!
jnthn timotimo++ # great work, and nice post about it too :) 20:01
timotimo \o/ 20:02