Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
lizmat Files=1255, Tests=76358, 347 wallclock secs (15.69 usr 5.68 sys + 2441.71 cusr 226.99 csys = 2690.07 CPU) 08:51
restarted the failing Travis build, and now it's green 09:03
so it was a flapper :-( 09:04
Geth rakudo: 6208c266ae | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hyper.pm6
Rename private method

It handles iterators, not iterables.
nine Does Travis build MoarVM HEAD or what's in MOAR_REVISION? If the latter than a bump might fix a lot of flappers 09:58
lizmat not sure... 09:59
nine /home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/perls/5.14/bin/perl --prefix=/home/travis/build/rakudo/rakudo/install --backends=moar --make-install --git-protocol=https --gen-moar --moar-option=--cc=gcc-6 10:00
lizmat so I guess I'll bump Moar and NQP, or will you ? 10:01
nine on it
Geth nqp: 6882fe62e4 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTOperationsMAST.nqp
Fix compilation of conditionals not actually coercing condition to full width

The code created a coercion register but never actually wrote to it. I can only assume that register re-use led to a useful value ending up in $coerce-reg by accident. This is supported by the experimental allocation of a dummy register which breaks NQP's build.
Unfortunately .coerce will release the source register unconditionally so we cannot just use the condition's result_reg as We do need that later for coercion to the conditional's result type.
nqp: 08c0de3310 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM version to get the fix for uninitialized values
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo: 9ac581bc4a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP version to get the fix for uninitialized values on MoarVM
rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
9221c08dac | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hyper.pm6
lizmat I'm doing some timing on hyper ops, but the timings are all over the place :-( 10:30
nine Yeah, measuring multi threaded performance is terrible with the OS scheduler and the CPU's thermal management and SMT making it completely non-deterministic. All you can do is statistical analysis of preferrably 1000s of runs. 10:34
lizmat well, that's it: hyper ops aren't multi-threaded just yet anyway
nine Then the same still applies, just a bit less so :) 10:35
lizmat yeah, but going from 750 msecs to 1150 msecs back to 800 msecs within a few seconds 10:36
nine That's pretty short runs in any case
lizmat I guess... :-) 10:37
nine I've found the profiler to be much better at giving reliable information. Even with the total runtime fluctuating, the timing of individual calls did much less so 10:38
Geth rakudo: c03e71d574 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hyper.pm6
Make sure intermediates are Lists

So they don't get created with containers, which saves a lot of allocations and makes Asssociative related hyper ops about 30% faster.
pmurias nine: did you see by PR 11:01
nine pmurias: yes, it's next on my list 11:02
pmurias: ah, yes, my mistake is clear now :) Actually, I think we can even simplify that. A user of nqp::serializetobuffer will not expect the data to be stored in tc->serialized anyway as the only user of that is the old MAST backend which is going away. 11:15
So we can just move the if (type) block up before the if (tc->compiling_scs && MVM_repr_elems(tc, tc->compiling_scs) &&
MVM_repr_at_pos_o(tc, tc->compiling_scs, 0) == (MVMObject *)writer->
pmurias: so what's the connection between the JS backend and MoarVM? I was under the impression that none of my changes should affect other backends. 11:27
pmurias nine: the JS backends cross compiles itself using MoarVM 11:34
nine: I don't keep a pre-compiled bootstrapped JS backend around
nine ooh
pmurias nine: - t/serialization/01-basic.t with a nqp::serializetobuffer test added at the end 11:36
nine: feel free to fix nqp::serializetobuffer how it's best, rather then we go through the silly code-review dance ;) 11:37
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Stefan Seifert 'Bump NQP version to get the fix for uninitialized values on MoarVM' 11:54
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 11:54
lizmat restarted the failing job 11:56
Geth rakudo: 11cb4facf0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/DateTime.pm6
Make basic argument checking on DateTime.later a lot faster

Improves performance of DateTime.later with about 15%, mostly because of a lot less allocations.
lizmat *fewer 12:03
timotimo fever allocations 12:05
nine less allocating? ;) 12:22
timotimo allocantation
lizmat it's either a "lot fewer allocations" or "lot less allocating" grammarly speaking 12:24
Geth nqp: 19653bf341 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | t/serialization/01-basic.t
Basic test for nqp::serializetobuf

Written by pmurias++
rakudo: b6292fe9ca | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/DateTime.pm6
Make creation of DateTime a bit faster

Before, that used to be the best way. Apparently not so anymore. Makes
  .later about 5% faster.
lizmat I think there's a lot of relatively low hanging optimizing fruit hanging in DateTime still
travis-ci NQP build failed. Stefan Seifert 'Basic test for nqp::serializetobuf 12:42
Geth rakudo: 0fa6988cd0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/metaops.pm6
list of iterators can be a list
rakudo: 08fac0452f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Date.pm6
Make basic argument checking on DateTime.later a lot faster

Improves performance of Date.later with about 30%, mostly because of a lot less allocations.
SmokeMachine .tell jnthn I’m sorry, I know that was a long time ago... but had you thought about this? 13:17
yoleaux SmokeMachine: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
timotimo this is about 13:21
the default reduce sub you have there seems rather wasteful performance-wise 13:22
Geth rakudo: 98d07cf6f9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Date.pm6
Make cloning a Date faster

Use nqp::ifnull instead of existskey ?? atkey !! attribute combo. Makes Date.later about 15% faster, and probably other Date operations as well.
timotimo but other than that at first glance it looks like an interesting addition
SmokeMachine timotimo: yes, about something like that, not necessarily that code... 13:23
timotimo: I’ll try to make it better... but I think that would be a good think have the possibility to use that.. 13:25
^10 .classify: * %%2, :reduce{$^a + $^b} 13:28
timotimo: would a `agg.push: value` be better, or how would the default reduce sub be better? 13:30
Or should I use nqp? 13:33
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make basic argument checking on DateTime.later a lot faster 13:35
lizmat I guess this is good news: 13:36
Geth rakudo: bf3575cca3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/CompUnit/Repository/FileSystem.pm6
Bind constant list rather than assigning

Makes initialization a bit faster and with fewer allocations.
rakudo: 18ded174e5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Make some initializations as Lists rather than Arrays

Because they are immutable in further usage, so this saves on creating containers and de-containerizing when accessing.
pmurias nine: I'll add the nqp::serializetobuf to the JVM backend 14:10
we don't have fudges for NQP so I think that's the best way to make it pass on the JVM 14:11
lizmat ++pmurias 14:13
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make creation of DateTime a bit faster 14:28
Geth rakudo: b463746daf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Replace foo === Type with nqp::eqaddr(foo.WHAT,Type)

Which is *much* faster that === on account of not having to call a sub, not having to wrap the result into a Bool, so a lot less allocating. Makes Date.later about 30% faster, and other Date / DateTime related things probably also significantly faster.
nqp: 846b8fcf23 | (Paweł Murias)++ | 3 files
[jvm] Implement nqp::serializetobuf
star/master: 13 commits pushed by (Steve Mynott)++
travis-ci NQP build failed. Paweł Murias '[jvm] Implement nqp::serializetobuf' 14:55
stmuk_ suffers the sense of imminent dread associated with starting a long ignored windows VM and trying a build on it 15:10
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make cloning a Date faster 15:19
SqrtNegInf Good news first, issue GH#2480 is fixed, lizmat++ 16:15
synopsebot GH#2480 [open]: [testneeded] Array built with hyper operations becomes immutable
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Replace foo === Type with nqp::eqaddr(foo.WHAT,Type) 16:16
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 16:16
lizmat restarted the one failing job 16:17
SqrtNegInf But several more programs having problems, slip and hyper operations interacting to create another 'immutable value' problem, opened a new issue
lizmat SqrtNegInf: will look after dinner for sure
bisectable6: old=2018.10 say |<1 2> »xx» 2 16:19
bisectable6 lizmat, Bisecting by exit code (old=2018.10 new=b463746). Old exit code: 0
lizmat, bisect log: 16:20
lizmat, (2018-11-10)
Geth rakudo: bf3eb8ec9c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/DateTime.pm6
Make cloning a DateTime faster

Use nqp::ifnull instead of existskey ?? atkey !! attribute combo.
rakudo: a11d599f4b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Date.pm6
Make Date.succ/pred and Date ± N about 3x as fast (usually)

This should make iterating over a range of Dates or a loop with ++$date about 3x as fast. Optimization based on the observation that if only the date value can change, we just need to clone the object and update the day value. Complicating factor could be the daycount attribute that also needs updating if it is set. If anything apart the day needs to change, then it will fallback to the old logic, creating a new object using the daycount attribute.
lizmat argh: s/date/day
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make Date.succ/pred and Date ± N about 3x as fast (usually) 17:29
Geth rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Slip and hyper operations interact to cause immutable values
78f642039f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hyper.pm6

Anything else will have to go through, which may involve a slowdown for Array's. But I intend to give these special handling anyway, so that should be ok for now. Fixes R#2842.
lizmat hmmm.. seems I did *not* spectest that one and borked 1..N >>+>> 42 18:31
working on that
Geth star: 15147954a0 | (Steve Mynott)++ | tools/star/release-guide.pod
claim credit and pass buck
Geth rakudo: 63ae9dcc5d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hyper.pm6
Check if a class can .STORE before .newing it

This fixes the issue caused the last commit with (1..42) >>+>> 666.
lizmat stmuk++ # doing Rakudo Star distributions in the past, and hopefully in the future despite recent events 19:20
moritz: 19:22
moritz lizmat: retweeted 19:27
lizmat moritz++
dogbert11 meh: This representation (P6num) cannot unbox to a native int (for type BOOTNum) 19:36
at /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/bin/../share/nqp/lib/MAST/Nodes.nqp:65 (/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib/MASTNodes.moarvm:write_uint32)
timotimo dogbert11: can you give us the caller of that? 19:50
dogbert11 timotimo: I get it sometimes when running t/spec/S15-nfg/emoji-test.t on my 32 bit system. It happens before any tests in that file are run. 20:51
timotimo that makes sense, since MASTNodes is used in the compiler
dogbert11 here's a gist with more output: 20:52
timotimo MASTNodes.nqp lives in moarvm's repo and is auto-generated by update_ops.p6 20:55
would be interesting to find out where exactly a num is added into the %labels hash 20:56
could be line 853
there's a + there, maybe turn it into an add_i
could you try that change and see if it helps?
Kaiepi why doesn't SocketHandle in the jvm use SocketChannel instead of ByteChannel 20:57
this makes it impossible for me to implement getsockopt/setsockopt on the jvm
timotimo as long as your changes pass spectests, and maybe also behave sensible apart from that, i'm sure you can change that? 20:58
Kaiepi i'll think about it 20:59
dogbert11 timotimo: where is MASTNodes.nqp loacated
timotimo moarvm's lib folder has a MAST folder
Kaiepi i guess i'll just stub getsockopt/setsockopt on the jvm for now 21:00
it's almost done, but i gotta wait for the async .native-descriptors pullreq to get merged before this can since i depend on getting the raw socket of async server connections 21:01
btw can someone review that pullreq? 21:02
dogbert11 timotimo: $pos := $pos + $offset; -> nqp::add_i($pos, $offset); is that the correct syntax?
or is it $pos := nqp::add_i($pos, $offset); 21:03
timotimo yes
yes, it still needs the bind
dogbert11 ok, will change and rebuild MoarVM 21:04
timotimo i think just "make install" would do it
though i'm not sure
dogbert11 I'll do that as well 21:05
no improvement I'm afraid 21:09
timotimo can you put a debug note("foo") in there to see if the code actually gets hit? and another in a place that definitely runs (for example the one that explodes) to see if your code changes actually reach the process?
dogbert11 ok 21:10
timotimo i mean there's always also moar-remote ... 21:15
dogbert11 do I have to rebuild rakudo as well? 21:16
timotimo oh 21:17
not 100% sure, but i think so
dogbert11 hmm, no effect, I can't see anything being written out. I'm obviously doing something wrong 21:23
timotimo hm, so it didn't reach that 21:24
perhaps nuke the install folder
and after running "make install" in moar check if perhaps the MAST/Nodes.nqp file was regenerated without your changes before installation
dogbert11 tricky stuff :) 21:25
Geth rakudo: fa5215b61b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Hyper.pm6
Make sure immutable structures also work with Associatives

  - such as: dd (a => 42, b => 666).Map >>+>> 2 #,:b(668)))
  - alas, we need customized Associative handling for QuantHashes
   - .STORE expects Pairs for QuantHashes
dogbert11 rebuilding rakudo and now my screen is filled with 'foo' 21:37
timotimo ah, success 21:38
dogbert11 in a sense at least. The test file passed once and printed a lot of foo's in the beginning. the second time it crashed before any foo was written 21:40
timotimo where exactly does the foo live?
i mean, there's also an accessor to the labels hash so outside code can directly meddle with it and accidentally store a num instead of an int 21:41
like, in theory you could output a backtrace whenever the labels hash gets pulled out
dogbert11 the foo is printed on the line before the one changed to add_i 21:44
timotimo AFK 21:48
gfldex lizmat: thanks for the DateTime speed up :) 22:41
21589 processed in 2.9981314s with 7200.818471281177 stations/s
that used to be ~6800 /s