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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo doing s/alloc/deopt/ on "allocation" gives "deoptation" and that is beautiful 02:08
MasterDuke timotimo: any idea what recent expr jit change (i assume to a template) could cause 'MoarVM panic: Register types do not match between value and node' in ./t/02-rakudo/12-proto-arity-count.t ? 02:19
timotimo no clue about that :( 02:23
was just about to go to bed
MasterDuke no worries, later then... 02:24
nine dogbert11: fun fact. I can reproduce the 'Register types do not match between value and node' running that test in a loop, but I cannot whith MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1. Did you notice that the error always appears after all tests were run? 10:39
From this I assume that we try to JIT compile something while already shutting down the VM. So it's probably not an individual template's fault. 10:41
.tell brrt t/02-rakudo/12-proto-arity-count.t is failing occasionally with 'Register types do not match between value and node' at the end after all tests passed. Error goes away completely with MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 which makes me believe that we're trying to JIT compile while already shutting down the VM. 10:59
yoleaux nine: I'll pass your message to brrt.
Geth MoarVM: 950011e144 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/serialization.c
Make sure nqp::serializetobuffer always returns a buffer

  Thanks to pmurias++ for pointing out my mistake!
lizmat nine: bump time again ? 11:37
nine lizmat: only needed for the JS backend. So I don't know 11:42
lizmat ok, I'll leave this to decide by pmurias then
dogbert11 nine: I think we can update R#2474 13:07
synopsebot R#2474 [open]: [build][⚠ blocker ⚠] Build hangs on 32-bit boxes
nine timotimo: together with dogbert11 pointing at might be enough for you to fix issue 2453 easily :) 16:54
timotimo nine: i've got a change that at least makes it not reproduce easily 23:41
goes from a pretty much guaranteed crash to no crashes yet 23:42
Geth MoarVM: 6236eb5dea | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
it's important to use these facts, or else crashes
