Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
hankache hello #perl6-dev 01:21
.seen stmuk 01:24
yoleaux I saw stmuk 8 Nov 2018 22:20Z in #perl6: <stmuk> I think the meaning of "refrains" has been overloaded!
hankache RE I need a commit bit to rakudo/star, can someone grant it to me? Thanks. 01:29
AlexDaniel jnthn: ↑ 02:16
hankache: I don't know if you need CLA for that or not, but 02:17
huggable: cla
huggable AlexDaniel, nothing found
AlexDaniel huggable: CLA
huggable AlexDaniel, print it out, sign it, scan it in (resize your scan to 250KB or less). Email to trademark -at- (please scan and email if you can, it's so much more efficient)
leont That 404s 02:18
AlexDaniel huggable: CLA :is: print it out, sign it, scan it in (resize your scan to 250KB or less). Email to trademark -at- (please scan and email if you can, it's so much more efficient) 02:20
huggable AlexDaniel, Added CLA as print it out, sign it, scan it in (resize your scan to 250KB or less). Email to trademark -at- (please scan and email if you can, it's so much more efficient)
AlexDaniel leont: thanks :D
samcv AlexDaniel, i believe i'm ready to release now 08:30
starting the mechanations now
AlexDaniel, moarvm has been released now 08:43
well i must sleep now. night everyone 09:16
[Tux] Rakudo version 2018.10-188-g0d317f277 - MoarVM version 2018.11
csv-ip5xs0.952 - 1.019
csv-ip5xs-207.713 - 8.336
csv-parser24.651 - 26.038
csv-test-xs-200.437 - 0.455
test8.319 - 8.500
test-t1.961 - 2.051
test-t --race0.870 - 0.909
test-t-2035.328 - 35.685
test-t-20 --race11.183 - 12.075
lizmat I'm tempted to bump Rakudo to see if I can reproduce these much higher numbers, AlexDaniel: opinion? 12:43
Geth nqp: 1acede8dac | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[MoarVM Bump] Brings 3 commits

MoarVM bump brought: 86c41e369 Update VERSION for release 2018.11 c5391ecb1 Changelog: Improve desc. on MAST changes and remove duplicate entries 60c16e6cb Update ChangeLog for release
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo: defc2c5a4c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[NQP Bump] Brings 7 commits

NQP bump brought: 1acede8da [MoarVM Bump] Brings 3 commits 74787d940 [js] For now you limite stack traces in firefox instead of exploding 382984e1d [js] Support running browser bundled code in node.js 7fc24a983 [js] Remove dead code 73f415c7b [js] Use fixed jsbi and test primality using jsbi-is-prime 5c1e32716 [js] Use naive directly from the spec asIntN and asUIntN 82930f58d [js] Fixup our asIntN, asUintN versions
AlexDaniel lizmat: it had to be bumped anyway
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
lizmat AlexDaniel++
AlexDaniel samcv: awesome! Thanks.
lizmat: I just woke up, so I'd have to do a few things before I'll be able to finish the release. But feel free to commit to master now 12:48
lizmat hadn't planned anything... :-) but good to know
lizmat m: module Foo { sub bar() { "baz" } }; say Foo::bar' # am I the only one that thinks this error message is LTA ? 19:26
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3oo { sub bar() { "baz" } }; say Foo::bar7⏏5' # am I the only one that thinks this
expecting any of:
infix stopper
lizmat m: module Foo { sub bar() { "baz" } }; say Foo::bar # am I the only one that thinks this error message is LTA ?
camelia Could not find symbol '&bar'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat actually this message ^^^ :-)
lucasb Why is LTA? Should it mention "Could not find symbol '&bar' in module Foo" ? 20:18
m: dd ($a::b, @a::b, %a::b, &a::b) # <-- I wish these were errors, or at least Failures 20:20
camelia (Any, Any, Any, Any)
lizmat lucasb: yes, it should at least mention *where* it looked 20:22
lucasb m: ::foo::bar::baz
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
No such symbol 'foo::bar::baz'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3::foo::bar::baz7⏏5<EOL>
lizmat m: Foo::Bar 20:23
camelia Could not find symbol '&Bar'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat oddly enough, that doesn't complain about Foo not existing
lucasb m: module foo::bar::baz {}; dd ::foo::bar::baz # just testing
camelia foo::bar::baz
Geth star: clarkema++ created pull request #126:
Fix DMG creation on newer versions of macOS
lucasb m: dd[10]{'foo'}<bar> 22:40
camelia => => "Failed"), backtrace =>
lucasb m: dd
camelia Failed

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lucasb why subscripts propagate the failure while method calls throw? 22:41
m: dd[10].{'foo'}.<bar>
camelia => => "Failed"), backtrace =>
lucasb From S02: Single dispatch of a Failure invocant to any method not in Failure returns the same Failure, so that cascaded method calls can be checked with a single check: $object.fee.fie.[$foe].{$foo}.sic // die "Oops: $!"; 22:44
timotimo currently trying to see if i can make rakudo's built-in JSONPretty a bit less memory hungry for big documents 22:59
ah, but it won't let me without going in the internals
which is fine, because i can totally do that :D 23:00
timotimo my attempt has failed :\ 23:48