masak merged. <3 09:17
lucasb In 12:33
it seems those emit-stmt multis are inside the emit method... after the return statement 12:34
I can drop one level of indentation and take them out of the emit method, if it makes sense 12:35
lucasb ha! 14:04
I added: token Ident { <.ident> [ '-' <.ident> ]* } 14:05
token identifier { <.Ident> ... }
I know having hyphenated identifiers in a sigil-less language is complicated (can't "x-y" to subtract) 14:06
SmokeMachine lucasb: you can require space... 14:14
lucasb: 14:16
lucasb yeah, even P6 has this problem with "\foo" vars 14:30
having to write spaced like "x - y" is the price one has to pay to have foo-bar-baz identifiers. seems a good tradeoff :-) 14:32