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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
00:09 fake_space_whale left 05:42 vrurg left 06:18 titsuki joined
lizmat Files=1262, Tests=107907, 398 wallclock secs (29.56 usr 6.94 sys + 2852.97 cusr 216.44 csys = 3105.91 CPU) 06:23
07:16 Tux__ joined, |Tux| left 07:20 krunen left, krunen joined 07:59 literal left 08:54 robertle joined 12:57 [TuxCM] left
dogbert17 are the docs still borked? 14:39
dogbert17 tries and is met with '504 Gateway Time-out - nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)' 14:44
timotimo gimme a minute 14:51
dogbert17 timotimo++ to the rescue
14:51 lucasb joined
timotimo dogbert17: have another try 14:54
dogbert17 timotimo: it works, yay :) 14:55
timotimo no clue why it stopped working; the process was still there, but i don't think it was writing a log file or anything 15:00
dogbert17 cool, I didn't know that jnthn's talks from GPW 2019 had been posted to youtube 15:07
timotimo oh nice 15:10
youtube is giving me everything, but nothing related to gpw or jonathan m) 15:11
i missed one of jonathan's two talks, so the recording will be a good opportunity to catch up 15:12
ooh, jnthn, that german was pretty good at the start :) 15:13
15:54 literal joined 17:11 patrickb joined 17:36 patrickb left
gfldex are dynamic vars implemented with stack magic? 18:49
timotimo yes 18:55
jnthn I didn't know the videos had been posted either... Nice :) 20:50
I know I was mic'd up with a second one for the recording, so hopefully the sound came out reasonable.
timotimo: Wow, I was sure it was like, epic fail :)
timotimo you messed up "schlecht" to make it sound much more like "schleckt" instead ;) 21:02
huh, i wonder why youtube shows "includes paid promotion" here? is that because the sponsors sponsored the conference and put their logos on the video? 21:03
22:46 lucasb left