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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:04 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 00:09 fake_space_whale left 00:15 demanuel left 00:16 mowcat joined 00:31 Manifest0 left 00:34 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 00:35 w_richard_w joined 00:36 Manifest0 joined 00:50 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 00:52 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 00:56 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined, adu joined 00:59 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined, mowcat left 01:14 netrino_ left 01:19 kurahaupo1 joined, kurahaupo1 is now known as kurahaupo_ 01:21 AndroidKitKat left 01:27 aborazmeh left 01:58 Manifest0 left 02:04 Manifest0 joined 02:27 kktt joined 02:28 sena_kun left 02:41 cpage joined
hahainternet just got round to reading 'gadts in perl 6', a really interesting read, someone let aearnus know if you see them ;) 02:46
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ugexe plus.maths.org/content/infinity-or-just-112 04:06
m: say (1..*).sum == -1/12 04:07
evalable6 False
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> hahainternet: thank you! 04:25
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jmerelo .tell timotimo docs.perl6.org seems to be very slow or down 06:07
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
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timotimo jnerelo, its down, we cant change the dns to point at the rrplacement server 07:01
yoleaux 06:07Z <jmerelo> timotimo: docs.perl6.org seems to be very slow or down
timotimo jmerelo
07:01 Xliff joined
timotimo jmerelo: you can reach the docs at docs.perl6.wakrlift.de for the time being 07:07
perl6.org similarly
atroxaper timotimo: ping: cannot resolve docs.perl6.wakrlift.de: Unknown host 07:11
lizmat docs.perl6.wakelift.de probably 07:13
atroxaper: ^^
atroxaper lizmat: thank you :) 07:14
07:14 molaf left
timotimo sorry 07:15
phone keyboard
its spelled wakelift
hone keyboard plus terrible edge connection plus fat fongers i guess
jmerelo, atroxaper , where would you look for info about perl6.org being down? we have tweets and a reddit post explaining the situation, but maybe something obvious is missi g 07:17
07:17 pochi_ joined
jmerelo timotimo: sorry, I didn't see that 07:20
timotimo: I just tried to access it
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jmerelo timotimo: I guess I would look first at the domain itself. Some static, domain-hosting generated page, would be where I'd look. But thanks anyway... 07:21
jaldhar Hello, I'm attempting to build 2019.3 MoarVM, nqp and rakudo on Ubuntu LTS. My MoarVM build is failing with 07:30
No rule to make target '3rdparty/cmp/cmp.h',
Which package am I missing? 07:31
jmerelo hi, jaldhar . Where did you download the source?
jaldhar jmerelo: from git 07:32
perl6.org and rakudo.org appear to be down atm 07:33
or not responding anyway
jmerelo jaldhar: right.
Did you download all three repos from github?
jaldhar yes but I haven't touched the other two yet. Just MoarVM 07:34
discord6 <timotimo> Jaldhar, die you "got clone" the repo or download a zip or tarball? 07:35
jmerelo jaldhar: is the 3rdparty dir empty? cmp is in a subrepo
discord6 <timotimo> Rakudo.org should be up, but it will not have the rakudo star archives at the moment
jmerelo jaldhar: as timotimo says, using the tarball is not going to include 3rdparty files. Baseline is, is 3rdparty/* directories are empty, they cannot be if you want to compile 07:37
discord6 <timotimo> Anyway, the releases tab on GitHub gives you a broken archive, and probably the same for the download zip button on the top right where there is also the clone url
<timotimo> We have not been able to figure out how to turn off the releases feature on github 07:38
jmerelo Please note that Rakudo Star is the preferred way to use Perl 6; you might want to use that when it comes back. It's also available from repos.
jaldhar I just downloaded the tarball. The cmp directory is empty but that's okay because I want to make .deb files. So I will just use the existing packages for those libs
discord6 <timotimo> We should totally be able to recognize that situation in configure.pl and give a helpful error message fwiw
jaldhar but the packaging scripts are out of date so I guess they miss a dependency. I can't tell what cmp is supposed to be in ubuntu hence my question. 07:39
discord6 <timotimo> Ok, I'm not sure if configure.pl allows --with-cmp to take one from the system
<timotimo> Also, if you're fine with that, we have pre-built Deb packages
<timotimo> CMP is a messagepack libraby 07:40
<timotimo> Wow libraby what an amazing typo
jaldhar yeah prebuilt is fine for me but can I access them if rakudo.org is down?
discord6 <timotimo> Rakudo.org should be up, do you get a specific error message? Could be hsts is preventing access 07:41
<timotimo> You can just look for nxadm on GitHub for the packages, they are hosted there
jaldhar ok let me try... 07:42
discord6 <timotimo> Which is to say, rakudo.org currently only does http not Https, if your browser remembers from last time that rakudo org told it to only use Https, that would be the reason 07:44
07:45 rindolf joined
jaldhar timotimo: you said nxadm on github. I'm not getting any results for that 07:45
discord6 <timotimo> Should be a user
jaldhar ok nevermind
discord6 <timotimo> Https://GitHub com/nxadm/
<timotimo> I'm on a dreadful internet connection right now 07:46
jaldhar timotimo: I got it but the packaging is a bit strange. I think I will continue building my own. I also think I should go to sleep now and try again tomorrow. 07:49
timotimo: jmerelo: thanks for your help
discord6 <timotimo> Ok good luck!
jmerelo jaldhar: good luck!
discord6 <timotimo> And good night
<timotimo> I'll afkbbl 07:50
jmerelo timotimo: have fun and thanks!
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timotimo sup 09:47
jmerelo timotimo: hey 09:51
timotimo yo
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El_Che morning 10:47
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sena_kun o/ 10:51
El_Che sena_kun: sorry, very busy week, missed the ldap thing 10:52
(got to go)
sena_kun El_Che, no problem
10:52 Manifest0 left
sena_kun I'm writing out basic documentation every evening and plan to test && implement that next, then give it for some testing rounds, expecting "I miss feature X and feature Y" tickets back. So no hurry. 10:54
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Marcool Hi all! Any news on the status of the perl6 websites? 12:45
Or pointers to where to find info? 12:46
12:46 atroxaper left
sena_kun likely a hardware failure, and holidays happen at the same time. a backup exists at perl6.wakelift.de/ and docs.perl6.wakelift.de/ for main site and documentation 12:52
rakudo.org is up at the backup server, though without binaries, I think
main server will be back after the weekend, I think 12:53
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Marcool sena_kun: thanks for the info 13:39
sena_kun: yeah it was maily the documentation I was after… my local copy is real old :)
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kktt007 thanks. i could install perl5 from archlinux user repository. 13:50
perl6... 13:51
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jmerelo releasable6: status 15:20
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈3 hours. 11 blockers. 61 out of 225 commits logged (⚠ 51 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/3a78b5e45b059debdc...b7dc4864a6
timotimo time to start developing and immediately merging my latest great feature idea 15:21
jmerelo timotimo: because? 15:22
15:27 random_yanek joined, random_yanek left
timotimo because the release is just around the corner :) 15:30
jmerelo timotimo: good luck! 15:33
lucs What does "11 blockers" mean? Will it stop the release from happening? 15:34
jmerelo lucs: in general, yes. Maybe not the last one. But in general it means that they need to be solved before the release happens. 15:35
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lucs I see. 15:36
timotimo the first blocker isn't a big problem 15:41
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sena_kun I'd still like to see it resolved, as it makes Comma debugger broken with rakudo 2019.03 (and possibly 2019.04, unless resolved). Considering Comma release was not so long ago, community folks won't see a Comma fix for some months, so I'd expect rakudo to have a fallback support for some more time. 16:12
not like I can demand anything, of course 16:13
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patrickb o/ 17:13
tadzik, nine: nine just merged my rakudobrew PR
tadzik, nine: for this to actually work it's necessary to also pull the `v1` branch under that name. 17:14
I didn't even know it's possible for someone not the owner of a personal repository to commit stuff.
tadzik patrickb: ah, yes, nine has a commit bit probably :) 17:15
patrickb tadzik: Was the merge ok with you?
If yes, could you also copy the `v1` branch?
tadzik patrickb: yes, but did we fix/improve that message situation?
patrickb Yes I did. That's why the v1 branch is now necessary. 17:16
I can't create a PR, because the target branch doesn't exist yet.
tadzik we can just tag the previous commit as a "v1"
patrickb You have to pull it locally and push under that name.
It diverted. There is now one change in v1 that is not in master. (A notification at `self-upgrade` that this won't update to latest anymore.) 17:17
github.com/patzim/rakudobrew/commi...d910af085a 17:18
tadzik I just tagged bdd060c8886da6049f87ea30fdc01dc457747a18 as v1
that was the first commit before your changes
I think that'll be sufficient :)
patrickb tadzik: v1 has another commit!
tadzik oopsie 17:19
ok, done now :) 17:20
patrickb tadzik: Looks good, thanks! 17:21
tadzik patrickb: the zsh config fails for me: Couldn't find shell hook implementation for shell '-'. 17:24
I got the lines from rakudobrew init Zsh
patrickb tadzik: You need to recreate your .profile line 17:27
oh! You did?
they should list `rakudobrew init Zsh` instead of `rakudobrew init -` 17:28
tadzik oh, I may have both lines now :) 17:30
that was indeed the case 17:31
patrickb is it working now?
patrickb hopes it does
tadzik it at least builds moar :)
thanks for the help
patrickb Great!
Does autocomplete work?
tadzik yes!:) 17:32
patrickb :) 17:33
I'm off again. Happy easter everyone! 17:34
tadzik o/
17:36 patrickb left
timotimo sena_kun: it appears like we can Just™ set those env vars to make things work out fine in any case? 17:57
sena_kun timotimo, sorry, what env vars? 17:58
timotimo PERL6_HOME and NQP_HOME 17:59
for the debug launch thing
sena_kun in rakudo? if that'll work, that's great 18:00
timotimo we'd set it in comma when we launch a perl6 or rather a moar 18:04
sena_kun well, the release is just shipped and I am not sure we can do a release with a hotfix soon 18:05
timotimo oh
sena_kun so the issue is to make it work without changing anything in Comma
timotimo right, the problem is *that* way around
sena_kun that's obvious that we can patch that, but
timotimo sorry for the noise :) 18:06
sena_kun no problem. :)
gfldex are the docs reachable somewhere? 18:12
timotimo yes
keep circulating the tapes, tell all your friends, etc etc 18:13
gfldex timotimo: I gonna keep that link for sure: 18:16
64 bytes from paulssen-ub.de (2001:1a50:11:0:5f:8f:accf:156): icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=19.8 ms
timotimo i don't think it's set up for AAAA
gfldex that host is just 9 hops from my linux box :) 18:18
timotimo it lives on an uberspace 18:19
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El_Che lol, I wanted to build packages for Ubuntu 19.04 and wondered why it failed. Then I realised our upstream is down :) 21:18
21:19 Yary joined
sena_kun yes. :| 21:19
Yary I'm having trouble opening perl6.org - any idea on that site's health?
moritz yes, it's down 21:20
El_Che It's temporarely down
Yary: do you need something specific?
moritz twitter.com/perl6org/status/1119234204221562882
Yary thanks for that link. I'm at a Perl6 study group and we can't get to the docs. I'll check at archive.org 21:21
El_Che docs.perl6.wakelift.de/
Yary ah yes saw that in the tweet too! That works for us 21:22
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> perl6 study group? sounds exciting 21:26
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Yary We're in Oakland California, one of the perlmonger organizers has been doing it off and on for a year or two 21:51
I'm encouraging him to get on this irc... 21:52
21:55 Mutter joined
Mutter hi there 21:55
sena_kun Mutter, hi
Mutter I cant reach perl6.org for three hours now... 21:56
something wrong?
Yary I had the same q! see twitter.com/perl6org/status/1119234204221562882
docs are up at docs.perl6.wakelift.de/ temporarily
sena_kun Mutter, that's a known issue, likely due to hardware failure on the provider side... not much we can do with holidays, but there are backups running for perl6.org and docs.perl6.org 21:57
Mutter Danke schon
sena_kun zef module installation also works, though with a 2 minute delay
ugexe 6 minute
two p6c mirrors, 180s timeout each
sena_kun ah, indeed 21:58
then 6 minutes. :(
22:00 dustinm` joined 22:02 Mutter left, SobiX joined
ugexe although you can do `touch ~/.zef/store/p6c/p6c.json` if you already have downloaded the index previously 22:04
to update the last modified time to be less than 1 hour, thus bypassing fetching the index 22:05
timotimo ugexe: maybe we should put that on twitter as well, and on the reddit post 22:35
ugexe in that case might want to suggest just downloading it directly with curl or something 22:36
timotimo you mean the p6c.json file? 22:37
22:38 SCHAPiE left
ugexe curl -L -o ~/.zef/store/p6c/p6c.json raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Pe.../p6c1.json 22:39
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> could ask people to add an entry to their hosts file for the time being
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Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/a/$/; .say 23:32
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/nkJYUwQK6P
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/f8f20b7ee1f470a7a2...ef42258b67
Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/a/\$/; .say
evalable6 $$$
Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/a/()/; .say 23:35
evalable6 ()()()
Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/a/[]/; .say
evalable6 [][][]
Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/a/\&/; .say 23:36
evalable6 &&&
Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/(<[ab]>/\&/; $/.gist.say 23:48
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/v08Twihkv0
Unable …
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/7e9cd163836e943856...7d9f4c8f86
Xliff m: $_ = 'aaa'; s:g/(<[ab]>)/\&/; $/.gist.say
evalable6 (「a」
0 => 「a」 「a」
0 => 「a」 「a」
0 => 「a」)
Xliff m: my $a = 'aaa'; $_ = '$' ~ $a; s:g/'$'$a/\&$a/; $/.gist.say 23:52
evalable6 (「$aaa」)
Xliff m: my $a = 'aaa'; $_ = '$' ~ $a; s:g/'$'$a/\&$a/; .say
evalable6 &aaa
Xliff m: my $a = 'aaa'; $_ = '$' ~ $a; s:g/'$'{ $a }/\&$a/; .say 23:53
evalable6 &aaaaaa