Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.03.1-235-g235f14cd5 - MoarVM version 2019.03-97-g8fef19994
csv-ip5xs0.721 - 0.733
csv-ip5xs-205.893 - 5.986
csv-parser21.754 - 24.350
csv-test-xs-200.431 - 0.437
test7.103 - 7.661
test-t1.654 - 2.156
test-t --race0.861 - 0.915
test-t-2027.792 - 30.838
test-t-20 --race9.236 - 10.809
lizmat commute to PTS& 07:56
timotimo wishing for better ways to shovel data between Buf, Blob, native array, CArray, Pointer 10:28
lizmat waves from Marlow, UK 16:59
yoleaux 09:05Z <atroxaper> lizmat: You ask me about writing a blog post about LogP6. I did it if form of repository and step-by-step README. I do not know where can I post the readme as blog. Maybe you suggest me something.
lizmat I posted it on /r/perl6
.tell atroxaper published link on /r/perl6, you could also consider posting it to Hacker News 17:00
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to atroxaper.
gfldex We warn on Nil in string context but we don't warn on Nil in a for loop. 20:06
Is there actually a reason to for-loop over Nil? 20:07
Other then to output it in a string. :->
MasterDuke fyi, 23:38
patrickz .tell vrurg I rebased your build-revamp branch to latest rakudo (including my changes to The merge resides in For some reason Github won't let me create a PR to your fork, so you'll have to pull the changes yourself. I hope that works out. 23:43
yoleaux patrickz: I'll pass your message to vrurg.
vrurg patrickz: thanks, I'll have a look at it! 23:44
yoleaux 23:43Z <patrickz> vrurg: I rebased your build-revamp branch to latest rakudo (including my changes to The merge resides in For some reason Github won't let me create a PR to your fork, so you'll have to pull the changes yourself. I hope that works out.
vrurg patrickz: you can't create PR because I forked from the main repo, not mine. 23:45
patrickz -> bed 23:52