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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt ohai #moarvm 11:28
did nine actually remove all the MAST code?
I can't find it anymore 11:34
patrickb brrt: I think he did. 11:45
timotimo yeah, we don't ever mast any more with the mastcompiler.c thing 12:07
so it's just gone now
brrt hmm 12:17
timotimo you need that thing for the jit testing thing?
brrt well,
I need something for the JIT testing thing
I'm on the fence whether or not I want to enter expression trees directly
or whether I want to compile spesh graphs, then spesh/JIT them
compiling spesh graphs is probably more useful though 12:18
because it allows us to test spesh as well
timotimo aye
brrt ok 12:20
there we go, then
:-) 12:21
timotimo it'd be very good to have something that lets us test spesh
brrt do you mind s-expression syntax? 12:23
jnthn I suspect that we could just write an assembler-like thing in NQP using the code-gen support there 12:24
timotimo got to "what was i thinking when i wrote this code" in record time 12:26
.oO( Why do people always assume they *were* thinking? :D )
brrt jnthn: thing is, I want something that itself doesn't run spesh 'naturally' 12:28
timotimo oh, no, i meant "what, was i thinking?!" :D
brrt but yet, I considered that as well
timotimo well, it's fine if it just writes the bytecode out, right? 12:29
i.e. it'd use the MAST::Foo things we've got for rakudo
then a different process (not necessarily actually separate though) is fed the bytecode to run it
brrt hmmm 12:52
that's also possible, yes
timotimo haha, i just tried to declare a variable in C with "my" 12:53
.oO( #define my void * )