01:19 lucasb left
masak heads-up: I took down the 007-runtime repository (as it was in an organization I won't have access to soon) 07:17
those 11 commits are now in a 007 branch called `refurbished-runtime` instead 07:18
I do want to work on that bit (especially the web visualizer, which I think will be very central) but need to finish the object system refactor first
(not much left now)
13:01 lucasb joined 19:44 Ven`` joined
Ven`` masak: if you're available, I'd like to discuss s'more what we need for the basic `is succinct` stuff (well hopefully as a macro itself) and work through it in the upcoming days&weeks (well; when we both have time) 19:45
1) name introductions (or rebinding thereof) 2) defining "Q API Boundaries" 3) what else is needed towards walk() 19:47
(I was quite surprised to see that we started talking about `walk` - well, its infancy - 4.5 years ago already.)
I understand why the renaming to Alma and the object system refactor are important, but I'm still a bit in "end-of-conference rush" mode and I'd like to use it 19:49
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