Perl 6 macros -- about and how macros fit into Perl 6 -- irclog:
Set by masak on 26 August 2019.
masak Ven``: hi, sorry I've been slow to notice this. looking now. 07:01
Ven``: ...nice! 07:02
(and we can iterate and make it nicer, I'm sure) 07:03
we don't have `.append` but we do have `.concat`. maybe the difference matters, though.
Ven_de_Thiel masak: oh, it's probably amongst the word code I've written in the past few years..:) 08:40
but I mostly wanted something I can iterate on 08:42
and finally be able to say "yes, it works*" (* see small paragraph in that 1750 pages contract) 08:43
masak :) 09:00
iterating is the name of the game
I'm just giddy to see progress on this stuff
either that, or I'm giddy from the tea I just had
Ven_de_Thiel yeah, I feel good about that being done. 09:11
Not relieved yet, though
masak the denouement will come later ;) 09:20